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Last active August 3, 2023 12:44
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import Foundation

import Moya

extension MoyaProvider {
    class MoyaConcurrency {
        private let provider: MoyaProvider
        private let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
        init(provider: MoyaProvider) {
            self.provider = provider
        func request<T: Decodable>(_ target: Target) async throws -> T {
            return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
                provider.request(target) { result in
                    switch result {
                    case .success(let response):
                        guard let res = try? self.jsonDecoder.decode(T.self, from: else {
                            continuation.resume(throwing: MoyaError.jsonMapping(response))
                        continuation.resume(returning: res)
                    case .failure(let error):
                        continuation.resume(throwing: error)
    var async: MoyaConcurrency {
        MoyaConcurrency(provider: self)


class MyAPI {
      private let provider = MoyaProvider<MyTarget>()
     func home() async throws -> HomeResponse {
        return try await provider.async.request(.home)

출처: Moya/Moya#2265 (comment)

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