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Created February 4, 2023 03:19
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"title": "Have Your Quake And Twitter It Too",
"body": "<p>Last night I felt an earthquake but my fiance didn’t believe me. Within seconds my phone started twittering with reports from friends.</p> \n<blockquote> \n <p>“did anyone just feel that earthquake?”<br> “Just felt that earthquake. No one else here did.”<br> “damn, i always miss the quakes”</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Aha! See? It was an earthquake and Twitter had my back. <a href=\"\">The quake was a light 4.4</a> centered somewhere in Sonoma county.</p>",
"date": "2006-08-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "New Twitter Sharing Feature",
"body": "<p><img class=\"align-center\" src=\"\" alt=\"New Twitter Sharing Feature\"></p> \n<p>Put Twitter on your web site. <a href=\"\">Ev’s doing it</a>. <a href=\"\">I’m doing it</a>. You can do it with a <a href=\"\">shiny flash widget or simple bit of javascript</a> if you want more control. Let your blog or myspace readers know what you’re up to *right now* with Twitter. It’s good stuff.</p>",
"date": "2006-08-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter in SF Chronicle",
"body": "<p>“The only real requirement is that the companies are something you probably haven’t heard of before.” <a href=\"\">We made the short list of Cool Web 2.0 sites</a> in today’s Chronicle. Nice!</p>",
"date": "2006-08-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Financial Times on Texting in America",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> / Companies / Telecoms - Americans get texting as SMS catches on</a>: “After years of lagging behind Europe and Japan in the adoption of mobile text messaging, US subscribers have finally caught the SMS (short messaging service) bug.”</p>",
"date": "2006-08-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Derek Powazek: &#34;Fun!&#34;",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">This is Powazek</a>: “Twitter lets me SMS to a group all at once and creates a handy ‘what I’m up to right now’ insert for my site. A kind of in-situ, realtime, status message blogging. Fun!”</p>",
"date": "2006-08-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Don&#39;t Text And Drive",
"body": "<p>Today’s news about <a href=\"\">a kid in Michigan who smashed into a police car because he was texting while driving</a> is a sobering reminder: Don’t text and drive. Twitter responsibly.</p>",
"date": "2006-08-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Texting And The Movie Biz",
"body": "<p><a href=\",0,2171105.story?track=tothtml\">Spreading The Word</a>: “Movie studios once felt confident they had at least two weekends to sell as many movie tickets as possible before toxic buzz would undermine their multimillion-dollar marketing campaigns. Hollywood executives now say that the proliferation of movie-related e-mail, Internet blogs and text messaging has reduced that window to mere hours, as the quick decline of last weekend’s heavily promoted ‘Snakes on a Plane’ proved”</p>",
"date": "2006-09-01T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Really Cool Twitter Timeline",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">This is a very creative</a> way to display a Twitter timeline. So cool!</p>",
"date": "2006-09-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Evan Williams is his Tamagotchi",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Narendra Rocherolle is hooked on Twitter</a>: “My most recent fascination is with the genre of nanoblogging–new publication services centered around small bursts of information about your location, presence, mood, etc.”</p>",
"date": "2006-09-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Updates",
"body": "<p>Today we’re launching new features at <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>. Most noticeable is a visual redesign of the web site complete with trees, clouds, and waterfalls thanks to Amy Franceschini and Future Farmers. Other new features and conveniences include the following.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Easier Invitations - We made it so you can invite friends from the web or your phone. To invite a friend by phone send a text to 40404 with the word “add” and your friends phone number. To invite lots of friends at once click on “add friends” or “Invite!” at and enter some email addresses.</p> \n <p>New Badges for Your Web Site - Let your myspace friends know why you’re not online with one of two new, customizable Twitter badges. One badge uses Flash and you can pick a color scheme. The other badge uses JavaScript to create a simple line of text that you can apply your own design to with CSS or HTML.</p> \n <p>More Control - You can decide which friends’ updates get sent to your mobile phone and which friends you’d prefer to check online. Plus, you can decide if you want to protect your updates from the general public and just keep them among friends or put them out there for all to read.</p> \n <p>Mobile Texting Lingo - Most of the stuff you can do at can also be done by texting <a href=\"\">simple commands</a> to 40404. For example, you can update, add friends, turn mobile updates on or off—including on an individual basis, nudge another Twitter person who hasn’t updated in a while and more.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Also, there’s a new place in <a href=\"\">Settings</a> for entering a link to another web site if you have one—it will show up under your name. Hope you like the new look. Let us know what you think.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-07T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Friday Afternoon Update",
"body": "<p>Right now people on Twitter are surfing, sleeping, working, looking for a good mechanic, spinning, showering, blogging, waiting, wine tasting, meeting with a guy named dan, listening to adult podcasts, surrounded by sorority girls, eating chips and salsa, lunching, drinking beer, discovering things, sitting on a fat ass, testing, feeling slightly ill, preparing for karaoke, considering making tea, smoking, loathing, wishing, microblogging, quitting, thinking, photographing a wedding, applying to work at Starbucks, bringing sexy back, ordering falafel, designing a flyer, chilling with friends, getting starbucks, eating chili and garlic bread, washing the car, running errands, shopping, eating too much, being laughed at, downloading music, stuck at work, going to subway, heading out, learning perforce, wishing canadian tire sold retro sneakers, getting back into the groove, lost somewhere in southern california, going to mcdonald’s, remembering, thinking, air guitaring, and eating take out.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Announcing International Support",
"body": "<p>If you live in the EU, Middle East, or Asia we now have an access number for you to use. It’s not as easy to remember as the US shortcode (40404) but it works just as good.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>UK Access Number<br> +44 778 148 8126</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Text to it right now if you like. If you don’t have an account, we’ll set one up for you via a short volley of texts. Of course if you’re reading this blog you might just want to<a href=\"\"> join online</a>.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Nice Work, Patrick!",
"body": "<p>Patrick has written a excellent post on his blog detailing <a href=\"\">How to make your own twitter-badge</a> using our new sharing functionality (click “Share” at the top of Twitter to get the codes).</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>With you have the ability to post your status message on your website. Earlier in its history they had only a flash-badge that was unconfigurable. Now there is a javascript-badge that seems to be quite extendable to me. Here is how I changed the provided script to fit my wishes.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>If you are so inclined, take a look at his instructions. The end product really does make for an interesting addition to your web site or blog.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Numbers Schmumbers",
"body": "<p>Cellular News today reports there are <a href=\"\">2.5 Billion Mobile Phones In Use</a> around the world.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Sometime yesterday, the total number of cellular connections in the world reached 2.5 billion, having passed through the 2 billion mark just 12 months ago, according to estimates from Wireless Intelligence - a venture between Ovum and the GSM Association.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Comscore Networks announced in May that <a href=\"\">694 Million People Currently Use the Internet Worldwide</a>. The point is not that there’s more cell phone connections than internet connections; it’s that there’s lots of folks getting connected. 40 million new mobile connections per month.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Where&#39;s IT? A Nifty Use of Twitter",
"body": "<p>Austin, Tony, and Susan are a small IT team that provides services to a bunch of physicians around town. There’s lots of running around and meetings so one of their biggest complaints was, “We never know where you are!” Now they’re using Twitter to text in their whereabouts. <a href=\"\">Clients can check this page</a> (set up using our new JavaScript badge code) to see where they are and what they’re up to. Brilliant!</p>",
"date": "2006-09-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Google&#39;s Chris Wetherell on Twitter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"></a>: “Have you tried it? I love it - the barrier to communication is low and, better yet, nearly guaranteed to reach its intended audience.” Chris also points out that he’s <a href=\"\">blogging with Twitter</a> more than with any other service. Nice!</p>",
"date": "2006-09-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Another Crazy Badge Tweak",
"body": "<p>Our JSON and javascript output for the Share feature is popular with the geekier types which is just fine with us because they keep using it to demonstrate interesting ways of displaying Twitter timeles like <a href=\",20,12,13,21,411,292,15,642,291,785,2493,380\">this recent example</a>.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Ben Affleck Should Twitter",
"body": "<p>This <a href=\"\">Italian Cellular Magazine reports</a> that Ben Affleck, unable to attend an awards show in which he won best actor, texted his thanks via SMS and the crowd went nuts. We should get that kid on Twitter. Here’s the article <a href=\";langpair=it%7Cen&amp;amp;hl=en&amp;ie=UTF8\">roughly translated with Google</a>.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Welcome Fellow Bloggers",
"body": "<p>Cool, Twitter Blog showed up in the coveted Blogs of Note sidebar much to our surprise. Thanks for that, Blogger team.<br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Welcome Fellow Bloggers\" class=\"align-center\">By the way, did you know <a href=\"\">Blogs of Note has its own blog</a> and you can subscribe to the feed? Here is how you can subscribe to Blogs of Note (or any blog) in Google Reader:</p> \n<ol>\n How to Use a Feed Reader \n <li>Go to <a href=\"\"></a> (sign in or get account)</li> \n <li>Search for “blogs of note” in the search box</li> \n <li>Click the “Subscribe” button for Blogs of Note</li> \n</ol>\n<p>Do the same thing for other blogs, podcasts, photo sites, and news sites and before you know it you will be catching up on tons of stuff every morning and all day long. (Warning: It’s a blessing and a curse.)</p>",
"date": "2006-09-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Techcrunch on The Future",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Techcrunch</a>: “The future of computing is definitely going to be heavily impacted by hand held mobile devices, so show me something that resembles IM, mobile blogging and group SMS mashed up and I’m interested.”</p>",
"date": "2006-09-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter and Microformats",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Twitter Syntax on the Microformats wiki</a>. Send these commands to 40404 and interact with Twitter on your mobile phone.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Designed for humans first and machines second, microformats are a set of simple, open data formats built upon existing and widely adopted standards. Instead of throwing away what works today, microformats intend to solve simpler problems first by adapting to current behaviors and usage patterns.<a href=\"\"></a></p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>If you are interested in such things, there’s more information and examples at <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-13T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter, Twitter on the Wall",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Check out this mirror that displays text messages</a>. It’s a design by <a href=\"\">Robert Stadler</a>. You could check out your Twitters while brushing your teeth in the morning.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter, Twitter on the Wall\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p> Maybe that’s a bad idea. Anyway it works on proximity, get close enough to the mirror and you see the text messages recently sent to your phone. Must be bluetooth or some-such.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Putting Twitter on The Map",
"body": "<p>Patrick has done it again with <a href=\"\">Twittermap</a>, a Google Maps and Twitter mashup that displays the latest Twitters from participants around the world.<br><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Putting Twitter on The Map\" class=\"align-center\"></a>To include yourself in the project, you need to include your latitude and longitude coordinates in your next Twitter update. <a href=\"\">Find your latitude and longitude coordinates here</a> (make sure you check the latitude and longitude box before searching).</p>",
"date": "2006-09-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Don&#39;t Answer That! Or: What About Texting?",
"body": "<p>Today California joins New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, and 20 other countries around the world in <a href=\"\">outlawing hand-held mobiles while we drive</a>.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will sign a bill today making California the fourth state in the nation to outlaw speaking on cell phones while driving unless the driver is using a headset or other hands-free device, his office announced Thursday.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Cells phones are apparently the leading cause of distracted-driving accidents in California. This new law begins January 1, 2008 and will carry with it a $20 fine for the first infraction and $50 for subsequent violations. This article, however, doesn’t mention texting which can be even more dangerous while driving.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Future of Web Apps",
"body": "<p>Some of us from Odeo and Twitter were at <a href=\"\">The Future of Web Apps</a> conference at the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre in San Francisco today and yesterday. Evan gave a talk in which he mentioned Twitter.</p> \n<p></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"The Future of Web Apps\"></p> <p></p></a>\n<br>\n<small>Photo: Scott Beale <a href=\"\">Laughing Squid</a></small>\n<br> It wasn’t the only time Twitter was mentioned. \n<a href=\"\">Dogster</a> Daddy \n<a href=\"\">Ted Rheingold</a> is also a Twitter fan and gave us some nice props on stage during his talk on passion-centric communities. There were some great talks at this conference, I hope they do it again next year.",
"date": "2006-09-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Exploding Twitter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">His name is Sam and he draws pictures from your titles</a>. Things like <a href=\"\">can’t seem to sleep these days</a> and <a href=\"\">i am drawing a cat</a>. You know what those sound like? Twitters!</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Exploding Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>I’d like to see Sam illustrate any one of the updates on the \n<a href=\"\">Twitter Public Timeline</a>. That would be great. There’s one on there now by Nate that would be perfect: “Omg! Is that coming out of your wallet?!”\n<p></p>",
"date": "2006-09-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What&#39;s Your Status?",
"body": "<p>Twitter was in part created because we thought the increasing amount of folks using the status message field in their IM client to indirectly communicate with friends indicated a potential need or market for a service built around that sort of use case. Check out the <a href=\"\">Wikipedia entry on Status message (IM)</a>:</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>A status message is a function of some instant messaging applications whereby a user may post a message that appears automatically to other users if they attempt to make contact. It is analogous to the voice message in an answering machine or voice mail system. However, status messages may be displayed even if the person is present. They are often updated much more frequently than messages in answering machines, and thus may serve as a means of instant, limited “publication” or indirect communication.</p> \n <p>Whereas answering machine or voice mail messages often have a generic greeting to leave a message, status messages more often contain a description of where the person is at the moment or what they are doing. Because most instant messaging clients indicate to users when their online contacts are away before they send a message, more often than not away messages are meant to be read in lieu of sending a message, rather than a response. Away messages are not to be confused with idle messages, which is an automatic reply to a message when the messaging client has determined that the replier is not at his or her computer.</p> \n <p>Particularly among younger users, status messages are likely to contain a joke, song lyrics, or an adage instead of an actual description of where the user is. And sometimes the user will mock the reader to make him feel stupid. This is done so that potential contacters will have something to read more entertaining than the dry and uninteresting “I am away from my computer right now” which is often the default message on popular instant messaging clients.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Do you see how we are right about that? Well, not everyone carries their laptop around with them wherever they go which is why we built Twitter to work over SMS. Nevertheless, when we started building Twitter, I remembered an <a href=\"\">old screenshot</a> that blogger <a href=\"\">Matt Haughey</a> posted in December of 2004.</p> \n<p></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"What's Your Status?\"></p> \n<p></p>\n<br> In the caption, Haughey noted the interestingness of his cumulative status messages: “We also use status as a presence monitor and I noticed today I have racked up a story of my life over the past six months, in statuses.” \n<p>He’s not kidding. Since building Twitter, I have published almost 12,000 words through the system either through SMS messages or the web UI. That’s roughly the equivalent of six months of blogging at <a href=\"\">Biz Stone, Genius</a>. That’s a lot of tiny little updates. Google’s Chris Wetherell also <a href=\"\">says</a>, he’s “blogging with Twitter more than with any other service” and Tony Stubblebine <a href=\"\">insists</a> that Twitter “is now the ONLY way I keep in contact with people.”</p> \n<p>Tony’s remark is important because it aptly describes Twitter as an effortless way to stay connected that works with his life on his schedule. Now if I can just get my little sister out in Maine to sign up, I think we’ll really have something here.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A Tale of Two Twitters",
"body": "<p>Twitter has a way of reminding us that there are people who live life to the fullest and people who hold back sometimes. These were two updates I found yesterday in close proximity to one another on the public timeline.</p> \n<p>Wendy: I used to love lying on the grass as a kid, but now I realize there are bugs in there.<br> jzam: not wearing any pants!</p> \n<p>As always, the meta data completes the story: Wendy updated from the web and jzam updated from mobile! We can only assume that jzam is outside somewhere wearing just the smile on her face. Something tells me she’s not worrying about those bugs.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "All Hope Abandon, Ye Who Twitter Here",
"body": "<p>In case you didn’t know, September 19 is <a href=\"\">International Talk Like A Pirate Day</a>. So feel free to Twitter like a pirate, um, me hearties.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Use It In Scrabble",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Xanga</a>, <a href=\"\">Blogger</a>, <a href=\"\">Google</a>, <a href=\"\">Odeo</a>, and <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>. Of all the web products I’ve worked on, Twitter is the first one with a name that was already in the dictionary when we launched.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Use It In Scrabble\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>According to Webster’s New Millennium Dictionary of English Google is a verb which means “to search for information about a specific person through the Google search engine” and a Blogger is “a person who keeps a Web log (blog) or publish an online diary.” Those words didn’t get official definitions untill well after they’d made it into the public lexicon.</p> \n<p>Xanga and Odeo will have to wait to get into the big book but Twitter has been rocking it in one form or another since the 1300’s!</p>",
"date": "2006-09-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Introducing the Twitter API",
"body": "<p>Some smart folks out there on the that series of tubes we call the Internet have been putting together interesting projects like <a href=\"\">this map</a> and <a href=\"\">this page</a> without any help from us so we thought it was high time to release an API.</p> \n<p></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Introducing the Twitter API\"></p> <p></p></a>\n<br>\n<small>Image found at <a href=\"\">BoingBoing</a></small>\n<br>\n<a href=\"\">The Twitter API</a> exposes some of our internal workings using JSON and XML. Note to developers: All of the methods (except for the public timeline) require user authentication via Basic Auth. The username is the email address you have stored on Twitter, the password, your password.",
"date": "2006-09-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Why Aren&#39;t You Blogging Right Now?",
"body": "<p>In which we highlight the greatness of Blogger’s new “Add a Page Element” feature.</p> \n<p>As much as you’d like to be sitting in front of your computer blogging all day every day there are times when you have to stand up and go outside. Maybe you need to walk to school or work. Maybe you’re even out having fun and doing things that will make a good blog post later. But why wait?</p> \n<p></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Why Aren't You Blogging Right Now?\"></p> \n<p></p>\n<br> You can put a little status message on your blog telling your friends and readers what you are doing right this very minute—and you can update that message by texting with your cell phone. For example, \n<a href=\"\">Evhead is updating his status on his blog</a> from his phone while travelling in Morocco. Blogger’s new “Add a Page Element” makes it super easy to display your current Twitter as a status message on your blog. \n<p>How to Put Twitter on Your Beta Blog</p> \n<p>Adding Twitter to your beta blog is as easy as adding any new page element to your layout. You will of course need to <a href=\"\">get a free Twitter account first</a> (they only ask for your phone number for texting purposes and they never reveal it to anyone). Once you decide which blog you want to edit, do the following:</p> \n<ol>\n <li>From the Dashboard click “Layout”</li> \n <li>Click “Add a Page Element”</li> \n <li>Choose the HTML/JavaScript element</li> \n <li>Visit <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></li> \n <li>Copy the Twitter code</li> \n <li>Paste code into Blogger element box and save</li> \n</ol>\n<p>Now whenever you’re out in the world doing stuff you can text what you’re doing to 40404 (the Twitter shortcode) and that update will show up on your blog in the little Twitter widget thingy. You can also update it from the web at and if you add friends they can get your updates sent to their phones. If you have questions visit <a href=\"\">Twitter Help</a> or contact</p> \n<p>Note: Non Beta-Blogger folks can place the Twitter code directly in their template like any other blog add-on. There’s more about template tweaking at <a href=\"\">Blogger Help</a>.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Something&#39;s Fresh in The State of Denmark",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Something's Fresh in The State of Denmark\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Derek Powazek of <a href=\"\">JPG Magazine</a> is on a trip to Denmark and he’s inviting folks to follow him in a fun new way. He’s included his latest flickr photos and his latest twitter updates in <a href=\"\">one blog post</a>. Here’s <a href=\"\">all Derek’s twitters</a> and <a href=\"\">all his photographs</a>.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Meet Celly",
"body": "<p>Yesterday we posted that <a href=\"\">Twitter now has an API</a> and today I’d like to introduce you to Celly.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"celly\" class=\"align-center\"></a>Celly is a little flash character that <a href=\"\">Ray</a> whipped up. He (or maybe its she?) has got everyone from the <a href=\"\">public timeline</a> in her back pocket. Give her a click and she just might show you a polaroid snapshot and a latest update from someone you know.</p> \n<p>We’re not quite sure what to do with Celly but she’s a great example of an API project and she’s really cute so there you go.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Trust The Man",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">David Duchovny has been blogging about his film Trust The Man</a> which is out in theatres now. My fiance Livy and I went and saw this film and we really enjoyed it. I’d like to add that I think Duchovny’s dry wit would be a perfect match for <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>. I would love to get his updates on my phone!</p>",
"date": "2006-09-25T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "From iChat to Twitter via API",
"body": "<p>The folks over at TikiRobot have put the <a href=\"\">Twitter API </a>to good use. First of all, it’s a group blog so they’ve got all three of their Twitters up there which is neat. More importantly, they’ve hacked our api so that an <a href=\"\">iChat status automatically publishes as a Twitter status</a>. Thus, they have gotten right down to the roots of what Twitter is all about. Nice!</p>",
"date": "2006-09-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Has Permalinks and RSS Feeds",
"body": "<p></p> \n<p>Permalinks — Now every Twitter update you make gets to live on its own spacious link-friendly page <a href=\"\">like this one</a>.</p> \n<p>RSS Feeds — The <a href=\"\">public timeline</a> and <a href=\"\">public individual timelines</a> have RSS Feeds (under the timeline) so you can subscribe in your favorite Reader.</p>",
"date": "2006-09-27T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "On The Other Hand, You Have Different Fingers",
"body": "<p>If you make <a href=\"\">iheartquotes</a> a Twitter friend you will get three famous quotes a day at 10am, 3pm, and 8pm. Tony, who built <a href=\"\"></a>, used the Twitter API to set this up. You can also subscribe to the <a href=\"\">iheartquotes Twitter RSS feed</a> and if you read a quote that you really dig, you can <a href=\"\">link to it from your blog</a>. (PS: The title of this post is a <a href=\"\">Steven Wright quote</a>.)</p>",
"date": "2006-09-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Texting&#39;s on The Wall",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Wiffiti</a> is the fun new project from the Boston-based technology company <a href=\"\">LocoModa</a>. It enables you to send your txt messages to screens in public locations. Wiffiti, if you haven’t guessed, is from the words wireless and graffiti.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"The Texting's on The Wall\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>The screen pictured here is from <a href=\";loc=T%27s+Pub\">T’s Pub in Boston, MA</a> and there are other screens in Chicago, Knoxville, Seattle, Boulder, and Baltimore. To check out one of the screens, visit the <a href=\"\">viewer page</a>.</p> \n<p>It would be possible to whip up a visualization like this for the <a href=\"\">Twitter public timeline</a>. We’ve got a few other things to get to first but if anyone wants to give it a shot with our <a href=\"\">Twitter API</a>, go right ahead!</p>",
"date": "2006-10-01T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Snubbed and Twittered",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Buzz was snubbed by Jobs and he Twittered it</a>. If the computing legend had held the doors for Buzz, what would he have Twittered? I would have said “OMG I’m in an elevator with Steve Jobs.” Clever, huh?<a href=\"\"><br></a></p>",
"date": "2006-10-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Mobitopia Is Cool",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"></a> is a web site featuring lots of other web sites built in such a way that they look great and work great on internet enabled phones. The site also lets you sign up and store all your favorite mobile links in one place sort of like <a href=\"\">Yahoo’s</a> but just for mobile devices. It’s a really great idea.</p> \n<p></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Mobitopia Is Cool\"></p> \n<p></p>\n<br> Anyway, the guy who runs the site is doing something cool with Twitter. If you make \n<a href=\"\">Mobitopia</a> a Twitter friend, you will get a “mobile link of the day” texted to you so you can check it out. If you’ve got a Treo or some type of phone like that, there are links in in the SMS text that you can click with your stylus.",
"date": "2006-10-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Yeah, Sounds Perfectly Legit",
"body": "<div class=\"g-tweet g-promoted-orange\"> \n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"> \n <p>A Nigerian prince needs my help to transfer $13 million from his bank to the US. I get 10% for helping him with the $3k transfer fee. It sounds legit.</p> \n <p>— Bob Johnston (<a href=\"\">@Bob</a>) <a href=\"\">October 4, 2006</a></p> \n </blockquote>",
"date": "2006-10-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Celly on Your Desktop",
"body": "<p>Chris Messina, co-founder of <a href=\"\">Citizen Agency</a> spotted <a href=\"\">Celly</a> and thought it was “the cutest and most social thing to come out of Web 2.0.” So what did he do? He built <a href=\"\">Celly 0.1, a tiny little Mac application</a> that puts Celly on your computer’s desktop.</p> \n<p></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Celly on Your Desktop\"></p> <p></p></a>\n<br> When you have an API and \n<a href=\"\">Independent Open Source Ambassadors at Large</a> are out there, these things are bound to happen. Here’s \n<a href=\"\">Chris’s post about building Celly 0.1</a> and you can \n<a href=\"\">download it for your Mac here</a>.",
"date": "2006-10-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Updates",
"body": "<p>In case you’re not subscribed to receive Twitter email from us from time to time, here’s the text of an email I sent out earlier today.</p> \n<p>There have been some updates in the world of Twitter that we wanted to let you know about. Some of them are geeky, some of them are funny, and at least one of them is straight-up useful. If you haven’t been around in a while, come visit <a href=\"\">Twitter</a> and see what your friends are doing.</p> \n<p>RSS Feeds for Public Timelines</p> \n<p>File this one in the geeky category if you like but now you can follow your favorite public Twitter folks in your favorite RSS reader application. By the way, if you’re not sure what that is, give Google Reader a try — it’s free and works great (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>). The Twitter Public Timeline has a feed to but that can get overwhelming. Also, there’s Atom feeds too in case you’re wondering.</p> \n<p>Permalinks or Post Pages</p> \n<p>Now every time you make a Twitter update whether it’s while you’re out and about with your mobile phone or on the web at our site that update gets saved in your timeline and gets to live on it’s very own page. To see the page, click on the blue links after your updates that say about when you made the update.</p> \n<p>We made these pages so bloggers and link collectors can point to a specific post in time. Sometimes posts are really funny or memorable. There’s <a href=\"\">this one post by courtneyp</a> about a hash brown patty stuck in a bus window that had me cracking up I’m not sure why but it just struck me as oddly funny.</p> \n<p>There have also been wedding engagements, car crashes (nobody hurt!), and oddly lots of Twitter users going on parachuting adventures. Sometimes you want to revisit or remember these moments and these pages really do the trick.</p> \n<p>The Twitter API</p> \n<p>Now for the really geeky update — we have released an <a href=\"\">Application Program Interface</a> for developers. This means we’ve exposed some of the inner workings of Twitter so engineers who want to creatively extend our functionality can do so. We were happilly surprised at how quickly some really neat projects emerged.<br><a href=\"\"></a></p> \n<blockquote>\n <p><a href=\"\"></a><br><a href=\"\">Celly</a><br><a href=\"\">Twittermap</a><br><a href=\"\">iChat</a></p> \n</blockquote> \n<p><a href=\"\"></a>That’s about it for now. We’re busy on some big improvements and feature updates but those will have to wait until next time.</p>",
"date": "2006-10-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We Made Twitter Easier to Join",
"body": "<p>Now you can create a free Twitter account without giving us a phone number. Previously we were asking for a phone number up front but user testing showed that some folks wanted to sign up and kick the tires first.</p> \n<p>So if you haven’t joined Twitter yet, head on over and sign up with just an email address. You won’t be able to take advantage of all the fun mobile texting features of Twitter until you decide to input your number in Settings but you can still do lots of stuff.</p> \n<ul>\n <strong>With Web-only Twitter You Can Still:</strong> \n <li>Update your Twitter timeline on the web</li> \n <li>Place a Twitter Badge on your MySpace or blog</li> \n <li>Let friends receive your web updates via their mobiles</li> \n <li>Send direct texts from the web to individual friends</li> \n <li>Upload your profile pic and link to your home page</li> \n <li>Invite friends by email or phone number</li> \n</ul>\n<p>Even though we did a lot of behind the scenes type stuff, that’s today’s major update. Come on over and try out <a href=\"\">Twitter</a> if you haven’t already.</p>",
"date": "2006-10-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter API for Flash Developers",
"body": "<p>Today we added more to the <a href=\"\">Twitter API</a> so Flash developers can build fun applications like <a href=\"\">Celly</a>. What can the Twitter Actionscript 3 API do? I’m glad you asked!</p> \n<ul>\n <li>authenticate a user</li> \n <li>set authenticated user’s status</li> \n <li>set authenticated user’s mobile notifications on/off</li> \n <li>return a list of friends and their statuses</li> \n <li>return a public user or a friend of an authenticated user’s timeline</li> \n <li>return authenticated user’s friends’ timeline</li> \n <li>return public timeline</li> \n</ul>\n<p>The only dependency is the Adobe core library but otherwise we’re providing the source code, documents, and an example as one download. <a href=\"\">You can download it from our API page</a>.</p>",
"date": "2006-10-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Use Twitter by Instant Message!",
"body": "<p>You already know that you can interact with Twitter at our web site or by texting from your mobile phone but now you can use IM to do everything that you can do over SMS. This is good when you’re working on your computer and you don’t want to visit or start sending and receiving SMS. IM is always there and easy but it’s a little less demanding of your attention.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Use Twitter by Instant Message!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Please consider the IM feature in Beta for now because we are only supporting the open source IM system called Jabber—it’s the same one that Google uses for the Gtalk feature in their free email service, Gmail. So if you have a Gmail account then you already have a Jabber account.</p> \n<ol>\n Setting Up Your Twitter IM \n <li>Sign in to</li> \n <li>Go to Settings &gt; IM</li> \n <li>Enter your full Gmail address (or Jabber address)</li> \n <li>Click “Save”</li> \n</ol>\n<p>Twitter will send you an IM with a link—click that link and you’re all set. You will be able to send commands like GET BIZ to and instantly receive my latest update. <a href=\"\">All the commands are here</a>. Jabber also works with iChat on Mac and Trillian Pro on Windows. <a href=\"\">Learn more about Jabber here</a>.</p>",
"date": "2006-10-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The First Product Launched via Twitter?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"></a> is a cool new web site for finding, reviewing, and sharing eco-friendly and socially responsible products and services that are making this world a better place. They announced the launch of their new site with a <a href=\"\">tiny little Twitter post</a>. It’s like MySpace for people who like to buy eco-friendly products and seems like a good way to find good new stuff. <a href=\"\">I’m signed up</a>!</p>",
"date": "2006-10-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "He&#39;ll Get Right On That",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"He'll Get Right On That\" class=\"align-center\"></a><br><a href=\"\">Another funny Twitter post</a>.</p>",
"date": "2006-11-03T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Anxiety Dreams?",
"body": "<div class=\"g-tweet\"> \n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"> \n <p>just dreamed i was presenting video to sergey and larry, but instead of my intended clips were videos of me as a little kid</p> — Adam Rugel (\n <a href=\"\">@Adam</a>) \n <a href=\"\">November 3, 2006</a>\n </blockquote>",
"date": "2006-11-03T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twittering Your NaNoWriMo Progress",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Coffeebarchick</a> is twittering her <a href=\"\">NaNoWriMo</a> progress. Is anyone else?</p>",
"date": "2006-11-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Design Your Own Twitter",
"body": "<p>We added a few ways for you you to change the design of your Twitter to fit more with your personal style.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Design Your Own Twitter\"></p> \n<p>To use this new feature, click on “Settings” and then click on “Design.” Then you can upload a background image or change the background color. You can also change the colors of your text, links, and sidebar. It’s pretty amazing what you can do with just a few choices. <a href=\"\">Crystal’s design is so pretty</a>.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Design Your Own Twitter\"></p> \n<p>We also added a new setting called “sleep time” that lets you turn off phone notifications during certain hours (say, while you are asleep). Come on by and update your Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2006-11-08T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Visual Twitter",
"body": "<p>If you’ve never seen it, <a href=\"\">The Visual Dictionary</a> is a growing collection of photographed words and letters from signs, graffiti, advertising, tattoos, and more.</p> \n<p></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Visual Twitter\"></p> <p></p></a>\n<br> Matthew Knight, technical director for the london based digital agency \n<a href=\"\">de-construct</a> and creator of The Visual Dictionary has now created \n<a href=\"\">Visual Twitter</a> which mashes these word images with Twitter updates from the Public Timeline.",
"date": "2006-11-09T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Are You Getting Messages?",
"body": "<p>(Updated) Did you spot the link to your Direct Messages? That’s where messages sent directly to you from another Twitter user get archived on the web.</p> \n<p>In the event you have IM or phone notifications turned off, you can still view your messages and see who’s been getting in touch with you directly.</p>",
"date": "2006-11-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Web Clips",
"body": "<p>Hey Gmail users: Did you know you can stick the Twitter Public Timeline in the “web clips” area of your Gmail? (Or any public Twitter user’s timeline).</p> \n<p></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Twitter Web Clips\"></p> \n<p></p>It can be distracting from the email at hand but its still fun. All you have to do is grab the RSS feed of the timeline (find it at the \n<a href=\"\">bottom of this page</a>) and then go to Settings &gt; Web Clips in Gmail and add the RSS feed url. Incidentally, you can do this with any RSS feed.",
"date": "2006-11-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter’s Jabber Support Released Under GPL",
"body": "<p>We thought it would be a good idea to share the simple Ruby library that makes the implementation of Jabber functionality really easy. <a href=\"\">Blaine</a> has released an extraction of the Jabber support that was added to Twitter under the GPL on behalf of <a href=\"\">Obvious</a>. <a href=\"\">Check out the code and docs at Blaine’s blog</a>. Thanks Blaine!</p>",
"date": "2006-11-13T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Six More Twitter Updates!",
"body": "<p>In case you thought we were resting on our laurels, we present to you the following recent additions to <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>.</p> \n<ol>\n <li>Favorites! When you come across a Twitter update that you really like you can save it by clicking the little star. We collect your favorites for you so you can get back to them any time. </li> \n <li>Delete! Deleting may not seem like an exciting feature but when a late-night Twitter doesn’t seem that great the next day you’ll be glad we stuck it in there.</li> \n <li>Top 10! Now that we have a way for people to pick favorites we can put together fun pages like the <a href=\"\">Top 10 Favorite Twitters</a>. (Note: The Top 10 page is not ready for prime time yet because people are still kicking the tires of this feature.)</li> \n <li>Messages! You can get direct messages from other Twitter users that you have designated as “Friend.” These messages are not Twitter updates, they are notes directly to you and we archive them on the web in case you choose not to receive them via SMS or IM.</li> \n <li>Timestamps! We like to keep things casual with regard to when you sent in your last update with language like “about 2 hours ago” but after 24 hours that gets a little silly. After 24 hours we now assign a more formal time stamp to your update like this, “11:11AM November 13, 2006.”</li> \n <li>User Search! In your sidebar just above all the thumbnail images of your friends we have added a text field that lets you search for people in Twitter. You can search by name, email, or phone and if we find the person you’re looking for we will display their profile image for you to click.</li> \n</ol>\n<p>We’ve also been spending some time sprucing up the FAQs and help pages at <a href=\";id=1\"></a> if you happen to have some pressing questions.</p>",
"date": "2006-11-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Is It Polite to Twitter?",
"body": "<p>I’ve noticed <a href=\"\">here</a> and <a href=\"\">there</a> that folks have been wondering aloud whether or not they might be bothering others when they update their Twitter. It’s nice to know there are Twitter users out there with such delicate empathy for their texting brethren.</p> \n<p>It’s a fair concern to be sure. That’s why we’ve built features to alleviate this type of worry. For one thing, people who receive your updates have requested them. In fact, they desire to read your updates and may even nudge you to do so on a more frequent basis.</p> \n<p>Also, besides choosing how to receive the updates they have requested (via Web, Phone, or IM), folks can select what we call “Sleep Time” in their Twitter Settings—the texting equivalent of those iconic Do Not Disturb signs hotels provide visitors.</p> \n<p>So if you’re worried about bothering your friends with the little thoughts, feelings, and other captions from the moments of your daily life I urge you to relax and give in to the joy of Twittering. Your friends and followers want those updates and if they change their mind, we’ve got them covered.</p>",
"date": "2006-11-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Need A Nudge?",
"body": "<p>Now you can tell Twitter to remind you to update. Believe it or not, this feature was requested enough that Jack whipped it up in today’s release.</p> \n<p>If you want Twitter to automatically nudge you if you haven’t updated in 24 hours, go to Settings &gt; Notifications and check the Nudge me box. Twitter will send a text to your phone or message to your IM account.</p>",
"date": "2006-11-16T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Howard Greenstein’s Flat World",
"body": "<p>Howard thought he’d give Twitter a try and had a <a href=\"\">strange, world-flattening experience</a>.</p> \n<blockquote> \n <p>So, let’s look at this flat world thingy again: I send an instant message, it updates Twitter, someone in Myanmar reads this and posts it, Google indexes the post and alerts me my name was used, I blog about it here.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>That’s just nutty!</p>",
"date": "2006-11-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Get Twitter in Vox!",
"body": "<p>Phoneboy is an <a href=\"\">avid Vox blogger who wants Twitter integration</a>.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>I really wish the overlords at Vox would allow us to add our Twitter timeline onto our Vox page somehow. It’s an insanely useful service that just begs to be part of Vox.</p> \n <p>Show your support for this idea by tagging your own post with Twitter, marking this post “this is good,” and by all means communicate directly with the Vox folks and let them know. </p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>I’ll bet the folks at <a href=\"\">Vox</a> are paying attention to stuff like this and they’ll work it in if they can.</p>",
"date": "2006-11-20T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Thanks Tantek!",
"body": "<p>This is awesome. Tantek Çelik, computer scientist and Chief Technologist at <a href=\"\">Technorati</a>, took time to <a href=\"\">take a screenshot and write down specific problems and recommendations</a> for how to make our Twitter sign up process better. We’ve changed today’s plans to focus specfically on his highlighted issues. Hopefully this is free advice and we’re not going to get a consulting invoice in the mail ;). Thanks Tantek!</p>",
