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Created February 5, 2023 23:01
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{$mode objfpc} // directive to be used for defining classes
{$m+} // directive to be used for using constructor
//{$static on}
{$MODE OBJFPC} //directive to be used for creating classes
{$M+} //directive that allows class constructors and destructors
program HelloWorld;
//uses crt;
//uses CalculateArea,crt;
uses sysutils,crt;
// const
// message = ' Welcome to the world of Pascal ';
// type
// name = string;
// var
// firstname, surname: name;
// type
// beverage = (coffee, tea, milk, water, coke, limejuice);
// var
// drink:beverage;
// Subrange Types
// var
// marks: 1 .. 100;
// grade: 'A' .. 'E';
// const
// PI = 3.141592654;
// var
// r, d, c : real; {variable declaration: radius, diameter, circumference}
// var
// { local variable declaration }
// a:integer;
// var
// { local variable definition }
// a, b : integer;
// var
// a, b, ret : integer;
// var
// a, b, c, min: integer;
// var
// grade: char;
// var
// i, j:integer;
//label 1;
// var
// num, f: integer;
// (* function returning the max between two numbers *)
// function max_i(num1, num2: integer): integer;
// var
// (* local variable declaration *)
// result: integer;
// begin
// if (num1 > num2) then
// result := num1
// else
// result := num2;
// max_i := result;
// end;
procedure findMin(x, y, z: integer; var m: integer);
(* Finds the minimum of the 3 values *)
if x < y then
m := x
m := y;
if z <m then
m := z;
end; { end of procedure findMin }
function fact(x: integer): integer; (* calculates factorial of x - x! *)
if x=0 then
fact := 1
fact := x * fact(x-1); (* recursive call *)
end; { end of function fact}
function fibonacci(n: integer): integer;
if n=1 then
fibonacci := 0
else if n=2 then
fibonacci := 1
fibonacci := fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2);
procedure swap(x, y: integer);
temp: integer;
temp := x;
x:= y;
y := temp;
(* In order to pass the arguments by reference, Pascal allows to define variable parameters.
This is done by preceding the formal parameters by the keyword var *)
procedure swap_ref(var x, y: integer);
temp: integer;
temp := x;
x:= y;
y := temp;
// var
// greetings: string;
// name: packed array [1..10] of char;
// organisation: string[10];
// message: pchar;
//uses sysutils;
// var
// str1, str2, str3 : ansistring;
// str4: string;
// len: integer;
// var
// exit: boolean;
n: array [1..10] of integer; (* n is an array of 10 integers *)
//i, j: integer;
// 2D array
// var
// ar: array [0..3, 0..3] of integer;
//i, j : integer;
// var
// val: integer;
// val := a[2, 3];
// 2D dynamic array
// var
// ar: array of array of integer; (* a 2 dimensional array *)
//i, j : integer;
ar: packed array [0..3, 0..3] of integer;
//i, j : integer;
size = 5;
aty = array [1..size] of integer;
balance: aty = (1000, 2, 3, 17, 50);
average: real;
function avg( var arr: aty) : real;
i :1..size;
sum: integer;
sum := 0;
for i := 1 to size do
sum := sum + arr[i];
avg := sum / size;
// var
// number: integer;
// iptr: ^integer;
// y: ^word;
//const MAX = 3;
// var
// arr: array [1..MAX] of integer = (10, 100, 200);
// i: integer;
// iptr: ^integer;
// y: ^word;
// type
// iptr = ^integer;
// var
// arr: array [1..MAX] of integer = (10, 100, 200);
// i: integer;
// parray: array[1..MAX] of iptr;
// const MAX = 4;
// type
// sptr = ^ string;
// var
// i: integer;
// names: array [1..4] of string = ('Zara Ali', 'Hina Ali', 'Nuha Ali','Sara Ali') ;
