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Last active April 19, 2018 01:42
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This is a chunk of code to do simple datalogging of an Analog Input with the PublicLab Riffle
For the Riffle Datalogger
Sketch logs the Temperature and Humidity from a SHT21 sensor
at an interval.
It uses the RTC as a scheduler by using an Alarm and Interrupt
pin to wake up the ATmega at an interval.
It logs to the SD card and outputs time and values in the Serial
This Sketch uses the SdFat.h library instead of the SD.h library that is
is included in the IDE due to a bug which doesn't allow the SD card to sleep.
Also, disabling the Serial writes will save some power. Once everything is
tested and working set the debug variable to 0 to disable Serial.
Kina Smith
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SdFat.h> //
#include <EnableInterrupt.h> //
#include <DS3231.h> //
#include <LowPower.h> //
//*******************Comment Out this line of code and re-upload after testing!!! ***********************//
// #define debug 1
int interval_sec = 30; //Logging interval in seconds
int sensor_pin = A2; //this is the Analog pin that the sensor is connected to
DS3231 rtc; //initialize the Real Time Clock
SdFat sd; //SD card
SdFile myFile; //File to save to
const int led = 9; //led pin
const int sd_pwr_enable = 6; //enable pin for SD power
const int chipSelect = 7; //chipSelect for SD card
const int RTC_INT = 5; //RTC interrupt pin
const int pinout_pwr_enable = 8; //enable pin for header power
//sensor values
float HCHO;
int adc_raw;
float voltage_raw;
void pin5_interrupt() {
disableInterrupt(RTC_INT); //first it Disables the interrupt so it doesn't get retriggered
//Puts the MCU into power saving sleep mode and sets the wake time
void enterSleep(DateTime& dt) { //argument is Wake Time as a DateTime object
rtc.clearAlarm(); //resets the alarm interrupt status on the RTC
enableInterrupt(RTC_INT, pin5_interrupt, FALLING); //enables the interrupt on Pin5
rtc.enableAlarm(dt); //Sets the alarm on the RTC to the specified time (using the DateTime Object passed in)
delay(100); //wait for a moment for everything to complete
LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_FOREVER, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF); //power down everything until the alarm fires
void writeDataToCard(long utc, int a, float v) {
//open and write files to SD card
if (!"data.csv", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_AT_END)) //open file
while (1) Blink(led, 200); //if fails to open, blink forever
void Blink(byte PIN, int DELAY_MS) {
//Blink an LED
pinMode(PIN, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PIN, LOW);
void setup() {
if (debug) Serial.begin(9600);
pinMode(sd_pwr_enable, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RTC_INT, INPUT_PULLUP); //RTC interrupt line requires a pullup
pinMode(pinout_pwr_enable, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pinout_pwr_enable, HIGH);
rtc.begin(); //start RTC
if (debug) rtc.adjust(DateTime((__DATE__), (__TIME__))); //sets the RTC to the computer time.
digitalWrite(sd_pwr_enable, LOW); //Enable power for SD card
delay(1); //wait for pin to settle
if (!sd.begin(chipSelect)) {
if (debug) Serial.println("Card failed, or not present");
while (1) {
Blink(led, 200);
if (debug) Serial.println("SD Card Initialized");
void loop() {
DateTime now =; //get the current time
DateTime nextAlarm = DateTime(now.unixtime() + interval_sec);
if (debug) {
Serial.print("The Current Time is: ");
//take readings
adc_raw = analogRead(sensor_pin);
voltage_raw = adc_raw * (1.01 / 1023.0); //this should be the actual output voltage of the sensor
if (debug) {
Serial.print("Time: ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print("Raw adc: ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print("Raw voltage: ");
//write data
writeDataToCard(now.unixtime(), adc_raw, voltage_raw);
Blink(led, 100);
if (debug) {
Serial.print("Sleeping for ");
Serial.print(" seconds.");
enterSleep(nextAlarm); //enter Sleep until alarm fires
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