"date": "2006-11-20T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Two Things",
"body": "<ol>\n <li>Victoria built a <a href=\"\">WordPress plugin for Twitter</a> that automatically announces a new blog post. </li> \n <li>Somebody seems to be planning a <a href=\"\">site for Twitter addicts called</a>. They’re taking suggestions for features.</li> \n</ol>",
"date": "2006-11-20T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "“He Wore Dresses. This Caused Messes”",
"body": "<p>The title of this post is an example of a six-word memoir by Josh Kilmer-Purcell. Can you write your memoir in exactly six words? Here are two more examples of six-word masterpieces:</p> \n<blockquote class=\"g-quote\"> \n <p>“Longed for him. Got him. Shit.”</p> \n <small>Margaret Atwood</small>\n</blockquote> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<blockquote class=\"g-quote\"> \n <p>“For sale: baby shoes, never used.</p> \n <small>&nbsp; Ernest Hemingway</small>\n</blockquote> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p>Our friends over at SMITH Magazine think everyone has a story and they want you to write yours in six words. If you use Twitter to do it, you will be entered to win a free <a href=\"\">(PRODUCT) RED Special Edition Apple iPod</a>.</p> \n<ol>\n How To Enter the Six-Word Memoir Contest \n <li>Make <a href=\"\">smithmag</a> a friend (Add Smithmag) <a href=\"\"></a></li> \n <li>Preface a six-word Twitter entry with “smithmag” like this:</li> \n</ol>\n<blockquote> \n <p>smithmag He wore dresses. This caused messes.<br> (Note: the “smithmag” keyword doesn’t count as one of the words.)</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>That enters you in the contest and you will also get one selected memoir a day via Twitter. We’re excited to see what people come up with. For more information visit <a href=\"\">The Six-Word Memoir Contest Presented by SMITH Magazine and Twitter</a>.</p>",
"date": "2006-11-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Fan Wiki",
"body": "<p>Wow, some folks set up a <a href=\"\">Twitter Fan Wiki</a> to share ideas and whatnot. Neat!</p>",
"date": "2006-11-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Peek",
"body": "<p>Drew McLellan has created a <a href=\"\">skinny little window you can use to display your friends’ twitterings</a>. To try it out, just <a href=\"\">visit the Twitter Peek page</a> and then enter the email and password you have registered with Twitter.</p> \n<p></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Twitter Peek\"></p> \n<p></p>Drew says, “It’s terribly inefficient at the moment, because the Twitter json feeds have no option to limit the data in any way. Each refresh pulls back all your data from the last 24 hours.” Nevertheless, this is very cool and I’ve got it on my screen right now!",
"date": "2006-11-22T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twidgets!",
"body": "<p>Frank Manno of <a href=\"\">Aquabox</a> has created a <a href=\"\">free Twitter Dashboard Widget for OS X </a>that allows you to make updates. It is so pretty. More importantly, it totally works! <a href=\"\">Download it here</a>.</p> \n<p></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Twidgets!\"></p> <p></p></a>\n<br> Ben Ward has also built a \n<a href=\"\">Twitter widget</a>—his first widget ever. This one updates and shows recent Twitters from your friends. You can \n<a href=\"\">download Ben’s here</a> but he wants you to know that it’s a tad buggy.",
"date": "2006-11-23T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "And, We’re Back",
"body": "<p>We are currently investigating what caused today’s unscheduled down-time of,, and other sites that share a network at a colocation facility in San Francisco. Twitter is back in action now and we’re reasonably sure it had nothing to do with yesterday’s planned down-time for upgrades.</p>",
"date": "2006-11-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "MyChores Adds Twitter Support",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">MyChores</a>: “MyChores now supports Twitter integration! If you have a Twitter account you can choose to have MyChores update Twitter when you complete tasks.”</p>",
"date": "2006-11-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Ruby Twitter Gem (Warning: Super Geeky!)",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Ruby Twitter Gem</a>: “This twitter library does more than just wrap the twitter api. It also uses it! You can post updates to your twitter and check in on your friends all from your fav terminal app.”</p>",
"date": "2006-11-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Check Out Twadget",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Twadget — The Twitter Vista Sidebar Gadget</a>: “Targetting that valuable Twitter-usin’ Windows-Vista-installin’ cross-over demographic.”</p>",
"date": "2006-11-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Faster Twitter",
"body": "<p>This afternoon we had a planned outage between 4-5pm PST to make Twitter faster. (Actually, between 4-5:17pm PST. we went over by 17 minutes and <a href=\"\">Luxury called us out</a>.) Hopefully everybody caught the note we put in the <a href=\"\">Home</a> sidebar. So yeah, Twitter should be pretty peppy now.</p>",
"date": "2006-11-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Price Comparison Site, Dealtagger Adds Twitter Support",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Dealtagger</a>: “Let all your friends know what your shopping for with our new Twitter integration, simply fill in the details in your settings.”</p>",
"date": "2006-11-29T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Travel Bloggers and Twitter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">The World Is Not Flat</a>: “I’ve come back to an online world filled with all sorts of fun little social tools that can keep us connected in stange and interesting ways. The one we’re experimenting with using on the roadtrip is called Twitter.</p> \n<p>Twitter enables me to post something that is a bit like a blog post, but a small and posted more frequently. I can use our mobile phone to send a text message (SMS) to Twitter that then posts it online and on our blog - notice the new format of the ‘Currently’ block on the home page.”</p> \n<p>Neat! <a href=\"\">You can follow The World is Not Flat</a> too.</p>",
"date": "2006-12-03T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Congratulations!",
"body": "<p>We’ve seen engagements, skydiving, and businesses launched on Twitter but this is the first time we’ve seen somebody announce that they’re having a baby!<br><a href=\"\"></a></p> \n<blockquote>\n <p><a href=\"\">Sarah: is pregnant. :o</a></p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Congratulations Sarah! a Twitter baby is a happy, healthy, and lucky little baby. (So say us!)</p>",
"date": "2006-12-05T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Signs You&#39;ve Been Blogging Too Much",
"body": "<p>Tech Geek Blogger Robert Scoble has a list of <a href=\"\">signs that you’ve been blogging too much</a> and #12 is “You go to Twitter and write I’m blogging.’”</p>",
"date": "2006-12-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We Added AIM Support",
"body": "<p>We’ve added AOL Instant Messanger support to Twitter. If you have a AIM screen name, you can add it to <a href=\"\">your IM Settings</a> in Twitter and use AIM to send and receive Twitter updates. This update adds AIM to the list of ways to connect with folks on Twitter which already includes Gtalk, LiveJournal, Jabber, SMS Mobile Texting, and the Web Interface. Nice!</p>",
"date": "2006-12-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Smart Thoughts About Twitter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">The Talented Mr Twitter</a>: “Perhaps Twitters widgets should be seen as the blog within the blog.”</p>",
"date": "2006-12-07T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Introducing Twapp",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">A Twitter Application</a>: “The idea behind the client is a small application that will sit in your taskbar and constantly update you on your friend timeline. It will also allow you to easily update your timeline without upsetting your flow.”</p>",
"date": "2006-12-08T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Are You A Web Worker?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Web Worker Daily wants your thoughts on Twitter</a>: “So if you haven’t played around with short-messaging a friends list from almost any device, give it a whirl. If you have, let us know what you love and hate about the service in the comments. We are thinking about ways to implement Twitter into our web work lives - perhaps using it as a way to create a private network and staying connected. Any thoughts?”</p>",
"date": "2006-12-09T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Citizen media or citizen nonsense?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Lotta can’t figure why she likes Twitter so much</a>: “Now I’m hooked and I still think it’s nonsense. I get notified when my friends have a cup of coffee, take a walk in the rain, do their laundry and whatnot. I send them completely uninteresting details about my life. And I can’t figure out why it’s all such a blast.”</p>",
"date": "2006-12-09T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter in The Sunday Los Angeles Times",
"body": "<p><a href=\",1,1164811.story\">It’s real time at the same time</a>: “The folks at have built their site around the seemingly toothless but cosmically important question, ‘What are you doing?’ Launched in July, the aptly named service aims to close the real-time gap between you and your friends when you are not e-mailing, instant- or text-messaging one another, by letting you send your nearest and dearest up-to-the-minute updates on everything you think and do.”</p>",
"date": "2006-12-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Lots More Text Messages",
"body": "<p><a href=\";storyID=2006-12-12T152404Z_01_L12916932_RTRIDST_0_TECH-MOBILE-MESSAGES-DC.XML&amp;WTmodLoc=TechInternet-C3-Technology-8\"></a>: “Text messages sent to and from mobile phones will more than double over the next five years to 2.3 trillion messages sent by 2010, a survey said on Tuesday.”</p>",
"date": "2006-12-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TrippingOnWordsOnTwitter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">TrippingOnWords</a> is “The Continuously Unedited, But Ever-Professional Account of Two Accidental Travel Writers” and now they’re on Twitter so you can learn about their travels while you travel.</p>",
"date": "2006-12-13T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "First Firing on Twitter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Sam Sethi announced getting fired via Twitter</a>. Using Twitter to post about how you were fired for blogging (when your job is blogging for a blog network) has got to be a first. <a href=\"\">The article I wrote for Blogger users</a> a couple years ago wouldn’t have helped Sam. Crazy!</p>",
"date": "2006-12-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A Positive Review?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Airbag Industries</a>: “Twitter is a virtual subway ride packed full of cell phone conversations and schizophrenics. It’s like the Lewis Black of the web.” In our book, a creative review is a positive review.</p>",
"date": "2006-12-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Guest Post! Graham Waldon from Google",
"body": "<p>Graham Waldon has been working for several years behind the walls of the Googleplex on Blogger and he knows all the tricks. In this first-ever guest post on the Twitter Blog Graham has a tip for how bloggers with twitter badges can sail smoothly past those occasional times when Twitter is taking a little, *ahem* “cat-nap” (so to speak).</p> \n<p>Twitter was down for a little while Sunday afternoon. (It happens to the best of us). Unfortunately, I’ve currently got my Twitter updates showing above my blog posts, and with Twitter temporarily unreachable, it stalled the loading of my entire page until it finally timed out. Bummer, that. Ideally, it would load my entire page first, and then work on contacting Twitter, so that folks could start reading my posts right away. Turns out that’s pretty easy to do. Here’s how.</p> \n<p>Disclaimer: This only works with the Javascript version of the Twitter badge code, not the fancy flash version.</p> \n<p>To put Twitter updates on your site, you get a chunk of code that looks more or less like the following. (Be sure to get the version of the <a href=\"\">code for your specific account</a>, rather than copying this.)</p> \n<pre><code><p class=\"indent\"></p><p class=\"indent\">src=\"<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>.\"&gt;</p></code></pre> \n<p>The first piece of Javascript and the span tags are nothing we need to worry about. Those just determine where on your page you want the updates to appear. It’s the last line that’s at issue here, because that’s the part that actually tries to contact (as you can see from the URL it’s using).</p> \n<p>So all you need to do here is leave the majority of the code right where you want the text to show up. Then move only the last line to the very end of your page. If you’re editing the HTML of your page directly, put it right before the <code></code></p>\n<p> and <code></code></p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> tags that finish off your page. If you’re in Blogger and using the new Layouts system, just make a new HTML/Javascript widget in your footer, and paste the code in there.</p>\n<p>Optional: In between one of the sets of <code></code> tags, add a note like “(no updates right now).” That note will only appear until the last line of Twitter code is executed, at which point it will be replaced with your actual updates. Or you can just leave it blank.</p>\n<p>That’s it! Implement it yourself, if you like, and hopefully we’ll never need it.</p>\n<p>Guest Posted by: <a href=\"\">Graham Waldon</a></p>\n<p></p>",
"date": "2006-12-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Work on Twitter",
"body": "<p>Attention smart developer-types in San Francisco: We could really use some help making Twitter rock harder. <a href=\"\">Here’s the job posting</a>.</p>",
"date": "2006-12-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What Are You Watching?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Vodpod added Twitter support</a> over the weekend. Vodpod is a fun way to watch and rate videos with emoticon actions. If you happen to use both Vodpod and Twitter, then the ratings you assign to videos (Watched, Loved, or LOL’d) will show up as Twitter updates. Interesting!</p>",
"date": "2006-12-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "30Boxes Adds Twitter Support",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">30Boxes is an intuitive web-based calendar application</a> you can use to manage all the stuff going on in your life. Today <a href=\"\">they announced Twitter support</a>.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"30Boxes Adds Twitter Support\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p> \n<p>Founder Narendra Rocherolle says: “You may have noticed the little ‘status’ prompt in the bottom left of your 30 Boxes. It is a quick place for you to answer the question, ‘what are you doing?’”</p>",
"date": "2006-12-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Vandelay Industries",
"body": "<p>Dan Cederholm wrote a great post at <a href=\"\">SimpleBits on the reasons he likes (and doesn’t like) Twitter</a>. Then Tom Rose made a really funny comment to that post calling Twitter the “Seinfeld of the internet — a website about nothing.” Today <a href=\"\">Valleywag made it the Quote of the Day</a>. Comparing Twitter to Seinfeld is fine by us—we’re huge fans!</p>",
"date": "2006-12-22T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twidget on",
"body": "<p>You can <a href=\"\">download the Twitter Widget from the Apple web site</a>. Just so you know.</p>",
"date": "2007-01-03T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Cool New Twitter Application",
"body": "<p>The Twitter Fan Wiki calls <a href=\"\">TwitterPost</a> “a simple, stand-alone interface to, one of the web’s newest online communities. TwitterPost allows you to easily post to and read from your Twitter feed — plus a whole lot more. You’ll have to try it out to see how much easier TwitterPost makes posting to your Twitter feed!” You can <a href=\"\">download TwitterPost from RAILhead Design</a>. I’m gonna do it right now.</p>",
"date": "2007-01-05T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Image-Based Badge",
"body": "<p>Use this <a href=\"\">neat little helper application from Bunny Hero Labs to create an image based Twitter badge</a>. Good for sites that don’t allow javascript or flash!</p>",
"date": "2007-01-05T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Follow Macworld on Your Mobile",
"body": "<p>We created <a href=\"\"></a> so you can get every little shred of info instantly as it comes out of the Moscone Center in San Francisco. If you are attending Macworld, you can contribute by prefacing your updates with the keyword MACWORLD.</p> \n<p>To follow Macworld you can text FOLLOW MACWORLD from your mobile phone or make a friend via the web. We have a feeling this year’s Macworld is going to be extra exciting.</p>",
"date": "2007-01-08T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The British Are Coming!",
"body": "<p>Here’s something interesting that Mario has created using the <a href=\"\">Twitter API</a> and the <a href=\"\">BBC Backstage Developer Network</a> tools: <a href=\"\">A bunch of BBC News profiles you can follow on Twitter</a> for breaking stories, Twitter style.</p>",
"date": "2007-01-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Wife in The Fast Lane",
"body": "<p>Karen Quinn has written a new novel called <a href=\";s=books\">Wife in the Fast Lane</a> and she’s also created a <a href=\"\">fun contest</a> for folks to share a scene from their fast lane lives with a video, essay or a quick one-liner. Of course, <a href=\"\">Karen has a Twitter profile</a> so you can keep up with the contest.</p>",
"date": "2007-01-11T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Darth Vader on Twitter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Twitter / darthvader</a>: “Finding that dust and fingerprints show up too easily on gloss black. I should have opted for the Solar Yellow or Sedona Mist helmet color.”</p>",
"date": "2007-01-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Walking Tours with Twitter",
"body": "<p>The Kismet Heuristic is doing <a href=\"\">Twitter tours</a>. Neat!<a href=\"\"><br></a></p>",
"date": "2007-01-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Hotness",
"body": "<p>We sent out an email earlier today with some twitter news. It had a “hot” theme because it’s been so freaky cold in SF. Anywhoo, here are some of the links and info the email had in case you didn’t get it.</p> \n<p>It’s Showtime! Actor Janina Gavankar who heats up the screen on Showtime’s <a href=\"\">The L Word</a> is twittering now and you should <a href=\"\">follow Janina on Twitter </a>because it’s fun—especially if you’re a fan. Janina is also <a href=\"\">Ms Dewey</a>.</p> \n<p>Twitterrific is the hotness. The Icon Factory built a snappy little mac app that lets you read and post Twitter updates. It’s clean, concise, and designed to leave a small footprint on your precious screen real estate. We are in love with Twitterrific and <a href=\"\">you can download it for free</a>.</p> \n<p>Sundancing with Twitter. Yes, Twitter will be at Sundance—in spirit anyway. That was the idea Filmaker Lance Weiler had. Instead of lamenting over the fact that he wouldn’t be heading to Sundance this year he whipped up <a href=\"\">the Festmob project</a> to collect updates from folks who will be at the front lines of the buzz, parties, and gossip.</p> \n<p>Import from LiveJournal. If you are a LJ afficionado then you’ve already done some work choosing who are your friends. That’s why we built a simple LiveJournal friend importer using a technical vocabulary LJ supports called FOAF. Try out the new invite feature if you get a chance. We’ll be making it smarter.</p>",
"date": "2007-01-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Love Hate Relationship",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Why I Hate Twitter</a> is a great post about Twitter with some really useful feedback. All except for the “send an electrical signal through the user’s texting device if they’re twittering out of control….Requires the user to have the ‘Bluetooth Twitter Underwear Attachment’.” I’m not sure we have the resources for electrical undergarments but the rest of the feedback—that’s good stuff.</p>",
"date": "2007-01-18T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Eric Meyer&#39;s Twitter Complaints",
"body": "<p>Once again some <a href=\"\">smart kvetching about Twitter</a> which is more like praise and very helpful. Eric points out the interesting interaction challenges emerging with Twitter that we are currently working to address.</p>",
"date": "2007-01-23T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hillary Clinton and Twitter",
"body": "<p>The folks over at <a href=\"\">want canditates to get Twitter accounts</a>.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>We could watch as their campaign went from state to state and find out what fund raiser they are attending and what speaking engagement they might be attending.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>That would be neat!</p>",
"date": "2007-01-25T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "More Twitter Stuff!",
"body": "<p>Check it out, here’s another take on a Twitter Mac widget called <a href=\"\">Twitterlex</a> and a fun-looking Windows application called <a href=\"\">Twitteroo</a>. There’s a dozen other cool Twitter Desktop apps and lots of other neat gizmos and gadgets that work with Twitter at the <a href=\"\">Twitter Fan Wiki</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-01-27T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Business 2.0 Loves Twitter",
"body": "<p>The latest issue of <a href=\"\">Business 2.0 Magazine</a> has an article titled “What’s Next” featuring what the editors believe to be the top 10 products, ideas, and trends. Guess who’s in there!</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Business 2.0 Loves Twitter\"></p> \n<p>Twitter made the list at #4! We’re nestled snugly between wind power and implantable medical devices. Reporter Michael Myser writes that we’re “catching fire” and adds “Better watch Dorsey’s pithy life updates very closely.”</p>",
"date": "2007-01-30T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Potential",
"body": "<p>Cole Camplese, Director of Education Technology Services at Penn State University, is interested in how Twitter “shakes down for good, not evil.” He wonders if “quick, casual conversation can create an opportunity for a larger conversation” and asks, <a href=\"\">Does anyone see potential?</a></p>",
"date": "2007-01-30T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Meg&#39;s Musings",
"body": "<p>Meg Pickard has some very <a href=\"\">thoughtful Musings on Twitter</a> posted on her blog.</p>",
"date": "2007-01-30T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Testing Testing 123",
"body": "<p>Getting the blog onto the fancy new serverz.</p>",
"date": "2007-02-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Updates",
"body": "<p>We sent an email out today but in case you’re not a subscriber, here’s a quick roundup of the news we sent out.</p> \n<ul>\n <li>We’re finalists in the SXSW Web Awards. <a href=\"\">Vote for us</a>!</li> \n <li>Usernames are now more prominent than real names. <a href=\"\">Learn why</a>.</li> \n <li>Text WHOIS BIZ to 40404 and get my one line bio. (Try any username)</li> \n <li>Direct Message email alerts keep you in touch. <a href=\"\">Turn them off</a>?</li> \n <li>Email alerts when you get new friends can now be <a href=\"\">turned off</a>.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Jason Goldman</a> joins Obvious as Director of Product Strategy (W00t!)</li> \n <li>Mike Pennie, writer/producer for <a href=\"\">My Name Is Earl is Twittering</a>.</li> \n</ul>",
"date": "2007-02-07T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Productivity via Twitter",
"body": "<p>“It’s easy, fun and versatile. How do we use it for good and not wasteful evil?” <a href=\"\"></a><a href=\"\"> has some suggestions for how to use Twitter Productively</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-02-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "I &lt;3 Twitter, too",
"body": "<p>Robert Scoble <a href=\"\">started</a> (and iJustine <a href=\"\">continued</a>)&nbsp;something I had to participate in: writing in the sand.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"I <3 Twitter, too\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Thank you all for making 2007 a great year!&nbsp;:)</p>",
"date": "2007-12-27T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "2006",
"body": "",
"date": null,
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Pulver-ized",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Jeff Pulver</a>: “From my perspective, Twitter at times does contribute to the social sculpture of the internet.”</p>",
"date": "2007-02-13T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Anil Dash on Twitter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Consider Twitter</a>: “The sign of success in social software is when your community does something you didn’t expect.” Anil likes Twitter. And I like his idea of just updating emoticons ;-).</p>",
"date": "2007-02-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter+Wordpress",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Twitter Wordpress Sidebar Widget</a>: “I created the Twitter sidebar widget for Wordpress because I wanted something more customisable than the badges issued by Twitter. If you know your way around CSS you can style it yourself, otherwise it will keep the default styling of lists in your sidebar. It requires the Widgets plugin from Automattic.” Neat!</p>",
"date": "2007-02-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Amazing Mashup",
"body": "<p>I’m not sure exactly what <a href=\"\">this project by Gregory Chatonsky</a> is but it’s blowing my mind. Video, photos, ambient music, and giant sliding Twitter updates all mushed together into some kind of never-ending, trance-inducing, experimental documentary film thingy. Wow.</p>",
"date": "2007-02-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "No Email, Twitter!",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Jeff Barr on Twitter</a>: “I’ll officially declare here that you should be able to get my attention via Twitter and that I consider it a valid form of business communication.”</p>",
"date": "2007-02-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "It&#39;s Alive",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Steve Garfield on Twitter</a>: “There is a living and breathing community here. It’s not static. It’s alive!”</p>",
"date": "2007-02-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twittering for Virtual Teams",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Web Worker Daily</a>: “Twitter can deepen virtual relationships in a way that email and IM doesn’t.”</p>",
"date": "2007-02-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Defamer Brings Twitter to the Oscars",
"body": "<p>The folks who run <a href=\"\">Defamer</a> are going to the Oscars on Sunday and they’re going to be using Twitter to update who wins what and other details while they rub elbows with the stars. Text FOLLOW DEFAMER to 40404 and you’ll get bonus info-tainment on your mobile while you watch the show. Even if you don’t watch the Oscars, you’ll know who wins what first. Here’s the <a href=\"\">Defamer profile on Twitter</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-02-23T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Is Twitter The Future?",
"body": "<p>Ian Curry at <a href=\"\">Frog Design calls Twitter the Missing Messenger</a>. Always on the lookout for something that will simultaneously support his desire to stay in touch and not be distracted, Ian finds “These light exchanges typify the kind of communication that arises among people who are saturated with other forms of communication.” He’s also a <a href=\"\">Twitterrific</a> fan. We’re energized by this thoughtful post. What a great way to start the week!</p>",
"date": "2007-02-26T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitteando!",
"body": "<p>Say it out loud. Twitteando! <a href=\"\">I just really like the sound of that</a>. Another fan of Twitterrific, the little API application that works with Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2007-02-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Sluggish?",
"body": "<p>My cat Bruce hasn’t noticed but you may have picked up on some performance issues this week as Twitter acclimates to it’s ongoing growth spurt.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Twitter Sluggish?\"></p> \n<p>Just a little note to let you know that we are *not* lazing around on the job like Bruce. We’re engineering ourselves out in front of the wave so we can keep Twitter fast and fun! Also, it’s Friday night <a href=\"\">What are you doing!?</a></p>",
"date": "2007-03-03T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Many-2-Many",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Liz Lawley is watching Twitter closely</a>.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>What Twitter does, in a simple and brilliant way, is to merge a number of interesting trends in social software usage—personal blogging, lightweight presence indicators, and IM status messages—into a fascinating blend of ephemerality and permanence, public and private.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Awesome post!</p>",
"date": "2007-03-07T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Yowza!",
"body": "<p>Our growth projections were too humble! Things are a bit slow over the web parts of Twitter until we add more dedicated machines—which we are doing right now. Should be all fixed up by this evening.</p>",
"date": "2007-03-08T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter shirt",
"body": "<p> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter shirt\" class=\"align-center\"></a> </p>",
"date": "2007-03-08T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Text JOIN SXSW to 40404",
"body": "<p>Unfortunately, it appears that everyone using Gmail got our latest Twitter email update sent directly to their spam folder. Bummer! Anyway, one of the things we said was that if you are going to Austin like us, you can text JOIN SXSW to 40404 to show up on the plasma screens. Please do! Also, here’s the rest of the email:</p> \n<p>Hey-o, Twitter-ers!</p> \n<p>We’re getting ready for SXSW! Are you? If you’re heading to Austin,<br> please join us. Text JOIN SXSW to 40404 from your mobile phone and<br> your updates will be displayed on the high definition plasma<br> displays in the hallways of the Austin Convention Center. You’ll<br> also get automatically connected to other conference attendees.<br> It’s going to be fun! Not going to Texas? We still love you, come<br> see us online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>!</p> \n<p>Heavy Twitters</p> \n<p>We’ve spotted some interesting new Twitter users ‘round these parts.<br> John Edwards is using Twitter to update from the presidential<br> campaign trail. We’re following this closely because we’re<br> interested in seeing how Twitter plays out in this political<br> setting. We’ve also noticed the guys from, A Cursive Memory—an<br> awesome band we like also heading to Austin. I’m following them<br> both and it makes for an interesting mix along with my friends.</p> \n<p>John Edwards: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br> A Cursive Memory: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p> \n<p>Birthdays</p> \n<p>Twitter has only been launched publicly for about half a year but<br> the idea took life March, 13 2006 so we’re going to be celebrating<br> our first birthday! It also happens to be my birthday on March 10th.<br> We’ll be in Austin, so I’m planning on crashing the 8bit party and<br> pretending that it’s all for me. If you’re around come say hi to<br> some of us from Twitter—we might even have a few limited edition<br> Twitter t-shirts left to give away!</p> \n<p>8bit (My Birthday) Party: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p> \n<p>Welcome Britt and Alex</p> \n<p>There was this rumor that the two best Rails engineers in the<br> world (besides the ones already working at Obvious) were living<br> somewhere in the US. Legend had it that one was in Washington DC<br> and the other was in Kentucky. We tracked them down and hired<br> them! They’re already working to make Twitter better and they’ll<br> be moving to San Francisco shortly. Welcome, Britt and Alex!</p> \n<p>Britt: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br> Alex: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p> \n<p> Launches</p> \n<p>One of the super-secret startups sharing office space with Twitter<br> finally de-cloaked and launched last week. It’s called 71miles<br> because it is the definitive guide to weekend trips around major<br> cities starting with the San Francisco Bay Area. The suggestions<br> and reviews are top-notch and the technology-tweaking that these<br> guys did to build the site is really impressive.</p> \n<p>Go Somewhere this Weekend: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p> \n<p>If you do go somewhere this weekend—don’t forget to Twitter! Also,<br> don’t forget to check out all the fun widgets, applications, and<br> other stuff people have built using our API on the Twitter Fan Wiki,<br><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> — there’s some amazing stuff in there.<br> We’ve got lots to be happy about, see you in Texas!</p> \n<p>Happy Twittering!<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p>",
"date": "2007-03-09T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Well, Howdy!",
"body": "<p>A bunch of us from Twitter are here in Austin until Tuesday and having a blast. Lots of folks are using Twitter and asking us all kinds of questions. Tonight are the Web awards and we have our fingers crossed! Okay, gotta get back to it. <a href=\"\">Follow me on Twitter</a> if you wanna see what we’re up to!</p>",
"date": "2007-03-11T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Join the Twitter Development Group?",
"body": "<p>There’s lots of activity around the <a href=\"\">Twitter API</a> so we set up a Google Group for discussing various issues. Please do <a href=\"\">subscribe to Twitter Development Talk</a> if you’re working a project involving Twitter and want to be in touch with folks who are doing the same. We’ll be in there too!</p>",
"date": "2007-03-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We Won!",
"body": "<p> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"We Won!\" class=\"align-center\"></a> </p>",
"date": "2007-03-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter+Cats",
"body": "<p>A while back we were laughing our butts off at some funny cat pictures and thought we’d use a few as a way to communicate error messages on Now some folks over on the Twitter Fan Wiki are <a href=\"\">suggesting more funny cat pictures</a> we could use as error pages. Hopefully we won’t need to use them, but just in case, it’s good to have some go-to material. Funny!</p>",
"date": "2007-03-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Facilitates Spontaneous Microsponsorships",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Laughing Squid</a>: “On the spot we came up with a spontaneous microsponsorship model that ended up providing more than enough beer to make it to closing time. ” Read the whole story with photos!</p>",
"date": "2007-03-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Fun Twitter API Project",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Scripting News: NY Times on Twitter</a>: “Okay, I got the bugs worked out, and it seems to work, fingers crossed, praise Murhpy, I am not a lawyer and I don’t work for the NY Times.”</p> \n<p>Dave put together <a href=\"\">a neat Twitter API project</a> that sends out just the headlines (with a link) from The New York Times. And, he added, “All the news that’s fit to twit.” Nice!</p>",
"date": "2007-03-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter on Page C1 of The San Francisco Chronicle",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter on Page C1 of The San Francisco Chronicle\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Well, that’s going on our wall of fame. Now we just need a wall of fame. <a href=\"\">What are people ‘twittering’ about?</a> by Dan Fost, Chronicle Staff Writer.</p>",
"date": "2007-03-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Tortoise and the Twitter",
"body": "<p></p> \n<p>The Slowsky commercials Comcastic runs to sell their Internet services are not as funny to us now as they once were. Twitter. Is. Slow. We are painfully aware. The slowness is being caused by massive popularity which makes for a bittersweet type of situation. We thought we’d let you know what we’re doing to make things more sweet than bitter.</p> \n<p>We did some forensic analysis of our slowness and discovered that API traffic, specifically, XML over our API is HUGE. Really, just totally out of wack. So today, we’re separating that traffic from normal web traffic with the goal of caching a whole bunch of the API stuff to make the site snappier. In addition, we are increasing machine power and storage to accommodate our continued growth. However, this will only get us so far.</p> \n<p>The short time span between side project and complex scaling challenge caught up with us after our successful sxsw experiment. It was really good timing that our two new full time engineers both arrived at Obvious HQ this week. Beyond that, we have secret weapons in the form of former colleagues who are quite well versed in scaling challenges. Lucky for us, one colleague in particular finds himself in a position to spend time helping us solve this puzzle. Having an extra desk in the office is coming in very handy this week.</p> \n<p>Finally, we are thinking big about the future of Twitter with regard to architecture and we’re not holding back. We’ll have more news about that as we move forward with our plans. Right now, we are digging in and making the site snappy. I’ll happily note that while the web part of Twitter has been taking it’s sweet time slowsky-style, the SMS part has been humming right along at an increasingly swift hare-like pace.</p>",
"date": "2007-03-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Drops",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Woot</a> is one of my favorite sites. Not only do they have an awesome<br> name but every day they post a single item for sale a ridiculously low<br> price. The item is only available for 24 hours or until it sells out<br> (which it frequrently does).</p> \n<p>So how can you stay on top of the latest phat lewt? With Twitter! A couple days ago, the folks at Woot let us know they were gonna use the Twitter API to let folks know <a href=\"\">what’s for sale that day</a>. As far as we know, Woot is the first to use Twitter like this; as a way to let people keep on top of what’s being sold. Very cool.</p> \n<p>Now someone needs to get the Nintendo Wii on Twitter so I can find out when I’ll finally be able to get one.</p>",
"date": "2007-03-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter and Tumblr in Chicago Tribune",
"body": "<p>Twitter was written about by Eric Gwinn, Chicago Tribune staff reporter along with <a href=\"\">Tumblr</a> in a piece about short-form social media. He included a nice quote by Twitterer, Dana Power.<br><a href=\",1,6738581.story?ctrack=1&amp;cset=true\"></a></p> \n<blockquote>\n <p><a href=\",1,6738581.story?ctrack=1&amp;cset=true\">World gets 21st Century totem poles</a>: “Dana Power, a computer programmer from Raleigh, N.C., says her brother who lives in Texas introduced her to Twitter so they can stay in touch: ‘I hardly ever corresponded with him, but with Twitter, I can see what he is doing at a given point in his life,’ she says. ‘It makes me feel more connected to him somehow.’”</p> \n</blockquote>",
"date": "2007-03-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Next Up? IM",
"body": "<p>As folks point out in the comments of the previous post, IM service with Twitter is currently taking a cat-nap. The reason for this again is rapid growth—IM was not made for *that* many friends! Twitter overwhelmed the basic model of instant messaging very quickly so tonight <a href=\"\">Blaine</a> is going to dream up a more distributed approach to how Twitter interacts over IM. If you are a regular user of Twitter via IM, we just wanted to let you know that it is next in line for better-ification.</p>",
"date": "2007-03-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Is A Mover and Shaker",
"body": "<p>Everyone knows that Alexa is flawed and you should not depend on them for real data. Nevertheless, <a href=\"\">Twitter is on the Movers and Shakers</a> list (moving up, that is). We thought that was worth a blog post, at least.</p>",
"date": "2007-03-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Now Hiring: Senior Engineer",
"body": "<p>Twitter is looking to bolster our engineering team with an experienced developer of large-scale systems.</p> \n<p>This may be you if you love Twitter and also have: </p> \n<ul>\n <li> BS or MS in Computer Science or equivalent</li> \n <li> 5+ years of real-world software development experience</li> \n <li> Experience architecting high-volume web applications and/or messaging systems</li> \n <li> Excellent and influential communication skills with engineers and non-engineers</li> \n <li> Extensive experience programming in C, C++ and/or Java as well as scripting languages (Python, Ruby)</li> \n <li> Deep familiarity with Unix/Linux environments, HTTP, TCP-IP</li> \n <li> Experience with Jabber, Ruby on Rails, MySql a plus</li> \n <li> Strong interest in Twitter and developing a world-class Internet application</li> \n</ul>\n<p>This position is full-time in our San Francisco office. It offers a competitive salary commensurate with experience (plus benefits) in <a href=\"\">a unique company</a>.</p> \n<p>We are looking for someone who wants to play a leadership role, solving hard problems on a dynamic team (currently, 10 people). It’s sure to be <a href=\"\">an interesting ride</a>.</p> \n<p>Please email people AT with a resume.</p>",
"date": "2007-03-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Jabber IM Back",
"body": "<p>Okay, the heavy lifting for getting IM back and in good shape is mostly done. Jabber and gtalk IM users can start twittering again. Now we just need to get AIM users up to speed! Blaine is coding things up right now and he types really fast.</p>",
"date": "2007-03-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We&#39;re Front Page News!",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Mini-blog is the talk of Silicon Valley</a> - On the web this link might look like any news article but today we shared the front page of the fancy Financial Times print version just to the right of a big photo of Tony Blair. If you’re not familiar, FT is the international business newspaper that looks like someone forgot to separate their whites on laundry day.</p>",
"date": "2007-03-27T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Zoë Olivia Dibble",
"body": "<p>I cannot definitively say how many births have been Twittered at this point, but I can say that my long time friends Chad and Kami Dibble just updated on their first wee baby: <a href=\"\"></a></p> \n<p>Congratulations Chad and Kami! You are lovely people and the world is blessed with both the presence of the two of you and little Zoë.</p>",
"date": "2007-03-27T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Reminder: Standard Rates Do Apply",
"body": "<p>As you know, Twitter is a free service. However, Phil took time to remind folks today in a <a href=\"\">blog post</a> that if you choose to send and receive some of your Twitter updates by text message, standard texting rates do apply. So, (depending on your particular mobile contract) if you go over your texting limit you might get billed more. Not everyone uses texting with Twitter but if you do, it’s good to know what sort of contract you have. Is it unlimited or are you allowed only a fixed amount per month?</p> \n<p>We do state that normal rates apply in our FAQ, help pages, and other spots but Phil found some prolific Twitter-texters who were surprised that they went over and got charged. Tomorrow, we’re going to scour the site and see if there aren’t some more prominent places we can make sure folks are aware of this. In the meantime, do keep in mind that while we don’t charge for any of our Twitter services, standard rates do apply if you do text messaging on your phone.</p> \n<p>Phil also floats the idea that Twitter somehow earns money from your texting while in fact the opposite is true. We’ve negotiated for good bulk rates but we still pay for this SMS traffic just like we pay for storage, hosting, employee salaries, Odwalla bars, tea, the occasional team lunch, and all the other parts of running Twitter at Obvious HQ.</p>",
"date": "2007-03-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A Political First",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Edwards Camp Goes All A-Twittering - New York Times</a>: “Much to Scoble’s surprise, Edwards promptly Twittered a promise to offset the carbon he generated by funding alternative-energy research — marking what seems to be the first policy clarification from a major candidate on social software.”</p>",
"date": "2007-04-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter API Updates and New Documentation",
"body": "<p>Speaking of awesome Twitter projects coming out of the developer community, we’ve recently updated the Twitter API to include direct messaging and a since parameter among other things. <a href=\"\">Alex</a> spent some time documenting our API in more detail. If you’re a Twitter API developer, by all means join our group <a href=\"\">Twitter Development Talk</a> to stay in the loop on new stuff like this.</p>",
"date": "2007-04-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitterrific 2.0 is a &#34;Must Have&#34;",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitterrific 2.0 is a &quot;Must Have&quot;\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Craig Hockenberry and IconFactory have released version 2.0 of the wildly popular Twitterrific desktop application for Macintosh saying, “Version 2.0 has gone through some serious improvements since its initial release as well as several important bug fixes and represents a ‘must have’ upgrade to anyone using Twitter on the Mac.” <a href=\"\">Download Twitterrific 2.0 for free</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-04-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Let&#39;s Go Red Sox",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Twittercasting the Red Sox</a> Somebody is calling the current Red Sox game with Twitter. Follow the game via text. Futuristic? Maybe not. But neat!</p>",
"date": "2007-04-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "New York Times on 911",