// parray: array[1..MAX] of sptr;
// type
// iptr = ^integer;
// pointerptr = ^ iptr;
// var
// num: integer;
// ptr: iptr;
// pptr: pointerptr;
// x, y : ^word;
// type
// iptr = ^integer;
// var
// i: integer;
// ptr: iptr;
// function getNumber(p: iptr): integer;
// var
// num: integer;
// begin
// num:=100;
// p:= @num;
// getNumber:=p^;
// end;
// type
// ptr = ^integer;
// var
// i: integer;
// iptr: ptr;
// function getValue(var num: integer): ptr;
// begin
// getValue:= @num;
// end;
// type
// Books = record
// title: packed array [1..50] of char;
// author: packed array [1..50] of char;
// subject: packed array [1..100] of char;
// book_id: longint;
// end;
// var
// Book1, Book2: Books; (* Declare Book1 and Book2 of type Books *)
// procedure printBook( var book: Books );
// begin
// (* print Book info *)
// writeln ('Book title : ', book.title);
// writeln('Book author : ',;
// writeln( 'Book subject : ', book.subject);
// writeln( 'Book book_id : ', book.book_id);
// end;
// type
// BooksPtr = ^ Books;
// Books = record
// title: packed array [1..50] of char;
// author: packed array [1..50] of char;
// subject: packed array [1..100] of char;
// book_id: longint;
// end;
// var
// (* Declare Book1 and Book2 of pointer type that refers to Book type *)
// Book1, Book2: BooksPtr;
//uses variants;
// type
// color = (red, black, white);
// var
// v : variant;
// i : integer;
// r: real;
// c : color;
// as : ansistring;
// type
// color = (red, blue, yellow, green, white, black, orange);
// colors = set of color;
// var
// c : colors;
// procedure displayColors(c : colors);
// const
// names : array [color] of String[7]
// = ('red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'white', 'black', 'orange');
// var
// cl : color;
// s : String;
// begin
// s:= ' ';
// for cl:=red to orange do
// if cl in c then
// begin
// if (s<>' ') then s :=s +' , ';
// s:=s+names[cl];
// end;
// writeln('[',s,']');
// end;
// type
// StudentRecord = Record
// s_name: String;
// s_addr: String;
// s_batchcode: String;
// end;
// var
// Student: StudentRecord;
// f: file of StudentRecord;
// const
// MAX = 4;
// type
// raindata = file of real;
// var
// rainfile: raindata;
// filename: string;
// procedure writedata(var f: raindata);
// var
// data: real;
// i: integer;
// begin
// rewrite(f, sizeof(data));
// for i:=1 to MAX do
// begin
// writeln('Enter rainfall data: ');
// readln(data);
// write(f, data);
// end;
// close(f);
// end;
// procedure computeAverage(var x: raindata);
// var
// d, sum: real;
// average: real;
// begin
// reset(x);
// sum:= 0.0;
// while not eof(x) do
// begin
// read(x, d);
// sum := sum + d;
// end;
// average := sum/MAX;
// close(x);
// writeln('Average Rainfall: ', average:7:2);
// end;
// var
// filename, data: string;
// myfile: text;
// var
// myfile: text;
// info: string;
// var
// name: array[1..100] of char;
// description: ^string;
// var
// name: array[1..100] of char;
// description: ^string;
// desp: string;
// var
// a, b, c, s, area: real;
//uses CalculateArea;
// var
// l, w, r, a, b, c, area: real;
// var
// YY,MM,DD : Word;
// var
// year, month, day, hr, min, sec, ms: Word;
Rectangle = object
length, width: integer;
constructor init(l, w: integer);
destructor done;
procedure setlength(l: integer);
function getlength(): integer;
procedure setwidth(w: integer);
function getwidth(): integer;
procedure draw;
// TableTop is inherited from Rectangle
TableTop = object (Rectangle)
material: string;
function getmaterial(): string;
