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Last active August 31, 2019 18:35
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#loader contenttweaker
import mods.contenttweaker.MaterialSystem;
import mods.mekatweaker.Gas;
import mods.mekatweaker.GasFactory;
import mods.mekatweaker.InfuserType;
val gasPartType = MaterialSystem.createPartType("mekanism_gas_type", function(materialPart) {
val material = materialPart.getMaterial();
logger.logInfo("Registering Gas MaterialPart with Part " ~ materialPart.getPart().getName() ~ " and Material " ~ material.getName());
var gas = GasFactory.createGas(material.getName().toLowerCase());
//This way users dont have to add all the names to the lang file themselves, remove this and you will have to localize "gas.<material.getName().toLowerCase()>"
game.setLocalization("gas." ~ material.getName().toLowerCase(), material.getName());
val gasPart = MaterialSystem.getPartBuilder()
//Set this locale to include the material so that we can identify the name later.
game.setLocalization("contenttweaker.part.mekanism_gas", "contenttweaker.part.mekanism_gas_%s");
val infuserPartType = MaterialSystem.createPartType("mekanism_infuser_type", function(materialPart) {
val material = materialPart.getMaterial();
logger.logInfo("Registering Infuser MaterialPart with Part " ~ materialPart.getPart().getName() ~ " and Material " ~ material.getName());
//This way users dont have to add all the names to the lang file themselves, remove this and you will have to localize "gas.<material.getName().toLowerCase()>"
game.setLocalization("infuse." ~ material.getName().toLowerCase(), material.getName());
val infuserPart = MaterialSystem.getPartBuilder()
//Set this locale to include the material so that we can identify the name later.
game.setLocalization("contenttweaker.part.mekanism_infuser", "contenttweaker.part.mekanism_infuser_%s");
//### USAGE ###
val arakantara = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Arakantara").setColor(0xffabcdef).build();
arakantara.registerParts(["mekanism_gas", "ingot", "gear", "mekanism_infuser"] as string[]);
val oroborum = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Oroborum").setColor(0xff941209).build();
oroborum.registerParts(["mekanism_gas", "ingot", "dust", "mekanism_infuser"] as string[]);
#loader crafttweaker
import mods.contenttweaker.MaterialSystem;
import mods.contenttweaker.MaterialPart;
val name = {
"%s Ingot" : 10,
"%s Dust" : 10,
"%s Gear" : 40
} as int[string];
val matParts = MaterialSystem.getMaterialParts();
var infusionTypes = [] as [MaterialPart];
for name, mat in matParts {
if(name.matches("contenttweaker\\.part\\.mekanism_infuser_.*")) {
infusionTypes += mat;
for type in infusionTypes print("\t" ~ type.getName());
for type in infusionTypes {
for regex, infusionAmount in name {
val fullName = regex.replaceAll("%s", type.getMaterial().getName());
if(matParts has fullName) {
print("Adding " ~ fullName ~ " as Infusion type " ~ type.getMaterial().getName() ~ " * " ~ infusionAmount);
mods.mekatweaker.InfuserType.addTypeObject(matParts[fullName].getItemStack(), type.getMaterial().getName().toUpperCase(), infusionAmount);
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