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Last active November 14, 2020 13:08
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The Complete SQL Bootcamp 2020 Go from Zero to Hero Assessment Test 2 My solution.
select * from cd.facilities;
select name,membercost from cd.facilities;
select * from cd.facilities where membercost > 0;
select facid,name,membercost,monthlymaintenance from cd.facilities
where membercost > 0 and membercost< (monthlymaintenance/50);
select * from cd.facilities where name like '%Tennis%';
select * from cd.facilities where facid in (1,5);
select memid, surname, firstname,joindate from cd.members
where joindate >= '2012-09-01';
select distinct(surname) from cd.members order by surname limit 10;
select joindate as latest_signup from cd.members order by joindate desc limit 1;
select count(*) from cd.facilities where guestcost >= 10;
select facid,sum(slots) from cd.bookings
where starttime > '2012-09-01' AND starttime < '2012-10-01' group by facid ORDER BY SUM(slots) ;
select facid,sum(slots) as total_slots from cd.bookings
group by facid having sum(slots)>1000 order by facid;
select starttime as start ,name from
cd.bookings left join cd.facilities
on cd.facilities.facid=cd.bookings.facid
where like '%Tennis%'
and cd.bookings.starttime between'2012-09-21 00:00:00'
and '2012-09-21 24:00:00' order by start;
select starttime from cd.bookings
left join cd.members on cd.members.memid=cd.bookings.memid
where firstname like 'David' and surname like 'Farrell';
SQL Assessment Test 2
Questions and Expected Results
Keep in mind there is usually more than one way to answer these questions.
For the solutions you can visit this link:
OR you can watch the solutions video walkthrough lecture.
These questions start off with the basics and then get continually more
1. How can you retrieve all the information from the cd.facilities table?
● Expected Result should look similar to this (with more rows):
2. You want to print out a list of all of the facilities and their cost to
members. How would you retrieve a list of only facility names and
costs?3. How can you produce a list of facilities that charge a fee to members?
● Expected Results should have just 5 rows:
4. How can you produce a list of facilities that charge a fee to members,
and that fee is less than 1/50th of the monthly maintenance cost?
Return the facid, facility name, member cost, and monthly
maintenance of the facilities in question.
● Result is just two rows:5. How can you produce a list of all facilities with the word 'Tennis' in their
● Expected Result is 3 rows
6. How can you retrieve the details of facilities with ID 1 and 5? Try to do it
without using the OR operator.
● Expected Result is 2 rows
7. How can you produce a list of members who joined after the start of
September 2012? Return the memid, surname, firstname, and joindate
of the members in question.
● Expected Result is 10 rows (not all are shown below)
8. How can you produce an ordered list of the first 10 surnames in the
members table? The list must not contain duplicates.
● Expected Result should be 10 rows if you include GUEST as a
last name
9. You'd like to get the signup date of your last member. How can you
retrieve this information?
● Expected Result
● 2012-09-26 18:08:45
10. Produce a count of the number of facilities that have a cost to guests of
10 or more.
● Expected Result
● 6
11. Produce a list of the total number of slots booked per facility in the
month of September 2012. Produce an output table consisting of facility
id and slots, sorted by the number of slots.
● Expected Result is 9 rows
12. Produce a list of facilities with more than 1000 slots booked. Produce an
output table consisting of facility id and total slots, sorted by facility id.
● Expected Result is 5 rows
13. How can you produce a list of the start times for bookings for tennis
courts, for the date '2012-09-21'? Return a list of start time and facility
name pairings, ordered by the time.
● Expected Result is 12 rows
14. How can you produce a list of the start times for bookings by members
named 'David Farrell'?
● Expected result is 34 rows of timestamps
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