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Last active June 18, 2019 13:53
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debian netinstall
# Clean bash file sessions if exists
/bin/rm -f $HOME/.bashrc
/bin/rm -f $HOME/.bash_history
/bin/rm -f $HOME/.bash_profile
# If the .xsession-errors file is not a symbolic link, delete it and create it as such
if [ ! -h $HOME/.xsession-errors ]; then
/bin/rm $HOME/.xsession-errors
ln -s /dev/null $HOME/.xsession-errors
# disable beeps
set b off
# login on startup
if [[ -z $DISPLAY ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then
exec startx

system tools

apt install sudo zsh curl git alsa-utils udevil parted connman openvpn geoiplookup htop

graphical server

apt install xorg i3

X tools

apt install xautolock redshift dbus-x11 redshift-gtk tilix

Sometimes external monnitors does not display anything with xterm, so you can remove it and use the default Tilix terminal

apt remove xterm

update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator

audio server

apt install pulseaudio

print server

apt install --install-recommends task-print-server

search print model

lpinfo -m | grep LaserJet

config printer

lpadmin -p LaserJet -E -v socket:// -m laserjet.ppd

In a web browser simply open http://localhost:631/ and in a terminal install also "links"

apt install links
links http://localhost:631/

x resources

apt install mpv sxiv zathura simple-scan

file browser tools

apt install nnn p7zip-full atool mediainfo fzy vim


apt install snapd

cli tools

  • task-print-server (Printer tools) : lpadmin (as root), enable (as root), lp, lpstat
  • udevil (Mount tools)
  • alsa-utils (Volume control): alsamixer
  • connman : connmanctl
  • sxiv (Image Viewer)
  • zathura (Pdf Viewer)
  • redshift with geoclue-2.0 (Color Temp)
  • curl (URL manager)
  • transmission-cli (Torrents manager)
  • parted (Partitioning)
  • xclip (Clipboard in terminal) : xclip -o | xclip -selection clipboard -i
  • mpv
  • mps-youtube (Youtube in terminal)
  • nnn (File Manager)
  • htop (Monitoring)
  • oh-my-zsh (advanced zsh for dev, must be installed via git)
# System tools
apt install -y sudo zsh curl geoiplookup git alsa-utils htop udevil parted connman openvpn
# Print / scan server
# lpstat -a (displays printers)
# lp -p printername filename (print a file)
# lpadmin (add a printer as root) or http://localhost:631
# scanimage
apt install -y task-print-server
# X server
apt install -y i3 xorg
# Filemanager tools
apt install -y nnn p7zip-full atool mediainfo fzy vim
# X tools
apt install -y xautolock redshift dbus-x11 redshift-gtk tilix
# X resource open
apt install -y mpv sxiv zathura simple-scan
# configure snap
apt install -y snapd pulseaudio
# set x-terminal-emulator
apt autoremove -y xterm
update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
# snap
snap install firefox
snap install signal-desktop
snap install audacity
snap install gimp
snap install libreoffice
snap install --beta thunderbird
snap install --classic blender
snap install --classic code
# others
# python3-pip
# protocols cmd
# apt, apt-get, wget, curl, ftp, sftp, scp, ssh, git, npm, pip3, rsync, convert
# While playing:
# q, ESC quit
# f toggle full screen
# p, SPC pause
# a cycle audio channel in the current program
# v cycle video channel
# t cycle subtitle channel in the current program
# c cycle program
# w cycle video filters or show modes
# s activate frame-step mode
# left/right seek backward/forward 10 seconds
# down/up seek backward/forward 1 minute
# page down/page up seek backward/forward 10 minutes
# mouse click seek to percentage in file corresponding to fraction of width
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