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Created March 4, 2013 12:22
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Lines 66 - 74 amended. Causes "[User Warning] popCurrent called on ModelAsController controller, but it wasn't at the top of the stack" and "[User Warning] Couldn't set response type to 404 because of output on line 101 of /Users/lawrence/Devsites/abelhomes/framework/dev/DebugView.php" on sites that are in dev mode.
* Handles URL requests.
* - ViewableData::handleRequest() iterates through each rule in {@link self::$url_handlers}.
* - If the rule matches, the named method will be called.
* - If there is still more URL to be processed, then handleRequest()
* is called on the object that that method returns.
* Once all of the URL has been processed, the final result is returned.
* However, if the final result is an array, this
* array is interpreted as being additional template data to customise the
* 2nd to last result with, rather than an object
* in its own right. This is most frequently used when a Controller's
* action will return an array of data with which to
* customise the controller.
* @param $request The {@link SS_HTTPRequest} object that is reponsible for distributing URL parsing
* @uses SS_HTTPRequest
* @uses SS_HTTPRequest->match()
* @return SS_HTTPResponse|RequestHandler|string|array
public function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DataModel $model) {
// $handlerClass is used to step up the class hierarchy to implement url_handlers inheritance
$handlerClass = ($this->class) ? $this->class : get_class($this);
if($this->brokenOnConstruct) {
user_error("parent::__construct() needs to be called on {$handlerClass}::__construct()", E_USER_WARNING);
$this->request = $request;
$match = $this->findAction($request);
// If nothing matches, return this object
if (!$match) return $this;
// Start to find what action to call. Start by using what findAction returned
$action = $match['action'];
// We used to put "handleAction" as the action on controllers, but (a) this could only be called when
// you had $Action in your rule, and (b) RequestHandler didn't have one. $Action is better
if ($action == 'handleAction') {
Deprecation::notice('3.2.0', 'Calling handleAction directly is deprecated - use $Action instead');
$action = '$Action';
// Actions can reference URL parameters, eg, '$Action/$ID/$OtherID' => '$Action',
if($action[0] == '$') {
$action = str_replace("-", "_", $request->latestParam(substr($action,1)));
if(!$action) {
if(isset($_REQUEST['debug_request'])) {
Debug::message("Action not set; using default action method name 'index'");
$action = "index";
} else if(!is_string($action)) {
user_error("Non-string method name: " . var_export($action, true), E_USER_ERROR);
$className = get_class($this);
if(!$this->hasAction($action)) {
// return new SS_HTTPResponse("Action '$action' isn't available on class $className.", 404);
return $this->httpError(404, "Action '$action' isn't available on class $classname.");
if(!$this->checkAccessAction($action) || in_array(strtolower($action), array('run', 'init'))) {
// return new SS_HTTPResponse("Action '$action' isn't allowed on class $className.", 403);
return $this->httpError(403, "Action '$action' isn't allowed on class $classname.");
try {
$result = $this->handleAction($request, $action);
catch (SS_HTTPResponse_Exception $e) {
return $e->getResponse();
catch(PermissionFailureException $e) {
$result = Security::permissionFailure(null, $e->getMessage());
if($result instanceof SS_HTTPResponse && $result->isError()) {
if(isset($_REQUEST['debug_request'])) Debug::message("Rule resulted in HTTP error; breaking");
return $result;
// If we return a RequestHandler, call handleRequest() on that, even if there is no more URL to
// parse. It might have its own handler. However, we only do this if we haven't just parsed an
// empty rule ourselves, to prevent infinite loops. Also prevent further handling of controller
// actions which return themselves to avoid infinite loops.
$matchedRuleWasEmpty = $request->isEmptyPattern($match['rule']);
$resultIsRequestHandler = is_object($result) && $result instanceof RequestHandler;
if($this !== $result && !$matchedRuleWasEmpty && $resultIsRequestHandler) {
$returnValue = $result->handleRequest($request, $model);
// Array results can be used to handle
if(is_array($returnValue)) $returnValue = $this->customise($returnValue);
return $returnValue;
// If we return some other data, and all the URL is parsed, then return that
} else if($request->allParsed()) {
return $result;
// But if we have more content on the URL and we don't know what to do with it, return an error.
} else {
return $this->httpError(404, "I can't handle sub-URLs of a $this->class object.");
return $this;
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