"body": "<p>On the <a href=\";en=33eca3e5f7094de5&amp;ei=5090&amp;partner=rssuserland&amp;emc=rss\">front page of today’s New York Times is an article about the future of 911 calls</a>. Central to the success of the system will be message routing across various devices and platforms.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Experts are laying the groundwork for what they call Next Generation 911, which will better handle Internet-based calls, text messages, cellphone photos and other forms of communication already in common use.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Meanwhile, <a href=\"\">the current issue of the MIT Technology Review</a> explains, “Twitter is a system that quickly matches new messages coming in from members with the followers who have signed up to receive them, then retransmits them using each follower’s preferred channel.”</p> \n<p>Yes, we’re building a large-scale, device agnostic, message routing system—that’s the technical core of Twitter and it has many applications. However, we’re making it fun and social too. It’s the fun part that technology columnists occasionally <a href=\"\">get cranky about</a>. But you’ve got to cut them some slack because if you’re trying to track technology and actually keep up with every new development then you’re bound to get a little overwhelmed.</p> \n<p>Also, do you think “<a href=\"\">large-scale systems” sounds sexy?</a></p>",
"date": "2007-04-06T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Holy Pink Mashups Batman!",
"body": "<p>“<a href=\"\">Twitterverse</a> is a mashup and visualization project which mines and archives the public timeline of Twitter and provides a visualization of the most commonly used words in a given time period. You can also search by a specific word.”</p>",
"date": "2007-04-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Goes Hollywood",
"body": "<p>My friend <a href=\"\">Greg</a> directs tv shows and films and he’s got a new series premiering on FOX this Sunday night called ‘Drive.’ The show was co-created by the same guy who made Firefly (Tim Minear) and stars the same lead actor, Nathan Fillion. The series is about a secret, illegal underground race and there was a <a href=\";en=073370b0b49aac9e&amp;ei=5090&amp;partner=rssuserland&amp;emc=rss\">recent New York Times article about the groundbreaking technical achievements of ‘Drive’</a>.</p> \n<p>Anywhoo, Greg is going to do Twitter-style director’s commentary live during the premiere. As far as we know, this is a first! Follow along if you like, just text FOLLOW FOXDRIVE to 40404 or <a href=\"\">visit the profile page</a> and follow from there. The show is on this Sunday night at 8/7c. <a href=\"\">Here is the official web site</a>. Should be good times!</p>",
"date": "2007-04-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "This Is Neat!",
"body": "<p>Socializr is a free web service for sharing event and party information with your friends and they share a fondness for simplicity with Twitter. So it only makes sense they <a href=\"\">Socializr and Twitter have integrated</a>!</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>You can now click on the ‘Update Twitter’ link from an event to update your Twitter status with the event name, date, and URL.</p> \n <p>Also, you can add your Twitter URL to your Socializr profile, and your Twitter updates will automatically be integrated into your Socializr user page.”</p> \n</blockquote>",
"date": "2007-04-17T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Incorporating Twitter",
"body": "<p>By some measures, <a href=\"\">as Ev says</a>, this is just a legal technicality. Nevertheless, it is a significant milestone for Twitter. Today we are announcing the formation of Twitter, Inc. Previously, Twitter was owned and operated by <a href=\"\">Obvious, LLC</a>. Employee roles are pretty much the same since Twitter has been the main product at Obvious for some time now but yeah, there’s another company in San Francisco!</p>",
"date": "2007-04-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TwitterCamp is Open Source!",
"body": "<p>I have been lax in blogging this awesome news. Daniel Dura created this very slick visualizer for Twitter updates that works really well in a conference type setting where displaying the updates of participants back out to the crowd is quite compelling. It’s easy to customize too. <a href=\"\">Check it out!</a></p> \n<p></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"TwitterCamp is Open Source!\"></p> \n<p></p>\n<br> Daniel says, “TwitterCamp is a desktop application that allows you to monitor tweets from your friends using the popular Twitter service. The application was built for the ApolloCamp mini-conference and uses the recently released Apollo runtime alpha and Twitter API. The application is especially suited for running on large displays such as plasmas, LCDs, and projectors at conferences. It is simple to customize the interface so that you can use the application for your conference.”",
"date": "2007-04-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Down Under",
"body": "<p>Update: To clarify, we’re getting a new access number for Australia—as soon as we get the number, sms service will be back in action. We’re working on it right now and it’s a high priority.</p> \n<p>Australian users please take note! If you currently use Twitter via your mobile device instead of over IM or the Web we have some news. Right now, Twittering via sms in Australia is more expensive than it needs to be—for you and for us. Our short term solution is to suspend sms support for Australian users.</p> \n<p></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Twitter Down Under\"></p> \n<p></p>\n<br> When sms support for Australia returns it will be better all around. We’ll let you know as soon as it does. In the meantime, we recommend using Twitter over IM, Web, Twitterrific, or any of \n<a href=\"\">these interesting alternatives</a>.",
"date": "2007-04-27T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Canada, We&#39;ve Got Your Number!",
"body": "<p>If you are a Canadian Twitter-er then we’ve got a special short code for you to use with Twitter.</p> \n<p>21212</p> \n<p>Updates from folks you are following will come from 21212 and that’s the number you should send your updates too as well. (The US shortcode is still 40404.)</p>",
"date": "2007-05-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "News and Updates",
"body": "<p>Mobile Site Thanks to xhtml-mp developer, Heidi Pollock and our very own Britt Selvitelle Twitter now has a mobile site at</p> \n<p>Jobs <a href=\"\">Twitter Inc is hiring</a></p> \n<p>New International Support +447624801423 is our new UK longcode. With this new number, Australia is once again fully supported over SMS. Thanks for your patience, mates!</p> \n<p>New Feature: Block We’ve introduced a new feature lots of folks requested called “<a href=\";id=69\">block</a>.” Blocking someone means that you (and your pic) will not appear on the blocked person’s friends list, profile page, friends timeline, badge, or anywhere else.</p> \n<p>Geeking Out Twitter now fully supports microformats.</p>",
"date": "2007-05-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Australian Clarity",
"body": "<p>Here’s more information on our recent changes to our international access number for SMS user with special regard to folks in Australia. We use a UK number to support Australia, but our old number did not work for all Australians and some messages were routed in a roundabout way that was inefficient and in some cases more expensive.</p> \n<p>So, we got a new UK number that works for everyone in Australia. In order to switch numbers, we had to do some development work. If for some reason you’re an Australian Twitter-er and you’re not happy or having difficulty with our SMS feature, please do let us know.</p>",
"date": "2007-05-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "On Microformats",
"body": "<p>We’ve had some questions about what <a href=\"\">Microformats</a> mean for Twitter and developers. As one of your friendly neighborhood Twitter engineers, I’d be happy to explain.</p> \n<p>Microformats are a way of marking up HTML to give it enhanced meaning with the aim of representing certain types of information. For example, say you want to mark up a bunch of blog entries on a web page so that either a human or a machine can pick those entries out. There’s a Microformats standard called <a href=\"\">hAtom</a> that does just that, and it’s just one of several standards that we’ve implemented here on <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>. If you poke around our code you’ll see the aforementioned <a href=\"\">hAtom</a> on pages that show lists of Twitter updates, <a href=\"\">hCard</a> for the authors of those updates, <a href=\"\">XFN</a> for friends of users, and more.</p> \n<p>What’s the point? If you as a developer are more comfortable working with HTML than with <a href=\"\">our API</a>, it’s now easy for you to grab Twitter updates for projects like <a href=\"\">Greasemonkey</a> scripts, for example. It’s all about making it easier to work with the data that Twitter makes available. With the addition of Microformats, all you need to get mashing up Twitter is our site.</p> \n<p>Hopefully that clears things up. Please contribute your questions and experience to the <a href=\"\">Twitter Development Talk</a> group, and tell us about the cool stuff you build!</p>",
"date": "2007-05-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": " updates",
"body": "<p>We made a few enhancements to yesterday. Now you can check a box and have the site remember you (so you don’t have to sign in again). Also, we now display ten updates on a page instead of five. If things aren’t working perfectly on your mobile browser, please do let us know what phone and/or browser you’re using when you <a href=\"\">contact support</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-05-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Devil&#39;s in the Details",
"body": "<p>As much as we’d love to blame yesterday’s outage on scaling issues, hardware, exponential growth, rogue bots, aberrant behavior, or even our brief stint on Japanese television last night, we can’t. Having achieved a strong position with regard to scaling Twitter, we felt comfortable enough to begin optimizing lots of smaller parts of our application for maximum efficiency. We were so focused on those smaller details that we lost track of the bigger picture and the site was unresponsive for lots of folks throughout the day.</p> \n<p>What went wrong? We checked in code to provide more accurate pagination, to better distribute and optimize our messaging system—basically we just kept tweaking when we should have called it a day. Details are great but getting too caught up in them is a mistake. I’ve been CEO of Twitter for two months now and this an <a href=\"\">awesome lesson learned</a>. We’re seeing the bigger picture and Twitter is back. Please <a href=\"\">contact us</a> if something isn’t working right (with Twitter that is).</p>",
"date": "2007-05-17T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "They Are Not Ready",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"They Are Not Ready\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>When aliens are trying to decide if Earthlings are ready for them to make first contact, they no longer have to sneak down here and live among us. They only need to visit \n<a href=\"\">Twittervision’s new 3D view of what people are Twittering around the world</a> to get a sense of our planet. “Oh look,” they’ll click to one another in strange alien-speak, “They are still arguing over copyright, of all things. They’re not ready.”\n<p></p>",
"date": "2007-05-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Lovemark&#39;d",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Twitter has been nominated by Lovemarks</a>!</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>I love Twitter! I am not the first person to adopt new technology and didn’t know quite what to think when I was introduced to the product. But I gave it a try and have been pleasantly surprised by its forced simplicity (condense your musing into 140 characters) and the easy way you fall into staying connected with friends - without any overhead! Nothing to customize - you just type. Via the web, IM, your cell phone - so you can always be in touch. Technology has finally achieved something easy and fun. I love it!</p> \n <p>—Catherine, United States - 18 May 2007</p> \n</blockquote>",
"date": "2007-05-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Twitter API Respects Your Privacy",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">The Guardian Technology Blog posted incorrect information about Twitter this morning</a>. The Twitter API respects protected updates and does not have a privacy ‘glitch.’</p> \n<p>So what the heck are they talking about? Some Twitter users willingly provided their usernames and passwords to a mash-up project called Twittervision (a service unaffiliated with Twitter except that it accesses our API). They did this so they could be part of the fun and access more Twittervision features. However, Twittervision was not checking to see if any of these folks had marked their updates as “protected.” Starting today David Troy, the creator of Twittervision, tells us he’ll make sure to check for this.</p> \n<p>As a reminder, please note that mash-ups and other experimental projects built using the Twitter API are totally awesome and fun but developed by folks outside of Twitter. So, we don’t necessarily test them all out. If privacy is a concern, we remind you to refrain from supplying your Twitter username and password to other people, sites, or services. For more information about privacy, please have a look at our <a href=\"\">Privacy Policy</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-05-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What Are People Twittering About?",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"What Are People Twittering About?\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Tweetvolume is totally cool</a>. Enter a few words or phrases and see how often they appear on Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2007-05-25T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "There&#39;s Twitter in My Facebook!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"There's Twitter in My Facebook!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Twitter was invited to be one of the early participants and the new Facebook application platform. Basically, Facebook now allows developers to build applications folks can install and use inside Facebook. It’s pretty awesome. So, if you’re on Facebook, be sure to <a href=\"\">install our Twitter application</a>!</p>",
"date": "2007-05-25T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Are You Twittering @ Me?",
"body": "<p>At some point, Twitter-ers came up with their own method of directing updates to one another using an @ symbol. We started supporting this behavior by doing things like creating the in reply to link, confining the reply messages to friends in the loop, and linking the @username to a profile. Another layer of support to this behavior is a feature we launched tonight which collects updates directed at you—just in case you missed ‘em.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Are You Twittering @ Me?\" class=\"align-center\"></a>The Replies page is where you can go to see all the updates that folks have intentionally Twittered in your general direction. In other words, if somebody Twitters “<a href=\"\">@biz</a> liking the new Replies tab!” it will get saved at <a href=\"\"></a>. For more info, check out these support documents <a href=\"\">Crystal</a> wrote up: <a href=\";id=70\">What is the Replies tab?</a>, and <a href=\";id=63\">What does @username do?</a></p>",
"date": "2007-05-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter by Default in Netvibes",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter by Default in Netvibes\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Netvibes</a> is a very popular personalized start page you can use to assemble your favorite web stuff in one customizable spot. Yesterday, the nice folks over at Netvibes included Twitter in their default set of ready-made modules. Head on over to and click the Twitter link in the lower left-side column — in about three seconds you’ll be receiving and sending Twitters on your new start page. <a href=\"\">Or, you can just click here</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-05-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter in Iowa",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter in Iowa\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>Twitter user \n<a href=\"\">Derek Brooks</a> is \n<a href=\"\">featured in The Des Moines Register today</a>. “The service has actually helped Brooks cut back on communication. Rather than separately texting all his friends to learn their whereabouts, he just sends out a Twitter message.”\n<p></p>",
"date": "2007-06-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Follow. Txt. Save.",
"body": "<p>Every day we discover new and interesting uses of Twitter. Today is no exception. Our friends at <a href=\"\">Dell</a> have created a <a href=\"\">Twitter account</a> for the <a href=\";cs=22&amp;l=en&amp;s=dfh\">Dell Outlet</a>, with limited Twitter-only discounts! Text FOLLOW DELLOUTLET on your phone to <a href=\"\">our shortcode 40404</a> to be instantly alerted whenever Dell offers an amazing deal!</p>",
"date": "2007-06-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitterboom",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitterboom\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Rocketboom rocks. They have a <a href=\"\">new sponsorship model</a> and launched it first with Twitter. That’s cool beans. Plus, <a href=\"\">they have a Twitter account</a>. <a href=\"\">Twitter hearts Rocketboom</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-06-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Another Twitter User in The News",
"body": "<p>Using Twitter to track his diabetes attracted attention from other diabetics as well as a health reporter from a local NBC affiliate. Check out <a href=\"\">Scott’s blog post about the experience</a> and watch the clip.</p>",
"date": "2007-06-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "WWDC, who&#39;s in?",
"body": "<p>Going to <a href=\"\">Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference</a>? Want to know who else there is using Twitter? Our friends at <a href=\"\">IconFactory</a> have <a href=\"\">updated</a> the much loved <a href=\"\">Twitterrific</a> application to let you know when other Twitter users are near!:</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Twitterrific now scans for other users on the local network using Bonjour. When your friends are “close by” their avatar image will have a white outline. You can also use Cmd-B to see a list of all people on the local network that are using Twitterrific and their last tweet. Hopefully, this will be effective in environments where Twitter users are in the same physical space (such as WWDC). Thanks to Jack Dorsey for the idea.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>If you have a Mac and will be attending, <a href=\"\">download the WWDC edition of Twitterrific</a> (even if you won’t be attending, you can see who on your local network is also using Twitter). See you at the keynote!</p>",
"date": "2007-06-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Follow Live Earth and Save The Planet",
"body": "<p>The folks from <a href=\"\">Live Earth</a> are Twittering in a really cool way. Each update is also an easy tip — a simple way to make our world just a little bit greener. For example, <a href=\"\">if we all fixed our leaky faucets</a> we’d save $1.3 billion a year. So, <a href=\"\">follow Live Earth on Twitter</a> and get in the game!</p>",
"date": "2007-06-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "164",
"body": "<p> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"164\" class=\"align-center\"></a> </p>",
"date": "2007-06-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter+Multimap",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Announcing the Multimap Twitter Bot</a>: “The Multimap twitter bot helps you to access the same maps, directions and local information that you find on by simply sending direct messages via twitter. You can also find the closest wikipedia entries to a location and get directions to the closest wikipedia entry!”</p>",
"date": "2007-06-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Rolling on Rails: Under the Hood at Twitter",
"body": "<p>There’s been a lot of interest in how things run under the hood here at Twitter. If you’re one of the curious, join me for a geeky interlude.</p> \n<p>Twitter started out on Rails because it’s the best framework for a rapidly evolving web application. We’ve never had more than three engineers working on Twitter since its inception, and with that small team we’ve managed to accomplish a ton thanks to the elegance of Ruby and the power of Rails. We can happily say that neither Ruby nor Rails will be out of the Twitter picture any time soon. We stand by the superb engineers at <a href=\"\">Powerset</a> in saying that “Ruby as a whole is ready for the big show.”</p> \n<p>We hit some scaling stumbling blocks a few months back, but not because Ruby or Rails was working against us. Once Twitter reached a certain amount of traffic we were forced to rethink our architecture; you don’t build a messaging system the same way you build a content management system. We set about developing custom solutions both inside and outside our Rails application. We also made good use of web scaling standbys: caching, database optimization, more hardware, and shared experience. Throughout this scramble to scale, Ruby and Rails were assets for their speed of development and creative, helpful communities.</p> \n<p>For stressed engineers, it’s tempting to think that another solution - anything but what you’re using now! - will solve all your problems. Maybe you start dreaming up the perfect framework on a whiteboard, or maybe you start scouring the web for the fastest, newest, most experimental technology. In the long run, picking a foundation you’re comfortable with and making sensible iterations towards your performance goals will yield a bigger win. You have to be careful while iterating: <a href=\"\">watch your database</a>, test thoroughly, and be ready to roll back when things break (and they will).</p> \n<p>With great tools, constant learning, and hard work, you can be successful without reinventing the wheel. Rails is our chosen wheel, and we’re rolling right along with it. If you’d like to know more about our successes with Ruby and Rails, check out our presentations from <a href=\"\">the Silicon Valley Ruby Conference 2007</a> and <a href=\"\">RailsConf 2007</a>. We hope to have some code to share along with our experience in the near future.</p>",
"date": "2007-06-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter in Wired",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense</a>: “Twitter substitutes for the glances and conversations we had before we became a nation of satellite employees.”</p>",
"date": "2007-06-27T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Downloads",
"body": "<p>Have you checked out our new <a href=\"\">downloads page</a>? Free applications for Windows, Mac, and Firefox thanks to some smart Twitter fans and our API. As always, there’s more over at the <a href=\"\">Fan Wiki</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-07-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Recognized by TIME",
"body": "<p><a href=\",28804,1633488_1633608_1633637,00.html\"> - 50 Best Websites 2007 - TIME</a></p>",
"date": "2007-07-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "iPhones at Twitter HQ",
"body": "<p> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"iPhones at Twitter HQ\" class=\"align-center\"></a> </p>",
"date": "2007-07-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Rocks",
"body": "<p><a href=\"//\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Rocks\" class=\"align-center\"></a> </p>\n<p class=\"indent\"><a href=\"\">Twitter Rocks</a><br> Originally uploaded by <a href=\"\">Robert Scoble</a></p> \n<p>Robert Scoble wrote this message in the sand in Half Moon Bay, CA and twenty seconds later it was wiped away by the waves. Awesome, thanks Robert!</p>",
"date": "2007-07-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter&#39;s Drinking Water Strategy",
"body": "<p>It occurs to us that paying to have water bottled and shipped to our office when clean drinking water flows from the tap is silly, to say the least. In fact, some might even say it’s socially, ecologically, and financially irresponsible.</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Many people suffer without access to reliable drinking water</li> \n <li>The bottled water industry creates lots of garbage and pollution</li> \n <li>Bottled water costs way more than tap water</li> \n</ul>\n<p>However, it’s important that folks drink water every day so we’ve devised an official Twitter, Inc water strategy. First, we stopped delivery of bottled water. Next, we’re going to buy a <a href=\";Category=52\">nifty water bottle</a> for everyone who works at Twitter and install a filter on the tap so the water is even tastier.</p> \n<p>When guests visit our office, we’ll offer them drinking water from our limited stock of <a href=\"\">Ethos water</a>. Ethos works to help children around the world get clean water and raise awareness of the world water crisis.</p>",
"date": "2007-07-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Crystal: support superhero!",
"body": "<p>I was proud and happy to wake up to the following email:</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Good Day Jack,</p> \n <p>I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank one of your employees, who has been helping me with a serial problem over the last few weeks. Her name is <a href=\"\">Crystal</a> and she has given exemplary service in my opinion.</p> \n <p>We had someone who had set up a couple of sites using twitter and was using them to spread false information. At first this was almost funny, but later became more serious. As soon as I pointed out that this person had overstepped the line, the sites were frozen in accordance with your terms and conditions.</p> \n <p>I am pleased to find somewhere on the Internet that I could recommend to anyone knowing that abuse will not be tolerated, and where the staff are so efficient and helpful.</p> \n <p>Best Regards,</p> \n <p>David Parr<br> St. Helens, UK</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Crystal continues to amaze us (and Twitter users) every day! Have a question, issue, or some feedback? <a href=\"\">Contact us!</a></p>",
"date": "2007-07-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Friends, Followers, and Notifications",
"body": "<p>Lots of folks have noted that there’s too much overlap and confusion between “friend” and “follow.” They both mean “I want this person’s updates” so why do we need them both? Good point, it turns out we don’t. As Twitter has evolved, these two concepts have emerged in parallel and clouded things up. So, in the spirit of simplification, we’ve made a change.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Friends, Followers, and Notifications\" class=\"align-center\">After careful consideration and user testing, we are no longer going to define people as your “friends.” The functionality of adding people remains, but the interaction is focused on the term “follow” instead. We’ve also added a “notifications” toggle which allows you to turn on updates via SMS or IM on a person-by-person basis.</p> \n<p>The new button for these features is prominently placed so it’s possible you’ll notice more folks following your updates. If you’d rather not be notified when you attract a new follower, you can adjust your account settings. Please try out the new functionality! Hopefully, you’ll find it easier and more intuitive.</p>",
"date": "2007-07-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A Twitter Turnaround",
"body": "<p>Dan from Wireless Is Fun has spotted <a href=\"\">an interesting Twitter Turnaround</a>. Howard Lindzon decided to join Twitter and only post about going to the toilet—a commentary if you will, on his perception of Twitter’s value to society.<br><img src=\"\" alt=\"A Twitter Turnaround\" class=\"align-center\">However, when an explosion rocked Manhattan Howard turned instantly to Twitter, “No more joking about toilets. No more ambiguity. Lindzon uses the one tool he bashes and pokes fun at to inform and hopefully inform himself of a crisis situation.”</p>",
"date": "2007-07-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "@johnedwards",
"body": "<p>On July 23rd immediately following the Youtube/CNN debate John Edwards will answer questions from Twitter users in a live webcast on <a href=\"\"></a>. He wants twitter-ers to @<a href=\"\">johnedwards</a> some questions in advance. Pretty cool.</p>",
"date": "2007-07-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Taking a bite out of the big apple",
"body": "<p>First, Twitter was a fun side project, then it was cared for lovingly at <a href=\"\">Obvious</a> until it was time to <a href=\"\">form Twitter, Inc</a>. Today, we’re excited to announce an important moment for Twitter. We’ve raised funding from our friends in New York City at <a href=\"\">Union Square Ventures</a>.</p> \n<p>From some of his <a href=\"\">early writing</a> about Twitter we had a hunch <a href=\"\">Fred Wilson</a> was someone we’d get along with. After we met with Fred and his team, we knew we wanted to work together. As Fred’s written in <a href=\"\">his post about the news</a>, Twitter is going to use this funding to grow our resources and focus on the important tasks ahead.</p> \n<p>To help us achieve these goals we’re also working with our old friends out here on the West Coast at <a href=\"\">Charles River Ventures</a>. In addition, we’re honored to include some folks we’ve been inspired by as angel investors including Marc Andreessen, Dick Costolo, Ron Conway, and Naval Ravikant to name a few.</p> \n<p>Twitter has had such an awesome start and now we’re even more excited to keep up the momentum. We’re very much looking forward to building a strong and sustainable company. If you want to be part of Twitter, please consider <a href=\"\">joining us</a>. It’s going to be fun.</p>",
"date": "2007-07-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter and Greenpeace",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">The Ocean Doctor</a> is Twittering from aboard the Greenpeace ship “Esperanza.” They’re currently in the Bering Sea using submarines to explore undersea canyons. Follow along!</p>",
"date": "2007-07-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter for Quickness",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Internet becomes lifeline, record</a>: “Erica Mauter, for instance, found out about the bridge collapse via Twitter. The relatively new and popular ‘microblogging’ site, usually reserved for cheeky and banal mini-posts (‘sunburn from this weekend is starting to peel’), erupted in the Twin Cities on Wednesday as local users tweet-ed almost exclusively about the accident.”</p>",
"date": "2007-08-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "LFG",
"body": "<p>It’s a busy weekend in gaming with both QuakeCon in Dallas and BlizzCon in Anaheim. Unable to go? Fortunately, Twitter users are there to let you know the latest.</p> \n<p>I’ll be following <a href=\"\">Harpere</a> who’s covering all the announcements from Blizzard. (Woot! Another WoW expansion!)</p> \n<p>And the <a href=\"\">Frag Dolls</a> have the latest from Dallas including their search for the newest member of their pro gaming team.</p>",
"date": "2007-08-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "iJustine &lt;3&#39;s Twitter",
"body": "<p> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"iJustine <3's Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></a> </p>",
"date": "2007-08-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "PC World - LA Fire Department all &#39;aTwitter&#39;",
"body": "<p><a href=\",135518-c,webservices/article.html\">How the LAFD uses Twitter</a>: “The fire department uses Twitter to post information about fires or other emergencies that it is responding to. These messages are then sent to users signed up to receive the information on their mobile devices.”</p>",
"date": "2007-08-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Pixely",
"body": "<p> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Pixely\" class=\"align-center\"></a> </p>",
"date": "2007-08-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "I See London",
"body": "<p>Looks like the first ever <a href=\"\">London Tweetup was a success</a>: “So last night was the first ever London Twitter Meetup. I think it’s ok for me to say it was a success because everyone I spoke to last night seemed to have fun and the buzz on Twitter this morning is that it was a good night out.” Sounds like it was a lot of fun—would have been great to be there.</p>",
"date": "2007-08-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Where In The World Is Aric McKeown?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">The Game Least Dangerous</a>: “Two Saturdays each month Aric McKeown gets lost and locals in his social network must track him down. McKeown sends them clues through Twitter. For example: ‘Bob Dylan has a lifetime ban.’ ‘Derived from an Aldous Huxley Title.’ ‘Founded by a circus performer.’ (Answer: Brave New Workshop.) A bounty of riches await the first to find McKeown. Thus goes the aptly named ‘The Least Dangerous Game,’ a bi-monthly event invented and run by McKeown, who kindly made himself available to answer City Pages’ probing questions.”</p>",
"date": "2007-08-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Apple Universe with Daniel Brusilovsky",
"body": "<p>Yesterday, 14 year old Daniel Brusilovsky came by the Twitter office and interviewed me. Then he stuck around for lunch at Specialties and worked from an extra desk—he was coding up a new version of his site.</p> \n<p>Daniel had some great questions about Twitter and asked them with authority. You can listen to our conversation here: <a href=\"\">Apple Universe with Daniel Brusilovsky</a>. Thanks Daniel!</p>",
"date": "2007-08-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Investigating Some Spottiness",
"body": "<p>We’re currently working with our hosting provider to identify a solution for some spotty performance today. It’s not affecting everyone but it’s annoying. We’re currently investigating and we’ll keep you posted.</p> \n<p><strong>Update</strong> (8/16 4:40p): After a long night and some more work this morning, we’ve resolved the slowness that was affecting most users. Sorry for the spottiness.</p>",
"date": "2007-08-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "This Time in Italy",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Ho scritto Twitter sulla sabbia</a>. Another addition to the sand writing meme started by Robert Scoble and iJustine. This time in Italy.</p>",
"date": "2007-08-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A Guide to Twitter in Libraries",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">iLibrarian breaks it down</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-08-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "New: Accessible Captcha with Recaptcha",
"body": "<p>Today <a href=\"\">we updated Twitter’s Join page</a> to use <a href=\"\">recaptcha</a>. Now we can separate the humans from the spambots in style. ReCaptcha is not only fully accessible featuring an audio option, it also helps make information more accessible to the world with it’s innovative book digitizing concept.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"New: Accessible Captcha with Recaptcha\" class=\"align-center\"><br> “About 60 million CAPTCHAs are solved by humans around the world every day. In each case, roughly ten seconds of human time are being spent. Individually, that’s not a lot of time, but in aggregate these little puzzles consume more than 150,000 hours of work each day. What if we could make positive use of this human effort? reCAPTCHA does exactly that by channeling the effort spent solving CAPTCHAs online into ‘reading’ books.” Learn more about <a href=\"\">how recaptcha works</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-08-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Searching Twitter",
"body": "<p>We’ve just added Profile Search to Twitter! Now you can search across profile information like name, location, bio, and url. That means you can find more people to follow. The search box is over on the right when you’re signed in. Go ahead and find other Twitter-ers in San Francisco, New York, or Tokyo or find out your friends are already Twittering and you didn’t even know it!</p>",
"date": "2007-08-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter and Gmail",
"body": "<p>Who from your Gmail address book is already on Twitter? You might be surprised when you try out our newest feature. <a href=\"\">Fred tried it</a> and found some new people to follow. <a href=\"\">Duncan checked it out too</a>. There’s no time like the present, so <a href=\"\">try the new Gmail thingy</a> we made!</p>",
"date": "2007-08-27T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Friday Fun: Explore Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Friday Fun: Explore Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We’ve been working with the fine folks over at <a href=\"\">Stamen Design</a> to help us look at our data from a different perspective. They’re masters of visualizing information in interesting ways—they worked on Digg Labs, for example. While we were working, a fun idea emerged and we thought it would be something worth sharing: <a href=\"\">Check out Twitter Blocks</a>!</p> \n<p>Blocks is an abstract, interactive, three-dimensional, Flash application for exploring your neighborhood or “block.” It’s also one of several interesting, alternative, or experimental ways to interact with Twitter we will continue to showcase at <a href=\"\">Explore Twitter</a>—a new part of Twitter initially sponsored by Motorola.</p>",
"date": "2007-08-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Posts Not Posting?",
"body": "<p>Some friends have chimed in to let us know that our update form is not quite living up to its full potential. In other words, their posts aren’t posting every time. We’re looking at this right now. As soon as we can reproduce it, we’ll identify and fix!</p> \n<p><strong>UPDATE</strong><br> Fixed! This issue was limited to people using instead of We’ve fixed the routing and all is well!</p>",
"date": "2007-08-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter in Sally Forth",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter in Sally Forth\" class=\"align-center\"></p>",
"date": "2007-08-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Breaking Mac News",
"body": "<p>Apple will be hosting a Media Event on September 5th, 2007 at 10 AM Pacific. New iPods are widely expected and <a href=\"\">macrumors will be twittering</a> from the event. Follow Macrumors on Twitter and get the news before the people who report the news.</p>",
"date": "2007-09-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Follow 71Miles",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">71Miles</a> is “The definitive guide to weekend trips around major cities” and they’re experimenting with an interesting Twitter idea. If you <a href=\"\">follow 71Miles on Twitter</a>, they’ll send you rare bargains to exclusive spas and hotels in Northern California. You’ll receive occasional text messages with a phone number to call and instructions to mention 71miles. It’s high-end secret-agent style and deals are pretty good. The one they’ve got up there now is 50% off a fancy hotel and spa in Monterey, CA. Here’s the <a href=\"\">71Miles review of Monterey, CA</a>. Tiny micro-vacations to nearby spots are a good time especially when it’s half the price.</p>",
"date": "2007-09-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "APEC Updates",
"body": "<p><a href=\",,5013109,00.html\">Aussie Journos Twittering from APEC 2007 Sydney Summit</a>: “Get the lowdown on the streets and behind the barriers as 21 world leaders hit Sydney for APEC 2007, courtesy of Twitter.” And <a href=\"\">here’s the Twitter profile</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-09-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Make Your Own Twitter Shirt",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Make Your Own Twitter Shirt\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Check this out! You can <a href=\"\">customize your own Twitter shirt using Reactee</a>. Pick colors and choose your text. Might be a fun way to get more followers at a conference or party.</p>",
"date": "2007-09-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Thu, 09/06/2007 - 12:28",
"body": "<p>During our scheduled maintenance window we experienced some unexpected heavy traffic at 3a PT. We’ve been working throughout the night to resolve the issues and get back to 100% functionality as soon as possible.</p> \n<p><strong>UPDATE</strong></p> \n<p>We’re back up and stable. We’ll be watching all systems closely for the next few hours. In the meantime, we’re getting more machines to keep us up and fast!</p> \n<p>Thank you for your patience.</p>",
"date": "2007-09-06T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter for News",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Live on Wikipedia: Jennifer Dunn dies</a>: “At 9:12 a.m., minutes before P-I reporter Neil Modie learned about Jennifer Dunn’s death, and before it had hit any news site or could be found on a Google News search, the former Congresswoman’s death had already been reported on Wikipedia. </p> \n<p>Its source? It was added at 9:19 — a breaking news alert from Twitter.”</p>",
"date": "2007-09-06T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter In Vegas for MTV Video Music Awards",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter In Vegas for MTV Video Music Awards\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We’re heading to Las Vegas this weekend to be part of <a href=\"\">MTV’s Video Music Awards</a>. This year, MTV has introduced a bunch of artists to Twitter and they’re going to integrate the celebrity status updates into this weekend’s on-air programming. You can of course follow these bands on Twitter: <a href=\"\">Follow VMA</a>.</p> \n<p>Timbaland got to Vegas early and started Twittering. Daughtry arrived today, and others will follow. MTV also created this cool feature for their site which pulls in Twitter updates as well as video, news, and blog posts. Also, here’s the <a href=\"\">Twitter feed alone</a> on the MTV web site.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter In Vegas for MTV Video Music Awards\" class=\"align-center\"></p>",
"date": "2007-09-07T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Oh Geez",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Cottyn | Fresh-Picked T-Shirts</a>: “In the old days, people had to guess what their friends were doing every 5 minutes. How’d we ever get by?” This is a good link for a Friday afternoon.</p>",
"date": "2007-09-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We love phones.",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"We love phones.\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>And we love to test Twitter on them! Do you <a href=\"\">Twitter from a phone</a>? Which one?</p>",
"date": "2007-09-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Alissa Huskey, Engineer",
"body": "<p>Twitter grew a little more this week when Alissa Huskey officially joined our engineering team. So far, the team has pretty much been imported from outside San Francisco including such exotic locales as Canada, Kentucky, and Washington DC. We found Alissa in Los Angeles and she’s now moved to San Francisco as well. Welcome, <a href=\"\">Alissa</a>!</p>",
"date": "2007-09-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tracking Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Tracking Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>One of the driving philosophies behind Twitter has always been to get away from the computer, get out there and do something, and tell your friends about it in real-time. That’s why Twitter works over IM and text messaging—you can bring your phone almost anywhere to interact and share.</p> \n<p>You can follow friends on your phone through Twitter, but what about concepts? What if you wanted an update anytime anyone mentioned your name, your favorite band, “NYC,” “earthquake,” or “Steve Jobs?” In real-time? What if you were attending an event and wanted to know who else was there?</p> \n<p>Today we’re releasing a tiny feature to do just that, and we’re calling it “Track.” If you’ve <a href=\"\">set up your phone or IM</a> on Twitter, you can send a command like:</p> \n<p>track NYC</p> \n<p>When someone (anyone who updates in public) mentions “NYC,” you’ll get it on your device in real-time. From there you can send “whois username” to find out more about that person, or “follow username” to follow his or her updates. Don’t want to receive anymore about NYC? Toggle it off with:</p> \n<p>untrack NYC</p> \n<p>You can create as many of these as you want, so send “track drinking tea”, “track iphone”, “track walking san francisco” and you’ll receive matches for all. Want to get a list of what you’re currently tracking? Send “track” alone (or “stats”). Turn them all off by sending “track off”.</p> \n<p>We love this technology, and hope you do too. We’re continuing to refine and play with it, so please send your feedback!</p> \n<p>What will you track?</p>",
"date": "2007-09-25T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Scheduled",
"body": "<p>We’ve moved the two hour downtime that was scheduled earlier this week. It will be on Sunday from 6-8p instead. During this downtime we’ll be upgrading our database hardware which unfortunately can’t be done while the site is online. </p> \n<p>In the past, we’ve not done as good a job at giving advance notice when we need to bring the site down. Whenever possible, we will try to give 24 hours notice from now on (usually via a notice on your Twitter homepage).</p> \n<p>Of course, avoiding downtime at all is the bigger goal. Scheduled maintenance, like the one this Sunday, will help Twitter to run more smoothly.</p>",
"date": "2007-09-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Where&#39;s the &#39;Older&#39; Link?",
"body": "<p>Some folks have noticed that the ‘older’ link is missing at the bottom of the timeline—this is not a permanent change. We had to take it out yesterday during a kind of bot-storm because it was negatively affecting site performance during this unusual activity. We’re going to get it back in there asap. (We know some people like to catch up on the Web).</p>",
"date": "2007-10-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tracking Zeitgeist: &#39;Overheard&#39;",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Twitter Track</a> has been tracking concepts, interests, and keywords over SMS and IM for nearly 2 weeks now. One of the most popular keywords being tracked is overheard. It’s kinda like <a href=\"\">Overheard in New York</a>—but global. Some recent matches:</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Overheard in the hallway: “hey, we know each other through Twitter!” –<a href=\"\">Alex de Carvalho</a></p> \n</blockquote> \n<blockquote>\n <p> Overheard: “so you know I’m donating my kidney to my sister…” –<a href=\"\">Chris Wetherell</a></p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>To track what other people are overhearing, send track overheard to Twitter. Had enough? Send untrack overheard. Have you overheard something you must share with others? Simply include the word overheard in your update and share it with others. What interesting words are you tracking on Twitter?</p>",
