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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save kingwrcy/d0ea981c065038873aea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kingwrcy/d0ea981c065038873aea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
*[crackme] from
*i can not write the keygen,just decompile the code,write the program execute flow.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
unsigned int savedEdi = 0;
unsigned int savedEcx = 0;
unsigned int savedEdx = 0;
unsigned int esi,edi,tmp,edx,eax,ebx,ecx;
unsigned int num402182 = 0xfedcba98;
unsigned int data[100] = {0xff01,0x00401115};
int arrIndex = 2;
void fun3(unsigned int);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
char username[] = {"crackme"};
char password[] = {"09876543210987654"};
int len = strlen(username);
int lenPassword = strlen(password);
int j=0;
for (int i = 0 ; j < 0x10 - len; j++) {
if (j==len) i = 0 ;
*(username+len+j) = *(username+i);
////printf("%s\n", username);
int k = 0;
while(password[k]!=0 && password[k] <= 0x7e && password[k] >= 0x30 ){
////printf("%d\n", k);
if(k != 0x11){
return 0;
eax = (*((int*)username) ^ *((int*)password)) & 0x7f3f1f0f;
ebx = (*((int*)(username+4)) ^ *((int*)(password+4))) & 0x7030100;
// ////printf("eax:%x\n", eax);
// ////printf("ebx:%x\n",ebx);
esi = (eax << ecx) & 0x80808080;
edi = (ebx << ecx) & 0x80808080;
edx = esi;
////printf("esi:%x,edi:%x,edx:%x\n",esi,edi,edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xff00)) | (((edx & 0xff00) >> 7) & 0xff00);//高8位右移7位
////printf("edx高8位右移7位:%x\n",edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xffff)) | (((edx & 0xffff) << 7) & 0xffff); //低16位左移7位
////printf("edx低16位左移7位:%x\n",edx );
edx = edx >> 0x8;
////printf("edx右移8位:%x\n",edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xff00)) | (((edx & 0xff00) >> 7) & 0xff00);//高8位右移7位
////printf("edx高8位右移7位:%x\n",edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xffff)) | (((edx & 0xffff) << 7) & 0xffff); //低16位左移7位
////printf("edx低16位左移7位:%x\n",edx );
edx = edx >> 0x8;
////printf("edx右移8位:%x\n",edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xff00)) | (((edx & 0xff00) >> 7) & 0xff00);//高8位右移7位
////printf("edx高8位右移7位:%x\n",edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xffff)) | (((edx & 0xffff) >> 1) & 0xffff); //低16位右移1位
////printf("edx低16位右移1位:%x\n",edx );
esi = edx;
edx = edi;
////printf("====>esi:%x,edx:%x\n",esi,edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xff00)) | (((edx & 0xff00) >> 7) & 0xff00);//高8位右移7位
////printf("edx高8位右移7位:%x\n",edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xffff)) | (((edx & 0xffff) << 7) & 0xffff); //低16位左移7位
////printf("edx低16位左移7位:%x\n",edx );
edx = edx >> 0x8;
////printf("edx右移8位:%x\n",edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xff00)) | (((edx & 0xff00) >> 7) & 0xff00);//高8位右移7位
////printf("edx高8位右移7位:%x\n",edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xffff)) | (((edx & 0xffff) << 7) & 0xffff); //低16位左移7位
////printf("edx低16位左移7位:%x\n",edx );
edx = edx >> 0x8;
////printf("edx右移8位:%x\n",edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xff00)) | (((edx & 0xff00) >> 7) & 0xff00);//高8位右移7位
////printf("edx高8位右移7位:%x\n",edx );