procedure setmaterial( m: string);
procedure displaydetails;
procedure draw;
constructor Rectangle.init(l, w: integer);
length := l;
width := w;
destructor Rectangle.done;
writeln(' Desctructor Called');
procedure Rectangle.setlength(l: integer);
length := l;
procedure Rectangle.setwidth(w: integer);
width :=w;
function Rectangle.getlength(): integer;
getlength := length;
function Rectangle.getwidth(): integer;
getwidth := width;
procedure Rectangle.draw;
i, j: integer;
for i:= 1 to length do
for j:= 1 to width do
write(' * ');
function TableTop.getmaterial(): string;
getmaterial := material;
procedure TableTop.setmaterial( m: string);
material := m;
procedure TableTop.displaydetails;
writeln('Table Top: ', self.getlength(), ' by ' , self.getwidth());
writeln('Material: ', self.getmaterial());
procedure TableTop.draw();
i, j: integer;
for i:= 1 to length do
for j:= 1 to width do
write(' * ');
writeln('Material: ', material);
r1: Rectangle;
pr1: ^Rectangle;
tt1: TableTop;
Rectangle = class
length, width: integer;
constructor create(l, w: integer);
procedure setlength(l: integer);
function getlength(): integer;
procedure setwidth(w: integer);
function getwidth(): integer;
procedure draw;
r1: Rectangle;
constructor Rectangle.create(l, w: integer);
length := l;
width := w;
procedure Rectangle.setlength(l: integer);
length := l;
procedure Rectangle.setwidth(w: integer);
width :=w;
function Rectangle.getlength(): integer;
getlength := length;
function Rectangle.getwidth(): integer;
getwidth := width;
procedure Rectangle.draw;
i, j: integer;
for i:= 1 to length do
for j:= 1 to width do
write(' * ');
Books = Class
title : String;
price: real;
constructor Create(t : String; p: real); //default constructor
procedure setTitle(t : String); //sets title for a book
function getTitle() : String; //retrieves title
procedure setPrice(p : real); //sets price for a book
function getPrice() : real; //retrieves price
procedure Display(); virtual; // display details of a book
(* Creating a derived class *)
Novels = Class(Books)
author: String;
constructor Create(t: String); overload;
constructor Create(a: String; t: String; p: real); overload;
procedure setAuthor(a: String); // sets author for a book
function getAuthor(): String; // retrieves author name
procedure Display(); override;
n1, n2: Novels;
//default constructor
constructor Books.Create(t : String; p: real);
title := t;
price := p;
procedure Books.setTitle(t : String); //sets title for a book
title := t;
function Books.getTitle() : String; //retrieves title
getTitle := title;
procedure Books.setPrice(p : real); //sets price for a book
price := p;
function Books.getPrice() : real; //retrieves price
getPrice:= price;
procedure Books.Display();
writeln('Title: ', title);
writeln('Price: ', price);
(* Now the derived class methods *)
constructor Novels.Create(t: String);
inherited Create(t, 0.0);
author:= ' ';
constructor Novels.Create(a: String; t: String; p: real);
inherited Create(t, p);
author:= a;
procedure Novels.setAuthor(a : String); //sets author for a book
author := a;
function Novels.getAuthor() : String; //retrieves author
getAuthor := author;
procedure Novels.Display();
writeln('Title: ', title);
writeln('Price: ', price:5:2);
writeln('Author: ', author);
// Interfaces
// type
// Mail = Interface
// Procedure SendMail;
// Procedure GetMail;
// end;
// Report = Class(TInterfacedObject, Mail)
// Procedure SendMail;
// Procedure GetMail;
// end;
// type
// Shape = ABSTRACT CLASS (Root)
// Procedure draw; ABSTRACT;
// ...