"date": "2007-10-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We Just Doubled Our Operations Team",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"We Just Doubled Our Operations Team\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Tonight we’re taking our new Operations Engineer, <a href=\"\">Jay Edwards</a> out to dinner to welcome him to the Twitter team. Jay moved here from Texas to help us do all the behind-the-scenes stuff that’s critical to improving Twitter and growing the service. Yay for Jay!</p>",
"date": "2007-10-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Teach42",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">What I learned from Twitter today</a>. “This wasn’t a staff development day. It wasn’t a workshop. It wasn’t a conference or even a meeting. This was simply Thursday.”</p>",
"date": "2007-10-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Can Twitter help us lose the last 10 pounds?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Back in skinny jeans: Can Twitter help us lose the last 10 pounds?</a>: “I’m going to use Twitter to track my daily going ons on my journey to drop these last 10 pounds. Anyone is welcome to join in and follow me.” <a href=\"\">SkinnyJeans</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-10-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Following the Fire",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">California Fire Followers Set Twitter Ablaze</a>: “Twitter users <a href=\"\">Nate Ritter</a> and <a href=\"\">Viss</a> have been busy posting rapid-fire updates of the current wildfire situation in Southern California. Both of them are on the scene in San Diego, and they are doing an excellent job of providing information and news about evacuations, meeting points and anything important that local residents would need to know.”</p>",
"date": "2007-10-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hello, Veronica!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Hello, Veronica!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Veronica Belmont shares office space with us here in San Francisco at Twitter World Headquarters. Check out the <a href=\"\">trailer for Mahalo Daily</a>, her new video podcast which accompanies <a href=\"\">Mahalo</a>, “the human-powered search engine.” The trailer includes special guest Jason Calacanis, founder of Mahalo. Also, you can follow <a href=\"\">Veronica</a> and <a href=\"\">Jason</a> on Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2007-10-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "ThinCloud Featured at",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"ThinCloud Featured at\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Apple calls this popular Twitter Web App</a> “The most ‘Twitter’ like experience you’ll find on an iPhone.” The killer features? Huge buttons and optimized for EDGE. To try it out, head over to on your iPhone and click the Twitter link.</p>",
"date": "2007-10-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Christopher Watson to Go on &#39;Very First&#39; Cruise",
"body": "<p>Twitter user <a href=\"\">lamp</a> wrote in to our PR contact address to let us know he’s planning on keeping us posted during his first ever Caribbean cruise on the <a href=\"\">Carnival Freedom</a> out of Miami next month.</p> \n<p>Mr. Watson says he sets sail on November 12 but he plans on starting his updates one day earlier, on November 11. He’ll be using <a href=\"\">PocketTweets</a> with his 16GB <a href=\"\">iPod touch</a> and the ship-wide Wi-Fi.</p> \n<p>“Wherever I happen to be on the boat, whatever I happen to be doing, I’ll send in updates. The itinerary takes me from Miami to Key West to Cozumel, Mexico and back. The Freedom is one of Carnival’s newest and biggest ships. There will be LOTS to Twitter about.”</p> \n<p>Mr. Watson contacted us via email adding, “Just thought I’d let you guys know.”</p> \n<p>Well, now we know! Bon Voyage, Mr. Watson. We’re looking forward to those updates—be sure to send us a photo wearing your Twitter t-shirt and be careful not to fall overboard (there might be sharks).</p>",
"date": "2007-10-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tracking the Quake",
"body": "<p>We had a pretty big earthquake in the Bay Area last night and it was very well Twittered. <a href=\"\">Read Mad Dog in The Fog’s account of using Twitter’s track feature to follow the action</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-10-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Follow The Writer&#39;s Strike on Twitter",
"body": "<p>Here’s a fitting way to stay up to date on the Writer’s Strike that’s going on right now—follow <a href=\"\">writersstrike</a> on Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2007-11-07T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Bay Area Oil Spill Biggest since &#39;96",
"body": "<p>Are you a surfer, swimmer, or beach goer in the San Francisco Bay Area? You should check out this Twitter account.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">SFSurfrider</a>: “Ocean Beach is now contaminated. Oil globs throughout the surf zone. Stay out of the water”</p> \n<p>That message and more like it if you follow SFSurfrider on Twitter. Click the link or text FOLLOW SFSURFRIDER to 40404 to get the updates.</p>",
"date": "2007-11-08T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Is That Foamee?",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Is That Foamee?\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Designer extraordinaire <a href=\"\">Dan Cederholm</a> has brewed up a very creative Twitter app. <a href=\"\">Foamee</a> is an IOU system built on Twitter that helps you track who you owe beers (and who owes you a beer). Just follow <a href=\"\">ioubeer</a> and then send it @replies. <a href=\"\">Here’s the how-to for specifics</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-11-09T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "This Is Neat",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"This Is Neat\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Make your feelings known with <a href=\"\">plusplusbot</a>. You can ++ (pronounced “plusplus”) or — (“minusminus”) anything. Think brownie points (but archived forever). Here’s how it works:</p> \n<ol>\n <li>Make sure you have a Twitter account</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Follow plusplusbot</a></li> \n <li>If you love something add ++ after it like this:</li> \n</ol>\n<blockquote>\n <p>coffee++ because it keeps me alert</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>You’ll get a confirmation message with coffee’s current score, and will update itself. (To indicate your displeasure, use — after a target name.)</p>",
"date": "2007-11-16T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter on CSI",
"body": "<p><br> If you’re a CSI fan, you might have caught this episode featuring Twitter as one of the clues used to solve the mystery.</p>",
"date": "2007-11-27T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Congratulations?",
"body": "<p>We’re not sure exactly what he means but Anil Dash has just asserted that he has <a href=\"\">won at Twitter</a>. Congratulations Anil!</p>",
"date": "2007-11-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "m",
"body": "<p>If you browse the mobile web on your phone you might like to check out We added a couple features.</p> \n<ol>\n <li>Find Folks (people search)</li> \n <li>Join (we didn’t have this before)</li> \n</ol>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"m\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>The picture above approximates the look of people search results on a Sony Ericsson k750i.</p>",
"date": "2007-11-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Uncluttering with Twitter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Alex takes a tour of Twitter apps that might help unclutter your life</a>: “Working on Twitter, I see all sorts of interesting uses of our service. Twitter is a great way to keep up with friends and family, but it can also be a great way to keep up with everything going on in your life without cluttering things up with sticky notes, emails, and other junk. Clever developers have come up with extensions to Twitter’s functionality purpose–built for notes, events, reminders, and even whom you owe a beer to.”</p>",
"date": "2007-11-30T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Vint Cerf: &#34;Twitter Is The Future!&#34;",
"body": "<p>The Guardian asked Vint Cerf, one of the founding fathers of the Internet and current Chief Internet Evangelist at Google, to tell readers what the future holds. That’s easy: Twitter!</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Twitter has emerged to create a seamless layer of social connectivity across SMS, IM, and the web…The potential for this simple form of hybrid communication technology is strong.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Cerf believes Twitter to be one of the most exciting areas of development on the web. That’s exciting to us. Read the article here: <a href=\"\">Tell me the future | Media | The Guardian</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-03T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Database Restart",
"body": "<p>We’ve just restarted the Twitter database which may have caused slowness and in some cases prevented folks from getting to the web site. The interruption is over with now but that’s what it was in case you were wondering.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-04T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hiring Biz (Dev)!",
"body": "<p>As Biz stated a <a href=\"\">couple posts back</a>, Twitter is growing! We’re constantly looking for amazing people to join our team in San Francisco. Interested in building out Twitter’s business relationships? Have experience negotiating with mobile operators, here and abroad? Check this out:</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>International Business Development Manager</p> \n <p>Twitter is seeking a Business Development Manager who is focused on bringing Twitter’s potential to mobile and IM operators the world over. You’ll be tasked with building and maintaining strategic partner relationships and dedicated to producing results in the form of cost-reduction, localized promotion, and revenue.</p> \n <p>Responsibilities:</p> \n <ul>\n <li>Identifying and building a pipeline of prospects</li> \n <li>Negotiating and closing deals (term sheets, contracts)</li> \n <li>Managing relationships</li> \n <li>Interfacing with multiple functional groups within Twitter (e.g. marketing and engineering) to successfully harvest relationships.</li> \n </ul>\n <p>Requirements:</p> \n <ul>\n <li>Experience in international business development</li> \n <li>Exceptional verbal and written communication skills</li> \n <li>Exceptional interpersonal skills and ability to develop strong working relationships</li> \n <li>Extensive knowledge of mobile operator business models, utility services, and consumer Internet technology</li> \n <li>Extensive negotiation and closing experience (including legal aspects)</li> \n <li>Ability to meet multiple objectives in an entrepreneurial environment with little supervision</li> \n <li>Prior experience working with mobile operators is a must</li> \n <li>Prior experience working in a startup technology company preferred</li> \n <li>International travel necessary</li> \n <li>Fluency in multiple languages is a plus</li> \n <li>BA or BS degree (MBA preferred)</li> \n <li>Located in San Francisco</li> \n </ul>\n</blockquote> \n<p>See yourself (or someone you know) here? <a href=\"\">Join us!</a></p>",
"date": "2007-12-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "New Replies Settings",
"body": "<p>It’s interesting to watch as the Replies feature on Twitter evolves. This feature was not originally part of Twitter until people started doing it. Then we began linking the updates together and enough people started using it that requests for specific levels of control began rolling in. We received enough feedback from folks who enjoy using the @replies feature to create a new setting.<br><img src=\"\" alt=\"New Replies Settings\" class=\"align-center\">Essentially, we’ve added more control to the @replies setting on Twitter. Head on over to <a href=\"\">Settings &gt; Notices</a> if you want to tune the level of incoming @replies you receive. There’s also a <a href=\";id=85\">help article about the @reply settings</a> if you want to learn more.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Since You Been Gong",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Since You Been Gong\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Aaron Gong has been quietly helping us get things done here at Twitter HQ as Office Manager since October. He’s also chipping in with support emails and helping schedule meetings for the illustrious Mr. Dorsey. The Twitter team is growing—a belated welcome blog post to <a href=\"\">Aaron Gong</a>!</p>",
"date": "2007-12-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Inspired?",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Inspired?\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>I’m not sure if it’s accidental or some kind of Twitter Contagion when this sort of thing happens. Willo mentions soup which makes me think of the soup I just had from Whole Foods which makes buzz think about Whole Foods’ beer selection.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-07T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Welcome, Ben!",
"body": "<blockquote>\n <p>Q: Who was the Senior Wireless UI Designer that recently left Samsung Design Europe to join our team at Twitter HQ here in sunny San Francisco?<br> A: Ben Fullerton!</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Samsung’s loss is our gain. Today is <a href=\"\">Ben</a>’s first official day as Twitter Interaction Designer.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Overheard anything good lately?",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Overheard anything good lately?\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Check out <a href=\"\"></a>! The most popular word to track on Twitter is “overheard” so this new project by the folks who brought you <a href=\"\">Snitter</a> is going to be interesting to watch. Here’s how it works in their own words:<br><a href=\"\"></a></p> \n<blockquote>\n <p><a href=\"\"></a> is a fun site that pulls in all the fun things people overhear on Twitter. The site was thought of, designed and built by the fine folks at <a href=\"\">Sidebar Creative</a>.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>You can interact with a few different ways. If your Twitter updates are unprotected, you can start your update with the word “overheard” and it will show up on the site. Follow @<a href=\"\">overheard</a> and you can preface your updates with OH or overheard. Finally, you can submit anonymous updates by sending a direct message to <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Posses at PBS",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">MediaShift Idea Lab Twitter posses | PBS</a>: “Our small group suggested having reporters at newspapers or magazines begin using the immediacy and interactivity of Twitter. A beat reporter could enlist a dozen or two dozen passionate, driven readers to serve as a kind of Twitter posse.” Cool idea!</p>",
"date": "2007-12-13T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Maintenance This Saturday",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Maintenance This Saturday\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We have a big maintenance job to do this weekend. There’s a note in the Twitter UI now but it bears repeating here. We’re going to be taking Twitter offline this Saturday from 10am to 10pm PST for maintenance. This includes the web site, SMS interaction, IM interaction, and even API projects like Twitterrific. Tell your friends!</p> \n<p><strong>Update (12/15 3p):</strong> Our team has been working since early this morning on the maintenance. The good news is we’ve been able to hold off bringing down the site for a bit longer than expected (which is why was still accessible during the day). We do anticipate bringing the service offline in a couple hours. We will update the blog with additional info on these plans.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hey, We Won!",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Best Web LittleCo of 2007: Twitter</a>: “Twitter is undoubtedly new and disruptive. In a year in which you can count on one hand the number of disruptive Web products (iPhone would be another), Twitter stands out…” <a href=\"\">Facebook wins the Best Web BigCo of 2007</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "140 Characters or Less",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">US local site adapts to Twitter format for breaking news</a>: “US local newspaper the Nashua Telegraph has been experimenting with Twitter for its breaking news coverage.”</p>",
"date": "2007-12-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "T-Mobile + Twitter",
"body": "<p>We’ve been tracking a missed connection between T-Mobile and Twitter for the past few days. &nbsp;If you’re a T-Mobile customer using Twitter in the United States over our shortcode 40404, you may see&nbsp;intermittent&nbsp;failures (both with sending and receiving updates). &nbsp;We’re working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. &nbsp;Thank you for your patience!</p> \n<p><strong>Update (12/15 3p)</strong>: We’re still working on this and believe it to be a technical issue happening between T-Mobile and the folks who help run our text messaging. At this time we do not believe it to be a policy issue (as has been speculated). We’re hoping for a resolution soon and will let you know when we know more.</p> \n<p>Update (12/15 4:30p): We’ve received word this issue has been resolved. &nbsp;We’ll continue to watch closely and let you know if anything changes.</p> \n<p>Update (12/16 4p): We’re still hearing reports of “service unavailable” messages for some folks. &nbsp;We’re staying on top of this, and will report back when it’s fully fixed. &nbsp;If you are still affected, please update from our mobile site: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>",
"date": "2007-12-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Downtime Rescheduled, Shorter",
"body": "<p>We announced on Friday that we were going to be doing some maintenance on Twitter all day today. It turns out we were able to do most of the work without taking Twitter offline. It may have been better referred to as a “maintenance window” but we wanted to make sure you were aware just the same.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Downtime Rescheduled, Shorter\" class=\"align-center\">However, to make the final move to our new data center we will definitely need take Twitter offline for about four hours while we copy the database over. So, please take note of the newly scheduled down-time for Twitter: <a href=\";day=16&amp;year=2007&amp;hour=22&amp;min=0&amp;sec=0&amp;p1=224\">10PM—2AM PST</a> starting Sunday evening. Thanks!</p> \n<p>Update (12/17 12a): We ran into a minor glitch and will be taking 1 more hour of down-time. &nbsp;Thank you for your patience!</p> \n<p>Update (12/17 3a): We’re slowly bringing services back up. &nbsp;You’ll probably see some slowness for a while. &nbsp;We hope to be back up to speed before your finish your bagel and coffee, NYC.</p> \n<p>Update (12/17 5a): We’re still working on fixing some issues causing massive slowness site-wide. We’re on it.</p> \n<p>Update (12/17 6a): We’re waiting on a fix to our network switch which we’ve determined is causing the slowness we’re seeing. &nbsp;More soon.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-16T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Switch",
"body": "<p>Twitter is humming along now after a late night. Our team worked earnestly into the night and morning on our largest and most complex maintenance project ever. Everything went pretty much according to plan except for one thing: an incorrect switch.</p> \n<p>The switch in question caps traffic an unacceptable level. In order to correct this, we’ll need to get some hardware installed. Unfortunately, that means we’re not done with our datacenter move just yet. This type of work can be frustrating but it’s all towards Twitter’s highest goal: reliability.</p> \n<p>Thanks for your patience. As always, if you have questions please <a href=\"\">write to support</a>, share them on <a href=\"\">Get Satisfaction</a>, or leave a comment here on the blog.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "T-Mobile Mix-Up Was Technical",
"body": "<p>Last week Twitter stopped working over T-Mobile without notice. We were confused and jumped into the conversation on <a href=\"\">Get Satisfaction</a> with limited information. Over the weekend we were able to determine that this was purely a technical issue between T-Mobile and Ericsson, the folks who serve our SMS traffic.</p> \n<p>T-Mobile does not have a policy against Twitter—in fact, they like us. This was a technical bug, now resolved. However, something that emerged from this confusion was very impressive. The immediate and sustained support from the Twitter community was very much appreciated. We’ll keep you updated as we learn more this week.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hooray for (Virtual) Gifts!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Hooray for (Virtual) Gifts!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>OMG this is fun: Virtual gifts over Twitter: “<a href=\"\">Tweetgift</a> is a simple way to show a little appreciation to a friend. all you need is a twitter account. Just reply to tweetgift and use our syntax to send gifts to your friends. Every gift starts with <a href=\"\">@tweetgift</a>, then a friend’s username, and the gift with an optional message.”</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>example: <a href=\"\">@tweetgift</a> <a href=\"\">@biz</a> trophy for a job well done.</p> \n</blockquote>",
"date": "2007-12-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Working at Twitter",
"body": "<p> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Working at Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></a> </p>",
"date": "2007-12-20T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We bought the office a Wii",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"We bought the office a Wii\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>to go with our tea.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Frozen Pea Friday",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Frozen Pea Friday\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>It’s <a href=\"\">Frozen Pea Friday</a>! Lots of folks are changing their Twitter photo icon so it has some peas in it to help raise awareness. There’s <a href=\"\">more info at Techcrunch</a>. You can <a href=\"\">change your Twitter photo here</a>. Happy Friday!</p>",
"date": "2007-12-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Search Twitter More",
"body": "<p>The folks over at <a href=\"\">Terraminds created a Twitter search tool</a>.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-23T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twittering for The Children",
"body": "<p>Yesterday I received this email from one of our Dutch Twitter fans.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Biz,</p> \n <p>This morning, dutch journalist and TV presenter Francisco van Jole (@<a href=\"\">2525</a>) asked if the dutch twitterazi did anything for the OLPC project. I responded by suggesting we’d have a fund raising day today; every tweet with the term ‘olpc’ in it would count as one euro sponsorship money. Since such laptops cost about 140 euro’s, <a href=\"\">@2525</a> said he would buy one if we’d reach 140 tweets with ‘olpc’ by midnight tonight.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Today, <a href=\"\">Michiel</a> emailed to tell me they managed to purchase 21 laptops through <a href=\"\"></a>. Well Merry Christmas then! Good work.</p>",
"date": "2007-12-26T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "I &lt;3 Twitter, too",
"body": "<p>Robert Scoble <a href=\"\">started</a> (and iJustine <a href=\"\">continued</a>)&nbsp;something I had to participate in: writing in the sand.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"I <3 Twitter, too\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Thank you all for making 2007 a great year!&nbsp;:)</p>",
"date": "2007-12-27T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Fri, 01/04/2008 - 12:57",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Fri, 01/04/2008 - 12:57\" class=\"align-center\"></p>",
"date": "2008-01-04T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Stephenson Storm Strategies",
"body": "<p>If your plans are going awry due to this big storm we’re having in California right now, <a href=\"\">W. David Stephenson has a tip</a>: “Use Twitter text messages to let all your family and friends — and the world, for that matter — know what’s happening, instead of making voice calls on your cell phone.”</p>",
"date": "2008-01-04T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Camaraderie froth",
"body": "<p>An email from Samara Hamilton, a Product Manager at <a href=\"\">Enliven Software</a>:</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>I just wanted to tell you how fabulous Twitter has been for our team! Not only have we cut our email time in half, but more importantly, our business is getting a super unique feel that we didn’t quite have before…a little more chummy, a little more in touch, and let me tell you, there’s a whole lot of idea blasts going on! Thanks a TON for putting such a unique and relevant solution out there! It’s like you figured out a way to puree accountability, self-startedness and teamwork for idea sharing and came out with a bonus of camaraderie froth. Twitter: For us, it’s like talking with your teammates, without the neck breathing of asking them “What’s going on?” yourself!</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Thanks, Samara!</p> \n<p>Do you use Twitter at work? How?</p>",
"date": "2008-01-04T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Introducing Lee Mighdoll, Vice President of Engineering and Operations",
"body": "<p>We’re proud to announce that Twitter has hired top software industry talent <a href=\"\">Lee Mighdoll</a>. Lee will lead our growing engineering and operations team here at Twitter HQ. Hiring Lee underscores our commitment to building a world class social messaging utility.</p> \n<p>It took a while to find our perfect match. Lee’s demonstrated experience creating sophisticated back-end software along with his genuine enthusiasm for building global systems that operate at scale made him an easy choice. His outstanding leadership skills and happy disposition made him a must-have.</p> \n<p>Lee is recognized in our industry for his diverse accomplishments at General Magic, Apple, ObjectSpeed, and WebTV. He is named as an inventor on more than a dozen patents, and is a graduate of Brown University. We’re excited to have him aboard, here’s to an amazing year!</p>",
"date": "2008-01-09T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Getting Political",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Getting Political\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Politweets tracks US presidential candidate popularity</a> by finding and displaying mentions of candidates as they are created on Twitter. The mentions are separated by Democrat on the left and Republican on the right — naturally.</p>",
"date": "2008-01-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Vote for Twitter",
"body": "<p>Speaking of voting, Twitter was nominated in two categories in the upcoming Crunchies Awards. You can vote until midnight tonight (Pacific time)!</p> \n<p>Vote in <a href=\"\">the mobile category here</a>. And best overall here:</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Crunchies2007\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>",
"date": "2008-01-11T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Why We Are Focused on Engineering and Operations",
"body": "<p>One week ago we <a href=\"\">announced the hiring of Lee Mighdoll</a> as Vice President of Engineering and Operations. Lee’s immediate goal is to help turn Twitter into a reliable communication network that people all over the world can depend on every day.</p> \n<p>The challenge facing Lee and our entire Twitter team was highlighted this morning during Steve Jobs’ keynote address.</p> \n<p>Macworld is only one event, in one city. Twitter must be reliable around the world, around the clock, and it must accommodate all sudden bursts of real-time messages—everything from <a href=\"\">Apple announcements</a> to <a href=\"\">natural</a> <a href=\"\">disasters</a>.</p> \n<p>The Twitter Engineering and Operations team is tiny compared to our growth and popularity. In 2008, Lee will be aggressively building a dream team take on the challenge of realizing Twitter’s full, global potential. It won’t be easy. If you’re up for the challenge, please <a href=\"\">get in touch</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-01-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "MacWorld",
"body": "<p>Twitter is currently experiencing some slowness related to the massive number of updates around Steve Job’s keynote at MacWorld. &nbsp;We’re working on it and will keep you updated!</p>",
"date": "2008-01-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter in Japan",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter in Japan\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Despite the fact that Twitter is in English, we continue to see exciting growth from all over the world. Japan, in particular shows a very strong and growing demand for Twitter services. <a href=\"\">Movatwitter</a> and <a href=\"\">Twitterpod</a> are great examples.</p> \n<p>To support continued growth in Japan, Twitter has formed a partnership with <a href=\"\">Digital Garage</a> to create the official Twitter Japan service. As part of this arrangement, Digital Garage has made an investment in Twitter, Inc and will commit engineering and other development resources to help us bring Twitter to Japan.</p> \n<p>We’re really excited about Twitter Japan because it’s a big step towards our goal of becoming a worldwide communication network. We’ll have more news for you about Twitter Japan and Twitter in other parts of the world as we make progress.</p>",
"date": "2008-01-16T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Help Us Test Our India Shortcode",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Help Us Test Our India Shortcode\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We know there’s lots of folks in India who like Twitter. We’ve already noticed some <a href=\"\">cricket action</a> and at least one <a href=\"\">Bollywood movie</a>. We’d like to see more people in India take advantage of Twitter. So, if you have friends or family that live in India (or if you live in India yourself), you can help us spread the word about our India shortcode: 5566511. Using this shortcode means not having to pay international SMS charges when using Twitter from India.</p> \n<p>Some Things To Note</p> \n<p>SMS messages are limited to 250 per week for folks outside the US. If you come close to the upper limit in a week, we’ll let you know in advance. We’re also aware of a few wrinkles that have yet to be smoothed out surrounding verification on certain operators. Please <a href=\"\">let us know</a> how the India shortcode works for you.</p>",
"date": "2008-01-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "iPhone Home",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"iPhone Home\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>It’s another month before Apple opens up the iPhone to third-party developers, but until then it’s still a great phone on which to use Twitter. &nbsp;If you’ve got the new iPhone firmware released yesterday (1.1.3), try adding <a href=\"\">Twitter</a> or <a href=\"\"></a> to your home screen by hitting the plus sign at the bottom of Safari. &nbsp;You should see a friendly Twitter icon rather than a screenshot.</p> \n<p>Just a little something to tide you iPhone users over until the real iPhone Twitter applications start appearing.</p>",
"date": "2008-01-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter&#39;s &#39;Starling&#39; Released as Open Source",
"body": "<p>Twitter has a warm spot for innovative simplicity and an open approach to technology development. We make use of open source software when it makes sense and we think it brings good karma to contribute back to the open source community whenever possible.</p> \n<p>However, our open approach is more than just good karma. Twitter, Inc. is committed to building a reliable social messaging utility which people trust enough to use every day. Gaining trust means showing our work. When a technology is shared, conversations and understanding form around it.</p> \n<p>Our open approach is very much driven by Twitter engineers like Blaine Cook. Blaine coded the distributed queue server Twitter uses to route vast numbers of messages in the background so front-end response time can remain quick.</p> \n<p>Starling is a light-weight persistent queue server that speaks the MemCache protocol. It was built to drive Twitter’s backend, and is in production across Twitter’s cluster. There’s a little <a href=\"\">more about Starling on the Twitter Developer Blog</a>. And here is the <a href=\"\">Starling page at RubyForge</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-01-18T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Wins First-Ever &#39;Crunchie&#39; Award",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Wins First-Ever 'Crunchie' Award\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>It’s a good thing we made it to the Herbst Theater in San Francisco on time last night because the inaugural award given out by Om Malik at the first annual Crunchies was to Twitter for Best Mobile Startup.\n<p></p> \n<p>Recognition as a mobile startup is important to us because from our early roots we’ve been a communication utility over SMS. We added more ways to interact with Twitter but we remain committed and inspired by mobile.</p> \n<p>Thank you for considering and voting for Twitter. And huge thanks to the important people represented by <a href=\"\">the little squares on this page</a>. They are the folks who will help us win “Best Overall” next year!</p>",
"date": "2008-01-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "NYT: Twitter for Reporting",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"NYT: Twitter for Reporting\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\";ref=business&amp;oref=slogin\">Campaign Reporting in Under 140 Taps</a></p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Microjournalism is the latest step in the evolution of Mr. Dickerson, who worked for years at Time magazine, and has moved from print to online articles to blog entries to text messages no longer than 140 characters, or about two sentences. “One of the things we are supposed to do as journalists is take people where they can’t go,” he said in an interview. “It is much more authentic, because it really is from inside the room.”</p> \n</blockquote>",
"date": "2008-01-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Devices Abound",
"body": "<p>Technically, most mobile phones are a <a href=\"\">Twitter Device</a>. But applications built to integrate with Twitter over our API can also be considered devices. Sure you can send and receive Twitter updates over your phone but you can also do that with <a href=\"\">Facebook</a>. That makes Facebook a Twitter device. (It does other stuff too.)</p> \n<p>In fact, there’s lots of different devices for Twitter. I just took a glance at the <a href=\"\">Twitter Fan Wiki apps page</a> and counted well over 200 “devices” you can use to interact with Twitter organized by Windows, Mac, Linux, Multi Platform, Second Life, Web Apps, Search Engines, Email, Widgets, Other, and more. Neat!</p>",
"date": "2008-01-25T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "37signals Likes Twitter for Business",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Sarah Hatter</a> from lauded software company <a href=\"\">37signals</a> emailed to say that “Twitter has become an invaluable tool for us to stay in communication with our customers.” The folks at 37signals track public updates for mention of their company or products so they can respond in real-time if necessary.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>We’re able to see what people are saying about us or our products, and if they report a problem or slowness with Basecamp, immediately twitter them back. If they have contact information on their profile page, we send them a direct email from our support address asking for more info so we can troubleshoot the problem for them. It opens up this whole new level of contact with our customers and we’re able to proactively handle support requests within seconds of problems being reported.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>During a recent conference co-sponsored by 37signals, Sarah was able to Twitter status updates regarding a sudden service interruption. “If we didn’t have the Twitter account, I would have had to sit down and update our status blog by hand, which is totally 2002.”</p>",
"date": "2008-01-25T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter in the Classroom",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">The Chronicle of Higher Education</a> today quotes a university professor on using Twitter to interact with his students,”It was the single thing that changed the classroom dynamics more than anything I’ve ever done teaching,” Good stuff.</p>",
"date": "2008-01-29T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Happy Happy Joyent",
"body": "<p>We’ve noticed that people really like to use Twitter during shared events—and not just scary events like earthquakes or presidential campaigns. The <a href=\"\">Super Bowl</a> is a shared event for an estimated 130-140 million people in the United States. It makes us glad that our trusty infrastructure provider Joyent has us covered with extra capacity—for free!</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Happy Happy Joyent\" class=\"align-center\">In fact, throughout our amazing growth, Twitter has relied on <a href=\"\">Joyent’s highly scalable infrastructure</a>. While we’re busy building Twitter, Joyent is working tirelessly to bring in more RAM, more CPUs, more hardware, and more late night support—never charging us for bandwidth is worth an extra mention.</p> \n<p>The decision to choose Joyent at an early stage was one of the big decisions that contributed to Twitter’s success. If you are building a Web app and you need to scale it to Twitter size, Joyent can absolutely help you grow. Thanks Joyent, and go Patriots! (Or Giants, if that’s your thing.)</p>",
"date": "2008-01-30T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We had a rough night. But now we&#39;re back.",
"body": "<p>I just left the office, at 6am, with most of our engineering and technical operations team. That’s only a handful of people, but we were all there all night.</p> \n<p>You may have noticed we had an outage last night/stretching into this morning. This was a planned maintenance project, not a surprise happening for us. But we did go far beyond our planned time window, which sucks. What sucks more is the series of outages (planned and not) we’ve had lately. We know this makes Twitter frustrating to use, and we want you to know, we hear (and share) your frustration and are working really, really hard to fix it.</p> \n<p>The good news is we finished a major infrastructure project tonight, which we’ve been working on for months and that we think is going to help a lot. I’m sure there will be some glitches in the coming weeks, but we’ve laid some important foundation that’s going to help us build toward the future.</p> \n<p>Thank you for your support and patience.</p> \n<p>Update (8:30a PT): We’re still experiencing patches of slowness service-wide. Some of our systems are not cleanly restarting. We’re watching closely, bringing things back up manually, and fixing our automation tools accordingly!</p>",
"date": "2008-01-31T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Chooses NTT America Enterprise Hosting Services",
"body": "<p>We have a stated goal to make Twitter a reliable global communication utility. While we continue to grow around the world, reliability is our most important measurement of success. In order to become a utility that people will use every day for more reasons than we could ever imagine, we need to earn trust.</p> \n<p>We’re proud to announce our strategic alliance with a company known for reliability. A subdivision of the historic Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, <a href=\"\">NTT America</a> is part of an organization <a href=\"\">capable of restoring power to an entire nation in the wake of devastating natural disasters</a>.</p> \n<p>This history of reliability and global perspective attracted Twitter to NTT America <a href=\"\">Enterprise Hosting Services</a>. As Twitter grows and more people around the world depend on our infrastructure, we feel an increased responsibility to make the right decisions for the people who have helped make us a success as well as those who have yet to discover our service.</p> \n<p>Thanks for you patience and kind words while we move toward our goals. We’re very excited about this alliance and will keep you posted as we move forward with this relationship and all the projects we plan to tackle together.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-01T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Highlights from Superbowl Sunday",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Highlights from Superbowl Sunday\" class=\"align-center\">Click image to see bigger graph</p> \n<p>As expected, Super Bowl Sunday was an active day on Twitter. We thought we’d share some info about the day. This graph shows the percentage of updates per minute during the big game normalized to the average number of updates per minute during the rest of the day.</p> \n<p>The blue line represents updates during the Super Bowl and the green line represents updates during the same time the Sunday before. The updates per minute are smoothed to 5 minute rolling averages and we’ve annotated the spikes so you can see what people were Twittering about. It’s fun to see the real-time nature of Twitter updates during the shared event.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-05T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Google+Twitter=Extra Super Tuesday",
"body": "<p>Check out this <a href=\";utm_campaign=en&amp;utm_source=en-ha-na-us-google-mp&amp;utm_term=decision2008\">Super Twitter Tuesday Google Map</a> — inspired by the always entertaining <a href=\"\">Twittervision</a>, The folks at Google worked their map magic to make this Super Tuesday even more super with the addition of real-time updates from Twitter animated over a map of the United States.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Google+Twitter=Extra Super Tuesday\" class=\"align-center\"></a><a href=\"\">From the The Official Google Blog</a>: “We’ve joined forces with Twitter to give you instant updates on Super Tuesday. Instead of sitting on the sidelines, you can send a simple text message about your voting experience. Huge turnout? Taking too long in line? Did you just vote for the first time? We want it all, if you can keep to 140 characters or less.”</p>",
"date": "2008-02-05T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Stat: Relationship Distribution",
"body": "<p>We’re on a roll after looking up that Super Bowl information. This graph illustrates the distribution of relationships in Twitter—specifically the number of people folks follow as well as how many people are following them.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Stat: Relationship Distribution\" class=\"align-center\">Click image to see bigger graph</p> \n<p>So, if you have about 10 followers and you’re following about 10 people then you’re Twittering away with a solid 50% of others like you using Twitter. If have more than 80 followers and you’re following more than 70 people then you are in the Twitter minority—about 10%.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Case of the Missing Updates",
"body": "<p>We know about and are currently investigating an issue some people are having regarding updates not getting delivered consistently.</p> \n<p>Our big infrastructure move recently has done wonders with respect to maintaining a reliable service during shared events like the Super Bowl and Super Tuesday. However, we are still fixing bugs related to the move.</p> \n<p>We’re tracking the missing updates issue now as a team and we’ve made some progress. The updates are in our database so they’re not actually missing—the problem is in the delivery. Our support team can manually clear individual timeline caches to temporarily reveal some of the ‘missing’ updates but that’s obviously not a real fix.</p> \n<p>We’re getting closer to the answer. To the people who are experiencing this issue, thank you for writing in to support and Satisfaction. We are aware of it and will keep you posted.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-07T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Super Tuesday, Annotated",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Super Tuesday, Annotated\" class=\"align-center\">Click image to see bigger graph</p> \n<p>Super Tuesday was another big day for Twitter. Here’s a chart showing the percent of activity increase over normal daily activity. Like the Super Bowl graph, we’ve annotated the peaks with the corresponding events related to the primaries.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-07T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Speaking of Statistics",
"body": "<p>Have you tried out <a href=\"\">TweetStats</a>? You can use TweetStats to graph your own Twitter updates. I discovered that I update via Text Message as much as I do via Web. Graph your Tweets! That’s a neat service.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-08T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tracking Candidates on Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Tracking Candidates on Twitter\" class=\"align-center\">Click image to see bigger graph</p> \n<p>This graph shows the number of mentions each candidate received in Twitter updates during a 4 hour period on the evening of Super Tuesday. Each candidates’ share is expressed as a percentage of the total messages sent mentioning any candidate. For Gov. Romney and Sen. Clinton, an update was included if it mentioned either the first or last name of the candidate.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-08T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Weekend Update",