edx = (edx & (~0xffff)) | (((edx & 0xffff) >> 5) & 0xffff); //低16位右移5位
////printf("edx低16位右移5位:%x\n",edx );
edi = edx;
////printf("edi:%x\n",edi );
edi = edi ^ esi;
////printf("edi xor esi:%x\n",edi );
edx = edi;
edx = edx & 0xFF;
////printf("edx and 0xff:%x\n",edx );
savedEcx = ecx;
savedEdx = edx;
////printf("saved ecx:%x,saved edx:%x\n",ecx,edx );
edx = 0x8;
int tmp;
tmp = eax;
eax = ecx;
ecx = tmp;
eax = (eax & 0xffff0000) + ((eax & 0xff) * (edx & 0xff)); //mul dl
edx = savedEdx;
eax = eax +0x8;
////printf("before:eax:%x,ecx:%x\n",eax,ecx );
tmp = eax;
eax = ecx;
ecx = tmp;
////printf("after:eax:%x,ecx:%x\n",eax,ecx );
* 循环左移n (a>>(N-n))|(a<<n)
  循环右移n (a<<(N-n))|(a>>n)
eax = (eax >> (32-ecx)) | (eax << ecx);//eax循环左移ecx位
////printf("eax循环左移%d位:eax:%x\n",ecx,eax );
////printf("eax xor edx:%x xor %x:%x\n",eax,edx,eax ^ edx );
eax = eax ^ edx;
eax = (eax << (32-ecx)) | (eax >> ecx);//eax循环右移ecx位
////printf("eax循环右移%d位:eax:%x\n",ecx,eax );
eax = eax - 0x3;
eax = (eax & 0xffff0000) + ((eax & 0xff) * (edx & 0xff)); //mul edx低8位
edx = savedEdx;
tmp = eax;
eax = ecx;
ecx = tmp;
ebx = (ebx >> (32-ecx)) | (ebx << ecx);//eax循环左移ecx位
ebx = ebx ^ edx;
ebx = (ebx << (32-ecx)) | (ebx >> ecx);//eax循环右移ecx位
ecx = savedEcx;
////printf("eax:%x\n",eax );
// printf("eax:%x,ebx:%x,ecx:%x,esi:%x,edi:%x,edx:%x\n",eax,ebx,ecx,esi,edi,edx );
printf("===>eax:%x,ebx:%x,ecx:%x,esi:%x,edi:%x,edx:%x,num402182:%x\n",eax,ebx,ecx,esi,edi,edx,num402182 );
// printf("i:%d\n",i);
eax = *((int*)(username+8));
ebx = *((int*)(username+12));
eax = eax ^ ebx;
eax = eax ^ num402182;
eax = eax | 0x40404040;
eax = eax & 0x77777777;
eax = eax ^ *((int*)(password+8));
eax = eax ^ *((int*)(password+12));
if(eax == 0){
print "success"
return 0;
void fun3 (unsigned int a){
edi = data[--arrIndex];
ecx = data[--arrIndex];
data[arrIndex++] = edi;
// printf("arrIndex:%d,ecx:%x,edi:%x,num402182:%x\n", arrIndex,ecx,edi,num402182);
//savedEdi = edi;
//printf("ecx:%x\n", ecx);
if(ecx > 0x80){
data[arrIndex++] = ecx;
//savedEcx = ecx;
esi = ecx;
ecx = ecx & 0xff;
edi = eax;
if(ecx > 0x8){
edi = ebx;
ecx = ecx >> 0x4;
edi = (edi >> (32-8)) | (edi << 0x8);
ecx = ecx >> 1;
while( ecx !=0 );
esi = esi >> 0x8;
edi = edi & esi;
edi = edi & 0xff;
// //printf("esi:%x,edi:%x\n",esi,edi );
// printf("**arrIndex b:%d\n", arrIndex);
ecx = data[--arrIndex];
// printf("**arrIndex b:%d,ecx:%x\n", arrIndex,ecx);
esi = 0x80;
if((esi & edi) !=0){
edi =edi ^ esi;
// savedEdi = edi;
data[arrIndex++] = edi;
ecx = ecx & 0xff00;
//printf("===ecx:%x,esi:%x,edi:%x\n",ecx,esi,edi );
tmp = esi;
esi = ecx;
ecx = tmp;
//xor ch,cl
ecx = (ecx & 0xffff00ff) | (((( (ecx & 0xff00) >>8 ) ^ (ecx & 0x00ff))) << 8);
esi = esi ^ ecx;
// //printf("---ecx:%x,esi:%x,edi:%x\n",ecx,esi,edi );
tmp = esi;
esi = ecx;
ecx = tmp;
data[arrIndex++] = ecx;
//inc dword ptr[0x402182]
// printf("===>eax:%x,ebx:%x,ecx:%x,esi:%x,edi:%x,edx:%x,num402182:%x,arrIndex:%d\n",eax,ebx,ecx,esi,edi,edx,num402182,arrIndex );
data[arrIndex++] = 0x004011E9;
////printf("---ecx:%x,esi:%x,edi:%x\n",ecx,esi,edi );
edi = data[--arrIndex];
esi = 0x80;
esi = esi >> 1;
////printf("esi:%x,edi:%x\n",esi,edi );
}while(esi != 0);
//////printf("---ecx:%x,esi:%x,edi:%x\n",ecx,esi,edi );
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