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Created May 21, 2018 21:36
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Wang and Wong perceptual decision making model
Wang and Wong 2006 perceptual decision making model
adapted from # noqa
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def run(coherence=.3):
NT = 4000
t_plot = np.arange(NT)
t_stim = (t_plot > 100) * (t_plot < 1000)
mean_stim = np.ones(NT)*0.0104
diff_stim = mean_stim*coherence
Istim = np.array([(mean_stim + diff_stim) * t_stim,
(mean_stim - diff_stim) * t_stim])
# Initialize S1 and S
S = np.zeros((2, NT))
r = np.zeros((2, NT))
S[:, 0] = .1
# Loop over time points in a trial
for t in xrange(NT-1):
# Firing ratea
I0 = 0.3255
gE = 0.2609
gI = -0.0497
def F(I, a=270., b=108., d=0.154):
# Relu
return (a*I - b)/(1.-np.exp(-d*(a*I - b)))
r[0, t] = F(gE*S[0, t] + gI*S[1, t] + Istim[0, t] + I0)
r[1, t] = F(gE*S[1, t] + gI*S[0, t] + Istim[1, t] + I0)
# Mean NMDA-mediated synaptic dynamics updating
gamma = 0.641 * 0.0005
S[:, t+1] = S[:, t] * (.995 - gamma*r[:, t]) + gamma*r[:, t]
return r, S
coherences = (.1, .3, .5, .9)
cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis')
colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(coherences)))
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1)
for coherence, color in zip(coherences, colors):
r, S = run(coherence)
axes[0].plot(S[0], color=color)
axes[0].plot(S[1], color=color, linestyle=':')
axes[1].plot(r[0], color=color)
axes[1].plot(r[1], color=color, linestyle=':')
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