"body": "<p>Our engineering and operations team is working tonight and through the weekend on a bug that essentially has some people missing friend updates. Our big infrastructure move helped in many ways but also introduced new bugs.</p> \n<p>The primary focus of our activity this weekend is to permanently fix this particulary annoying bug. Today we noticed some database inconsistencies—those are related and being addressed now. We’ll continue to keep you posted as we make improvements.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-09T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Do You Want Sandy?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Sandy is a virtual assistant that works over Twitter</a>—She remembers details so you can focus on what’s important. Sandy is an innovative service from the same folks who created Stikkit. The way the Twitter integration works is that you follow Sandy, she follows you back, and then you can interact with her over Twitter. </p>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Do You Want Sandy?\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>For example, say you wanted to remember something while you are out. You can send a direct text message to Sandy—her Twitter username is just the letter “s” so it’s really short and easy to text. Let’s say you wanted to remember to do something in 15 minutes, your exchange with Sandy over SMS might look something like this.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>You: d s hi<br> Sandy: Hi, I’m Sandy, your personal assistant.<br> You: remember lunch with biz in 15 mins</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>In 15 minutes, you’ll be reminded that we’re having lunch together. Try it out, you can <a href=\"\">create an account here</a> and <a href=\"\">learn more about interacting with Sandy over Twitter here</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-09T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Welcome Robey, (And Good Work!)",
"body": "<p>Twitter has hired another amazing engineer (and just in time, too). <a href=\"\">Robey</a> came in over the weekend along with the rest of the eng and ops team to work on bugs—especially those that might be related to <a href=\"\">the case of the missing updates</a>. In fact, Robey discovered what looks to have been the key: a timeout in Starling, the message queue server <a href=\"\">we recently open sourced</a>.</p> \n<p>Robey and <a href=\"\">Britt</a> fixed the timeout and we’re watching now as messages find their proper destinations. However, we’ll wait to officially declare victory until this continues for a convincing amount of time and the team has had some rest. Good work Robey, and welcome to Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Wow, This Is Pretty",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Wow, This Is Pretty\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>And useful too. \n<a href=\"\">Commuter Feed</a> is a free service that lets you see reports on traffic incidents in your local area using Twitter. Visit the site and click the “How It Works” tab for information on how to participate.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-02-11T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Lazy Much?",
"body": "<p>Check out <a href=\"\"></a>, “When you have a question and are convinced that someone out there has already done the research and knows the answer you turn to asking the LazyWeb for advice.” Ben has noticed that lots of folks already use Twitter as an easy way to ask the LazyWeb so he created a new service that improves upon that use case.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Lazy Much?\" class=\"align-center\"></a><br> Dearlazyweb is a personal tool which works over Twitter for querying the LazyWeb. It takes any message you send it and allows every Twitter user a chance to answer. Check out the help page for more information about how it works. To get the most out of Dear LazyWeb you need to have a Twitter account and must follow <a href=\"\">dearlazyweb</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-11T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "AT&amp;T Disturbance",
"body": "<p>Update: The AT&amp;T issue has been cleared up and messages are flowing through fast and furious now.</p> \n<p>We received word from our partner at Ericsson that there’s an ongoing disturbance affecting SMS traffic over AT&amp;T. For those of us who use AT&amp;T to interact with Twitter over SMS, this is not great news. However, technicians are working on the problem now and Ericsson is throwing in their support as well. We’ll keep you posted.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-11T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Qwitter for Health",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Qwitter for Health\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Tobacco Free Florida has built <a href=\"\">Qwitter, a Twitter-powered social tool designed to help people quit smoking</a>. By prefacing your updates with <a href=\"\">@iquit</a> you can keep a simple journal and even better—track your progress. Qwitter will build a graph based on your updates. To learn exactly how it works, visit the <a href=\"\">Qwitter Get Started page</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Performance Update",
"body": "<p>Over the weekend we made a bunch of bug fixes and improvements to Twitter which resulted in more reliability in message delivery—this increased overall traffic.</p> \n<p>Ordinarily, increased reliability and traffic is a good thing. However, this comprehensive delivery of messages together with two severe cases of abuse strained Twitter’s primary database enough to degrade performance.</p> \n<p>Today we worked to address these performance and reliability issues. We also took notes and preventative measures so Twitter will be smarter about this stuff next time.</p> \n<p>The web site is feeling snappy and back to normal which means we will now be investigating and finding a fix for the SMS issues which some folks have been reporting.</p> \n<p>It doesn’t always feel like it while we’re digging in and making small improvements but we are building a better, more reliable service every time we fix a bug.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-13T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Send Valentine&#39;s Over Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Send Valentine's Over Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Lots of folks are noticing a little feature we added for Valentine’s Day. Send @username along with</p>",
"date": "2008-02-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter and Twittervision at MoMA",
"body": "<p>David Troy’s Twitter API project, <a href=\"\">Twittervision</a> will be opening at the MoMA in New York City on Tuesday as part of a show called Design and the Elastic Mind.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Design and the Elastic Mind explores the relationship between science and design in the contemporary world, comprising more than 200 design objects and concepts that marry scientific research with consideration of human limitations, habits and aspirations.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>There’s a Media Preview on Tuesday, February 19 if you’re a reporter-type person. After that, the show is open from February 24 to May 12, 2008. For more info, visit <a href=\";ref=calendar\"></a>. Congratulations to David for being recognized for creating such a compelling project.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "See the Swoosh?",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"See the Swoosh?\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We added a little swoosh icon after updates in your timeline. Clicking it inserts @username into the update field so you can react more easily to a person you’re following.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter and Amazon",
"body": "<p>Profile pictures were offline for 2-3 minutes very early in the morning US time. The outage was related to a <a href=\"\">service interruption at Amazon Web Services</a> which Twitter uses to host profile images.</p> \n<p>Amazon has a goal of 99.9% uptime with this service. This translates to 45 minutes per month of expected downtime. Achieving 99.9% uptime is a significant challenge—but worth striving towards!</p>",
"date": "2008-02-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter in The Economist",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">The Economist magazine recently published a flattering article about Twitter</a>. The article was titled A-Twitter and it compared Twitter to a form of abbreviated communication used by foreign correspondents in the first half of the 20th century called cablese.</p> \n<p>The Economist celebrated the restraints imposed by Twitter as “a strength,” referring to our character limit as “poetic form.” We like that! Finally, the piece declares Twitter “hard to dismiss.” That’s the stuff!</p>",
"date": "2008-02-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Oh, Twitter",
"body": "<p>If you get bored of reading about Twitter here at our official blog, be sure to check out <a href=\"\">Oh, Twitter</a>—a blog about Twitter published by two people who met on Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Use Strawpoll on Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Use Strawpoll on Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>This <a href=\"\">new Twitter application called StrawPoll</a> is really neat. <a href=\"\">Follow strawpoll on Twitter</a> and every day around 8am EST it will ask you a simple question. Reply with your answer and the pretty graph on the front page will get updated so you can see the results of everyone who is participating.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Shizzolate Your Twitters",
"body": "<p></p> \n<p><img src=\"*PTEyMDM2MjAxNzA*MzcmcHQ9MTIwMzYyMDE3NzIxMyZwPTE3OTQwMSZkPSZuPQ==.jpg\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Shizzolate Your Twitters\"></p> \n<p></p>\n<br> Yes, you can \n<a href=\"\">follow SnoopDogg on Twitter</a>. More importantly, you can grab this new Twitter Badge that translates you and your friends updates into Snoop speak. And just in time too—it was getting tiresome having to do all that translation manually.",
"date": "2008-02-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Web Traffic Around the World",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Web Traffic Around the World\" class=\"align-center\">Click image to see bigger graph</p> \n<p>Twitter’s traffic comes from SMS, Instant Message, Mobile Web, and all those wonderful API projects out there. However, we also have good old-fashioned web traffic. 60% of our web traffic comes from outside the United States and this chart shows the top ten non-US sources.</p> \n<p>Update: Remember this is just web traffic. It doesn’t include any of the other popular ways that people use Twitter. For example, Australia ranks 6th if we look at SMS usage. We’d get altogether different numbers if we looked at instant messaging,, and API devices such as Twitterrific.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Las elecciones generales españolas, en Twitter",
"body": "<p>Los grandes eventos como el Súpermartes en Estados Unidos generan muchas conversaciones en Twitter. Es fácil seguir a otros usuarios en Twitter, y también es fácil ver en Twitter la “gran foto”, el conjunto de conversaciones generadas alrededor de un evento, para colocar los eventos históricos en perspectiva.</p> \n<p> se lanza al reto de las conversaciones en tiempo real usando Twitter. En concreto, se alía con Twitter para contar todo lo que rodea las elecciones generales del 9 de marzo. muestra las conversaciones alrededor de las elecciones en su portada, en tiempo real, al ritmo que ocurren. La primera apuesta tiene lugar siguiendo el histórico debate entre los dos principales candidatos a la presidencia del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero y Mariano Rajoy, en directo mientras el debate se emite por televisión.</p> \n<p>Si vives en España o estás interesado en estas elecciones, ¡no puedes perdértelo! Habrá dos debates antes de las elecciones. El primero es hoy, a las 22.00 hora de Madrid. El segundo es el 3 de marzo, a las 22.00 hora de Madrid. Las elecciones, en: <a href=\"\"></a></p> \n<p>Thanks to @<a href=\"\">davidalvarez</a> for the translation! The English version follows.</p> \n<p>Spanish General Elections on Twitter</p> \n<p>Big Events like Super Tuesday in the United States generate lots of conversation on Twitter. While it’s easy to follow others on Twitter, it can be more challenging to see the bigger picture—to put the larger conversation in perspective.</p> \n<p>The Spanish online newspaper, has risen to the challenge of exposing the conversations happening on Twitter. Specifically, conversations associated with the general elections on March 9th. will display general election conversation on their home page as they are happening on Twitter in real time along with the debates as they are televised.</p> \n<p>If you’re living in Spain or otherwise interested in these elections, this is not to be missed! There will be two debates leading up to the general elections. The first debate is today at 22.00 Madrid time. The second debate is March 3rd at 22.00 Madrid time. The elections: <a href=\"\"></a></p>",
"date": "2008-02-25T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Little Shop of Twitters",
"body": "<p>Lots of folks are marveling at this <a href=\"\">real-life mashup between a houseplant, a mobile phone, and Twitter</a>. The smarty-pants over at <a href=\"\">Botanicalls</a> have created a very interesting monster—when your plant needs water, it sends out a Twitter update that reaches you anywhere in the world. And once it’s received water, it sends out another by way of thanks.<img src=\"\" alt=\"Little Shop of Twitters\" class=\"align-center\">If you want to hook your own plants up to Twitter, <a href=\"\">Make Magazine has created this handy how-to</a>. Also, if you’re really looking for a good time, you can <a href=\"\">follow this plant on Twitter</a>. It hasn’t been watered in 3 days. What will happen!?</p>",
"date": "2008-02-26T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Starbucks Stores Scheduled Down Time",
"body": "<p>Looks like <a href=\"\">Starbucks is currently closed due to a scheduled down time</a>. Not the web site, the physical stores—all of them!</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>All American Starbucks shops will shut down this evening between 5:30 and 9 p.m. local time to conduct what the company is calling “a historic in-store education and training event.”</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Interesting to see actual bricks-and-morter operations like Starbucks scheduling down time (aside from the normal hours they are closed). I wonder what sort of signs they put up for folks showing up for coffee?</p>",
"date": "2008-02-27T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "New Version of Twitterrific",
"body": "<p>There’s a shiny new update to the popular Mac OS Twitter application, Twitterrific. <a href=\"\">You can download Twitterrific 3.1 here</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Timeline Oddity Update",
"body": "<p>Update: We were testing a new application server tonight that didn’t work right so we rolled it back. Lots of folks saw an error page while we were fixing the bug—which is a bummer.</p> \n<p>Some folks experienced a more dramatic error which had them accidentally updating other people’s Twitter—this is a more serious issue which crosses into the realm of security. We took this very seriously, acted quickly, and learned from our mistake.</p> \n<p>We hope our error didn’t put you out too much tonight. We’re pulling together the team and analyzing how we made this mistake so we can avoid this error next time.</p> \n<p>Users have reported some oddness in their Twitter timeline in the last few minutes—specifically, they’re seeing updates they don’t normally see. We’re tracking this and working on a fix. We’ll keep you posted.</p> \n<p>While we’re working on this, you might see the “Something is technically wrong” page. Thanks for bearing with us.</p>",
"date": "2008-02-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twittday",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twittday\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>I recently visited the beautiful cities of Barcelona and Madrid while attending the Mobile World Congress (née 3GSM). My favorite part of the trip was when I was able to sit down to dinner with the 2 founders of Twittmad and 2 members of the newspaper <a href=\"\">adn</a>. <a href=\"\">Twittmad</a> is a Twitter user group in Madrid which meets monthly and draws over 100 passionate Twitter users! It became so successful that the founders started similar meet-ups in <a href=\"\">Barcelona</a>, <a href=\"\">Seville</a>, and now <a href=\"\">Tokyo</a>, all under the <a href=\"\">Twittday</a> umbrella.</p> \n<p>The group took to me to eat at the oldest restaurant in the world, where we discussed all things Twitter over traditional Spanish fare and vino. Here’s a picture of my hosts @<a href=\"\">marilink</a>, @<a href=\"\">juangigli</a>, @<a href=\"\">davidalvarez,</a>&nbsp;and @<a href=\"\">seretuaccidente</a>.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twittday\" class=\"align-center\"><br> Do you have a local Twitter meet-up for your city? What can Twitter do to better support your gatherings?</p>",
"date": "2008-02-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Play Wordy Birdie on Twitter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Play Wordy Birdie on Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>\n<a href=\"\">Wordy Birdie is a game that works within Twitter</a>. The creator, Dan Grigsby describes it as “part buzzword bingo, part drinking game.” You earn points by predicting what words people you follow will use in their updates.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-02-29T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Meter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Meter\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>\n<a href=\"\">Twitter meter</a> let’s you query an index of all the words that have been sent to twitter’s public timeline and displays a handy graph so you can see what folks are talking about.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-03-02T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Help Wanted Helping Twitterers",
"body": "<p>Do you know a lot about how Twitter works? Like helping people? Got some spare time? Want to make some money? </p> \n<p>We’re looking to add one or two people in the very important role of Twitter support staff (part-time). It doesn’t matter where you live—you can work from home. You need: </p> \n<ul>\n <li> An enthusiasm for Twitter</li> \n <li> Great (and speedy) written English* skills</li> \n <li> At least 15 hours a week of focused availability</li> \n <li> To be a highly proficient user of the web, Twitter, and software in general (and a quick learner)</li> \n</ul>\n<p>* We have a special position available if you can read and write Japanese, but that’s not required. </p> \n<p>The job consists, basically, of answering emails from people who write in who are having trouble with Twitter and helping them out as quickly as possible. </p> \n<p>Pay will be hourly. Inquire for more details. </p> \n<p>Send your resume and Twitter username to twitter.supportjobs AT</p>",
"date": "2008-03-07T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Mashable Rocks",
"body": "<p>Pete Cashmore and Co are at SXSW and they’re <a href=\"\">running a fun contest for Mashable fans</a>. Winners receive a Rock Band game complete with accessories plus tons of other schwag. You can enter the contest just by Twittering <a href=\"\">@mashable</a> rocks. Do it!</p>",
"date": "2008-03-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "SMS Tweaks",
"body": "<p>Our partners at Ericsson tell us that they’ve scheduled a maintenance window on March 11th between 00:00 - 03:00 Central European Time during which they expect sms updates to queue for 20-40 minutes.</p> \n<p>Here’s how that translates if you’re twittering like crazy in Austin, Texas: sms updates may be queued up for a maximum of 40 minutes sometime between 5 and 8pm.</p>",
"date": "2008-03-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter in Plain English Video",
"body": "<p></p> \n<p>From the fine folks over at <a href=\"\">Common Craft</a>. We may have to put this somewhere prominent on the Twitter web site. Thanks guys!</p>",
"date": "2008-03-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Family Style",
"body": "<p>Nivin Sewpershad has written a <a href=\"\">detailed account of how he managed to get his whole family on Twitter</a>.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>By having us all connected, a member of the family could ask a question or say what they were doing. If one of us was not at our computer we would receive it on our cell phone, and could reply from there or jump on a computer. After many “Hello you twit” messages from my father, everyone seemed to understand the basic workings.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>It took a bit of work convincing everyone initially but once they were all on Twitter they loved it. Good work Nivin!</p>",
"date": "2008-03-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Some Ecards on Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Some Ecards on Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>If you’ve never checked out the <a href=\"\">often inappropriate humor of the free greeting card site someecards</a>, you should. And now <a href=\"\">they’re on Twitter so you can follow them too</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-03-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Visualizing Twitter",
"body": "<p>FlowingData has rounded up <a href=\"\">17 Ways to Visualize the Twitter Universe</a> together with pretty pictures and brief descriptions. Here’s the list in link form only.</p> \n<ol>\n <li><a href=\"\">Twitter Browser</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Twitter Social Network Analysis</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Twitter Vrienden</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Twitter in Red</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Twitter Network</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TwitterVision</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TwitterVision3d</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TweetStat</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TweetVolume</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TwitStat</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TwitterMeter</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">24 o’clocks</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TweetPad</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Twitter Fountain</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Twitter Blocks</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TwitterPoster</a></li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TwitterVerse</a></li> \n</ol>\n<p>Found at <a href=\"\"> Links</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-03-13T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Mentions of &#34;SXSW&#34; Last Week",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Mentions of &quot;SXSW&quot; Last Week\" class=\"align-center\">Click image for bigger version</p> \n<p>Lots of people included the string of letters “SXSW” in their Twitter updates during the five days of SXSW Interactive this year—and last year as well. We thought it would be fun to visualize and annotate some of the surges so <a href=\"\">Jason</a> put together this graph.</p> \n<p>Something we were watching very closely this year during the conference was service reliability. The thin brown line across the top of this graph represents the 99.97% uptime Twitter measured during the week.</p>",
"date": "2008-03-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Office Improvements",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Office Improvements\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We’re fortunate in that we have an excellent architect with an office next to ours so we’re having lots of improvements done to our space over the next few weeks. The first change was new carpeting and big, custom-built tables. Lots more to do!</p>",
"date": "2008-03-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Another Reason to Come Work at Twitter",
"body": "<p> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Another Reason to Come Work at Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></a> </p>",
"date": "2008-03-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Through Skitch",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Through Skitch\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We love Skitch. We really love Skitch! Of course it’s a fantastic application: beautiful and easy to use. We open it on a regular basis to highlight and pass anything from UI Mockups to Bug reports around Twitter HQ.</p> \n<p>Of course it’s only natural we were thrilled to hear they’ve integrated Twitter support! Read more about <a href=\"\">Twitter integration in Skitch</a> and <a href=\"\">using Skitch to Twitter an image</a>. There are so many great applications integrating with Twitter and we’re trying to make an effort to <a href=\"\">share more about them</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-03-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tweviews",
"body": "<p>Tiny reviews on Twitter: <a href=\"\">Tweviews</a>. Follow or participate.<a href=\"\"><br></a></p>",
"date": "2008-03-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Your Signature",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Use</a>: “Many forums, Blogs, and other web services allow you to have images as part of your signature. allows you to display your current twitter status as an image.”</p>",
"date": "2008-03-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Quotably Helps You Follow The Conversation",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Quotably Helps You Follow The Conversation\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>\n<a href=\"\">Quotably</a> makes it easy to follow the @replies conversations that people are having on Twitter. Give it a try, it’s very cool.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-03-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tweetburner",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Tweetburner\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Tweetburner</a> allows you to “keep track of what happens to the links in tweets shared with you, by you, by your friends and every other twitterer.” The service shortens URLs and gives you statistics. The <a href=\"\">Tweetburner Blog</a> has more about upcoming features.</p>",
"date": "2008-03-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twittering During Tornados",
"body": "<p>Living in the Bay Area, we have noticed that we reach for our phones to Twitter the second we feel an earthquake. It looks like Anne Jackson has discovered that <a href=\"\">Twitter can play a helpful role during Tornados too</a>.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>even though they were hiding in closets and basements, they could know exactly where the tornado was because of twitter.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Update: Mark has been using the Twitter track feature to follow events like Tornados and collected <a href=\"\">quite a few updates as they rolled in</a>.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>For a while now I’ve been <a href=\"\">tracking</a> a number of keywords in <a href=\"\">Twitter</a> to see the flow of conversation around certain topics. It happens that I’ve been tracking CNN and tornado for a while. Little did I know that these two tracks would seem to merge. With last night’s tornado rolling through downtown Atlanta the play by play, via Twitter.</p> \n</blockquote>",
"date": "2008-04-01T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twhirl in the News",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twhirl in the News\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>\n<a href=\"\">Twhirl is a desktop client for Twitter</a>, based on the Adobe AIR platform. It’s one of the more popular ways people like to update Twitter and this morning the \n<a href=\"\">Washington Post reported that Twhirl has been acquired by online video company, Seesmic</a>. WaPo reports, “Twhirl creator Marco Kaiser will be joining Seesmic. The service will remain free to use.”\n<p></p> \n<p>To check out more cool Twitter applications, visit the <a href=\"\">Twitter Fan Wiki</a> or check out the our blog label: <a href=\"\">apps</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-04-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitterholics Blog",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Twitterholics</a> is a blog covering many of the great new applications and extensions of Twitter. It’s amazing how much cool stuff is being built.</p>",
"date": "2008-04-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A little spring cleaning",
"body": "<p>Last night, we rolled out a few minor tweaks to the web UI which should hopefully make your experience with that part of Twitter a little better. Here’s a list of the things that we changed, and why we changed them.</p> \n<p>1. Search is now at the top of the page<br><img src=\"\" alt=\"A little spring cleaning\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>People would often miss the search box when it was tucked away at the bottom of the sidebar before, so we’ve moved it up to the top of the page to make it easier to find. And consequently, easier for you to find people you might want to follow.</p> \n<p>2. ‘Find &amp; Follow’ has been changed</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"A little spring cleaning\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We’ve changed the layout of the Find &amp; Follow page a little to separate out the two different tasks you can perform here (basically: getting us to invite people vs. sending invites via us). This change will also allow us to easily add even more ways for you to discover other people you know who might be using Twitter, which we hope to do soon.</p> \n<p>We’ve also revised the wording we use to make it more obvious what will happen at each stage of the process, so you know better what will be sent to who.</p> \n<p>3. New profile page display</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"A little spring cleaning\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>There’s also a new version of the page that people will see when they view your profile page when they’re not signed in. Since this page is often indexed by Google, we wanted to make sure that new users could quickly see what Twitter was and what it could do, and provide a nice big button for them to join with.</p> \n<p>4. Other “fit and finish” details </p>\n<p>Finally, there are a few things that we’ve tidied up around the site - we’ve added tabs to the settings page to be more consistent, we’ve moved the sleep setting for your phone over to the devices page rather than having it on a separate page, we’ve added an email invites box to the bottom of the search results in case you don’t find who you’re looking for, we’ve made the link to the page where we offer badges more prominent (look out for new ones soon!), and we’ve added a link to a survey so that we can find out a little bit more about you (this will only be temporary, so if you want to participate, make sure you do now). </p> \n<p>This is the first step in our current effort to clean up a few areas of the site that we know need some work. We have a few more fixes to make in the near future (also for SMS and before we get on to the exciting new features we have planned for the rest of the year!</p> \n<p>We hope the changes make a difference to you and, as ever, we’d love to hear your feedback.</p>",
"date": "2008-04-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The &#34;everyone&#34; tab (and the survey)",
"body": "<p>And following on from yesterdays post: we’ve made another minor change to the web UI. If you log in, you’ll find a new tab is available - the “everyone” tab.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"The &quot;everyone&quot; tab (and the survey)\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>The “everyone” tab is basically what we referred to previously as the public timeline. We’ve moved it down to sit next to your other tabs so that you can keep track of what everyone else on Twitter is saying, making it easier for you to find other interesting people to follow, as well as giving you access to the public timeline without taking you away from your ability to create an update or your sidebar.</p> \n<p>You may also have noticed that we briefly had a link to a simple survey where we asked you what you thought about Twitter. We’ve taken it down now as it’s fair to say we were inundated with responses! Thanks to everyone who took part, and we’ll try to share the results soon.</p>",
"date": "2008-04-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Taking a &#34;Follow Break&#34;",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Taking a &quot;Follow Break&quot;\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>If you follow someone on Twitter who sometimes gets a bit too prolific, the folks over at Someecards have you covered: “I think we need to take a follow break until your Twittering gets under control.” \n<a href=\"\">Totally starred it</a>. Those guys are good.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-04-13T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Get your questions answered @ChaCha",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Get your questions answered @ChaCha\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>I heard about the answer-service <a href=\"\">ChaCha</a> a couple weeks ago. The first question I asked it was “Would a veggie burrito make a good lunch?” A couple minutes later, I got a response that said “A veggie burrito would make an excellent lunch. It’s fast and cheap and vegetarian to boot.” Now that’s the kind of reinforcement I need! </p> \n<p>Well now ChaCha is available via Twitter. You can <a href=\"\">read about the integration</a> on their site. But it’s pretty simple: </p>\n<ol>\n <li>Follow the Twitter user <a href=\"\">ChaCha</a> </li> \n <li>Send your question as an @ reply (e.g. “<a href=\"\">@chacha</a> Does it matter if the soil is wet or dry before re-potting a houseplant?”)</li> \n <li>A couple minutes later you’ll get your answer (“<a href=\"\">@goldman</a> Let the pot go dry. With your fist, bang the bottom of the old pot and the plant, root ball and all, will come out intact.”)</li> \n</ol>\n<p>Good times.</p>",
"date": "2008-04-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter to the Rescue",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">U.C. Berkeley student’s Twitter messages alerted world to his arrest in Egypt</a>: “When Egyptian police scooped up UC Berkeley graduate journalism student James Karl Buck, who was photographing a noisy demonstration, and dumped him in a jail cell last week, they didn’t count on Twitter.”</p>",
"date": "2008-04-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Weekend Web Weirdness",
"body": "<p>On Friday, we successfully deployed a new memcache project as part of our overall work to create a more scalable service. After the deploy, we needed to move a lot of data with minimum impact on service quality. To do this, we put together some code that moves data only as it is requested.</p> \n<p>This process kept a minimum on service disruption but did cause Twitter to have a complex conversation with two sets of caches over the weekend and into today. This resulted in some caching issues—namely, the /home timeline cache wasn’t being updated correctly for everyone.</p> \n<p>We’re aware of this, we realize that it’s annoying, and we’re meeting today about how to best finish up this project and clean up any remaining bugs. Thanks to everyone who checked in with us on Satisfaction, @replies, and email over the weekend. Overall, completing this memcache project is a big win that will lead to increased stability.</p> \n<p>Update: We’re working on this project more today and will be checking in again this evening. Also, we keep folks updated as much as possible on our forum over at <a href=\"\">Get Satisfaction</a> (in case you’re only visiting this blog for news).</p> \n<p>Update: We’ve deployed code that gets Twitter talking to one - and only one - pool<br> of memcache servers. This eliminates a lot of potential confusion and is progress. But we are still noticing related symptoms so we’re still investigating and making improvements.</p> \n<p>Update: Okay, here’s a more satisfying update. We’re catching up on things and backfilling the timelines. Once things are caught up, we should be good—and successfully moved to the new memcaching scheme.</p>",
"date": "2008-04-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter for Japan",
"body": "<p>We’re live in Japan!</p> \n<p>We’ve noticed a significant percent of Twitter usage consistently originating from Japan despite the fact that our service is in English. This highlighted an opportunity for us to make Twitter better so we worked with our partner, Digital Garage to launch a <a href=\"\">Japanese version of Twitter</a>. Starting today, the increasing number of folks accessing our service from Japan will have a better experience. Special thanks to Jason Goldman, Britt Selvitelle, Yuu Takakaki, Hiroki Eda, and the rest of the team who helped build Twitter Japan.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for Japan\" class=\"align-center\"><br> The <a href=\"\">partnership agreement we have with Digital Garage</a> also includes some commercial experimentation in the Japanese market through it’s subsidiary, CGM Marketing, Inc. At launch, visitors to will see media from two clients. One is a new book about Twitter being released in Japan, another is an automotive news service built on Twitter and sponsored by Toyota.</p>",
"date": "2008-04-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Moms on Twitter",
"body": "<p>Kelby thinks <a href=\"\">Twitter is appealing to moms</a> for a number of reasons.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>My day consists of not a single stretch to focus on one thing for more than, oh, a millisecond. Then there’s a whine, cry, dog who needs to piss, kid who wants to be fed, blog I need to write, web article that needs editing… Like every mom, this list is endless.</p> \n <p>Twitter’s genius lies in the beauty of 140 characters. It lies in the ability to send without even opening a new browser window, without even needing a computer.</p> \n <p>I don’t have time for much, but I have time to Tweet. That I can do.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Are you a mom? Check out <a href=\"\">The Ultimate List of Moms on Twitter</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-04-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Welcome John and Steve",
"body": "<p>We’re excited to announce two recent hires. <a href=\"\">John Kalucki</a> is an experienced distributed systems architect well versed in relational messaging as the former co-founder of San Francisco based SQLstream. <a href=\"\">Steve Jenson</a> is a familiar face for a few of us here at Twitter HQ because he’s a former Google software engineer known for his work scaling Blogger and Blogspot—a service which tens of millions of people use on a regular basis.</p> \n<p>Join us in welcoming these two superstars to the Twitter team. They are already digging in, getting up to speed, and helping us make Twitter better. Good things to come.</p>",
"date": "2008-04-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Video by Yuu Takaki",
"body": "<p></p>\n<br> Digital Garage engineer Yuu Takaki took this short video at the Twitter office when he was here helping us create Twitter Japan. We are each saying, “Welcome” in Japanese. (At least that’s what Yuu told us it meant!)",
"date": "2008-04-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "E-Card Inspired by Twitter and James Buck",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"E-Card Inspired by Twitter and James Buck\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>There’s a <a href=\"\">new e-card you can send</a> inspired by <a href=\"\">James Buck’s timely use of Twitter</a>. Send it to your loved ones.</p>",
"date": "2008-04-27T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Love, Hate, Think, Believe, Feel, Wish",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Love, Hate, Think, Believe, Feel, Wish\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Twitstori</a> is the “the first step in an ongoing social experiment based on twitter” and it is very cool. The geniuses behind this project are <a href=\"\">amy hoy</a> and <a href=\"\">thomas fuchs</a>. Amazing!</p>",
"date": "2008-04-29T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Doctor, doctor, give me the news",
"body": "<p>The database is back up. We’re conducting a series of health and sanity checks to make sure everything is working the way it should. Our first quick assessment is that, yes, this problem is over.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The 500",
"body": "<p>For those of you who have spotted intermittent errors tonight, we’re working on it. We restarted a database that normally restarts very quickly without resulting in any site degradation. Tonight, that routine changed—it’s taking a long time to restart which is causing intermittent 500 errors for some web visitors. We’re bringing it up to speed now.</p> \n<p>Update: The database is back up.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Another Card",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Another Card\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>This is \n<a href=\"\">another Twitter card by the someecards guys</a>. Funny.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-05-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter, Reuters Style",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Breaking news, Twitter style</a>: “The ‘Falls Church Incident’ was earthshaking only in the most literal sense, but it is an interesting proof of concept that news can be broken on Twitter.”</p>",
"date": "2008-05-07T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "MySpace and Twitter",
"body": "<p>The folks over at MySpace chose Twitter along with eBay, Yahoo!, and Photobucket as launch partners for a new <a href=\"\">Data Availability initiative announced today</a>. We’re excited because it adds value to Twitter—after all, finding friends to follow on Twitter makes it much better.</p> \n<p>We’re still exploring all the cool stuff we’ll be able to do with this Data Availability. We’ll keep you posted as we take advantage to make improvements to Twitter features and functionality.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "How @replies work on Twitter (and how they might)",
"body": "<p>I see a lot of confusion around how “at replies”—tweets that start with an @ and then a username—work on Twitter. E.g.:</p> \n<blockquote> \n <p>@<a href=\"\">Veronica</a> I vote they should be $2.00 each. Cut down on junk mail. Isn’t that the only use of postal mail these days, anyway?<br><a href=\"\">10:59 AM May 09, 2008</a> from web <a href=\"\">in reply to Veronica</a></p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Starting my update with “<a href=\"\">@veronica</a>” designates that I’m addressing her, specifically, much as you would in a group conversation. Also like a group conversation, she’s not the only one who can see what I’m saying. If I wanted to “whisper” something instead, I’d start my message with “d veronica”—what we call a “direct message.” (A person must be following you in order for you to direct message them, but not to @reply them.)</p> \n<p>As you may know, @replies were not originally part of Twitter. They were embraced by the community first, and then we built them into the system. First, we linked the username (when using the web interface), then we added a replies tab, so you could see replies to you from people you weren’t following. We also added a setting to determine what @replies you see (more about that in a minute). And most recently, we added the “swoosh”&nbsp;<span>to the web interface, so you could more easily reply. Other Twitter clients have also embraced @replies in cool ways.</span></p> \n<p>Today, @replies are a critical part of how Twitter works. However, they’re not perfect. In fact, some people are either loath to use them or annoyed by them (or both). I believe a big reason for this is that’s it’s not obvious exactly how they work. In fact, I talk to even advanced Twitter users on a regular basis whom I end up explaining what the @replies setting does and who see what replies.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">@Replies</a> To You<br> If someone @replies you—note, this means they <em>start</em> a tweet with <a href=\"\">@yourusername</a>—you will see that in your main timeline <em>if</em> you follow the person. But you’ll see it in your replies tab, whether you follow them or not (unless you’ve blocked them).</p> \n<p>In some desktop clients, like Twhirl, you can see @replies to you, along with all the updates from people follow, which is neat.</p> \n<p>The Setting<br> There is an @ Replies setting you can find under Settings / Notices.</p> \n<p>This has nothing to do with @replies directed to you. This is about what @replies you see from people you follow. The default—@ replies to the people I’m following—is probably what you have it set on (98% of people do). That means, if you’re following me, but not following <a href=\"\">@veronica</a>, you wouldn’t see the tweet above (unless you went to my profile).</p> \n<p>The beauty of this is that I can feel free to @reply Veronica without worrying about the fact that only a subset of my followers also follow Veronica, so they won’t know what I’m talking about. My followers will only see my update if they follow both of us (if they have their setting on the default).</p> \n<p>We’re trying to avoid the situation of you hearing someone answer a question when you didn’t hear the question (for instance). Also, you don’t have to hear answers to the question from people you don’t want to hear from. (If you’re not following them, you won’t see their answer.)</p> \n<p>This is the main thing that people are confused about, I’ve found. There are good reasons for this. For one, it didn’t use to work like this. (Since @replies were just normal tweets at one point, all your followers would see all of your, no matter who you were replying to.) Secondly, we don’t explain it very well (thus, the need for this post). And third, some people do have their setting at “all @ replies”—so they see all the replies people they’re following make, even if they’re not following the person being replied to. Many people I’ve talked to have this setting on and don’t realize what it actually does. (Usually, they just want to see @replies directed to them).</p> \n<p>Conclusion<br> 1) You should feel free to @reply people and not worry about it being out of context to some of your followers. In general, they won’t see it.</p> \n<p>2) If you’re seeing @replies directed to people you don’t follow and don’t want to, check your setting.</p> \n<p>3) This is obviously too confusing. We want to make some changes to make it more clear. We could clarify the setting. But my preference is to take out the setting altogether and just make it work like the default. That way, it works the same for everyone. (If you have strong opinions on this, leave a comment.)</p> \n<p>Cool Tools<br> There are a lot of other ways we’d like to enhance this functionality. But for now, <a href=\"\">Quotably</a> has worked around the opaqueness of conversations on Twitter and aggregates @replies in a useful way. Also, <a href=\"\">Summize</a> let’s you see <a href=\";ands=&amp;phrase=&amp;ors=&amp;nots=&amp;tag=&amp;lang=all&amp;from=&amp;to=ev&amp;ref=&amp;since=&amp;until=&amp;rpp=15\">all replies to someone</a>.</p> \n<p>Tracking You<br> Another question I get is how to get the equivalent of the Replies tab (@replies to you, especially from people you don’t follow) over SMS. The work-around for this (for some people) is just to <a href=\"\">Track</a> your name. E.g., I send ‘track ev’ and get a message every time someone mentions <a href=\"\">@ev</a>. This is not ideal, because Track currently ignores the “@” symbol, so if you have username that is common, you’ll get lots of irrelevant stuff. We plan to fix that. (Also, yes, we will get the replies tab on <a href=\"\"></a>. Soon.)</p>",