// end;
// Static Keyword
// type
// myclass=class
// num : integer;static;
// end;
// var
// h1, h2 : myclass;
{ This is a single line comment in pascal }
(* Here the main program block starts *)
writeln('Hello, World!');
// Integer signed 32-bit, Cardinal unsigned 32-bit, Shortint signed 8-bit, Smallint signed 16-bit
// Longint signed 32-bit, Int64 signed 64-bit, Byte unsigned 8-bit, Word unsigned 16-bit, Longword unsigned 32-bit
// not Bitwise NOT, and Bitwise AND, or Bitwise OR, xor Bitwise exclusive OR
// shl Bitwise shift left, shr Bitwise shift right
// writeln('Please enter your first name: ');
// readln(firstname);
// writeln('Please enter your surname: ');
// readln(surname);
// writeln;
// writeln(message, ' ', firstname, ' ', surname);
// writeln('Which drink do you want?');
// drink := limejuice;
// writeln('You can drink ', drink);
// writeln( 'Enter your marks(1 - 100): ');
// readln(marks);
// writeln( 'Enter your grade(A - E): ');
// readln(grade);
// writeln('Marks: ' , marks, ' Grade: ', grade);
// writeln('Enter the radius of the circle');
// readln(r);
// d := 2 * r;
// c := PI * d;
// writeln('The circumference of the circle is ',c:7:2);
// If statement
// a:= 10;
// (* check the boolean condition using if statement *)
// if( a < 20 ) then
// (* if condition is true then print the following *)
// writeln('a is less than 20 ' );
// writeln('value of a is : ', a);
// a := 100;
// (* check the boolean condition *)
// if( a < 20 ) then
// (* if condition is true then print the following *)
// writeln('a is less than 20' )
// else
// (* if condition is false then print the following *)
// writeln('a is not less than 20' );
// writeln('value of a is : ', a);
// a := 100;
// b := 200;
// (* check the boolean condition *)
// if (a = 100) then
// (* if condition is true then check the following *)
// if ( b = 200 ) then
// (* if nested if condition is true then print the following *)
// writeln('Value of a is 100 and value of b is 200' );
// writeln('Exact value of a is: ', a );
// writeln('Exact value of b is: ', b );
// case statement
// grade := 'A';
// case (grade) of
// 'A' : writeln('Excellent!' );
// 'B', 'C': writeln('Well done' );
// 'D' : writeln('You passed' );
// 'F' : writeln('Better try again' );
// end;
// writeln('Your grade is ', grade );
// grade := 'F';
// case (grade) of
// 'A' : writeln('Excellent!' );
// 'B', 'C': writeln('Well done' );
// 'D' : writeln('You passed' );
// else
// writeln('You really did not study right!' );
// end;
// writeln('Your grade is ', grade );
// a := 100;
// b := 200;
// case (a) of
// 100: begin
// writeln('This is part of outer statement' );
// case (b) of
// 200: writeln('This is part of inner statement' );
// end;
// end;
// end;
// writeln('Exact value of a is : ', a );
// writeln('Exact value of b is : ', b );
// Loop
// While
// a := 10;
// while a < 20 do
// begin
// writeln('value of a: ', a);
// a := a + 1;
// end;
// For
// for a := 10 to 20 do
// begin
// writeln('value of a: ', a);
// end;
// repeat until
// a := 10;
// (* repeat until loop execution *)
// repeat
// writeln('value of a: ', a);
// a := a + 1
// until a = 20;
// for i := 2 to 50 do
// begin
// for j := 2 to i do
// if (i mod j)=0 then
// break; {* if factor found, not prime *}
// if(j = i) then
// writeln(i , ' is prime' );
// end;
// break
// a := 10;
// (* while loop execution *)
// while a < 20 do
// begin
// writeln('value of a: ', a);
// a:=a +1;
// if( a > 15) then
// (* terminate the loop using break statement *)
