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Created February 26, 2023 00:50
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Modifications to pemguin005's godot third person controller. MIT licensed
extends KinematicBody
# Imports
# Allows to pick your animation tree from the inspector
export (NodePath) var PlayerAnimationTree
export onready var animation_tree = get_node(PlayerAnimationTree)
onready var playback = animation_tree.get("parameters/playback");
# Allows to pick your chracter's mesh from the inspector
export (NodePath) var PlayerCharacterMesh
export onready var player_mesh = get_node(PlayerCharacterMesh)
# Gamplay mechanics and Inspector tweakables
export var gravity = 9.8
export var jump_force = 9
export var walk_speed = 1.3
export var run_speed = 5.5
export var dash_power = 12 # Controls roll and big attack speed boosts
# Animation node names
var roll_node_name = "Roll"
var idle_node_name = "Idle"
var walk_node_name = "Walk"
var run_node_name = "Run"
var jump_node_name = "Jump"
var attack1_node_name = "Attack1"
var attack2_node_name = "Attack2"
var bigattack_node_name = "BigAttack"
var death_node_name = "Death"
# Condition States
var is_attacking : bool = bool()
var is_rolling : bool = bool()
var is_walking : bool = bool()
var is_running : bool = bool()
# Physics values
var direction = Vector3()
var horizontal_velocity = Vector3()
var aim_turn = float()
var movement = Vector3()
var vertical_velocity = Vector3()
var movement_speed = int()
var angular_acceleration = int()
var acceleration = int()
# Context Panel
var is_context_on : bool = false
# Lock jumping (for various UI actions)
var is_jumping_locked : bool = false
# Lock interact (for various UI actions)
var is_interact_locked : bool = false
# Nodes in Scene
onready var InteractRayCast : RayCast = $Camroot/h/v/Camera/InteractRay
onready var poison_timer : Timer = $CharacterStatusTimers/PoisonTimer
onready var player_death_sound : AudioStreamPlayer3D = $Sounds/PlayerDeath
# Signals
signal looking_at_interactive
signal interacting_with_interactive
signal not_looking_at_interactive
signal looking_at_character_with_dialog
signal interacting_with_chracter_with_dialog
signal not_looking_at_character_with_dialog
# signal player_hit
signal free_camera
signal lock_camera
# System Methods
## Fired on scene load
func _ready() -> void:
# Connecting signals
var hud = get_node("/root/Spatial/HUD")
PlayerVitals.connect("player_is_dead", self, "player_has_died")
hud.connect("in_dialogue", self, "lock_dialog_ui_elements")
hud.connect("out_of_dialogue", self, "unlock_dialog_ui_elements")
# Camera based Rotation
direction = Vector3.BACK.rotated(Vector3.UP, $Camroot/h.global_transform.basis.get_euler().y)
## Fired with every input event
func _input(event) -> void: # All major mouse and button input events
if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
aim_turn = -event.relative.x * 0.015 # animates player with mouse movement while aiming
if event.is_action_pressed("aim"): # Aim button triggers a strafe walk and camera mechanic
direction = $Camroot/h.global_transform.basis.z
## Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta) -> void:
## Called at every Physics tick, which is before every frame.
## This contains the resounding corpus of our game logic, as recommended
## by Godot.
func _physics_process(delta) -> void:
var on_floor = is_on_floor() # State control for is jumping/falling/landing
var h_rot = $Camroot/h.global_transform.basis.get_euler().y
movement_speed = 0
angular_acceleration = 10
acceleration = 15
# Gravity mechanics and prevent slope-sliding
if not is_on_floor():
vertical_velocity += Vector3.DOWN * gravity * 2 * delta
vertical_velocity = -get_floor_normal() * gravity / 3
# Defining attack state: Add more attacks animations here as you add more!
if (attack1_node_name in playback.get_current_node()) or (attack2_node_name in playback.get_current_node()) or (bigattack_node_name in playback.get_current_node()):
is_attacking = true
is_attacking = false
# Return a summary of objects in the game world that intersect on where the camera is looking
var space_state = get_world().direct_space_state
var result = space_state.intersect_ray(Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(100, 100, 100))
# Giving BigAttack some Slide
if bigattack_node_name in playback.get_current_node():
acceleration = 3
# Defining Roll state and limiting movment during rolls
if roll_node_name in playback.get_current_node():
is_rolling = true
acceleration = 2
angular_acceleration = 2
is_rolling = false
# Jump input and Mechanics
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump") and ((is_attacking != true) and (is_rolling != true)) and is_on_floor():
if not is_jumping_locked:
vertical_velocity = Vector3.UP * jump_force
# Quit Game
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("exit"):
# Pause Menu
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("pause"):
# Self Poison (Testing)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("inflict_poison"):
if !PlayerVitals.is_poisoned:
var absorb_poison = PlayerEffects.calculate_poison_providence_chance()
if !absorb_poison:
PlayerVitals.is_poisoned = true
var poison_time = PlayerEffects.calculate_poison_time()
print("Poison Time: ", str(poison_time))
# Context Menu
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("context"):
if (is_context_on):
is_context_on = false
is_context_on = true
# Movement input, state and mechanics. *Note: movement stops if attacking
if (Input.is_action_pressed("forward") || Input.is_action_pressed("backward") || Input.is_action_pressed("left") || Input.is_action_pressed("right")):
direction = Vector3(Input.get_action_strength("left") - Input.get_action_strength("right"),
Input.get_action_strength("forward") - Input.get_action_strength("backward"))
direction = direction.rotated(Vector3.UP, h_rot).normalized()
is_walking = true
# Sprint input, state and speed
if (Input.is_action_pressed("sprint")) and (is_walking == true):
movement_speed = run_speed
is_running = true
else: # Walk State and speed
movement_speed = walk_speed
is_running = false
is_walking = false
is_running = false
if Input.is_action_pressed("aim"): # Aim/Strafe input and mechanics
player_mesh.rotation.y = lerp_angle(player_mesh.rotation.y, $Camroot/h.rotation.y, delta * angular_acceleration)
else: # Normal turn movement mechanics
player_mesh.rotation.y = lerp_angle(player_mesh.rotation.y, atan2(direction.x, direction.z) - rotation.y, delta * angular_acceleration)
# Movment mechanics with limitations during rolls/attacks
if ((is_attacking == true) or (is_rolling == true)):
horizontal_velocity = horizontal_velocity.linear_interpolate(direction.normalized() * .01 , acceleration * delta)
else: # Movement mechanics without limitations
horizontal_velocity = horizontal_velocity.linear_interpolate(direction.normalized() * movement_speed, acceleration * delta)
# Interact
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("interact"):
if not is_interact_locked:
print("Interact thrown")
var object = return_frustrum_item()
print("Object in frustrum: ", object)
# if object != null:
# TODO Send signal to handle Item
# object.queue_free()
# Subtract HP
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("subtract_hp"):
print("Subtracting HP")
# Subtract Psi
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("subtract_psi"):
print("Subtracing Psi")