"date": "2008-05-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What Happened Today?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">It is not entirely to do with the Democrats, Space Aliens, Mysterious Men in Black, or Arugula</a>. In fact, this afternoon’s service interruption does not have a very exciting explanation.</p> \n<p>Part of our caching service required an unscheduled restart. That means a slow rebuilding of data. You may notice some of the normal browsing related features (such as pagination) are missing while we repopulate the caching service. This is so we can get it done quicker.</p> \n<p>Update: It’s not <a href=\"\">Groundhog Day</a> but it sure feels like it. We are recovering today from the same problem as yesterday. This service interruption is our own fault. If you have questions that are only satisfied by technical answers please join our <a href=\"\">technical discussion forum on Google groups</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Guiding Concepts",
"body": "<p>Much of what we do with regard to product, engineering, operations, and the overall notion of our company culture can be guided by three broad concepts.</p> \n<p>Simple is significant.<br> Craftsmanship builds character.<br> Constraint inspires creativity.</p> \n<p>The phrase “We work and like it” refers to the fact that our work is rewarding. If that is not true, then no amount of perks is going to fix it. In Twitter, we hope to find our right livelihood. Together, our behavior and actions shape a culture. That culture itself has the potential to influence the world too.</p> \n<p>These are ideas we will continue to explore as we grow. This blog is meant to be a place where human resources and culture ideas and news can be shared internal</p>",
"date": "2008-05-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "BusinessWeek on Why Twitter Matters",
"body": "<p>BusinessWeek has <a href=\"\">an interesting (to us) article</a> on Twitter this week: “The key question today isn’t what’s dumb on Twitter, but instead how a service with bite-size messages topping out at 140 characters can be smart, useful, maybe even necessary.”</p> \n<p>My favorite part, though, is on page 11 of <a href=\"\">the slide show</a> where they couldn’t help asking: “About That <a href=\"\">Biz</a> Plan?”</p>",
"date": "2008-05-17T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Control Lights with Twitter",
"body": "<p><br><a href=\";sec=1025711\">Control Lights with Twitter</a> from <a href=\";sec=1025711\">Justin</a> on <a href=\";sec=1025711\">Vimeo</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Not True",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Not True\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Downtime is not good</a>. We caused a database to fail during a routine update early this afternoon. We switched to a replica and expect this recovery to take place quickly. We’re all working on it and watching right now as Twitter gets back up to speed. We have a thread open on <a href=\"\">our support forum</a> which we’ll update when we have more details to share. <a href=\"\">Getting our act together</a> is something we continue to work on as we grow our company and our service.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Thanks for Buying Us Lunch!",
"body": "<p>Wow, we had a surprise delivery of Extreme Pizza for everyone at Twitter HQ at lunchtime today thanks to a friendly group of Twitterers. Thanks for doing that, Shannon Whitley, Michael Doeff, MarhabaLife, LLC, Heike McDoniel, Michael Keliher, Ben Jackson, Micah Apparel, William Knoll, Jennifer Leggio, and Suzanne Ally. <a href=\"\">You guys are awesome</a>!</p>",
"date": "2008-05-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Thu, 05/22/2008 - 15:38",
"body": "<p>As we wrote yesterday, we’re working to bring more visibility into our road ahead. &nbsp;Along those lines,&nbsp;<a href=\"\">Alex Payne</a>&nbsp;wrote a great post about our <a href=\"\">past, present, and future architecture challenges</a>.</p> \n<p>We’d also like to point you to our official Twitter account: @<a href=\"\">twitter</a>. &nbsp;Follow us for semi-frequent updates!</p>",
"date": "2008-05-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Wed, 05/21/2008 - 22:31",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Wed, 05/21/2008 - 22:31\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>I have this graph up on my screen all the time. It should be flat. This week has been rough.</p> \n<p>We’ve gone through our various databases, caches, web servers, daemons, and despite some increased traffic activity across the board, all systems are running nominally. The truth is we’re not sure what’s happening. It seems to be occurring in-between these parts.</p> \n<p>We’re busy working on instrumenting and adding meters to provide visibility into what’s slowing Twitter down. We’ll use this data both to alleviate the current woes and to help inform our long-term architecture work to make Twitter a utility service people can count on. We’ve definitely failed that aim this week.</p> \n<p>Thanks for your patience during these current frustrations (and those to come) as we figure out how to work the kinks out. Thanks also for speaking up: we’re listening. In addition to providing visibility into our systems, we’re working to give everyone greater visibility into our roadmap to solve these ongoing problems. More to come.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Too much Jabber!",
"body": "<p>We found an errant <a href=\"\">API</a> project eating way too much of our Jabber (a flavor of instant messenger) resources. This activity (which we’ve corrected) had an affect of overloading our main database, resulting in the error pages and slowness most people are now encountering.</p> \n<p>We’re bringing services back online now. Some will be slower than others for a while, and we’ll be watching IM and IM-based API clients very closely. We’ll also be taking steps to avoid this behavior in the future.</p> \n<p>Thanks for your patience!</p> \n<p>Update: We’re turning off IM services for the evening (Friday) to allow for the system to recover. We hope to turn things back on Saturday.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Our Terms",
"body": "<p>There’s some <a href=\"\">discussion in our forum</a> right now about content disputes and the specifics of our Terms of Service. It seems there is room in our Terms for folks to debate the difference between an update and an insult. There is some confusion surrounding our official policy with regard to taking action.</p> \n<p>Some people think we should ban one person if another person is unhappy with the content—or more specifically, if they personally define that content as “harrassment.” In the case being discussed, we didn’t perceive a violation of our Terms after a careful review.</p> \n<p>This speaks to our larger stance that Twitter is a communication utility, not a mediator of content. For those who are interested in this debate, please note that we are engaged in editing our ToS so it more clearly states the scenarios in which we will take action. The revised ToS will reflect this <a href=\"\">earlier statement of our policy on abuse</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Enforces ToS, Cares About Users",
"body": "<p>A discussion fueled by hearsay heated up this week when a popular blogger accused us of refusing to enforce our Terms of Service. The accusation is damaging to our reputation and the additional insinuation that we don’t care about our users is offensive to us personally.</p> \n<p>Twitter is 16 employees made up of systems engineers and operators, product designers, and support specialists. We do not employ public relations professionals. This accusation caught us by surprise, putting us on the defensive in the middle of what continues to be a very busy work week.</p> \n<p>What Really Happened?</p> \n<p>A while back, this person submitted 13 individual tweets to our support staff that she considered to be harassment and wanted us to delete the owner’s account. It should be noted that the woman who wrote these tweets deleted the account on her own in March.</p> \n<p>Upon receiving the complaint, Twitter employees carefully reviewed the 13 alleged offending tweets in order to determine if they violated our Terms of Service. Of the 13 tweets, only one mentioned the blogger by name and it called her this word: “experienced.”</p> \n<p>There was one post that contained a particularly unpleasant word but it did not identify a specific name. None of the tweets contained threats, physical or otherwise. Some of them may have been insults about personality or physical attributes but again, they did not identify anyone specifically.</p> \n<p>During the course of this public discussion it has come to light that these two women have a history of unpleasant interaction over the Internet. While the complainant may indeed feel harassed she is wrong to accuse Twitter of negligence. We review every complaint and we have on occasion deleted accounts for code of conduct violations. In this case, we saw no violation.</p> \n<p>Note that this same popular blogger issued another complaint more recently about a different account which was some sort of “confession” mashup that allowed multiple people to post to one Twitter account. Our support staff investigated as soon as we received the complaint but the account had already been deleted by it’s creator. This complaint was separate from the original complaint and added confusion. This was not the account that inspired the accusation.</p> \n<p>Keeping our Terms of Service Current</p> \n<p>The Twitter Terms of Service document is two years old and in need of updating. We were engaged in a review prior to this incident and there is no connection. There are issues of liability, indemnity, and various legalese that need to be brought up to speed with the current state of Twitter, Inc. Additionally, we plan to look very closely at the code of conduct section which refers broadly to “harassment.” We think we can make this more specific to avoid future confusion.</p> \n<p>In the meantime, we stand behind our current Terms, we care about users, and we take every complaint seriously.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Man down!",
"body": "<p>Around 11 am in San Francisco, our main database db006, crashed because of too many connections. We have to put the service into an unscheduled maintenance mode to recover. Folks will see degraded service for the next few hours. </p> \n<p>We’ll keep you updated here and in Satisfaction.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Sun, 05/25/2008 - 22:18",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">TechCrunch?</a></p>",
"date": "2008-05-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Comments",
"body": "<p>For those that read this blog, would you mind if I close commenting on each update after 2-3 days? I’m using moderation because we were having a problem with spam comments. My thinking is that 2-3 days gives folks time to make their voice heard and then I don’t have to dedicate as much time to moderating the spam that ensues. Let me know what you think. Also, any other suggestions for how to manage comments are welcome.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-27T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Do You Follow This Man?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Do You Follow This Man?\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>Simply getting the word out from the Savannah is part of the challenge of protecting Kenya’s wildlife. Masai tribesman Joseph Kimojino (@\n<a href=\"\">maratriangle</a> on Twitter) is using Twitter as one way of raising awareness for the Mara Triangle wildlife park. For more information, read \n<a href=\"\">Life, Death and Twitter on the African Savannah</a>.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-05-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twennis Anyone?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twennis Anyone?\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>This site features a \n<a href=\"\">rolling update of Tennis related Twitter updates</a>. Plus, these folks are \n<a href=\"\">live Tweeting the French Open</a>.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-05-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What&#39;s Going On?",
"body": "<p>We’ve created a <a href=\"\">new blog dedicated to status updates regarding Twitter performance and reliability</a>. If something is going on technically, operationally, or otherwise we will put a link in your Twitter home page to a description on this new blog. This includes good news, bad news, warnings, and miscalleneous heads-up notices.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"What's Going On?\" class=\"align-center\"></a>The sidebar of this new blog has a link to our <a href=\"\">current uptime statistics, our </a><a href=\"\">official help docments</a>, our <a href=\"\">user discussion forum</a>, our <a href=\"\">developer discussion forum</a>, and our <a href=\"\">developer blog</a> where Twitter system engineers publish technical articles and information.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-29T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "NASA+Twitter in NYT",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"NASA+Twitter in NYT\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>There’s a great piece in the Science section of Tomorrow’s New York Times about <a href=\";ref=us&amp;oref=slogin\">NASA’s artful use of Twitter to relay information to the people of Earth</a> regarding the Mars Phoenix Lander.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p> The tweets were written in the first person, as if Phoenix the friendly spacecraft were sending out text messages to friends and fans. In part, that was to be more entertaining, Ms. McGregor said, but a larger reason was the austere limit of 140 characters per message imposed by Twitter, which turns tweets into a literary form akin to haiku.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>JPL based Veronica McGregor has been playing the part of @<a href=\"\">MarsPhoenix</a> on Twitter and she’s mastered the technique. Gathering almost ten thousand followers in a few weeks is only a small feat when compared to something like, oh, SENDING A ROBOT TO MARS. We’re very much enjoying the updates and looking forward to more.</p>",
"date": "2008-05-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "It&#39;s Not Rocket Science, But It&#39;s Our Work",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"It's Not Rocket Science, But It's Our Work\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>The general public is fascinated with every bug that pops up on board the \n<a href=\"\">Mars Phoenix Lander</a> because no matter how small, they always seem mission critical. It’s exciting stuff and we hang on every bit of news. Will NASA scientists find a workaround for the short circuited mass spectrometer? Will the important science get done? Will we find water on Mars!?\n<p></p> \n<p>Twitter’s system architecture shortcomings are nowhere near as interesting and we’re certainly not as exciting as rocket science or exploring Mars to most people. However, folks who use Twitter get frustrated when the service is slow or down which is why we have been trying lately to be <a href=\"\">more communicative</a> about engineering and operations details.</p> \n<p>The TechCrunch blog is particularly interested in behind-the-scenes details about Twitter engineering and systems because the folks who work there use Twitter and also have a very large audience of technology fans. Earlier this evening, <a href=\"\">TechCrunch posted some specific technology questions</a> for us on their blog so we thought it appropriate to answer them here on our blog.</p> \n<p>Before we share our answers, it’s important to note one very big piece of information: We are currently taking a new approach to the way Twitter functions technically with the help of a recently enhanced staff of amazing systems engineers formerly of Google, IBM, and other high-profile technology companies added to our core team. Our answers below refer to how Twitter has worked historically—we know it is not correct and we’re changing that.</p> \n<p>Q: Is it true that you only have a single master MySQL server running replication to two slaves, and the architecture doesn’t auto-switch to a hot backup when the master goes down?<br> A: We currently use one database for writes with multiple slaves for read queries. As many know, replication of MySQL is no easy task, so we’ve brought in MySQL experts to help us with that immediately. We’ve also ordered new machines and failover infrastructure to handle emergencies. </p>\n<p>Q: Do you really have a grand total of three physical database machines that are POWERING ALL OF TWITTER?<br> A: We’ve mitigated much of this issue by using memcached, as many sites do, to minimize our reliance on a database. Our new architecture will move our reliance to a simple, elegant filesystem-based approach, rather than a collection of database. Until then, we are adding replication to handle the current growth and stresses, but we don’t plan on ever relying on a massive number of databases in the future.</p> \n<p>Q: Is it true that the only way you can keep Twitter alive is to have somebody sit there and watch it constantly, and then manually switch databases over and re-build when one of the slaves fail?<br> A: There’s a lot of necessary handholding and tweaking of our current system. Nevertheless, we’re <a href=\"\">growing our operations</a> team to meet ongoing challenges.</p> \n<p>Q: Is that why most of your major outages can be traced to periods of time when [a system administrator] was there to sit and monitor the system?<br> A: There are a number of reasons for our past outages. Everything from faulty process, environment, configuration, and just plain load. Our system must be designed for peaks; currently we’re tightly coupled which means that massive traffic on one part affects all. We’re addressing this by breaking the stack into small lightweight pieces which are designed for failure.</p> \n<p>Q: Given the record-beating outages Twitter saw [recently], is anyone there capable of keeping Twitter live?<br> A: Of course, <a href=\"\">this is our work</a>. Our growing team is collectively rolling up our sleeves to build a utility-class system. We’re all focused on designing something that persists and becomes the background.</p> \n<p>Q: How long will it be until you are able to undo the damage [you] caused to Twitter and the community?<br> A: We’re working extremely hard to keep the service stable and performing, as well as architecting a system that stands the test of time. We’d love to be able to tell you exactly how long this will take, but it’s no easy task. It will take time, time well spent.</p> \n<p>The folks at TechCrunch singled out a former employee of Twitter by name in their questions but Twitter is a team—we share responsibility for our victories as well as our mistakes. At the scale we’re working, the tiniest detail matters. If the Mars Lander is off by a fraction, it burns up. A minor localized change on Twitter can have a systemic impact—good or bad. We’re working on a better architecture. In the meantime, we’re looking for ways we can optimize and extend our current architecture’s runway. Thank you for being patient while we do our work and thanks for using Twitter.</p> \n<p>—Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone</p>",
"date": "2008-06-01T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Presenting Twitter",
"body": "<p><br> This video is only one small example of why I’m proud to be working with Jack and other smart, inspiring people on the Twitter team. In this short overview, Jack shares his compelling vision for Twitter to a small crowd of interested folks. <a href=\";sec=1094070\">Jack Dorsey Presents Twitter</a> from <a href=\";sec=1094070\">biz stone</a> on <a href=\";sec=1094070\">Vimeo</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-06-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter+Apple!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter+Apple!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Tomorrow is the much anticipated Apple Worldwide Developer’s Conference and there’s going to be some very interesting breaking-news happening on Twitter. During the event, we are expecting approximately ten times our normal daily traffic so we’ve made some plans to accommodate this dramatic surge.</p> \n<p>Throwing Some Weight Around</p> \n<p>We’ve moved much of the load off our database by utilizing more memcache, employing more read-slave servers, and by fixing some bugs for improved efficiency. This work is in intended to help handle the load and keep Twitter up and running while Steve Jobs talks about all the new products and services Apple has planned. Of course these improvements will continue to serve Twitter beyond the WWDC as well.</p> \n<p>Operation: Gray Mode</p> \n<p>In the event that our estimates and preparations fail, we have designed a way to keep Twitter updates moving quickly through the system to their respective recipients. We have isolated and created on/off switches for many Twitter features. Should it become necessary to shed incoming load quickly, we can turn off features such as stats, pagination, and several others to preserve the reliability and timeliness of your Twitter timeline.</p> \n<p>And One More Thing</p> \n<p>Finally, we’ve learned about a cool way for news-hungry Apple fans who want to keep track of the announcements they care about most in real time. The folks over at Summize are <a href=\"\">tracking the WWDC</a>. There’s a link in the Twitter home page so you can follow every Apple-related tweet coming out of the conferenced and keynote.</p>",
"date": "2008-06-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We Made It!",
"body": "<p>It looks like we were spot-on with our estimate of ten times the normal traffic today. Our preparations held and Twitter stayed up. Only one unexpected disruption occurred and that was a network problem in our data center which caused a few minutes of service disruption some time after Steve Jobs’ keynote. With that single disruption, our uptime during the event was 97.3%</p> \n<p>Initially, we turned off some features to shed load as we announced yesterday but we were able to turn them back on during the keynote as Twitter handled the dramatic amount of traffic. About 4% of requests during this time did return the page that asks folks to wait a few minutes and try again. However, we learned a lot during this stress test and that will translate to better performance down the line.</p>",
"date": "2008-06-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Read Books via Twitter",
"body": "<p>DailyLit is a nifty service that will deliver entire books to you over email in small, manageable bits. The idea is to read a tiny bit of the book every day until it’s finished. Now, <a href=\"\">DailyLit has announced support for Twitter</a>.</p> \n<p>The first books available to read over Twitter are <a href=\"\">Down and Out in The Magic Kingdom</a> by Cory Doctorow, <a href=\"\">100 Ways to Succeed//Make Money</a> by Tom Peters, and <a href=\"\">Pride and Prejudice</a> by Jane Austen. Check it out: <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-06-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Congratulations, Twitterrific",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Congratulations, Twitterrific\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Twitterrific won “<a href=\"\">Best iPhone Social Networking Application</a>” at the recent Apple Design Awards in San Francisco, CA. Being cited by Apple for an “innovative user experience” and a “polished user interface” is no small accomplishment. The award was for an iPhone application but Twitterrific is available as a desktop client already—<a href=\"\">you can download it free right now</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-06-13T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hands On Disaster Response",
"body": "<p>HODR is <a href=\"\">using Twitter in the field</a>: “After long days in a disaster zone the last thing an operations director wants to do is craft a grammatically correct five-paragraph essay. Twitter’s short text message like format is a quick and easy platform to communicate our situation on the ground to the HODR family and the outside world.” You can follow @<a href=\"\">hodrops</a> on Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2008-06-17T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Obama, McCain Debate Via Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Obama, McCain Debate Via Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Silicon Alley Insider has the details</a>: “Want to know what Barack Obama thinks about net neutrality? John McCain’s views on white space spectrum? Good luck learning about that during any of this fall’s official debates. But we’re reasonably sure these and other issues will come up via a semi-formal debate the two campaigns are starting up today — via Twitter.”</p>",
"date": "2008-06-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "NASA, Twitter, and News from Mars",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"NASA, Twitter, and News from Mars\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>Yesterday afternoon just after 5pm at Twitter HQ I heard \n<a href=\"\">Steve</a> mutter something about ice water. I wasn’t sure if he was just thirsty or what but then I glanced at my Twitter timeline. It seemed the little robot way out there on planet Mars had sent back a \n<a href=\"\">really big tweet</a>. Today, headlines like \n<a href=\"\">NASA announces water on Mars via Twitter</a>, and \n<a href=\"\">Mars Phoenix Tweets: “We Have ICE!”</a> are starting to show up. It’s exciting and incredible news coming out of NASA and we continue to be thrilled by @\n<a href=\"\">marsphoenix</a>’s updates.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-06-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Welcoming Bijan and Jeff",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Welcoming Bijan and Jeff\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We’re happy to announce two new members of our investment team: Bijan Sabet with Spark Capital in Boston and Jeff Bezos of Bezos Expeditions in Seattle. Bijan has also accepted a seat on our board of directors. We’re looking forward to the guidance and advice both will bring to Twitter. Existing partners Union Square Ventures in New York City and Tokyo-based Digital Garage exercised their pro rata rights to participate in this round as well.</p> \n<p>Project: Runway</p> \n<p>Twitter will become a sustainable business supported by a revenue model. However, our biggest opportunities will be worth pursuing only when we achieve our vision of Twitter as a global communication utility. To reach our goal, Twitter must be reliable and robust. Private funding gives us the runway we need to stay focused on the infrastructure that will help our business take flight. We will continue hiring systems engineers, operators, and architects, as well as consultants, scientists, and other professionals to help us realize our vision.</p> \n<p>“A solid man of Boston…”</p> \n<p>We met with an impressive line-up of folks over the course of two weeks last month. On our trip to Boston, Bijan Sabet and his partners at Spark Capital made a big impression on us. Bijan has a strong sense of where Twitter is heading and sees our service as a new form of communication with the potential to have a real impact in the world. He’s also “super excited about the possibilities.” Check out <a href=\"\">Bijan’s blog</a> to learn more about him and what he thinks of our partnership. Also, be sure to follow @<a href=\"\">bijan</a> on Twitter.</p> \n<p>Seattle’s Best</p> \n<p>Jeff Bezos is said to have displayed <a href=\"\">intense and varied scientific interests</a> at an early age. Having worked on Wall Street as a computer scientist, built a network for international trade, founded, and launched the human space flight startup Blue Origin, Dr. Bezos (through Bezos Expeditions, his personal venture investment company) serves as more than an investor and advisor because he is also an inspiration to all of us at Twitter. Jeff’s attention to business process details and distinctive, “honk-like laugh” are similarly admirable traits as far as we’re concerned.</p> \n<p>We’re thrilled with the team that’s coming together around Twitter and looking forward to more good things to come.</p>",
"date": "2008-06-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Introducing John Adams and Rudy",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Introducing John Adams and Rudy\" class=\"align-center\">Note: Images above may be jokey representations.</p> \n<p>Next month, Twitter’s operations team will double in size. We’re really excited to announce that Rudy Winnacker has decided to move on from Google where he has worked as a Systems Engineer System Administrator for the past 5 years to be with us at Twitter. Rudy will settle in at his desk on July 14 as a Twitter Operations Engineer.</p> \n<p>On July 7th, John Adams will have a desk at Twitter as an Operations Engineer as well. This John Adams is very much alive and joins us from previous companies such as Apple and iFilm. <a href=\"\">Rudy</a> and <a href=\"\">John</a> will join <a href=\"\">Jeremy</a> and <a href=\"\">Jay</a> in the growing Twitter Operations department—Jeremy and Jay are very happy to have the help.</p>",
"date": "2008-06-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Setting Up A Workstation for Twitter&#39;s Newest Engineer",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Setting Up A Workstation for Twitter's Newest Engineer\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Andrew Lorek</a> comes to Twitter from BEA Systems, Inc where he worked as a senior software engineer doing both interaction design and engineering implementation. Andrew will join us on July 7th as an Engineer mostly focused on front-end, user facing work. Welcome, Andrew!</p>",
"date": "2008-06-25T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Replies Are Back, Improvements Continue",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Replies Are Back, Improvements Continue\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We deployed a change on Saturday which brought the Replies feature back for Web and RSS. We use Replies as much as anyone else so we were not happy when we discovered that it was threatening the overall service and required disabling for maintenance. In addition to bringing back Replies, this deploy also cleaned up some code and fixed some bugs.</p> \n<p>For folks who love Twitter and read popular technology blogs like TechCrunch, <a href=\"\">Friday’s comparison to a multi-car pile-up</a> seemed fair. With the Replies tab disabled since Tuesday and a frustrating outage on Thursday morning, it felt like a roadblock for us too.</p> \n<p>Last week’s emergency repair technique is a symptom not just of increasing activity and growth but of a process, approach, and architecture with room for improvement. Every time we update a component, we take another step toward better performance. There’s lots of work ahead but we are moving forward on improvements that address not just service performance but also our implementation process.</p> \n<p>We’re settling in to our new office space this week—it has a panoramic view of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge. For those who don’t live in the Bay Area, the Bay Bridge is currently being rebuilt to handle more traffic and to withstand major events like earthquakes. We now have a huge visual reminder outside our office window every day.</p>",
"date": "2008-06-29T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Home Tweet Home 2",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Home Tweet Home 2\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>This is our first week in the brand new Twitter HQ. There will be lots more photos as we finish setting things up and do some more construction here and there but overall, the new space is really comfortable and inspiring. I just snapped \n<a href=\"\">a few quick photos with my phone</a> and sent them to Flickr. By contrast, \n<a href=\"\">check out our old office featured in MIT Technology Review</a> (where I stole the title of this blog post).\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-07-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Glitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Glitter\" class=\"align-center\">WARNING<br> EMITS SHOWERS OF SPARKS<br> SHOOTS FLAMING BALLS AND REPORTS</p>",
"date": "2008-07-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter and XMPP: Drinking from The Fire Hose",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter and XMPP: Drinking from The Fire Hose\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Last year, the folks over at Technorati approached us about building something unique to suit their needs regarding search. We created a special real-time feed of every single public Twitter update to be delivered over the open XMPP protocol. Despite delivery over a faster and cheaper technology, this entire public feed of Twitter updates is resource intensive—we had to be very careful about giving it out.</p> \n<p>Technorati no longer uses the feed. However, a few other companies have since approached Twitter and made arrangements with us to gain access. There are four services currently accessing our public timeline feed over XMPP: Twittervision, Zappos, FriendFeed, and Summize.</p> \n<p>Dave Troy uses the feed to create Twittervision, an intriguing visual display of Twitter updates based on location. Zappos is parsing the feed for updates from its employees and FriendFeed only requires updates from people who use their service—we can be more efficient in serving these companies’ needs. Summize has greatly improved on Twitter’s Track feature by providing a valuable filtering service using our XMPP feed.</p> \n<p>Our goal is to support as many applications, projects, mash-ups, and devices as possible so we’ll continue to think about how best to do this. While the XMPP feed of the full Twitter Public Timeline is an amazing resource, drinking from the fire hose is not the best way to quench a thirst. With continued updates and refinement, our API will support most scenarios in a way that preserves overall system performance.</p> \n<p>The Twitter API is a big part of our success and we will be stabilizing and improving it in the short term. The rate limit is currently set to 20 requests per hour but we’re working to bring it back to 70. Experimentation with XMPP is informing the future direction of our developer platform. Ultimately, our API will be updated and extended to support a wider variety of interesting projects by a great many talented developers.</p>",
"date": "2008-07-07T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Let Our Congress Tweet",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Let Our Congress Tweet\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>From \n<a href=\"\"></a>: “Congress should join us where we the people are talking, sharing and networking – online. As Congress reconsiders the restrictions placed on their Internet use, you can tell Congress to embrace the communication technologies that we already use.”\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-07-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Finding A Perfect Match",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Finding A Perfect Match\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Last month, Twitter had a very special date in New York City. We met with another startup, had lunch at the famous Shake Shack, and spent some quality time together in Union Square. The meeting with this other startup was largely a formality—we had already fallen in love with both the technology and the team.</p> \n<p>Keeping up with interesting news and people you care about is one dimension of Twitter, but what if you need to find out what’s happening in the world beyond your personal timeline? How do you find out about updates from Mars? What do people think of the new Will Smith movie? Providing tools for filtering all the real-time information coursing through Twitter has long been part of our vision.</p> \n<p>We introduced a feature called Track close to a year ago because we recognized filtering as a key component of the Twitter experience. The folks over at Summize discovered Twitter and significantly improved on this idea of filtering and search. Twitter and Summize met last month to discuss a more formal relationship.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Finding A Perfect Match\" class=\"align-center\">CEO Jack Dorsey makes it official</p> \n<p>We’re excited to announce that Twitter has acquired Summize—an extraordinary search tool and an amazing group of engineers. All five Summize engineers will move to San Francisco, CA and take jobs at Twitter, Inc. This is an important step forward in the evolution of Twitter as a service and as a company.</p> \n<p>Better Together</p> \n<p>Summize is a popular service for searching Twitter and keeping up with emerging trends in real-time. Like Twitter, Summize offers an API so other products and services can filter the constant queue of updates in a variety of ways. The Summize service and API will be merged with our own and integrated under the Twitter brand.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Finding A Perfect Match\" class=\"align-center\">A sketch of search inside Twitter </p> \n<p>There is an undeniable need to search, filter, and otherwise interact with the volumes of news and information being transmitted to Twitter every second. We will be adding search and its related features to the core offering of Twitter in the very near future. In the meantime, everyone is welcome to access <a href=\"\"></a>—there’s no need for a Twitter account.</p> \n<p>Our Commitment</p> \n<p>Overall service performance remains our first and foremost priority. Adding five extremely talented engineers to our team serves to further this goal. The addition of search to our existing API creates an opportunity for more diversity within projects developed on the Twitter platform. We will continue to support existing applications built on the Twitter API and look forward to innovative new approaches.</p>",
"date": "2008-07-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "An Ongoing Battle",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"An Ongoing Battle\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Because following another account on Twitter is something you must do with intent, we don’t see the same kind of spam normally associated with email—namely, lots of unsolicited Twitter updates in your timeline. However, Twitter has grown popular and thus attracted those who would try to manipulate various features to redirect traffic or gain some other advantage.</p> \n<p>We are actively engaged in working to defeat the variety of spam that has made its way to Twitter. The main motivation for spammy behavior on Twitter seems to be the usual: driving web traffic to another site. Some account owners will serially create many accounts and then post thousands of links. Others have only one account but still go crazy posting links—usually to the same web site and often in a way that attempts to trick people into clicking.</p> \n<p>A Different Scale</p> \n<p>Posting links to Twitter is great and we encourage people to do so. However, spammers are posting links on a whole different scale and they’re doing something else we call Aggressive Following. This behavior entails following thousands of other accounts in the hope of reciprocation and it really peeves Twitter users because many of us are sensitive to our Follower count—we don’t want email notifications triggered by spammers and we don’t want to see our avatar on their profile page.</p> \n<p>Those who have created thousands of accounts, posted thousands of the same link, or aggressively followed way too many people, stand out like a sore thumb to our support team because they are usually blocked by hundreds or thousands of well behaved Twitter users. This simple feedback is one of the ways we detect and delete spam accounts but there are also preventative measures and more we could be doing.</p> \n<p>Pattern Recognition</p> \n<p>By the time spammers show up internally on our blocked list, they’ve already upset plenty of folks. To deal with spam earlier, we monitor emerging patterns and react with preventative measures. To combat aggressive following directly we have recently imposed new limits on following—spammy accounts following too many users have been drastically curbed. Those that existed prior to this new limit await review. Our administrative tools for finding and dealing with spam grow more sophisticated as we learn more.</p> \n<p>The Fight Continues</p> \n<p>One thing’s for sure, spammers will keep trying to spam. Part of our work will be to keep iterating and evolving our approach to spam so we can provide a good experience on Twitter. Our team has recently expanded to include a Chief Scientist with a keen interest in this area. We just wanted to make sure everyone knows that maintaining a low spam ratio is definitely part of overall service quality.</p>",
"date": "2008-07-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Follower Stats by TwitterCounter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Follower Stats by TwitterCounter\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Here’s a fun new application from Dutch entrepreneur Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten and friends that will appeal to anyone who likes simple stats. <a href=\"\">TwitterCounter</a> is a free service for folks who want to track and share the number of followers they have on Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2008-07-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Where Are My Followers?",
"body": "<p>Update: This has been fixed but the actual numbers and profile pictures might not look right until tomorrow afternoon due to caching.</p> \n<p>Recently, some people began noticing a decline in their following and follower numbers. We investigated and determined this was caused by an error during a database upgrade. We’ll be restoring followers throughout the day to those who were affected and keeping the status blog and Get Satisfaction forum updated with specifics.</p> \n<p>Please note that this is unrelated to our ongoing spam initiative as some folks were wondering. Twitter fights spam by putting rules in place to inhibit certain activities. We don’t automatically delete accounts en masse.</p>",
"date": "2008-07-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter As News-wire",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter As News-wire\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Twitter is increasingly being described as a personal news-wire—shared world events like this morning’s earthquake near Los Angeles support the definition. This chart illustrates the beginning of this morning’s earthquake followed seconds later by the <a href=\"\">first Twitter update from Los Angeles</a>. About four minutes later, official news began to emerge about the quake. By then, “<a href=\"\">Earthquake</a>” was trending on <a href=\"\">Twitter Search</a> with thousands of updates and more on the way.</p> \n<p>Many news agencies get their feed from a news wire service such as the Associated Press. “<a href=\"\">Strong quake shakes Southern California</a>” was pushed out by AP about 9 minutes after people began Twittering primary accounts from their homes, businesses, doctor’s appointments, or wherever they were when the quake struck. Whether it’s updates from best friends, internet pals, companies, brands, or breaking world events, the real-time aspect of sending and receiving Twitter updates continues to motivate our work.</p>",
"date": "2008-07-29T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Big Change in Protected-User Model",
"body": "<p>This week we rolled out a change that most people won’t notice but for those who do it’s a pretty big deal. The change effects those who choose to protect their updates—i.e., only allow those whom they approve follow them. </p> \n<p>Previously, if you were protected you had to follow anyone whom you allowed to follow you. Similarly, if you followed someone, you were granting them permission to follow you. This didn’t really make sense in a lot of cases. For instance, you may want to get news updates from <a href=\"\">@cnn</a> but only wish to allow people you know to get your updates. </p> \n<p>So, following is now de-coupled from approving followers. <a href=\";id=449\">Here’s the help doc</a> for more details. </p> \n<p>Thanks to <a href=\"\">@bs</a> and others for getting this out.</p>",
"date": "2008-08-01T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter apps for the iPhone Reviewed",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter apps for the iPhone Reviewed\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Macworld has some reviews up</a> in case your trying to decide which Twitter iPhone app is right for you.</p>",
"date": "2008-08-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Video",
"body": "<p></p>\n<br>\n<a href=\";sec=1466612\">How Do You Use Twitter?</a> from \n<a href=\";sec=1466612\">biz stone</a> on \n<a href=\";sec=1466612\">Vimeo</a>.\n<br> Several weeks ago we invited folks in New York City and San Francisco to share with us a little about how and why they use Twitter. We talked to lots of interesting people. Alas, we had to edit way down for time so only a few people made it into the final cut. We plan to put this material somewhere on our site for potential new users to get a better idea of how they might use Twitter. In the meantime, check out the video if you’re curious. Thanks to everyone who took the time to chat with us. We enjoyed meeting you! Also, special thanks to @\n<a href=\"\">julietweets</a> for taking the lead on this project.",
"date": "2008-08-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Your Dollars",
"body": "<p>Our friends over at <a href=\"\">Wesabe</a>, a great finance app, have <a href=\"\">added Twitter integration</a> that helps you track where your dollars go:</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>“…you can now add transactions to your Wesabe cash account through Twitter. This is a great way to keep track of you spending on the go — just text Twitter the details, and it will show up automatically in your accounts. Or, use whatever other Twitter client you like.”</p> \n</blockquote>",
"date": "2008-08-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Internet Users Take Note",