// break;
// end;
// continue
// a := 10;
// (* repeat until loop execution *)
// repeat
// if( a = 15) then
// begin
// (* skip the iteration *)
// a := a + 1;
// continue;
// end;
// writeln('value of a: ', a);
// a := a+1;
// until ( a = 20 );
// goto
// a := 10;
// (* repeat until loop execution *)
// 1: repeat
// if( a = 15) then
// begin
// (* skip the iteration *)
// a := a + 1;
// goto 1;
// end;
// writeln('value of a: ', a);
// a:= a +1;
// until a = 20;
// function
// a := 100;
// b := 200;
// (* calling a function to get max value *)
// ret := max_i(a, b);
// writeln( 'Max_i value is : ', ret );
// writeln(' Enter three numbers: ');
// readln( a, b, c);
// findMin(a, b, c, min); (* Procedure call *)
// writeln(' Minimum: ', min);
// recursion
// writeln(' Enter a number: ');
// readln(num);
// f := fact(num);
// writeln(' Factorial ', num, ' is: ' , f);
// for i:= 1 to 10 do
// write(fibonacci (i), ' ');
// a := 100;
// b := 200;
// writeln('Before swap, value of a : ', a );
// writeln('Before swap, value of b : ', b );
// (* calling the procedure swap by value *)
// //swap(a, b);
// swap_ref(a, b);
// writeln('After swap, value of a : ', a );
// writeln('After swap, value of b : ', b );
// greetings := 'Hello ';
// message := 'Good Day!';
// writeln('Please Enter your Name');
// readln(name);
// writeln('Please Enter the name of your Organisation');
// readln(organisation);
// writeln(greetings, name, ' from ', organisation);
// writeln(message);
// str1 := 'Hello ';
// str2 := 'There!';
// (* copy str1 into str3 *)
// str3 := str1;
// writeln('appendstr( str3, str1) : ', str3 );
// (* concatenates str1 and str2 *)
// appendstr( str1, str2);
// writeln( 'appendstr( str1, str2) ' , str1 );
// str4 := str1 + str2;
// writeln('Now str4 is: ', str4);
// (* total lenghth of str4 after concatenation *)
// len := byte(str4[0]);
// writeln('Length of the final string str4: ', len);
// bool
// exit := true
// if (exit) then
// writeln(' Good Bye!')
// else
// writeln('Please Continue');
// (* initialize elements of array n to 0 *)
// for i := 1 to 10 do
// n[ i ] := i + 100; (* set element at location i to i + 100 *)
// (* output each array element's value *)
// for j:= 1 to 10 do
// writeln('Element[', j, '] = ', n[j] );
// 2D array
// for i:=0 to 3 do
// for j:=0 to 3 do
// ar[i,j]:= i * j;
// for i:=0 to 3 do
// begin
// for j:=0 to 3 do
// write(ar[i,j]:2,' ');
// writeln;
// end;
// 2D dynamic array
// setlength(ar,5,5);
// for i:=0 to 4 do
// for j:=0 to 4 do
// ar[i,j]:= i * j;
// for i:=0 to 4 do
// begin
// for j:= 0 to 4 do
// write(ar[i,j]:2,' ');
// writeln;
// end;
// packed array
// These arrays are bit-packed, i.e., each character or truth values are stored in consecutive
// bytes instead of using one storage unit, usually a word (4 bytes or more).
// for i:=0 to 3 do
// for j:=0 to 3 do
// ar[i,j]:= i * j;
// for i:=0 to 3 do
// begin
// for j:=0 to 3 do
// write(ar[i,j]:2,' ');
// writeln;
// end;
// (* Passing the array to the function *)
// average := avg( balance ) ;
// (* output the returned value *)
// writeln( 'Average value is: ', average:7:2);
// pointers
// iptr := nil;
// number := 100;
// writeln('Number is: ', number);
// iptr := @number;
// writeln('iptr points to a value: ', iptr^);
// iptr^ := 200;
// writeln('Number is: ', number);
// writeln('iptr points to a value: ', iptr^);
// y := addr(iptr);
// writeln(y^);
// Incrementing a Pointer
// (* let us have array address in pointer *)
// iptr := @arr[1];
// for i := 1 to MAX do
