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Last active March 14, 2018 11:30
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Fluentd does not send fluentd.** events from a part of plugin_id configured plugins.

Occured fact

  • A part of plugin_id configured plugins do not send fluentd.** events

Confirm environment

  • OS: CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611
  • Fluentd: v1.0.2(From td-agent 3.1.1)

Confirm Pattern

I confirmed below setting for capturing fluent.** events.

<label @FLUENT_LOG>
  <filter fluent.**>
    @type stdout

Plugin uses grobal variable $log, plugin_id configured.


  @type          tail
  @id            analyze_logs_tail
  path           /var/log/analyze_logs_%Y-%m-%d_%H.log
  pos_file       /var/log/td-agent/pos/analyze_logs.pos
    @type       ltsv
    time_key    time
    time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
  read_from_head true
  tag            analyze.logs

log output point

$log.warn "#{path} not found. Continuing without tailing it."

output log

2018-03-07 12:00:12 +0900 [warn]: /var/log/analyze_logs_2018-03-07_12.log not found. Continuing without tailing it.

output event

2018-03-07 12:00:12.000000000 +0900 fluent.warn: {"message":"/var/log/analyze_logs_2018-03-07_12.log not found. Continuing without tailing it."}

Plugin uses grobal variable $log, plugin_id not configured.


  @type          tail
  path           /var/log/analyze_logs_%Y-%m-%d_%H.log
  pos_file       /var/log/td-agent/pos/analyze_logs.pos
    @type       ltsv
    time_key    time
    time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
  read_from_head true
  tag            analyze.logs

output log

2018-03-07 13:00:12 +0900 [warn]: /var/log/analyze_logs_2018-03-07_13.log not found. Continuing without tailing it.

output event

2018-03-07 13:00:12.000000000 +0900 fluent.warn: {"message":"/var/log/analyze_logs_2018-03-07_13.log not found. Continuing without tailing it."}

Plugin uses log(From PluginLoggerMixin), plugin_id configured.

log output point

log.warn msg, retry_time: @retry.steps, next_retry_seconds: @retry.next_time, chunk: chunk_id_hex, error: error


<match traffic.**>
  @id forward_traffic_logs_to_manage_server
  @type forward
  require_ack_response true
  <buffer tag>
    @type "memory"
    flush_interval 1s
    flush_thread_interval 1s
    flush_thread_burst_interval 1s
    retry_forever true
    retry_max_interval 300s
    chunk_limit_size 4m
    queue_limit_length 256
    name "fluentd-test-manage01"
    host ""
    port 24224

output log

2018-03-04 08:07:40 +0900 [warn]: [forward_traffic_logs_to_manage_server] failed to flush the buffer. retry_time=0 next_retry_seconds=2018-03-04 08:07:41 +0900 chunk="56669aff8af5af1eb20fad8582ecdd8e" error_class=Fluent::Plugin::ForwardOutput::NoNodesAvailable error="no nodes are available"

output event

  • no output

Plugin uses log(From PluginLoggerMixin), plugin_id not configured.


<match traffic.**>
  @type forward
  require_ack_response true
  <buffer tag>
    @type "memory"
    flush_interval 1s
    flush_thread_interval 1s
    flush_thread_burst_interval 1s
    retry_forever true
    retry_max_interval 300s
    chunk_limit_size 4m
    queue_limit_length 256
    name "fluentd-test-manage01"
    host ""
    port 24224

output log

2018-03-12 17:56:21 +0900 [warn]: failed to flush the buffer. retry_time=0 next_retry_seconds=2018-03-12 17:56:21 +0900 chunk="5673350ac6797484a1e21e595f0456fb" error_class=Errno::ECONNREFUSED error="Connection refused - connect(2) for \"\" port 24224"

output event

2018-03-12 17:56:21.190575774 +0900 fluent.warn: {"retry_time":0,"next_retry_seconds":"2018-03-12 17:56:21 +0900","chunk":"5673350ac6797484a1e21e595f0456fb","error":"#<Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2) for \"\" port 24224>","message":"failed to flush the buffer. retry_time=0 next_retry_seconds=2018-03-12 17:56:21 +0900 chunk=\"5673350ac6797484a1e21e595f0456fb\" error_class=Errno::ECONNREFUSED error=\"Connection refused - connect(2) for \\\"\\\" port 24224\""}

Source confirm result.

It seems when plugin_id configured, fluentd does't push fluent.** event through PluginLoggerMixin.

Fluentd initialization flow (standalone worker)

Log event push condition

How should be?

  • Should plugin_id configured PluginLogger push log event(fluent.**)?

    • If so, what format? plugin_id contain?
  • Which should each plugins uses $log or log?
     - What reason logger are used differently?

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