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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Simple WordPress Footnotes
function api_footnotes( $content ) {
$post_id = get_the_ID();
//Need to correct wpautop() which smart-quoteify's the " in the numoffset argument.
$content = preg_replace('/numoffset=&#8221;(\d+)&#8243;/i', 'numoffset="$1"', $content);
//Microsoft has some weird space characters that Mac/Unix systems don't have. What the next line does is replace the weird space characters with a real space character which makes the regex work...
$content = str_replace('[ref ', '[ref ', $content);
$start = 1;
$notes = array();
if (preg_match_all('/\[(ref((\s+)?numoffset="(\d+)+")? (.*?))\]/s', $content, $matches) ) {
Given [0. numoffset="5" This is a footnote]
$matches[0] = The whole match including the square brackets: [0. numoffset="5" This is a footnote]
$matches[4] = numoffset value: 5
$matches[5] = The footnote text: This is a footnote
foreach( $matches[0] as $index => $target ) {
$offset_value = (int) $matches[4][$index];
$text = trim( $matches[5][$index] );
//Footnotes that have [ or ] in the text break. Use double curly quotes as an escape to workaround this.
$text = str_replace('{{', '[', $text);
$text = str_replace('}}', ']', $text);
if( $offset_value > 0 ) {
$start = $offset_value;
$notes[] = $text;
$n = $start;
foreach( $matches[0] as $index => $target ) {
$content = str_replace($target, "<sup class=\"footnote\"><a href=\"#footnote-$post_id-$n\" id=\"fnref-$post_id-$n\">$n</a></sup>", $content);
// *****************************************************************************************************
// Workaround for wpautop() bug. Otherwise it sometimes inserts an opening <p> but not the closing </p>.
// There are a bunch of open wpautop tickets. See 4298 and 7988 in particular.
$content .= "\n\n";
// *****************************************************************************************************
$content .= "<div class='footnotes'>";
$content .= '<ol start="' . $start . '">';
$i = $start;
foreach($notes as $note) {
$content .= "<li id=\"footnote-$post_id-$i\">$note <span class=\"footnotereverse\"><a href=\"#fnref-$post_id-$i\">&#8617;</a></span></li>";
$content .= "</ol>";
$content .= "</div>";
wp_enqueue_script( 'api-footnotes' );
return $content ;
add_filter('the_content', 'api_footnotes', 98); //Set priority to 98 so links are converted to footnotes before Yoast's analytics injects outbound tracking events.
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