// begin
// y:= addr(iptr);
// writeln('Address of arr[', i, '] = ' , y^ );
// writeln(' Value of arr[', i, '] = ' , iptr^ );
// (* move to the next location *)
// inc(iptr);
// end;
// Decrementing a Pointer
// (* let us have array address in pointer *)
// iptr := @arr[MAX];
// for i := MAX downto 1 do
// begin
// y:= addr(iptr);
// writeln('Address of arr[', i, '] = ' , y^ );
// writeln(' Value of arr[', i, '] = ' , iptr^ );
// (* move to the next location *)
// dec(iptr);
// end;
// Pointer Comparisons
// i:=1;
// (* let us have array address in pointer *)
// iptr := @arr[1];
// while (iptr <= @arr[MAX]) do
// begin
// y:= addr(iptr);
// writeln('Address of arr[', i, '] = ' , y^ );
// writeln(' Value of arr[', i, '] = ' , iptr^ );
// (* move to the next location *)
// inc(iptr);
// i := i+1;
// end;
// Array of ptr
// (* let us assign the addresses to parray *)
// for i:= 1 to MAX do
// parray[i] := @arr[i];
// (* let us print the values using the pointer array *)
// for i:=1 to MAX do
// writeln(' Value of arr[', i, '] = ' , parray[i]^ );
// String List
// for i := 1 to MAX do
// parray[i] := @names[i];
// for i:= 1 to MAX do
// writeln('Value of names[', i, '] = ' , parray[i]^ );
// Pointer to pointer
// num := 3000;
// (* take the address of var *)
// ptr := @num;
// (* take the address of ptr using address of operator @ *)
// pptr := @ptr;
// (* let us see the value and the adresses *)
// x:= addr(ptr);
// y := addr(pptr);
// writeln('Value of num = ', num );
// writeln('Value available at ptr^ = ', ptr^ );
// writeln('Value available at pptr^^ = ', pptr^^);
// writeln('Address at ptr = ', x^);
// writeln('Address at pptr = ', y^);
// Passing pointers to function
// i := getNumber(ptr);
// writeln(' Here the pointer brings the value ', i);
// Return pointer from function
// i := 100;
// iptr := getValue(i);
// writeln('Value deferenced: ', iptr^);
// records
// (* book 1 specification *)
// Book1.title := 'C Programming';
// := 'Nuha Ali ';
// Book1.subject := 'C Programming Tutorial';
// Book1.book_id := 6495407;
// (* book 2 specification *)
// Book2.title := 'Telecom Billing';
// := 'Zara Ali';
// Book2.subject := 'Telecom Billing Tutorial';
// Book2.book_id := 6495700;
// (* print Book1 info *)
// writeln ('Book 1 title : ', Book1.title);
// writeln('Book 1 author : ',;
// writeln( 'Book 1 subject : ', Book1.subject);
// writeln( 'Book 1 book_id : ', Book1.book_id);
// writeln;
// (* print Book2 info *)
// writeln ('Book 2 title : ', Book2.title);
// writeln('Book 2 author : ',;
// writeln( 'Book 2 subject : ', Book2.subject);
// writeln( 'Book 2 book_id : ', Book2.book_id);
// (* print Book1 info *)
// printbook(Book1);
// writeln;
// (* print Book2 info *)
// printbook(Book2);
// Pointers to Records
// new(Book1);
// new(book2);
// (* book 1 specification *)
// Book1^.title := 'C Programming';
// Book1^.author := 'Nuha Ali ';
// Book1^.subject := 'C Programming Tutorial';
// Book1^.book_id := 6495407;
// (* book 2 specification *)
// Book2^.title := 'Telecom Billing';
// Book2^.author := 'Zara Ali';
// Book2^.subject := 'Telecom Billing Tutorial';
// Book2^.book_id := 6495700;
// (* print Book1 info *)
// writeln ('Book 1 title : ', Book1^.title);
// writeln('Book 1 author : ', Book1^.author);
// writeln( 'Book 1 subject : ', Book1^.subject);
// writeln( 'Book 1 book_id : ', Book1^.book_id);
// (* print Book2 info *)
// writeln ('Book 2 title : ', Book2^.title);
// writeln('Book 2 author : ', Book2^.author);
// writeln( 'Book 2 subject : ', Book2^.subject);