# The Physics Sauce. Movement, gravity and velocity in a perfect dance.
movement.z = horizontal_velocity.z + vertical_velocity.z
movement.x = horizontal_velocity.x + vertical_velocity.x
movement.y = vertical_velocity.y
move_and_slide(movement, Vector3.UP)
# ========= State machine controls =========
# The booleans of the on_floor, is_walking etc, trigger the
# advanced conditions of the AnimationTree, controlling animation paths
# on_floor manages jumps and falls
animation_tree["parameters/conditions/IsOnFloor"] = on_floor
animation_tree["parameters/conditions/IsInAir"] = !on_floor
# Moving and running respectively
animation_tree["parameters/conditions/IsWalking"] = is_walking
animation_tree["parameters/conditions/IsNotWalking"] = !is_walking
animation_tree["parameters/conditions/IsRunning"] = is_running
animation_tree["parameters/conditions/IsNotRunning"] = !is_running
# Attacks and roll don't use these boolean conditions, instead
# they use "travel" or "start" to one-shot their animations.
# Custom Methods
## Rolls the player on the floor.
func roll() -> void:
## Dodge button input with dash and interruption to basic actions
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("roll"):
if !roll_node_name in playback.get_current_node() and !jump_node_name in playback.get_current_node() and !bigattack_node_name in playback.get_current_node():
playback.start(roll_node_name) #"start" not "travel" to speedy teleport to the roll!
horizontal_velocity = direction * dash_power
## Executes the Short Hand Attack
func attack1() -> void:
# If not doing other things, start attack1
if (idle_node_name in playback.get_current_node() or walk_node_name in playback.get_current_node()) and is_on_floor():
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack"):
if (is_attacking == false):
## Executes the dual hand attack
func attack2() -> void:
# If attack1 is animating, combo into attack 2
if attack1_node_name in playback.get_current_node(): # Big Attack if sprinting, adds a dash
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack"):
## Executes the third type of attack
func attack3() -> void:
# If attack2 is animating, combo into attack 3. This is a template.
if attack1_node_name in playback.get_current_node():
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack"):
pass #no current animation, but add it's playback here!
## Executes the roll attack, typically tied in after a roll attack
func rollattack() -> void:
# If attack pressed while rolling, do a special attack afterwards.
if roll_node_name in playback.get_current_node():
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack"):
horizontal_velocity = direction * dash_power #change this animation for a different attack
## Executes the big attack
func bigattack() -> void:
# If attack pressed while springing, do a special attack
if run_node_name in playback.get_current_node(): # Big Attack if sprinting, adds a dash
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack"):
horizontal_velocity = direction * dash_power #Add and Change this animation node for a different attack
## Checks the Interact frustrum raycast to see if any object is colliding, and returns it.
## This was originally written for testing and is not actively being used, it is deprecated
## and should be removed in the future
func check_collider_look() -> void:
var collider = InteractRayCast.get_collider()
if collider != null:
if collider.is_in_group("Environment") != true:
print("Floorcheck Collider hit against ", collider)
# TODO Send signal for other collider types
## Checks the Interact frustrum raycast for any colliding objects, prints a status of what item type it is
## (based on the group), and emits a "looking_at_interactive" signal. Similarly, if the frustrum is
## not looking at anything, signal "not_looking_at_interactive" is thrown.
func check_frustrum_look() -> void:
var collider = InteractRayCast.get_collider()
if collider != null:
if collider.is_in_group("Environment") != true:
# print("Frustrum Collider hit against ", collider)
# print("Groups: ", collider.get_groups())
for group in collider.get_groups():
match group:
# print("We have an item!")
# collider.item_used()
#print("We have a dialog-ready object!")
## Checks the Interact frustrum raycast for any object and returns it if is an Item or Dialog.
## Additionally, it will emit signals "looking_at_interactive" and "interacting_with_interactive."
func return_frustrum_item():
var collider = InteractRayCast.get_collider()
if collider != null:
if collider.is_in_group("Environment") != true:
if collider.is_in_group("Item") == true:
return collider
elif collider.is_in_group("Dialog") == true:
return collider
# Signal Methods
func _on_PoisonTimer_timeout():
PlayerVitals.is_poisoned = false
func player_has_died():
func lock_dialog_ui_elements():
func unlock_dialog_ui_elements():
func lock_jumping():
is_jumping_locked = true
func unlock_jumping():
is_jumping_locked = false
func lock_interact():
is_interact_locked = true
func unlock_interact():
is_interact_locked = false
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