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Last active December 20, 2019 14:24
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block ridge: WIP
from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
class BlockRidgeCV(RidgeCV):
def __init__(self, alphas, blocks, fit_intercept=False, **kwargs):
self.fit_intercept = False
self.alphas = alphas
self.blocks = blocks
def fit(self, X, Y):
assert X.shape[1] == len(self.blocks)
self.coef_ = block_ridge(X, Y, self.blocks, alphas)
self.intercept_ = 0
return self
def block_ridge(X, Y, blocks, alphas, tol=1e-15, retrain=True):
from scipy import linalg
from itertools import product
from tqdm import tqdm
# We'll optimize the regularization via (nested) CV
train, test = slice(0, None, 2), slice(1, None, 2)
# Eigen vectors of X @ Y
U, s, V = linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)
UY = U[train].T @ Y[train]
# Get rid off zero-ish columns
idx = s > tol
s_nnz = s[idx][:, None]
# Compute error for each combination of alpha regularization
alpha_list = [alphas] * len(set(blocks))
alpha_combinations = [c for c in product(*alpha_list)]
for jdx, unique_alphas in enumerate(tqdm(alpha_combinations)):
# build regularizer:
# [alpha_1, alpha_1, alpha_1, ... alpha_2, alpha_2 ...]
alpha_block = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
for block, alpha in zip(np.unique(blocks), unique_alphas):
col = np.where(blocks==block)[0]
alpha_block[col] = alpha
# Similar to sklearn
d = np.zeros((s.size, 1), dtype=X.dtype)
d[idx] = s_nnz / (s_nnz ** 2 + alpha_block[idx, None])
dUY = d * UY
beta = V.T @ dUY
err = np.sum((Y[test] - X[test] @ beta)**2, 0)
# Optimize regularization block for each dimension of Y independently
# note this is diff from sklearn
if jdx == 0:
best_beta = beta
best_err = err
best_alpha = alpha_block[None, :] * np.ones((Y.shape[1], X.shape[1]))
for col, (beta_col, err_col, best_err_col) in enumerate(zip(beta, err, best_err)):
if err_col < best_err_col:
best_beta[col] = beta_col
best_err[col] = err_col
best_alpha[col] = alpha_block
# retrain on all data with optimized regularization
if retrain:
UY = U.T @ Y
for col in range(Y.shape[1]):
d = np.zeros((s.size, 1), dtype=X.dtype)
d[idx] = s_nnz / (s_nnz ** 2 + best_alpha[col, idx, None]) # FIXME
dUY = d * UY[:, [col]]
best_beta[:, [col]] = V.T @ dUY
return best_beta
n = 1000
n_x = 200
n_y = 100
X = np.random.randn(n, n_x)
A = np.random.randn(n_y, n_x) * 1e3
A[2:] = 0
B = np.random.randn(n_y, n_x)
B[:2] = 0
W = A+B
Y = X @ W.T + np.random.randn(n, n_y)
alphas = np.logspace(-1, 3, 6)
blocks = np.r_[np.ones(2), np.ones(X.shape[1]-2)]
betas = block_ridge(X, Y, blocks, alphas)
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