// writeln( 'Book 2 book_id : ', Book2^.book_id);
// dispose(Book1);
// dispose(Book2);
// With Statement
// (* book 1 specification *)
// With Book1 do
// begin
// title := 'C Programming';
// author := 'Nuha Ali ';
// subject := 'C Programming Tutorial';
// book_id := 6495407;
// end;
// Variant (Union)
// i := 100;
// v:= i;
// writeln('Variant as Integer: ', v);
// r:= 234.345;
// v:= r;
// writeln('Variant as real: ', v);
// c := red;
// v := c;
// writeln('Variant as Enumerated data: ', v);
// as:= ' I am an AnsiString';
// v:= as;
// writeln('Variant as AnsiString: ', v);
// Set
// c:= [red, blue, yellow, green, white, black, orange];
// displayColors(c);
// c:=[red, blue]+[yellow, green];
// displayColors(c);
// c:=[red, blue, yellow, green, white, black, orange] - [green, white];
// displayColors(c);
// c:= [red, blue, yellow, green, white, black, orange]*[green, white];
// displayColors(c);
// c:= [red, blue, yellow, green]><[yellow, green, white, black];
// displayColors(c);
// file handling
// write
// Assign(f,'students.dat');
// Rewrite(f);
// Student.s_name := 'John Smith';
// Student.s_addr := 'United States of America';
// Student.s_batchcode := 'Computer Science';
// Write(f,Student);
// Close(f);
// // read
// assign(f, 'students.dat');
// reset(f);
// while not eof(f) do
// begin
// read(f,Student);
// writeln('Name: ',Student.s_name);
// writeln('Address: ',Student.s_addr);
// writeln('Batch Code: ', Student.s_batchcode);
// end;
// close(f);
// writeln('Enter the File Name: ');
// readln(filename);
// assign(rainfile, filename);
// writedata(rainfile);
// computeAverage(rainfile);
// writeln('Enter the file name: ');
// readln(filename);
// assign(myfile, filename);
// rewrite(myfile);
// writeln(myfile, 'Note to Students: ');
// writeln(myfile, 'For details information on Pascal Programming');
// writeln(myfile, 'Contact: Tutorials Point');
// writeln('Completed writing');
// close(myfile);
// assign(myfile, 'contact.txt');
// append(myfile);
// writeln('Contact Details');
// writeln('');
// close(myfile);
// (* let us read from this file *)
// assign(myfile, 'contact.txt');
// reset(myfile);
// while not eof(myfile) do
// begin
// readln(myfile, info);
// writeln(info);
// end;
// close(myfile);
// memory allocation
// name:= 'Zara Ali';
// new(description);
// if not assigned(description) then
// writeln(' Error - unable to allocate required memory')
// else
// description^ := 'Zara ali a DPS student in class 10th';
// writeln('Name = ', name );
// writeln('Description: ', description^ );
// name:= 'Zara Ali';
// description := getmem(200);
// if not assigned(description) then
// writeln(' Error - unable to allocate required memory')
// else
// description^ := 'Zara ali a DPS student in class 10th';
// writeln('Name = ', name );
// writeln('Description: ', description^ );
// freemem(description);
// name:= 'Zara Ali';
// desp := 'Zara ali a DPS student.';
// description := getmem(30);
// if not assigned(description) then
// writeln('Error - unable to allocate required memory')
// else
// description^ := desp;
// (* Suppose you want to store bigger description *)
// description := reallocmem(description, 100);
// desp := desp + ' She is in class 10th.';
// description^:= desp;
// writeln('Name = ', name );
// writeln('Description: ', description^ );
// freemem(description);
// unit (modules)
// textbackground(white); (* gives a white background *)
// clrscr; (*clears the screen *)
// textcolor(green); (* text color is green *)