"body": "<p>Malicious Software or “Malware” is rampant on the web. Some experts have estimated <a href=\"\">1 in 10 web pages contain malicious code</a> that could infect a user’s PC. While Twitter can’t actually <em>host</em> malware, it does allow hyperlinks and is therefore not immune to those who would attempt to point others directly towards malware elsewhere on the web.</p> \n<p>We’ve already removed the Twitter accounts being discussed today in news articles and blogs and we’ll continue along these lines. However, the news is a good reminder. Ne’er-do-wells prefer the web for spreading computer viruses and the like. If you happen across a web page—including a Twitter profile page—and you have reservations about what lies on the other end of a hyperlink, think before you click. Especially if the page seems a little sketchy to begin with.</p> \n<p>Also: If you think you’ve found someone linking to malware on Twitter, <a href=\"\">please let us know</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-08-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What Will You Be Doing 080808?",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"What Will You Be Doing 080808?\"></p> \n<p>A fun project has emerged out of the Chinese community on Twitter. The idea is to share what you’re doing during the opening day of the Olympic Games. To participate, just add #080808 to your tweet and to watch, just <a href=\"\">visit Twitter Search</a>. If you want to dig a little deeper, you can customize your profile pic <a href=\"\">by downloading the photoshop kit on this blog</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-08-07T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Making Progress on Spam",
"body": "<p>We’ve previously discussed our efforts to defend Twitter against spam. We are making progress—there are bugs while we find our way—but we’re making progress too. Recently, we’ve seen significant impact by introducing limits around how many accounts can be followed on Twitter under certain conditions. These limits are designed to not affect the vast majority of users. However, some people (who are not spammers) have (and will) run into them. We want to shed some light on what we’ve done and why. </p> \n<p><strong>A Work In Progress </strong></p> \n<p>First of all, let me note that these limits are still a work in progress. We’ve had some bugs in them that are still being worked out. And we need to tweak them to adapt to what we learn about our ever-changing system. However, it’s clear from our vantage point they’ve already had a very positive effect in reducing (though not eliminating) the most common type of Twitter abuse: “Follow spam.”</p> \n<p><strong>What is “Follow Spam?” </strong></p> \n<p>Follow spam is the act of following mass numbers of people, not because you’re actually interested in their tweets, but simply to gain attention, get views of your profile (and possibly clicks on URLs therein), or (ideally) to get followed back. Many people who are seeking to get attention in this way have even created programs to do the following on their behalf, which enable them to follow thousands of people at the blink of any eye.</p> \n<p>As you can imagine, this is a problem. In extreme cases, these automated accounts have followed so many people they’ve threatened the performance of the entire system. In less-extreme cases, they simply annoy thousands of legitimate users who get an email about this new follower only to find out their interest may not be entirely…sincere. On rare occasions we may see a person who is mass following and actually cares about every tweet—there is an opportunity for us to learn more about this use case and work to provide a better experience. </p> \n<p><strong>There Is No Magic Number</strong></p> \n<p>So, our challenge is to curb this type of behavior without interfering with non-spammy users—some of whom may just be very enthusiastic followers. What is a reasonable number of people to follow, anyway? Most users may have a hard time finding 500 accounts they are interested in—while others would think a limit of 10,000 is too low.</p> \n<p>Also, people approach Twitter in different ways. Some think you should follow everyone who follows you. Personally, I don’t because that would render Twitter unusable for me. I “only” follow about 700 accounts—less than 5% of the 16,000 who follow me. (<a href=\"\">Mr. Obama</a> may have time to keep up with 50,000 people, but I’m a busy guy!)</p> \n<p>The point is, there is no right or wrong. And there is no perfect formula. We do our best by taking a multi-dimensional approach. We look at a number of factors—including how many people are following you back—before applying limits. We don’t reveal exact limits, because it’s somewhat complicated and, more importantly, if you were to tell spammers exactly what the filtering rules are on your email or, say, Google’s PageRank, they’d just engineer their way around them much more easily. </p> \n<p><strong>Making Progress </strong></p> \n<p>Like I said, this is still a work in progress. The good news for most people is that we’re taking measures to reduce junk in the system—and it’s working. The bad news for some is that it’s possible you’ll run into a limit and get frustrated. If that happens, please let us know. We want to learn how people want to use Twitter. (Note: We intend to allow you to follow at least as many people as follow you, though there are cases where that might not yet be the case. We will fix that.)</p> \n<p>By the way, this is only a small part of our approach to spam in general. We’ll be talking more soon about other measures we’re taking. Thanks for hanging with us as we figure everything out.</p>",
"date": "2008-08-07T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Gray Lady Is All A-Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"The Gray Lady Is All A-Twitter\">&nbsp;</p> \n<p>The New York Times has been on a Twitter tear lately. They’ve got a good collection of accounts that make for some nice variety. Some of the accounts are written straight-up by writers, editors, and bloggers at the Times and others deliver just the Section Headlines. Here’s the complete collection if you want to add a little NYT to your Twitter timeline.</p> \n<p><strong>New York Times Writers using Twitter</strong></p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>@<a href=\"\">themoment</a><br> @<a href=\"\">CityRoom</a><br> @<a href=\"\">brianstelter</a><br> @<a href=\"\">TheLede</a><br> @<a href=\"\">TheCaucus</a><br> @<a href=\"\">DotEarth</a></p> \n</blockquote> \n<p><strong>Follow Section Headlines from The New York Times</strong></p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>@<a href=\"\">NYTimes</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesMovies</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesBooks</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesScience</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesArts</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesBusiness</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesSports</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesNational</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesHealth</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesTravel</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesFood</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesWeather</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesWorld</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesStyle</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesPolitics</a><br> @<a href=\"\">NYTimesMetro</a></p> \n</blockquote>",
"date": "2008-08-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Changes for Some SMS Users—Good and Bad News",
"body": "<p>Let’s start with the bad news. Beginning today, Twitter is no longer delivering outbound SMS over our UK number. If you have been receiving SMS updates from Twitter via +44 762 480 1423, you’ll notice that they’ve stopped and you may want to explore some of the alternatives we’re suggesting.</p> \n<p><strong><em>Note: </em></strong><em>Updating via our UK number remains fully supported</em> and these <em>changes do not affect users in Canada, India, or the United States</em>.</p> \n<p>Before we go into more detail, here’s the good news. Twitter will be introducing several new, local SMS numbers in countries throughout Europe, in the coming weeks and months. These new numbers will make Twittering more accessible for all the folks who have been using SMS to send long-distance updates through our UK number.<br><strong><br> Why Stop Sending SMS To Some Countries?</strong></p> \n<p>Mobile operators in most of the world charge users to send updates. When you send one message to Twitter and we send it to ten followers, you aren’t charged ten times—that’s because we’ve been footing the bill. When we launched our free SMS service to the world, we set the clock ticking. As the service grew in popularity, so too would the price.</p> \n<p>Our challenge during this window of time was to establish relationships with mobile operators around the world such that our SMS services could become sustainable from a cost perspective. We achieved this goal in Canada, India, and the United States. We can provide full incoming and outgoing SMS service without passing along operator fees in these countries.</p> \n<p>We took a risk hoping to bring more nations onboard and more mobile operators around to our way of thinking but we’ve arrived at a point where the responsible thing to do is slow our costs and take a different approach. If you don’t live in Canada, India, or the US, then we recommend receiving your Twitter updates via one of the following methods.</p> \n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\"></a> works on browser-enabled phones</li> \n <li><a href=\"\"></a><a href=\"\"></a> works on browser-enabled phones</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TwitterMail</a> works on email-enabled phones</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Cellity</a> works on java-enabled phones</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TwitterBerry</a> works on BlackBerry brand phones</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Twitterific</a> works on iPhones</li> \n</ul>\n<p><strong>Twitter SMS by The Numbers</strong></p> \n<p>It pains us to take this measure. However, we need to avoid placing undue burden on our company and our service. Even with a limit of 250 messages received per week, it could cost Twitter about $1,000 per user, per year to send SMS outside of Canada, India, or the US. It makes more sense for us to establish fair billing arrangements with mobile operators than it does to pass these high fees on to our users.</p> \n<p>Twitter will continue to negotiate with mobile operators in Europe, Asia, China, Australia, The Americas, and other regions to forge relationships that benefit all our users. Our goal is to provide full, two-way service with Twitter via SMS to every nation in a way that is sustainable from a cost perspective. Talks with mobile companies around the world continue. In the meantime, more local numbers for updating via SMS are on the way. We’ll keep you posted.</p>",
"date": "2008-08-13T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Some SMS Perspective",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Some SMS Perspective\"></p> \n<p>On Wednesday, we announced that Twitter has suspended outgoing SMS to our UK number. The blue in the chart above illustrates the percent of outgoing SMS we stopped sending. 2% of our user base consumed 4% of our outbound SMS over the UK number at a price which disproportionately impacted overall operational cost. Nevertheless, this 2% is important to us and <em>the UK number remains active for incoming SMS</em>. We send out a large amount of SMS traffic—most of it going to The United States, Canada, and India where we have established sustainable billing rates with mobile operators and we don’t pass any expense on to users.</p> \n<p><strong>Why Not Charge Users?</strong></p> \n<p>We considered passing the cost (as much as 73 euros per month for 35 tweets a day in some markets) of outgoing SMS on to users through a billing mechanism. However, international billing is a significant project and not something we are comfortable focusing on before we have a dependable offering. It’s not right to charge for spotty service—and we know there are bugs. People have had trouble setting up SMS, sometimes messages don’t make it to their destination, and sometimes there are duplicate messages.</p> \n<p><strong>The Show Must Go On</strong></p> \n<p>We love SMS. The lowest common denominator aspect of this service is a defining part of Twitter. We want to provide ubiquitous access in a way that is sustainable for both us and our users. We’ve done it for 96% of our current SMS traffic and we think we can do it for the rest. But it will take time and we will need help. In the meantime, updates to the UK number still work, more numbers are on the way (hopefully we can get Australia a local number before I am fed to a crocodile), and there are several alternatives for receiving updates.</p>",
"date": "2008-08-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Alex Payne, API Lead",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">The Twitter API</a> has grown over the past 2 years and become very important to Twitter as well as developers who build on our services. This has all happened despite the fact that we could only spare one engineer to work on the API about half of his time. Things are changing.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Alex Payne</a> has been leading much of our API development since he started working on Twitter in March, 2007. As part of a larger plan to dedicate more resources to developers, Alex has taken the official role of API Lead. Twitter engineer <a href=\"\">Matt Sanford</a> will join him in focusing on our developer offerings.</p> \n<p>We’re thrilled that Alex has taken the lead on our API. And Matt’s familiarity with our search API is critical as we continue to integrate the technology we brought to Twitter as part of our <a href=\"\">recent search acquisition</a>. With Alex and Matt focusing on our developer offerings full time, there’s a lot in store.</p>",
"date": "2008-08-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Mobilizing His Followers",
"body": "<p>This AP story points out that <a href=\"\">Mr. Obama is harnessing the real-time power of Twitter to mobilize his followers to vote</a>. I can just picture the tweet come November: “Hoping you’ll go make me president—right now!”</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Obama’s campaign has used the Internet to boost fundraising, building upon Howard Dean’s Web strategy in 2004, but the campaign’s use of text messaging has the potential to mobilize voters in a new way.</p> \n <p>Obama’s campaign has encouraged supporters to sign up for e-mails and text messages and sent text messages to voters on the days of key primary contests. The messages also helped encourage supporters to attend local events and tune into Obama television appearances.</p> \n <p>On the Web, Obama’s Twitter site now has more than 60,000 followers, who receive updates from Obama’s town hall meetings and links to his Web site.</p> \n <p>Nick Shapiro, an Obama spokesman, declined to release the number of cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses the campaign has amassed. He said the text messaging has been “valuable because not everyone sits in front of a computer or a television.”</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>The article also mentions that “Republican John McCain’s campaign, meanwhile, has not highlighted text messages,” Instead McCain is going old-school with viral YouTube videos, “McCain’s recent ‘Celeb’ ad, which compared Obama to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, has received about 2 million hits on YouTube.”</p>",
"date": "2008-08-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter+Chumby",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter+Chumby\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>The Chumby is consumer electronics product that displays ambient infotainment. It’s a squishy little deal that connects to wifi and runs widgets you download from Today Chumby Industries announced that they have added a <a href=\"\">Twitter widget</a> and a <a href=\"\">Twitter Search widget</a> to their directory. You can try the widgets out on their site. <a href=\"\">Chumby!</a></p>",
"date": "2008-08-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Turning Up The Heat On Spam",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Turning Up The Heat On Spam\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Twitter is not in the inflatable boat business contrary to this week’s flavor of spam. Despite the fact that there are apparently lots of “surprisingly attractive” inflatable boats available for financing, these updates and other spammy accounts are unwanted junk affecting good user experience. Inflatable boats will sink as we work to fry all forms of Twitter spam. So, what are we doing?</p> \n<p>Suspended Accounts</p> \n<p>Today, we launched a new admin tool which allows us to more efficiently deal with spam when we spot it. Our support staff can now more easily review and suspend spam accounts as well as visibly change the content on the profile to read, “This account is currently suspended and is being investigated due to strange activity,” so that others may be warned.</p> \n<p>Community Powered Alerts</p> \n<p>Suspending a spam account only works after it’s already caused some damage. We have enhanced our admin tools to more accurately factor your feedback for a more timely diagnosis. When you block a spam account, we take note—when more people start blocking a spam account, we go to red alert. Blocking also puts that account out of sight and out of mind so you don’t have to see it anymore.</p> \n<p>Dedicated Personnel</p> \n<p>It’s unfortunate that this has to be done but we’re going to hire people whose full time job will be the systematic identification and removal of spam on Twitter. These folks will work together with our support team, and our automatic spam tools. Our first “spam marshal” is starting at Twitter next week.</p> \n<p>As always, fighting spam is a sustained activity. There is no magic wand we can wave or switch we can flip to make it all go away. Spammers will keep finding inventive new ways to advance their motives and harm user experience and we’ll keep shutting them down and slowing their progress. We just wanted to make sure everyone knows that we are taking spam seriously.</p>",
"date": "2008-08-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "HuffPo Twittering from the DNC",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"HuffPo Twittering from the DNC\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>The folks over at The Huffington Post have put together a Twitter account updating live from the Democratic National Convention. You can <a href=\"\">visit their site</a> or <a href=\"\">follow them on Twitter</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-08-25T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.18.1b Details",
"body": "<p><span>TweetDeck v0.18.1 is primarily a bug fix release, hence the .1 version number. There should be a much more interesting v0.19 at the end of the week. Here is what has been updated: </span></p>\n<p class=\"indent\"> </p>\n<ul>\n <li>Added Retweet button for 12seconds videos in the 12seconds column</li> \n <li>Added a “Tweet Colors” button to the settings window &gt; Colors/Font tab to auto tweet your color scheme (somebody asked for it and it was a 2 minute job :-)</li> \n <li>Added links underlined in tweets</li>\n</ul>\n<p></p> \n<li>Added single click to activate links - rather than having to click on the column to activate it then the link to actually go there now everything should be a one click operation whether TweetDeck is the application in focus or not</li> \n<li>Updated hashtags to link to - previous hashtags pointed to but not all hashtags are supported so have changed url to point to</li> \n<li>Fixed global search where contains # character such as #140</li> \n<li>Fixed encoding problem with url shorteners - twurl was cutting off url to be shortened at &amp; symbol</li> \n<li>Fixed not remembering primary font bug - this was actually only happening when black was chosen as the primary font&nbsp;</li> \n<li>Fixed tweet box character count when replying to multiple people</li> \n<li>Fixed URLs ending with . or ) regular expression</li> \n<li>Fixed link leakage problem - related to fixed URL regular expression, occasionally if you clicked on the text of a tweet where there were no links, it would link off somewhere completely unrelated - this was&nbsp;actually&nbsp;caused by a link from a tweet above “leaking” over - this should not happen anymore</li> \n<li>Fixed application quit bug in Windows - in Windows, choosing Exit from the system tray (whilst minimized), or Exit from the menu bar closed the window but not the application, TweetDeck.exe was still running in the Task Manager. This process had to be force quit in order to open TweetDeck again. Now it should quit completely and cleanly.</li> \n<p>That’s all for this release, see you all very soon for v0.19 </p>",
"date": "2008-09-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Trimming the Sails",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Trimming the Sails\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>I wanted to take a moment to share more than 140 characters about Twitter’s continued reliability improvements and how we’ve made it here.</p> \n<p>I’ve always respected a good sense of pacing. It’s easy to be fast and loose, but it takes a certain discipline, foresight, and patience to guide something through the right way. For most of Twitter’s early days, pacing could be considered an unattainable luxury. Our effort started with a bang and quickly accelerated to a disconcerting velocity that never let up. We found ourselves reacting to situations instead of crafting solutions and features we wanted to make.</p> \n<p>With nearly two years at full speed, thousands of successes (with as many mistakes), and countless lessons learned, we’ve finally discovered our rhythm as a team. By carefully regrouping all aspects of our work, breaking the problem down into smaller parts, and iterating rapidly, Twitter, Inc. is poised to bring a new kind of communication to every part of the world.</p> \n<p>While our focus on building a stable service is well known, we haven’t discussed how we’ve been organizing our work internally. Twitter is a small company of only 24 full time employees and a network of contractors working in 6 discrete, nimble teams:</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Product. Define, design, and support the Twitter products and programs.</p> \n <p>User Experience. Craft the user experiences of our products, and develop tools that safeguard those experiences.</p> \n <p>API. Develop and manage programmatic access to our services, and vitalize the developer community to harness those services.</p> \n <p>Services. Architect and develop our core applications and services.</p> \n <p>Operations. Architect, deploy, operate, measure, and monitor our infrastructure, products and services.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>The team responsible for the company itself is my team. Our goal is to create an engaging and energetic environment in which to work, and to provide all the other teams with the necessary human, financial, and directional resources they need to make Twitter a success. Each team is staffed by a small number of people working together to craft every detail, always informed by testing, measurement, simple planning and tracking, and lots of creativity.</p> \n<p>It’s taken some time to put everything in its right place. We’re proud of what we’ve built, and now more than ever, we’re proud of how we’re building it.</p>",
"date": "2008-09-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Palin Peak",
"body": "<p>Governor Palin’s speech at the Republican National Convention last night corresponded with a dramatic increase of tweets per second. This graph represents hourly update activity on Twitter over two days this week. <img alt=\"The Palin Peak\" src=\"\" class=\"align-center\">Like hurricane Gustav on Monday, and Google’s new browser launch on Tuesday, Palin’s official nomination acceptance on Wednesday is another example of Twitter being used in real-time during a massively shared event. We continue to see increased activity during storms, earthquakes, breaking news, and more but Politics in particular continues to drive updates, discussion, interaction, and other sustained activity on Twitter.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">C—SPAN has built an interesting Twitter integration</a> and <a href=\"\">Leslie Bradshaw</a> often shares updates on air. CNN also makes use of Twitter and <a href=\"\">Rick Sanchez</a> has also been broadcasting updates on television as well. The National Press Club recently held a Twitter training session for journalists in advance of convention reporting and there are <a href=\"\">over 30 members of congress using Twitter</a>. US politics in 2008 is definitely a-Twitter and that’s good for us.</p> \n<p>This election year will continue to generate activity on Twitter. <a href=\"\">Search</a> is a good way to follow Political action as we head to the debates and the election in November. API projects like <a href=\"\">Politweets</a> are another interesting way to take the nation’s pulse. We’re on the lookout for more like this and we’re interested in facilitating much of this discourse from a features standpoint when it makes sense. Interesting stuff!</p>",
"date": "2008-09-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Acceptance Speeches: The Tweets Are In!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Acceptance Speeches: The Tweets Are In!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>MG Siegler over at <a href=\"\">VentureBeat</a> saw our post yesterday about <a href=\"\">Twitter activity</a> surrounding Governor Palin’s acceptance speech and asked if we could share more along those lines. Here is a graph showing Twitter mentions of each presidential and vice presidential candidate during their acceptance speeches at the DNC and RNC. McCain seems to be topping the chart but that’s not necessarily a good thing—tweets can be both positive and negative.</p>",
"date": "2008-09-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Trends &amp; a Tip",
"body": "<p>My favorite aspect of Twitter has long been the personal immediacy—seeing what’s happening in my world right now. &nbsp;The trending topics found on <a href=\"\"></a> now make this possible on a global scale. &nbsp;Yes, newspapers, news sites, <a href=\"\">Google trends</a>, and my personal favorite, <a href=\"\">The Economist</a>, all give me a sense of what has been happening in the world lately.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Trends &amp; a Tip\" class=\"align-center\">However, none of these sources match the velocity and focus provided by Twitter. &nbsp;At a glance I’m able to see what the world considers important in this moment, which lights a path to explore what matters to me. &nbsp;The <a href=\"\">trending box in the sidebar</a> makes a great <a href=\"\">dashboard widget</a> for Mac users. &nbsp;At the press of a button, my day starts with a sense of what the world cares about. &nbsp;How do you use Twitter trends?</p>",
"date": "2008-09-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Time Travel (and A Few Updates)",
"body": "<p>Twitter is all about what’s happening right now but sometimes people like to see what has already happened to add a little context. If you’re one of those folks, we want to point out a few recent improvements that may have gone unnoticed. The timeline on home pages now goes back 40 pages instead of only 10, the archive timeline now goes back 3,200 tweets, and the “older” button—well, it works. It is now possible to travel back in time further than ever before.</p>",
"date": "2008-09-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Welcome Nick, Congrats Jeremy",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Welcome Nick, Congrats Jeremy\" class=\"align-center\">Nick Kallen and Jeremy LaTrasse</p> \n<p>Ask Nick Kallen what he thinks about anything and you’ll get a full review. How’s the coffee at the new shop near Whole Foods? Not only will he tell you about the flavor, you’ll also get keen descriptions of the baristas and details about their technique. It’s more than likely that wikipedia will be involved before the end of the conversation. Nick prides himself in being expert and expertly communicating. Last week, Nick accepted our offer of full-time employment.</p> \n<p>At any given point during the day, you will hear Nick talking through complex engineering issues in the back of Twitter HQ. His quiet, conversational method is attractive to other engineers and even more important—it’s getting things done. Nick has been working with Twitter as a consultant for a few months now and he’s been instrumental in putting us on a path toward reliability. This week, we’re proud to welcome <a href=\"\">Nick</a> as a full-time Twitter engineer.</p> \n<p>We’re also proud to announce that Jeremy LaTrasse has officially stepped into a leadership role as Twitter’s Head of Operations. Jeremy has been with Twitter since the very beginning. His tireless effort, zealous commitment, and general willingness to go above and beyond has distinguished <a href=\"\">Jeremy</a> at Twitter. Accepting responsibility for operational activities at Twitter is no mean feat—the word courage leaps to mind. With the addition of Nick, we are now a team of 25.</p>",
"date": "2008-09-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter and Democracy",
"body": "<p><img class=\"align-center\" src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter and Democracy\"></p> \n<p>Today Current TV announced their plan to <a href=\"\">Hack the Debate</a> with an innovative new way to make television interactive. “As Twitter users tweet throughout the course of the live broadcasts, Current and Twitter will collect comments regarding the debate and layer the individual messages over the debate feed.” Why stop at the web and mobile when we can create a new features for democracy?</p>",
"date": "2008-09-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Changes Afoot",
"body": "<p>We’re getting ready to launch a refresh of parts of the interface. This release does not include any new features (well, one). It’s mostly cosmetic changes. This post describes what we’re doing and why.</p> \n<p><strong>Moving the tabs</strong></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Changes Afoot\"></p> \n<p>The most significant change you’ll notice on the logged-in homepage (/home) is that we’ve moved the tabs that were on the top of the timeline to the right sidebar. We did this for a couple reasons. For one thing, it makes them larger targets and easier to access. But more importantly, it was an investment in the future. We plan to have more tabs, and we’d run out of room putting them along the top. This was the driving factor for this redesign, but you won’t see all the benefits until a future release (hopefully, very soon!).</p> \n<p><strong>Ajax for speed</strong><br> When you click on the Home or <a href=\"\">@Replies</a> tab when you’re already on that page, the updates are now refreshed via Ajax, instead of loading the whole page, which should be faster.</p> \n<p><strong>Action icons: When you need them</strong><br> At first you may wonder where the star </p>\n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Changes Afoot\"></p> \n<p> and reply swoosh </p>\n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Changes Afoot\"></p> \n<p> beside every update went. Hover over an update to see them show up.</p> \n<p><strong>Lighter, Prettier, Simplified</strong><br> Besides hiding the icons until you need them, we’ve done many things to try and make the look of the page less cluttered — like lightening the lines between posts and spacing things out more. Some things we’ve made smaller (like our logo), while other, more important things, we’ve made bigger (like the tabs and the Update button). Some things we’ve made the tough choice to get rid of all together (see below).</p> \n<p>We’ve also done some things for pure aesthetic reasons — like rounding some corners (which you won’t see on Internet Explorer but will in Firefox or Safari — or Chrome). In general, we think the site looks a lot better. Hopefully you will, as well.</p> \n<p><strong>New design customizer</strong><br> For some people, this design probably does <em>not</em> look better. If you’ve customized your Twitter colors, it’s possible you have a combination that doesn’t look quite right with this new design. We did our best to maintain customizations in a pleasing way. But if, for example, you have a white sidebar or sidebar border color, it may not look quite right.</p> \n<p>But good news! One new feature we’ve added is a completely revamped design customizer, which you’ll find under <a href=\"\">Settings / Design</a>.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Changes Afoot\"></p> \n<p>With this tool, you can choose from pre-designed themes, as well as play with your color scheme and background and see the results in real time.</p> \n<p><strong>Removed Archive tab</strong><br> In the interest of simplification, we’ve removed the “Archive” tab from /home which showed you your own updates. The reason is, it showed you the same stuff you see on your own profile page, it was oddly named, and people rarely used it. It didn’t deserve the space it took. If you miss it, hopefully you’ll get used to going to your profile page (which you can get to by clicking on your picture or the Profile link up top).</p> \n<p><strong>What we haven’t done</strong><br> This hardest thing about doing a redesign like this deciding what <em>not</em> to tackle. I’m fairly certain that much of the feedback to this will be, “What about…[your favorite feature request / annoyance].” Please be assured the changes we’ve made here aren’t the only things we want to (or will) change. They’re not even, necessarily, the most important. The scope of this project was limited to light-weight front-end work. We have whole other teams working on back-end changes and more fundamental functionality changes (which, as mentioned above, this is also laying the groundwork for).</p> \n<p><strong>Got feedback? Twitter us.</strong><br> We’d love to know what you think. Please send your gripes, ideas, and praise (?) for the team. The easiest way is via Twitter (naturally). Just send an update starting with <a href=\"\">@twitter</a>. Though we might not be able to respond to everyone, as usual, we’ll keep a close eye on what you say.</p>",
"date": "2008-09-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Trends on Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Trends on Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Comedian Demetri Martin sometimes does a bit on The Daily Show about spotting trends. Maybe next time he’s on he’ll have a look at <a href=\"\"></a> first. Trending topics on Twitter are keywords that happen to be popping up in a whole bunch of tweets. We measure these topics and adjust them in real-time throughout the day. It’s a great way of finding out what’s happening right now.</p> \n<p>Today’s Trends</p> \n<p>Creating a blog post about current trends is challenging because they tend to change while you’re writing. However, earlier today folks had <a href=\"\">Spain</a> on the brain. Whether McCain was taking a hard line against the Spanish government or if he just blanked for a minute during an interview, Twitterers were not giving him a break. Tweets like <a href=\"\">this one from @bigskyman</a> flew in fast and furious, “The reign in Spain has strained McCain’s old brain.”</p> \n<p>Staying Power</p> \n<p>Some trends tend to stick around for a while as people continue to have reactions like <a href=\"\">this one from Jon MacDonald</a> about trending topic <a href=\"\">AIG</a>, “Kraft to replace AIG on the DOW Index. Fitting, since most people will soon be eating more Kraft dinners.” Twitter also seems to be powering a vibrant backchannel for the Web 2.0 Expo in New York City which people are participating in by adding the keyword <a href=\"\">#w2e</a> to their tweets. The <a href=\"\">Dow</a> zooming up at the last minute has lots of folks tweeting in surprise this afternoon.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Sarah Palin</a> continues her reign as queen of the tweets with people still reeling from Tina Fey’s spot on impersonation—and eerily similar physical appearance. The <a href=\"\">Sara Palin baby name generator</a> is still making the rounds as is the topic of her coveted Japanese eyeglasses. The news of Palin’s hacked Yahoo! Mail account is old but today people are twittering about the password: “Popcorn.” It may have been set by the hacker but nevertheless, it’s a salty tidbit today on Twitter.</p> \n<p>Movers and Shakers</p> \n<p>Moving up the ranks in today’s trends is something that shouldn’t be there until tomorrow but it’s apparently starting a day early. People are already warming up for the yearly event that takes the web by storm: Talk Like A <a href=\"\">Pirate Day</a>. Arrr you ready for it, matey? I’m also learning just now that <a href=\"\">It’s Always Sunny</a> in Philadelphia is premiering a new season tonight—better set the TiVo. It might be fun to try and package these trends up on a regular basis but we’ll have to be fast about it!</p>",
"date": "2008-09-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What&#39;s Trending And Why?",
"body": "<p>I’ve just taken a quick look at what’s trending on Twitter right now and tried to explain why in 140 characters or less.</p> \n<ul>\n <li>T-Mobile is trending because Google and T-Mobile have announced G1 a fancy new computer phone like the iPhone.</li> \n <li>Obama is generating tweets today as people react to his comments on CNN from Florida about the current state of the US economy.</li> \n <li>Heroes is still inspiring tweets even after the US premiere of its new season—lots of folks are just now watching it via DVR or online.</li> \n <li>Sarah Palin trends every day but today folks are tweeting about her visit to the UN and that she’s only had a passport since 2007.</li> \n <li>iPhone is generally popular but trending more today because of a power adapter recall and the new competitor from Google.</li> \n <li>Adobe is generating tweets today because they’ve announced their flagship software suite, Adobe CS4.</li> \n <li>Paulson is showing up in the Twitter trends as people exchange opinions about the government bailouts in the US.</li> \n <li>Mothra is trending apparently due to a growing meme of “Your Mothra…” jokes—not sure what’s up with that.</li> \n <li>Apple seems to be trending for two reasons: folks are eating a lot of apples today and they’re discussing iPhones and other Apple products.</li> \n</ul>",
"date": "2008-09-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What hath God wrought? (22 characters)",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"What hath God wrought? (22 characters)\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Andrew Ratner from the Baltimore Sun takes a little tour of history’s short messages in his article, <a href=\",0,5361690.column\">We’re all a-twitter being succinct</a>.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Samuel Morse tapped out this historic message upon inventing the telegraph: What hath God wrought?</p> \n <p>22 characters long.</p> \n <p>Alexander Graham Bell’s first spoken words on a telephone: Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.</p> \n <p>41 characters.</p> \n <p>Neil Armstrong upon walking onto the moon: That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.</p> \n <p>58 characters.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Hmm, maybe our first tweet should have been more prophetic.</p>",
"date": "2008-09-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Ow, My Aiken Trends",
"body": "<p>Here’s quick look at today’s fresh trends as of about 11am PST.</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Clay Aiken started trending yesterday and he’s topping the charts today—his official coming out has people Twittering in ironic shock.</li> \n <li>Matt Millen is stepping down from his role as vice president of the Detroit Lions causing many virtual high-fives in the form of tweets.</li> \n <li>PETA is getting attention as folks react strongly to the suggestion that Ben and Jerry’s make ice cream from human breast milk.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">#picnic08</a> was topping the trends earlier but has fallen off as attendees of this conference in Amsterdam settle in for the evening.</li> \n</ul>\n<p>On the political front, Obama, Sarah Palin, Biden, and McCain are trending as expected. Apple, iPhone, T-Mobile G1, and AT&amp;T are still trending as yesterday’s technology news continues to drive discussion.</p> \n<p>Update!</p> \n<ul>\n <li>John McCain jumped to the number one trend after news that he’s canceling the first presidential debate.</li> \n</ul>",
"date": "2008-09-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Trending: Bailouts, Suspensions, and Tweet-ups",
"body": "<p>Our daily pre-noon roundup of current Twitter trends.</p> \n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\">Palin</a> has folks a-twitter since her spontaneous press availability this morning and her chat with reporters at Ground Zero.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Jack Thompson</a> is stirring things up again this time on Twitter as folks react to his permanent disbarment with a collective w00t.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Obama</a> is picking up tweets today as people wonder aloud whether he will take the television time allotted for the debate for himself.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Congress</a> and <a href=\"\">Wall Street</a> are back on Twitter as folks tweet nervously about the recent agreement regarding the bailouts.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">#cdninst</a> has made its way onto the trends list today as folks apparently gather in Canada to discuss software of various sorts and kinds.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">John McCain</a> is all over the place on Twitter since announcing that he’s suspending his campaign and canceling on Letterman.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Y Combinator’s</a> newest graduate, a link-sharing service called SocialBrowse is building interest as folks react to its public launch.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Twestival</a> was trending earlier as folks in London geared up for “a tweet-up with a social conscience” going on now.</li> \n</ul>",
"date": "2008-09-25T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Trends: Feel the Boo hoo?",
"body": "<p>Here’s a quick look at today’s trending topics.</p> \n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\">WaMu</a> is today’s top trend as folks with accounts share their anxiety, twitter about the takeover, and wonder what’s next.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">ACL</a> is picking up as people gear up for the Austin City Limits music festival (and <a href=\"\">watch workers swap the WaMu sign for Chase</a>.)</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Miss Teen USA</a> trends as people pass around a link to the YouTube video mashup of a teen pageant with Palin voiceover.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">USC</a> has folks a-twitter as football fans lament or celebrate Oregon State University’s triumph over USC.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">#churchtechcamp</a> has made it to the trend board as folks in Los Angeles gather to explore the intersection of faith and tech.</li> \n</ul>\n<p>For trending topics and opinions specifically related to the US presidential election, <a href=\"\">visit Twitter Election 2008</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-09-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Of The People, By The People, For The People",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">Politweets</a> was one of the first to mix Twitter and politics. Other interesting mash-ups were created by C-SPAN for both the <a href=\"\">RNC</a> and the <a href=\"\">DNC</a>. There’s also the amazingly cool <a href=\"\">Perspctv</a> and of course there’s <a href=\"\">Current TV’s plan to Hack The Debate</a>. Today, we’re adding to the mix by launching <a href=\"\">Twitter Election 2008</a> built upon our search and trending functionality.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Of The People, By The People, For The People\" class=\"align-center\"></a>Twitter E08</p> \n<p>What Do We Think?</p> \n<p>Every second of every day, people all around the world share the answer to a simple question, “What are you doing?” With only 140 characters to work with, folks tend to share the reactions, opinions, and ideas foremost in their thoughts. This public chorus reveals what is truly on our minds—<a href=\"\">Election 2008 on Twitter</a> exposes these topics.</p> \n<p>During the first presidential debate in Oxford, Mississippi and each subsequent debate leading up to and beyond election day, Twitter will be performing real-time algorithmic analysis on millions of unedited public reactions. These trending topics along with a live ticker of continuously fresh opinions are available now at <a href=\"\"></a>.</p> \n<p>What Do You Think?</p> \n<p>In addition to exposing emerging political topics, Twitter E08 invites visitors to include their opinions and reactions in 140 characters or less. Twitter is the pulse of what is happening with the people, organizations, and events you care about—delivered immediately, wherever you are. Proven compelling during shared events ranging from earthquakes to film festivals, Twitter now introduces an engaging new way to participate in democracy.</p> \n<p>Twitter E08 Features</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Hot Election Topics are determined by a variety of search queries</li> \n <li>The topics at the top of the page are updated every 15 minutes</li> \n <li>Clicking at topic filters the content based on that particular word or phrase</li> \n <li>Obama and McCain’s Twitter accounts are updated whenever they update</li> \n <li>People can participate in the box under “What do you think?”</li> \n <li>The main timeline is a live ticker—new updates appear every second or so</li> \n <li>Clicking the sidebar tabs filters the main timeline by candidate name</li> \n <li>We’ll be featuring notable Twitter accounts in the sidebar</li> \n <li>Updates made at Twitter E08 will link back to</li> \n</ul>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Of The People, By The People, For The People\" class=\"align-center\"></a>Twitter E08 Topic Page</p> \n<p>Note: A Twitter account is not required unless you want to participate by adding your own opinions, thoughts, or ideas. <a href=\"\">Which you should!</a> Also, send your thoughts via SMS on your mobile while you’re watching the debates—that’ll work too. What do you think?</p>",
"date": "2008-09-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Debate: A Twitter Play-by-Play",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"The Debate: A Twitter Play-by-Play\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>This graph illustrates tweet volume for specific terms mentioned during the course of last week’s presidential debate. For example, how many updates per minute contained the word “<a href=\"\">Iran</a>.” Of the terms in this graph, the most twittered word in a one minute time span was “<a href=\"\">Iraq</a>” at nearly 300 just after McCain’s assertion that Obama did not visit the area for 900 days. We’ve annotated a few of the spikes with what the candidates were saying at the time. For more election related information, visit <a href=\"\">Twitter Election 2008</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-09-29T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Trending: The Wach-ness",
