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Created May 29, 2017 20:34
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contract Ownable {
address public owner;
function Ownable() {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner() {
if (msg.sender != owner) {
///This is the blockchain side of the notifier. Here so that payment, registering,etc is painless async and
/// most importantly *trustless* since you can exit at any time taking your funds having lost nothing
///@title Price notifier
contract Tracker is Ownable{
// This represents a client in the simplest form
// Only tracks a single currency pair, hardcoded
struct SimpleClient{
uint8 ratio;// ratio trigger
uint dosh;// Clients dosh
string Hash;// phone number as a utf-8 string, or a hash of one from webservice
uint time;// last time client was debited. Starts as creation time
// This is the mapping between eth addr and client structs
mapping(address => SimpleClient) public Clients;
// This is used to store the current total obligations to clients
uint public obligations;
// Events for clients registering and leaving
// This means recognizing the set of current clients, for sending and debiting can be done off-chain
event ClientRegistered(address Client);
event ClientExited(address Client);
// Constants used for configuration
uint constant Period = 1 days; // amount of time between debits ERROR set these values for release
uint constant Fee = 1 finney; // amount debited per period
uint8 constant MininumPercent = 5; // this is the minimum ratio allowed. TODO set to 5 for sms contract
// This function registers a new client, and can be used to add funds or change ratio
function Register(uint8 ratio, string Hash) payable external {
var NewClient = SimpleClient(ratio>=MininumPercent?ratio:MininumPercent, msg.value, Hash, now); // create new client
// note that ratio is not allowed to be smaller than MininumPercent%
// In case someone registers over themselves, keep their money around
NewClient.dosh += Clients[msg.sender].dosh; // keep their old account running
Clients[msg.sender] = NewClient; // register them
// notify the listners
// and increment current total obligations
obligations += msg.value;
// This function is used to stop using the service
function Exit() external {
uint tosend = Clients[msg.sender].dosh;
// And remove the money they withdrew from our obligations
obligations -= tosend;
// if the sending fails, all of this unwinds.
Clients[msg.sender].dosh= 0; // we set it here to its safe to send money
// Notify listners client has left
// send to the caller the money their structure says they have
// This function is used to change the phone number in the service
function ChangeNumber(string NewHash) external { // The way this modifies state is invisible to the contract,so no problemo
Clients[msg.sender].Hash = NewHash;
ClientRegistered(msg.sender); // This cheap sequence of events changes the number, and notifies the backend service
// Used to charge a client
function DebitClient(address client) external{// since owner is provable an EOC, cant abuse reentrancy
uint TotalFee;
uint timedif = now-Clients[client].time; // how long since last call on this client
uint periodmulti = timedif/Period; // How many periods passed
if(periodmulti>0){ // timedif is >= Period
TotalFee = Fee*periodmulti; // 1 period fee per multiple of period
}else{// it was smaller than period. Wasted gas
if(Clients[client].dosh < TotalFee){ // not enough
Clients[client].dosh -= TotalFee;
obligations -= TotalFee;
Clients[client].time += Period*periodmulti; // client got charged for periodmulti periods, so add that to their time paid
// used to charge for a single time period, in case client doesnt have enough dosh to pay all fees
function DebitClientOnce(address client) external{// since owner is provable an EOC, cant abuse reentrancy
uint timedif = now-Clients[client].time; // how long since last call on this client
if(timedif<Period){ // too soon, wasted.
if(Clients[client].dosh < Fee){ // not enough
Clients[client].dosh -= Fee;
obligations -= Fee;
Clients[client].time += Period; // client got charged for 1 period, so add that to their time paid
// This function is used to withdraw ether
function Withdraw(uint amount) onlyOwner external{ // since owner is provable an EOC, cant abuse reentrancy
if(this.balance <= obligations){ // this should probably be removed from production code. But theoretically it can never happen
throw; // Somehow, we cant even cover our obligations. This means something very wrong has happened
selfdestruct(owner);// This should be impossible, but it means I can manually reimburse if SHTF
if((this.balance - obligations) <= amount ){// available balance doesnt cover withdrawal
throw; // not allowed
owner.transfer(amount);// All checks passed, take the money
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