// gotoxy(30, 4); (* takes the pointer to the 4th line and 30th column*)
// writeln('This program calculates area of a triangle:');
// writeln('Area = area = sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))');
// writeln('S stands for semi-perimeter');
// writeln('a, b, c are sides of the triangle');
// writeln('Press any key when you are ready');
// readkey;
// clrscr;
// gotoxy(20,3);
// write('Enter a: ');
// readln(a);
// gotoxy(20,5);
// write('Enter b:');
// readln(b);
// gotoxy(20, 7);
// write('Enter c: ');
// readln(c);
// s := (a + b + c)/2.0;
// area := sqrt(s * (s - a)*(s-b)*(s-c));
// gotoxy(20, 9);
// writeln('Area: ',area:10:3);
// readkey;
// clrscr;
// l := 5.4;
// w := 4.7;
// area := RectangleArea(l, w);
// writeln('Area of Rectangle 5.4 x 4.7 is: ', area:7:3);
// r:= 7.0;
// area:= CircleArea(r);
// writeln('Area of Circle with radius 7.0 is: ', area:7:3);
// a := 3.0;
// b:= 4.0;
// c:= 5.0;
// area:= TriangleArea(a, b, c);
// writeln('Area of Triangle 3.0 by 4.0 by 5.0 is: ', area:7:3);
// Date time
// writeln ('Current time : ',TimeToStr(Time));
// writeln ('Date : ',Date);
// DeCodeDate (Date,YY,MM,DD);
// writeln (format ('Today is (DD/MM/YY): %d/%d/%d ',[dd,mm,yy]));
// writeln ('Date and Time at the time of writing : ',DateTimeToStr(Now));
// writeln ('Date and Time at the time of writing : ',DateTimeToStr(Now));
// writeln('Today is ',LongDayNames[DayOfWeek(Date)]);
// writeln;
// writeln('Details of Date: ');
// DecodeDate(Date,year,month,day);
// writeln (Format ('Day: %d',[day]));
// writeln (Format ('Month: %d',[month]));
// writeln (Format ('Year: %d',[year]));
// writeln;
// writeln('Details of Time: ');
// DecodeTime(Time,hr, min, sec, ms);
// writeln (format('Hour: %d:',[hr]));
// writeln (format('Minutes: %d:',[min]));
// writeln (format('Seconds: %d:',[sec]));
// writeln (format('Milliseconds: %d:',[hr]));
// Object (on stack)
// r1.setlength(3);
// r1.setwidth(7);
// writeln('Draw a rectangle:', r1.getlength(), ' by ' , r1.getwidth());
// r1.draw;
// new(pr1);
// pr1^.setlength(5);
// pr1^.setwidth(4);
// writeln('Draw a rectangle:', pr1^.getlength(), ' by ' ,pr1^.getwidth());
// pr1^.draw;
// dispose(pr1);
// cosntructor destructor
// r1.init(3, 7);
// writeln('Draw a rectangle:', r1.getlength(), ' by ' , r1.getwidth());
// r1.draw;
// new(pr1, init(5, 4));
// writeln('Draw a rectangle:', pr1^.getlength(), ' by ',pr1^.getwidth());
// pr1^.draw;
// pr1^.init(7, 9);
// writeln('Draw a rectangle:', pr1^.getlength(), ' by ' ,pr1^.getwidth());
// pr1^.draw;
// dispose(pr1);
// r1.done;
// Inheritance Object
// tt1.setlength(3);
// tt1.setwidth(7);
// tt1.setmaterial('Wood');
// tt1.displaydetails();
// writeln;
// writeln('Calling the Draw method');
// tt1.draw();
// Class (on heap)
// r1:= Rectangle.create(3, 7);
// writeln(' Draw Rectangle: ', r1.getlength(), ' by ' , r1.getwidth());
// r1.draw;
// r1.setlength(4);
// r1.setwidth(6);
// writeln(' Draw Rectangle: ', r1.getlength(), ' by ' , r1.getwidth());
// r1.draw;
// Inheritance Class
// n1 := Novels.Create('Gone with the Wind');
// n2 := Novels.Create('Ayn Rand','Atlas Shrugged', 467.75);
// n1.setAuthor('Margaret Mitchell');
// n1.setPrice(375.99);
// n1.Display;
// n2.Display;
// Static Keyword
// h1:= myclass.create;
// h2:= myclass.create;
// h1.num := 12;
// writeln(n2.num);
// h2.num := 31;
// writeln(h1.num);
// writeln(myclass.num);
// myclass.num := myclass.num + 20;
// writeln(h1.num);
// writeln(h2.num);
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