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Last active July 1, 2020 13:23
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Installation et configuration SFTP
** 1. SFTP Installation **
---- $ rpm -qa|grep ssh
** 2. SFTP Configuration **
Create sftp folder
---- $ mkdir -p /var/sftp
---- $ chmod 755 /var/sftp
create a group and user so that we can manage all user that shall get SFTP access.
---- $ groupadd sftpusers
---- $ useradd -g sftpusers -d /upload -s /sbin/nologin mysftpuser
---- $ passwd mysftpuser
Create the /upload folder under /var/mysftpuser, then assign appropriate ownership to the folder.
---- $ mkdir -p /var/sftp/upload
---- $ chown -R root:sftpusers /var/sftp
---- $ chown -R mysftpuser:sftpusers /var/sftp/upload
Once done, verify that the new folder under the directory /data exists and that we made the configuration correct.
---- $ ls -ld /dev/sftp
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root sftpusers 20 Mar 22 14:29 /dev/sftp
---- $ ls -ld /data/sftp/upload
drwxr-xr-x. 2 mysftpuser sftpusers 6 Mar 22 14:29 /data/mysftpuser/upload
---- $ cat /etc/passwd|grep sftp
Configure the SSH protocol to create an SFTP process by editing the configuration file under /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
---- $ vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Add the following lines at the end of the file :
.. Match Group sftpusers ..
.. Match User ftpuser * ( if group not exist ) ..
.. ChrootDirectory /var/sftp ..
.. ForceCommand internal-sftp ..
.. PasswordAuthentication yes ..
.. PermitTunnel no ..
.. AllowAgentForwarding no ..
.. AllowTcpForwarding no ..
.. X11Forwarding no ..
Restart the SSH services, below are the steps:
---- $ service sshd restart
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