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Created October 11, 2015 04:22
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Configuring luminance-samples-
Building luminance-samples-
Preprocessing executable 'HelloWorld' for luminance-samples-
Linking dist/dist-sandbox-e44f163a/build/HelloWorld/HelloWorld ...
Preprocessing executable 'HelloWorldUniform' for luminance-samples-
Linking dist/dist-sandbox-e44f163a/build/HelloWorldUniform/HelloWorldUniform ...
Preprocessing executable 'DepthTest' for luminance-samples-
Linking dist/dist-sandbox-e44f163a/build/DepthTest/DepthTest ...
Preprocessing executable 'Blending' for luminance-samples-
Linking dist/dist-sandbox-e44f163a/build/Blending/Blending ...
Preprocessing executable 'Texture' for luminance-samples-
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( src/Texture.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-e44f163a/build/Texture/Texture-tmp/Main.o )
Couldn't match type ‘Texture2D p0’
with ‘Format CUInts (CRGBA C8 C8 C8 C8)’
Expected type: m (Texture2D RGBA8UI)
Actual type: Sampling -> Texture2D (Texture2D p0)
Possible cause: ‘createTexture’ is applied to too many arguments
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
tex <- createTexture (w, h) 1 defaultSampling
In the expression:
do { let w = fromIntegral $ imageWidth img
h = fromIntegral $ imageHeight img;
tex <- createTexture (w, h) 1 defaultSampling;
uploadSub tex (0, 0) (w, h) False (convertV $ imageData img);
pure tex }
Couldn't match expected type ‘GHC.Natural.Natural’
with actual type ‘(Integer, Integer)’
In the first argument of ‘createTexture’, namely ‘(w, h)’
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
tex <- createTexture (w, h) 1 defaultSampling
In the expression:
do { let w = fromIntegral $ imageWidth img
h = fromIntegral $ imageHeight img;
tex <- createTexture (w, h) 1 defaultSampling;
uploadSub tex (0, 0) (w, h) False (convertV $ imageData img);
pure tex }
Couldn't match expected type ‘GHC.Natural.Natural’
with actual type ‘Sampling’
In the third argument of ‘createTexture’, namely ‘defaultSampling’
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
tex <- createTexture (w, h) 1 defaultSampling
Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’
with actual type ‘(Integer, Integer)’
In the second argument of ‘uploadSub’, namely ‘(0, 0)’
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
uploadSub tex (0, 0) (w, h) False (convertV $ imageData img)
In the expression:
do { let w = fromIntegral $ imageWidth img
h = fromIntegral $ imageHeight img;
tex <- createTexture (w, h) 1 defaultSampling;
uploadSub tex (0, 0) (w, h) False (convertV $ imageData img);
pure tex }
Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’
with actual type ‘(Integer, Integer)’
In the third argument of ‘uploadSub’, namely ‘(w, h)’
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
uploadSub tex (0, 0) (w, h) False (convertV $ imageData img)
In the expression:
do { let w = fromIntegral $ imageWidth img
h = fromIntegral $ imageHeight img;
tex <- createTexture (w, h) 1 defaultSampling;
uploadSub tex (0, 0) (w, h) False (convertV $ imageData img);
pure tex }
Couldn't match expected type ‘GHC.Natural.Natural’
with actual type ‘Bool’
In the fourth argument of ‘uploadSub’, namely ‘False’
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
uploadSub tex (0, 0) (w, h) False (convertV $ imageData img)
Couldn't match expected type ‘GHC.Natural.Natural’
with actual type ‘Vector GHC.Word.Word8’
In the fifth argument of ‘uploadSub’, namely
‘(convertV $ imageData img)’
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
uploadSub tex (0, 0) (w, h) False (convertV $ imageData img)
In the expression:
do { let w = fromIntegral $ imageWidth img
h = fromIntegral $ imageHeight img;
tex <- createTexture (w, h) 1 defaultSampling;
uploadSub tex (0, 0) (w, h) False (convertV $ imageData img);
pure tex }
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