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Created October 2, 2020 12:40
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$ limit
$ stack [
-- kick
, gain "{1@9 1@6 1@7 1@8}%2" # midichan 1 # note "c3"
-- pad swell
, gain "{1@15 1@16 1@13 1@12 1@14}%4" # midichan 3 # note "c3"
-- pad
, slow "<2 3 4 5>" $ (0.5 ~>) $ midichan 7 # note "c3"
, slow "<2 3 4 5>" $ (0.5 ~>) $ samplestart (segment 1 $ range 67 80 $ shrand 10) # midichan 7
, slow "<2 3 4 5>" $ (0.5 ~>) $ sampleend (segment 1 $ range 40 65 $ shrand 11) # midichan 7
-- fx
, slow 3 $ gain "<1 ~ 1 ~ ~>" # midichan 10 # note "c3"
] # s "rytm" # cps (180/120/2)
let pat = "{1@5 1@6 1@7 1@8 1@9 1@3 1@10 1@3 1@3}%16"
$ limit
$ stack [
every 3 (linger (0.125*3)) $
chunk 4 rev $
every 2 rev
$ shift
$ stack [
sb 0.333 (off 0.0625 id) $ struct pat $ midichan 2 # note "c3"
, (("1s") ~>) $ struct pat $ midichan 6 # note "c3"
, (("2s") ~>) $ struct pat $ midichan 10 # note "c3"
, (("3s") ~>) $ struct pat $ midichan 3 # note "c3"
, ccn 92 # ccv (segment 1 $ shiftBy 88 $ choose [0,1,2])
-- pad
, stack [
every 5 (superimpose ((|+ note "<1 9 2>") . (0.25 <~))) $ note "c3"
, every 6 (|- ccv (range 0 10 $ shrand 100)) $ samplestart 61
, every 7 (|+ ccv (range (-5) 10 $ shrand 101)) $ sampleend 69
] # midichan 0
] # s "rytm" # cps (180/120/2)
g x = (const $ s "~") $ x
ssb = someCyclesBy
sb = sometimesBy
cpsDisc a b x = (|* cps (segment 1 $ range a b $ slow 32211 rand)) $ x
limit x = (|* gain 1.2) $ x
perf3 pat = ccv pat # ccn 37
perf4 pat = ccv pat # ccn 39
samplestart pat = ccv pat # ccn 28
sampleend pat = ccv pat # ccn 29
shift x = (1 ~>) $ x
shiftBy a x = (a ~>) $ x
shrand x = (shiftBy x $ rand)
dg0 = degradeBy 0
dg1 = degradeBy 0.1
dg2 = degradeBy 0.2
dg3 = degradeBy 0.3
dg4 = degradeBy 0.4
dg5 = degradeBy 0.5
dg6 = degradeBy 0.6
dg7 = degradeBy 0.7
dg8 = degradeBy 0.8
dg9 = degradeBy 0.9
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