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kimseler14 / CreateAnonNickPass.php
Created March 25, 2022 20:17 — forked from XianThi/CreateAnonNickPass.php
connected2 anon nick & password generator
# include(CreateAnonNickPass.php) #
# CreateAnonNickPass::getAnonNickPassword(); #
class SecureRandomException extends Exception {
kimseler14 /
Created September 11, 2020 16:01 — forked from erickdsama/
Class to read and write messages to Whatsapp through of the ADB. You need a android Device with Sqlite3 installed and ADB service.
# coding=utf-8
import json
import time
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
class WHO:
FROM_ME = "key_from_me == 1"
OTHERS = "key_from_me != 1"
ALL = ""
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import sys
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from thread import *
import datetime
import random
import requests
docker run --rm --name lightning --network container:bitcoind_mainnet -v /scratch/bitcoin/mainnet/bitcoind:/root/.bitcoin -v /scratch/bitcoin/mainnet/clightning:/root/.lightning --entrypoint /usr/bin/lightningd cdecker/lightningd:master --network=bitcoin --rgb=0066cc --alias=KOYMAKİSTEDİĞİNİZİSİM --ipaddr=SUNUCUNUNİPADRESİ --log-level=debug
sudo docker start bitcoind_mainnet
nano /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-cli (#copy and paste the commands below.)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker run --rm --network container:bitcoind_mainnet -v /scratch/bitcoin/mainnet/bitcoind:/data dougvk/bitcoind:latest bitcoin-cli "$@"
(#Press ctrl + x keys. Press "y" key to exit warning.)
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-cli
bitcoin-cli getinfo
docker logs bitcoind_mainnet --tail "10"
bitcoin-cli settxfee 0.002
kimseler14 / son
Last active February 12, 2018 10:26
lightning-cli connect 028ffea132e7e1d8e5191f7f4dfaa6b5c20509a6c668111b62c21670ce53139560 9735
lightning-cli fundchannel 028ffea132e7e1d8e5191f7f4dfaa6b5c20509a6c668111b62c21670ce53139560 9735 200000
lightning-cli listpeers
nano /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-cli (#açılan şey not defteri alltakini kopyala-yapıştır.)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker run --rm --network container:bitcoind_mainnet -v /scratch/bitcoin/mainnet/bitcoind:/data dougvk/bitcoind:latest bitcoin-cli "$@"
(#ctrl+x tuşlarına bas.çıkan uyarıya ‘’y’’ tuşuna bas.)
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-cli
bitcoin-cli getinfo