"body": "<p>A Monday morning roundup of what we’re all thinking about this morning on Twitter.</p> \n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\">Wachovia</a> has rocketed to the top trend as folks twitter nervously regarding news of its acquisition by Citi Group.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">#atlgas</a> is trending because people in Atlanta, Georgia have devised a clever way to help each other find gas during a sudden shortage.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">TinaFey</a> has everyone a-twitter yet again as folks praise her spot on satire of vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">VoteForTheMILF</a>.com has hit trend paydirt as folks draw conclusions based on the fact that it redirects to</li> \n</ul>\n<p><a href=\"\">Sarah Palin</a>, <a href=\"\">Bailout</a>, <a href=\"\">SNL</a>, and <a href=\"\">Citigroup</a> are also trending as the economy and this election continue to dominate our collective consciousness.</p> \n<p>Update<br><a href=\"\"></a></p> \n<blockquote>\n <p><a href=\"\">Dow</a> and <a href=\"\">#bailout</a> have climbed to top spots on the trends as folks react to the House’s rejection of the financial bailout package.</p> \n</blockquote>",
"date": "2008-09-29T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Trending: Repentance",
"body": "<p>A quick look at the newest trends on Twitter this morning.</p> \n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\">Rosh Hashanah</a> is trending on Twitter as folks reflect back on the year in 140 characters or less—shofar sho good?</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Iron Man</a> was released today on DVD and Blu Ray and Twitter is teeming with plans to watch it at home tonight.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">#atlgas</a> is still trending as people in Atlanta work together on Twitter to find gas during the shortage affecting the area.</li> \n</ul>\n<p><a href=\"\">Obama</a>, <a href=\"\">Sarah Palin</a>, <a href=\"\">Bailout</a>, <a href=\"\">Congress</a>, and <a href=\"\">Wall Street</a> remain top of mind as Twitter-ers share opinions and ideas about this election and the crazy roller coaster ride that is our economy.</p>",
"date": "2008-09-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Debate Effect on Twitter",
"body": "<p>Friday is typically a slower day on Twitter but not last week. Election momentum continues to build on Twitter and a few stats from Friday show it.</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Friday updates jumped 18.5% from previous Friday.</li> \n <li>Updates during the debate increased 160% compared to same time last week.</li> \n <li>Signups on Friday were up 23%.</li> \n <li>Signups during the debate were up 135% compared to same time last week.</li> \n</ul>\n<p>We’re adding a little polish to <a href=\"\">Twitter Election 2008</a> in advance of the upcoming debate in St. Louis—we suspect this debate will excite even more activity than the first.</p>",
"date": "2008-10-01T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Trending: &#34;iDon&#39;t Think So&#34;",
"body": "<p>This morning’s tour of Twitter trends.</p> \n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\">Apple</a> has captured the top trend today as people react to the company’s bold threat to close the world’s biggest music store if American music publishers raise royalties 66%.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">NDA</a> and <a href=\"\">iPhone</a> are also trending because Apple has announced it will no longer require app developers to keep their projects under wraps.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Halloween</a> is trending this morning as lots of folks note that October has arrived and Twitter excitedly—about a month, of all things.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Phish</a> has reunited and it’s generating a mix of twitter updates ranging from “who cares” to “break out the hacky sack.”</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">#mimasum08</a> is happening right now and people are twittering about Ze Frank’s presentation at the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association Summit.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">FOWA Miami</a> has made it to the trends even though the event hasn’t even happened yet—folks are just excited about going.</li> \n</ul>\n<p><a href=\"\">Sarah Palin</a>, <a href=\"\">Senate</a>, and <a href=\"\">#bailout</a> continue to trend.</p>",
"date": "2008-10-01T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.19b Details",
"body": "<p>It’s been far too long since the previous update so here is a bumper update just to make up for it. The biggest change is that the UI has been improved, the buttons have been replaced with icons and the column width has been reduced. In essence everything is a bit tighter and this allows much more UI room for future service integration.</p> \n<p>New functionality in this version includes:</p> \n<p> </p>\n<ul>\n <li>able to&nbsp;delete the All Tweets column so you can really filter the noise using groups</li> \n <li>able to&nbsp;”turn off twitter updates” button in settings window so you can use TweetDeck purely as a desktop twitter search, 12seconds, TwitScoop client</li> \n <li>added Refresh button to main UI window</li> \n <li>able to&nbsp;follow or unfollow from the profile panel</li> \n <li>able to favorite or unfavorite a tweet</li> \n <li>able to mark a tweet as read or unread</li> \n <li>able to delete a tweet from TweetDeck (not from twitter, just TweetDeck)</li> \n <li>able to temporarily clear the column of all tweets</li> \n <li>new Profile panel now includes live profile &amp; tweet archive from twitter</li> \n</ul>\n<div>\n A favorite column will be added very shortly.",
"date": "2008-10-07T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.19.1b PATCH Details",
"body": "<p>I’ve patched the current version of TweetDeck to now include a logout button. Clicking on this button clears the local area where the username and password are securely stored and closes TweetDeck. When you next open TweetDeck you will be presented with the login screen. This is a somewhat&nbsp;convoluted&nbsp;and temporary measure for swapping Twitter accounts which will be replaced with a real account based solution in the multi-account version of TweetDeck, coming soon.</p> \n<p>Also I’ve adjusted the tooltips which pop up over each button so they appear&nbsp;immediately&nbsp;instead of after a short pause. This should make it more obvious what each icon represents.</p> \n<p>The patch is available via <a href=\"\"></a> or directly <a href=\"\">here</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-10-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Debate Wordle",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Debate Wordle\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>This is a <a href=\"\">wordle</a> graph of words used within tweets during last night’s debate.</p>",
"date": "2008-10-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Treding: &#34;That One&#34; (and Some Others)",
"body": "<p>And we’re back, with a look at this morning’s trending topics.</p> \n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\">That One</a> is trending because of how Mr. McCain referenced Mr. Obama during last night’s debate. Obama supporters are having fun with “I’m voting for that one.”</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">BlackBerry Storm</a> seems to be a-headed this way based on the sheer volume of covetous updates mentioning the newest product from RIM.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Yom Kippur</a> ascends toward the top of the trends as folks twitter about atonement—maybe we’ll see some confessions of guilt via Twitter?</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Blu-ray</a> snuck into the trends while I was sifting through Yom Kippur because Netflix has announced they’ll be charging more for Blu-ray movies.</li> \n</ul>",
"date": "2008-10-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Another Debate, Another Graph",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Another Debate, Another Graph\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We put together another debate play-by-play illustrating tweet volume for specific terms mentioned during the last presidential debate. There were four big spikes associated with specific moments during the debate. The key phrases were tax, that one, nuclear, and health care. It looks like McCain’s “that one” statement took home the prize of most tweets in one minute. For more election related information, visit <a href=\"\">Twitter Election 2008</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-10-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Trending: Kippur Palin?",
"body": "<p>Quick, to the trends!</p> \n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\">Give $25</a> is trending this morning as meaningful meme makes it’s way through Twitter and helps kids with autism along the way.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">Jim Collins</a>, author of Good to Great spoke evidently gave a very impressive presentation at a conference called <a href=\"\">Catalyst08</a> and the tweets are backing that up.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">New MacBooks</a> will be introduced by Apple on October 14th and folks are already twittering in anticipation.</li> \n <li><a href=\"\">FOWA</a> and it’s associated keyword, <a href=\"\">#fowa</a> are trendy today as a whole bunch of geeks gather in London to discuss the future of web apps.</li> \n</ul>\n<p><a href=\"\">Yom Kippur</a> and <a href=\"\">Sarah Palin</a> sit quietly next to each other in the trends list alone with their thoughts. Kippur Palin? That might work!</p>",
"date": "2008-10-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Replies On Mobile Site",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Replies On Mobile Site\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Folks who use to access Twitter on a mobile browser have long lamented the lack of replies. Today we’re happy to say that @replies can be accessed via the mobile site. There’s a link at the bottom of your timeline and here’s a hint: you can just hit the number 1 on your keypad while browsing Twitter on your mobile and you’ll go directly to the page.</p>",
"date": "2008-10-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": " Interview with TweetDeck founder and developer Iain Dodsworth",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>",
"date": "2008-10-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Meet Our CEO and Chairman, Again",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Meet Our CEO and Chairman, Again\"></p> \n<p>Three years ago during my time as CEO of Odeo, I was lucky to be working with a software engineer Jack Dorsey who wasn’t afraid to bring up an idea he’d been thinking about for a long time. What if a simple status message was the format for a social communication service? We were exploring various options for Odeo at the time and experimenting with SMS, so the idea was intriguing. Jack teamed up with Biz Stone to design a prototype. This simple idea called Twitter proved increasingly interesting the more we fleshed it out.</p> \n<p>After my company Obvious purchased the assets of Odeo which at the time included Twitter from the shareholders, we decided to form Twitter, Inc as a separate company founded by myself along with Jack and Biz. Jack had by then been leading the project for months with Biz’s support, and I was intent on pursuing Obvious. With my blessing, the reigns of Twitter CEO were handed to Jack and I accepted a position as Chairman of the Board.</p> \n<p>Rising quickly to the challenge, Jack took Twitter through an order of magnitude of growth and two major rounds of financing, while safely navigating some very rocky waters that would have taken even more experienced leaders down with the ship. Jack is a unique individual with a knack for artful minimalism and simplicity, combined with great vision and ambition. We are indeed fortunate to have his guidance.</p> \n<p><strong>Stepping into Different Roles</strong><br> Jack and I have worked together since the beginning to define a direction and goals for the future of Twitter. I took an active executive role as Chief Product Officer at Twitter. This decision was driven by my enthusiasm and belief that Twitter has huge potential and deserves my full efforts.</p> \n<p>We’re entering a new phase now and there are new kinds of challenges ahead. Healthy companies acknowledge the need for change even during the best of times. As Twitter grows both internally and externally, we took a good look at our path forward and saw the need for a focused approach from a single leader.</p> \n<p>While the board of directors and the company have nothing but praise for where Jack has taken us, we also agree that the best way forward is for Jack to step into the role Chairman, and for me to become CEO. Jack will remain on the board and be closely consulted for all strategic decisions, while I take on day-to-day operations with the support of Biz, Jason, Greg, and the rest of this impressive Twitter team.</p>",
"date": "2008-10-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter on Android",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Twitter on Android\"></a>&nbsp;</p> \n<p>Thomas Marban (<a href=\"\">@thomas</a>) tells me his Android Twitter app, <a href=\"\">Twitroid</a>, will be available for download in the next couple days. Looks pretty hot. (Now, if only I could get me one of those G1s…)</p>",
"date": "2008-10-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck is an Adobe MAX Awards Semi-Finalist",
"body": "<p>I am massively proud and more than just a little chuffed to let you know that TweetDeck has been chosen as a semi-finalist in this years Adobe MAX Awards. This kind of recognition is totally unexpected and means a lot especially since it was for a product which was only a few months old at the time of judging.</p> \n<p>I’ll let you know if TweetDeck gets any further in the awards and I’ll be heading to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Adobe MAX Europe</a> in Milan on 1st December.&nbsp;</p>",
"date": "2008-10-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What does &#34;rate limit exceeded&#34; mean? (UPDATED)",
"body": "<p>This is a question I am being asked more and more often so I thought I’d give you a brief overview of what it is, why it exists and what can be done about it.&nbsp;</p> \n<p>In order to control the use of the Twitter API (the service which provides the twitter data for 3rd party Twitter applications such as TweetDeck) Twitter sets a limit on how many times it can be used in an hour. This limit applies to your Twitter account rather than the applications which make the calls to the API i.e. you have 100 API calls per hour in total regardless of which Twitter applications you use - it is NOT 100 API calls per application. It is also important to note that this limit only applies to 3rd party Twitter applications, the website does not use it’s own API (mmm doesn’t seem particularly fair) and therefore has no limits.</p> \n<p><span>UPDATE: 3rd party applications obviously include desktop and web based twitter clients but less-obviously they also include that widget on your blog which shows the last few tweets you made, the facebook twitter application which cross posts your tweets to your facebook status etc etc essentially ANY software where you’ve entered your twitter username &amp; password.</span></p> \n<p>So what constitutes an API call? Strictly speaking every operation which communicates with Twitter is an API call, what we really need to know is which API calls have an impact on the 100 calls limit. The&nbsp;simplest&nbsp;&nbsp;way to think about this is every call to the Twitter API which requests data will count towards your limit. So when TweetDeck updates the All Tweets, Replies or Direct Messages columns this would count as 1 call each as would viewing a twitterers profile (this actually costs two calls, one for the profile itself and one for the archive of their sent tweets).</p> \n<p>Sending data to Twitter (posting), such as posting an update or a direct message, favoriting a tweet, unfollowing or following a user, does not count towards the limit and you can continue to do so even when your rate limit has been exceeded. Also, updates to the search, groups, twitscoop and 12seconds columns do not count towards the rate limit since the data does not (directly) come via the Twitter API.</p> \n<p>If you use up your 100 API calls in the hour then you will see the “rate limit exceeded” message in TweetDeck and Twitter will not provide any updates until the hour is up. The All Tweets, Replies &amp; DM columns in TweetDeck will appear to be frozen. At the end of the hour the rate limit will be reset and you will start getting updates again. You can view your rate limit status in the top right corner of TweetDeck.</p> \n<p>So what can you do to avoid the “rate limit exceeded” message&nbsp;and what can you do if you get it? Unfortunately not very much. This is a Twitter enforced limitation rather than a TweetDeck one but I would suggest the following to reduce the risk:</p> \n<ul>\n <li>only ever run one twitter application at a time, even if you’re not using the others make sure they are closed</li> \n <li>try not to over use the refresh button - this will cost you 3 calls per click (All Tweets, Replies &amp; DMs)</li> \n <li><span>UPDATE: try lowering the total % in the settings window, twitter API tab to around 60-70% - you’ll get less frequent updates but you’ll use less API</span></li> \n <li>if you do get the rate limit exceeded message then make a note of your reset time shown in the top right corner of TweetDeck, TweetDeck will not get any updates until this time (so it might be a good&nbsp;opportunity&nbsp;to get a coffee) - you CAN continue to post messages, you just won’t see any responses</li> \n <li>also if you do get the rate limit exceeded, close down your twitter applications and then reopen then at the reset time (see above)&nbsp;</li> \n</ul>\n<p><span>UPDATE: great advice from @</span><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span>warzabidul</span></a><span> “If people are having limit problems just get them to reset their password (on the twitter website)…Worked well for me when I reset the twitter password.”</span></p> \n<p>I hope this helps explain the API limit a bit more, it can get rather complicated. It’s not an ideal scenario but if this control keeps Twitter running more stably then it’s obviously worthwhile.</p>",
"date": "2008-10-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Sweet Dreams Little Guy",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Sweet Dreams Little Guy\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Our tiny robot friend</a> way out there on planet Mars introduced lots of new people to Twitter and sent us back <a href=\"\">some amazing discoveries</a>. Along the way, he also transformed the way NASA shares science with the world. MarsPhoenix was an amazing use of Twitter that <a href=\";partner=rssnyt&amp;oref=slogin\">did not go unrecognized</a> and we’re happy to have had the chance to share in this historic mission. Alas, when the icy cloak of Martian winter draws darkness across the distant planet, a solar powered robot must say farewell. Sweet dreams little guy!</p>",
"date": "2008-10-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Vote Report",
"body": "<p><br> Dave Troy has done it again. The guy behind <a href=\"\">Twittervision</a> has built another compelling tool using Twitter. <a href=\"\">Twitter Vote Report</a> urges folks to document any problems at the polls tomorrow on Twitter. <a href=\",0,143943.story\">Here’s a news article about it</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-11-03T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Images of The Day",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Images of The Day\" class=\"align-center\">We had these little metal pins made up and we’re giving them out tonight!</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Images of The Day\" class=\"align-center\"></a> Looks like @<a href=\"\">nextinstinct</a> spotted a Twittering voter in the wild!</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Images of The Day\" class=\"align-center\">Ben from Current TV designed this sticker.</p>",
"date": "2008-11-04T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "OMG, That Was A Big Day",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"OMG, That Was A Big Day\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Congratulations @<a href=\"\">barackobama</a>, it looks like you’ll be the first President of the United States to have an official Twitter account. Also, thanks for taking part in an event that had a dramatic effect on Twitter activity and exposure worldwide. Here are some quick stats from yesterday.</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Updates increased 46% from previous Tuesday</li> \n <li>7p-9p PST updates up 200% compared to same time last week</li> \n <li>Signups on Tuesday were up 40.3%</li> \n <li>Between 7p-9p PST signups were up 96.5% compared to same time last week</li> \n <li>Messages per second peaked almost 3x compared to first debate</li> \n</ul>\n<p>And through it all, not a whale in site! Our technical approach over the last several months has been to find the weakest point of the system, fix it so it’s no longer the weakest, move to the next weakest point, and so on. This simple technique has vastly improved performance, reliability, and capacity. We’ve got a lot of work ahead but yesterday certainly gave us hope.</p>",
"date": "2008-11-05T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Colbert and Stewart Talkin&#39; Twitter",
"body": "<p></p>\n<br> About 30 seconds in they start bantering about Twitter. Had to put it on the blog for posterity.",
"date": "2008-11-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck in the news",
"body": "<p>A couple of extremely cool glimpses of TweetDeck in the media to report on. First up Jackie Danicki (@<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">jackiedanicki</a>) and Bhaskar Roy (@<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">broy</a>) from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Qik</a> demonstrate Twitter and TweetDeck to Ashton Kutcher, wonder if he liked it? <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">See it here</a></p> \n<p>Then we have news anchor Brian Bolter (@<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">brianbolter</a>) explaining how they use Twitter and TweetDeck over at FOX 5 News Edge (@<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">fox5newsedge</a>) which was broadcast earlier today in the Washington DC area. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">See it here</a></p> \n<p>Great stuff - big thanks to @<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">jcleftie</a> for getting hold of the Fox 5 clip. If you spot any glimpses of TweetDeck please let me know.</p>",
"date": "2008-11-07T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.20 pre-release and featured on Twitter Download page",
"body": "<p>Good news! TweetDeck v0.20 has been completed and released to the pre-release testers who will be testing it tonight and over the weekend. Also, as of a few hours ago TweetDeck has been added to the newly updated Twitter downloads page. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Check it out here.</a></p>",
"date": "2008-11-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.20b Details",
"body": "<p><span> </span></p>\n<div>\n This version of TweetDeck is very different from the previous one - the way the local database is used has been completely changed. Tweets are no longer stored and the reason for this is very simple - the sheer volume of tweets (for example my TweetDeck was storing 10,000 per day) was having a huge impact on the speed and reliability of TweetDeck. So now when you start up TweetDeck it will initially be empty and then all your columns will be populated from the live API data within a second or two.",
"date": "2008-11-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Let It Out",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Let It Out\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Like most people, you probably have nothing at all to complain about. However, if you feel the need to kvetch, why not follow @<a href=\"\">kvetch</a> and direct message your complaints? Theoretically, you’ll fee better. If you don’t, then just complain about it. More info at <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-11-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "His Tweets Are Shaqalicious",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"His Tweets Are Shaqalicious\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>It’s official: <a href=\"\">Shaq is on Twitter</a>. Today’s New York Times sports section has a great article about how quipmaster and pro basketball player <a href=\"\">Shaquille O’Neill discovered Twitter</a> and rose to the challenge. What does Shaq think of Twitter so far? “It’s a fun thing. It’s a way for fans to connect.” Follow Shaq @<a href=\"\">the_real_shaq</a>—his tweets are shaqalicious.</p>",
"date": "2008-11-20T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "If you like using TweetDeck, please vote for us!",
"body": "<p>It’s obviously awards season so if you find TweetDeck of use please show us some love and vote for TweetDeck in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mashable Open Web Awards</a> and <a href=\";category=9\" target=\"_blank\">The Crunchies</a>. You can also submit your vote via the widgets at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>.</p> \n<p>TweetDeck has made it through the nominations round and into the first voting round of the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mashable Open Web Awards</a>, and looking at the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">rules</a> you are allowed one vote per category per day - so if you really like TweetDeck you could vote for it every day :-) TweetDeck is in the Social Networking Applications category.</p> \n<p>We’ve also entered TweetDeck into <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">The Crunchies</a>&nbsp;- there are a number of relevant categories where TweetDeck could go but we’ve narrowed it down to <a href=\";category=9\" target=\"_blank\">Best App</a> since the other categories specifically relate to sites rather than apps. Not sure how we’ll fair in this category up against apps developed by whole teams but it’s <a href=\";category=9\" target=\"_blank\">worth a punt</a> anyway.</p> \n<p>Thanks.</p>",
"date": "2008-11-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.20.1 Pre-release",
"body": "<p>TweetDeck v0.20.1 is now ready for pre-release testing. Since the contents of this update are important, testing of this version is open to everyone. Please only install this version on the understanding it is a pre-release and is untested.</p> \n<p>This point release contains the following fixes and new functionality:</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Fixed bug with search columns not updating when they contain the # symbol</li> \n <li>Removed auto update of favorite column to test if it is having a detrimental effect on the number of calls made to the API and causing API rate limit exceeded when it should not</li> \n <li>changed references to marking tweets as “read” to marking them as “seen” which is more appropriate</li> \n <li>Added spell checking to tweet box and search box</li> \n <li>Added confirm box when removing columns</li> \n</ul>\n<p>Please ONLY download TweetDeck v0.20.1 from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p> \n<p></p> \n<div>\n Comments &amp; criticisms etc to hello at tweetdeck dot com - thanks.&nbsp;",
"date": "2008-11-24T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Meet Rael Dornfest",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Meet Rael Dornfest\"></p> \n<p>Rael Dornfest is a famously talented engineer, author, and entrepreneur. Before founding Values of n, Rael served as Chief Technology Officer at O’Reilly Media and is known for his pioneering work on RSS as well being the series editor of O’Reilly’s celebrated Hacks books. I met him personally a number of years ago and have always thought he was one of the smartest guys I know.</p> \n<p>A short while ago it became clear to Rael that while the innovative personal productivity and information management applications his startup had created were useful products with a loyal following, Values of n was not going to meet its huge expectations as a standalone business.</p> \n<p>As an early user, Rael has long been fascinated with Twitter and the unique challenges it presents. He started a conversation with us about how we might work together—and we recognized an amazing opportunity.</p> \n<p>Today we’re thrilled to announce that Twitter has acquired the assets of Values of n, which include an intelligent sticky-note application as well as a personal productivity application that works over email, SMS, and the Web. Rael has already started adding energy and momentum to the team as a full time Twitter engineer.</p> \n<p>Values of n will be shutting down existing products. However, the technology behind the scenes will live on and potentially re-emerge as part of Twitter’s systems, services, user experience, or open source libraries. Nothing specific in this regard is planned but there is some smart work in there by the newest member of our engineering team. </p> \n<p>Welcome to Twitter, Rael!</p>",
"date": "2008-11-24T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Live From India",
"body": "<p>We’re hearing lots of reports about on-the-scene reporting using Twitter from India as horrific terrorist attacks continue to unfold. <a href=\"\">Om Malik has suggested</a> this <a href=\"\">Twitter Search query to follow the bad news</a> as it continues to break.</p>",
"date": "2008-11-26T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Oh, Canada",
"body": "<p>We were surprised today by out of control Canadian SMS costs and had to put 21212 into the same one sided SMS mode that folks in the UK, Australia and elsewhere currently use (they can send updates but can’t receive). <a href=\"\">We posted first on our status blog</a>.</p> \n<p>Please understand that we did not mean to pull the rug out from under you if you depend on receiving Twitter updates through our Canadian shortcode. We would have preferred to take more time communicating this change but we had to act quickly and responsibly.</p> \n<p>It’s clear we have work to do on our SMS offerings. Our long term goal is robust SMS interaction with Twitter around the world. Similar to our other reliability efforts, we can achieve this with the right focus but it’s not a quick fix. We’re focusing now and we’ll keep everyone updated as we make progress.</p>",
"date": "2008-11-26T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.20.3 Pre-release",
"body": "<p>The final pre-release is now ready. This version will form v0.20.5 which will be pushed out as soon as possible if testing goes well. Please only install this version on the understanding it is a pre-release and is untested.</p> \n<p>This point release contains the following fixes and new functionality on top of v0.20.1:</p> \n<div> \n <ul>\n <li>Rewritten saving of window size &amp; position and url shortener data to preferences files</li> \n <li>Moved logout button to top right&nbsp;</li> \n <li>Added all tweet actions now cause tweet to be marked as seen</li> \n <li>Added logic to auto-add http:// where necessary to urls to be shortened</li> \n <li>Bug fixed where a cleared column now updates with just new tweets</li> \n </ul>",
"date": "2008-11-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Giving Thanks via Twitter",
"body": "<p>Instead of simply being a date which will live in gluttony, this Thanksgiving was made special thanks to <a href=\"\">Tweetsgiving</a>, a project designed to raise $10,000 in 48 hours in order to build a classroom in Tanzania. Guess what, it worked!</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>WE DID IT!!! We raised over $10,000 in just 48 hours through the power of Twitter</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Congratulations to the folks at Epic Change who raised 106% of their goal in such a short amount of time. MG Siegler of VentureBeat has <a href=\"\">a nice write-up of the accomplishment</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-11-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "An Expert Visits",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"An Expert Visits\" class=\"align-center\"></a><br><a href=\"\">john hodgman at twitter</a><br> Originally uploaded by <a href=\"\">rcarver</a></p> \n<p>Author, actor, and Daily Show “Resident Expert.” John Hodgman is a Twitter <a href=\"\">user</a> and fan. When a recent book tour had him visiting San Francisco Mr. Hodgman managed to make his way to Twitter HQ for a little tour. While here, he took some time to learn about the</p> preparation of toilet wine and we got the inside scoop on his glitzy celebrity lifestyle. All in a day’s work at Twitter, Inc.!\n<br>",
"date": "2008-12-02T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Meet The Other Evan—Evan Weaver",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Meet The Other Evan—Evan Weaver\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We’ve never had the opportunity to properly welcome <a href=\"\">Evan Weaver</a> to the Twitter team. Evan joined Twitter in May coming from CNET Networks and before that, SAP. Although he worked remotely from Delaware at first, Evan very quickly became a leader on our infrastructure and performance initiatives. Thanks to his contributions, technical vision, systems experience, and pragmatic optimization strategies Twitter’s Engineering and Operations team has made significant progress moving away from early scaling problems.</p> \n<p>Evan represents the unique brand of talent we hope to continue to attract at Twitter. None of the founders of Twitter have college degrees but Evan’s Master’s degree and combined study of philosophy, computer science, jazz, piano, poetry, and bioinformatics more than makes up for that fact. Plus, his strangely offbeat sense of humor regularly cracks everyone up. Please join us in belatedly welcoming Evan and thanking him for his enormous contributions to Twitter’s recent and continued success.</p>",
"date": "2008-12-04T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.20.5 Pre-release",
"body": "<p><span> </span></p>\n<p>The previous pre-release was supposed to be the final one but testing turned up an issue with the application hanging when clicking on any of the Tweet functions, such as replying or retweeting etc. This hanging could be especially lengthy on Windows XP systems OR when your TweetDeck contained many thousands of tweets. The reason for the hanging that TweetDeck is zooming through all the tweets in all the columns and setting all instances of the clicked on tweet to be marked as read (or marked as seen as it is now termed). I’ve changed this behavior to only mark the tweet as seen in the specific column where it has been clicked. The purpose of this build is to see if this change in functionality removes the observed hanging.</p> \n<p>Please ONLY download TweetDeck v0.20.5 from&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">;</a></p> \n<p>As ever if this pre-release version tests successfully then it will be pushed out via the automatic update to all TweetDeck installs.<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p> \n<p></p>\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-12-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.20.6 Pre-release",
"body": "<p><span> </span></p>\n<p>This pre-release just contains a fix to the replies column populating correctly.&nbsp;Please ONLY download TweetDeck v0.20.6 from&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p> \n<p></p>\n<p></p>",
"date": "2008-12-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Friends in More Places",
"body": "<p>Google is integrating Twitter with Friend Connect! With Google Friend Connect, Twitter folks will be able to bump into and recognize each other out there on the web—and discover new people to follow on Twitter. <a href=\"\">The Google Blog has more info</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-12-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Let&#39;s All Be Friends!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Let's All Be Friends!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Twitter plans to integrate with the open initiatives offered by our friends at MySpace, Facebook, and Google. We <a href=\"\">officially announced our intent to work with MySpace</a> back in May because we believe strongly in offering the exchange of public information between our complementary services.</p> \n<p>Yesterday, Google included Twitter in their Friend Connect program which means folks can stay connected with their Twitter network on web sites that have activated the service. This particular integration did not require effort on our part so it was a quick win for folks who use Twitter and want to connect on participating web sites.</p> \n<p>Integrating with MySpace as well as Facebook Connect will require some development effort on our part. Now that we have 13 software engineers working at Twitter and our reliability continues to improve we’re getting closer to integrating with your favorite social networks.</p>",
"date": "2008-12-16T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.20.7 Pre-release",
"body": "<p>TweetDeck v0.20.7 is now ready for pre-release testing. Please only install this version on the understanding it is a pre-release, untested and is at your own risk.</p> \n<p>This point release contains the following important fixes and new functionality over v0.20.6:</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Added sent DMs to DM column</li> \n <li>Added “narrow columns” preference</li> \n <li>Added confirm box when closing a column</li> \n <li>Added TweetShrink functionality to tweet panel</li> \n <li>Fixed bug with missing tweets from All Tweets feed in between your own posts</li> \n <li>Updated interface to make it slimmer, reduced some UI spacing</li> \n</ul>\n<p>And here are the rest of the updates in full:</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Added tweet actions now cause tweet to be marked as seen</li> \n <li>Added logic to auto-add http:// where necessary to urls to be shortened</li> \n <li>Added double-check so reply column tweet must contain @username</li> \n <li>Added “unknow” message to profiles where returned data is incomplete</li> \n <li>Updated “mark as read” to “mark as seen”</li> \n <li>Updated logout button location</li> \n <li>Updated “All Tweets” to more accurate “All Friends” column name</li> \n <li>Updated 12seconds video to be more in line with tweet UI</li> \n <li>Fixed hanging when deleting tweet</li> \n <li>Fixed bug so edited group names update straight away</li> \n <li>Fixed hanging when marking as read</li> \n <li>Fixed bug where a cleared column now updates with just new tweets</li> \n <li>Fixed bug with DM counter</li> \n <li>Removed cross column marking as read - performance issue, temporary measure</li> \n <li>Removed cross column deleting - performance issue, temporary measure</li> \n</ul>\n<ul></ul>\n<p>Please ONLY download TweetDeck v0.20.7 from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p> \n<p></p> \n<div>\n Comments &amp; criticisms etc to hello at tweetdeck dot com - thanks.&nbsp;",
"date": "2008-12-22T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tracking Santa",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Tracking Santa\" class=\"align-center\">North entrance of NORAD</p> \n<p>The fine folks at Norad and Google have apparently done so much math that they’ve come to believe Santa functions within a different spacetime continuum than the rest of us. <a href=\"\">They’ve built a web site</a> so it must be true. Once this was established, it made perfect sense to track Santa as he combines space and time into a single manifold. If all of this sounds a bit too intense, you can just follow his Twitter account: @<a href=\"\">noradsanta</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-12-22T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Finding Nemo—Or, Name Search is Back!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Finding Nemo—Or, Name Search is Back!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>If that loveably overprotective clownfish had access to Twitter’s new and improved Name Search he never would have gone on that extraordinary adventure but there is no need for you to go on such a roundabout trip if you’re looking for another Twitter user named <a href=\"\">Nemo</a>. Or <a href=\"\">Shaq</a>, or <a href=\"\">Biz</a>, or <a href=\"\">Ev</a>. Looking for someone on Twitter? Just click “Find People” in the navigation bar at the top of your Twitter home page.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Finding Nemo—Or, Name Search is Back!\" class=\"align-center\">Name Search results page.</p> \n<p>Twitter is much more valuable when you can find the accounts of the people or organizations you care about—whether they’re friends, <a href=\"\">news organizations</a>, or the <a href=\"\">airline</a> that will be taking to see your family over the holidays. You’ll notice that our new name search is much faster, more relevant, and it even has a phonetic similarity algorithm which is basically fancy talk for spell check on names. For example, if you type in “Even Williamz” it will ask you, “Did you mean Evan Williams?” <a href=\"\">Try it out</a>!</p> \n<p>Thanks to @<a href=\"\">abdur</a>, @<a href=\"\">stevej</a>, @<a href=\"\">robey</a>, @<a href=\"\">jeremy</a>, @<a href=\"\">rael</a>, and @<a href=\"\">bs</a> for bringing this hugely important feature back to life!</p>",
"date": "2008-12-23T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Digg Has Dug Into Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Digg Has Dug Into Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Digg has <a href=\"\">kicked it up a notch on Twitter</a> and created accounts for a bunch of categories. As the Digg community works collectively to find and promote interesting content, the best articles, videos, sites, and more will be available from a variety of Twitter accounts.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>@<a href=\"\">digg_popular</a> every story as they’re promoted to the Digg homepage<br> @<a href=\"\">digg_2000</a> stories that have 2000 or more diggs</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Technology</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>@<a href=\"\">digg_technews</a> popular stories from<br> @<a href=\"\">digg_applenews</a> popular stories from<br> @<a href=\"\">digg_software</a> popular stories from</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>World News and Politics</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>@<a href=\"\">digg_worldnews</a> popular stories from<br> @<a href=\"\">digg_politics</a> popular stories from</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Science</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>@<a href=\"\">digg_sciences</a> popular stories from<br> @<a href=\"\">digg_enviro</a> popular stories from</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>Other</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>@<a href=\"\">digg_gamingnews</a> popular stories from<br> @<a href=\"\">digg_entertain</a> popular stories from<br> @<a href=\"\">digg_sport</a> popular stories from<br> @<a href=\"\">digg_offbeat</a> popular stories from<br> @<a href=\"\">digg_images</a> popular images from<br> @<a href=\"\">digg_video</a> popular videos from </p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>If you follow a few news sources on Twitter you might consider adding a Digg account or two. I’m going to follow @<a href=\"\">digg_sciences</a> so I can keep up with <a href=\"\">commercial spaceports</a> and <a href=\"\">hidden ocean harbor life on Europa</a>.</p>",
"date": "2008-12-23T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.21 is here - Merry Christmas!",
"body": "<p>TweetDeck v0.21 is now available and contains quite a few new elements of functionality and two very important bug fixes which have been effecting the update of <a href=\"\">#searches</a> and tweets being dropped from the All Friends column. The “big ticket” items in this update include a spell checker, your sent DMs show in the DM column, option to have narrower columns, the introduction of TweetDeck Services (more on that in a future post) and the integration of TweetShrink into the tweet panel.</p> \n<p>This version is also the first version which requires AIR 1.5 - which may present the odd issue for Linux users. Please see here for tips on how to upgrade to AIR for Linux 1.5 so that TweetDeck will keep working&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">Tips on resolving application issues for Linux Users</a> &amp;&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">Adobe Air for Linux Delivers (if you can get it installed)</a></p> \n<p>Your TweetDeck will auto-update to v0.21 within the next few hours or, if you can’t wait, you can manually download it from the&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\"></a> homepage.</p> \n<p>Here are the v0.21 updates in full:</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Added spell checker</li> \n <li>Added sent DMs to DM column</li> \n <li>Added “narrow columns” preference</li> \n <li>Added confirm box when closing a column</li> \n <li>Added TweetShrink functionality to tweet panel</li> \n <li>Fixed bug with missing tweets from All Tweets feed in between your own posts</li> \n <li>Fixed <a href=\"\">#searches</a> not updating properly</li> \n <li>Updated interface to make it slimmer, reduced some UI spacing</li> \n <li>Added tweet actions now cause tweet to be marked as seen</li> \n <li>Added logic to auto-add http:// where necessary to urls to be shortened</li> \n <li>Added double-check so reply column tweet must contain @username</li> \n <li>Added “unknow” message to profiles where returned data is incomplete</li> \n <li>Updated “mark as read” to “mark as seen”</li> \n <li>Updated saving of window size &amp; position and url shortener code</li> \n <li>Updated logout button location</li> \n <li>Updated “All Tweets” to more accurate “All Friends” column name</li> \n <li>Updated 12seconds video to be more in line withtweet UI</li> \n <li>Fixed hanging when deleting tweet</li> \n <li>Fixed bug so edited group names update straight away</li> \n <li>Fixed hanging when marking as read</li> \n <li>Fixed bug where a cleared column now updates with just new tweets</li> \n <li>Fixed bug with DM counter</li> \n <li>Removed auto-update of favorites column</li> \n <li>Removed cross column marking as read - performance issue, temporary measure</li> \n <li>Removed cross column deleting - performance issue, temporary measure</li> \n</ul>\n<p>Merry Christmas &amp; A Happy New Year!</p>",
"date": "2008-12-24T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Night Before Twitmas",
"body": "<p>By <a href=\"\">David Niall Wilson</a></p> \n<p>‘Twas the night before Twitmas, when all through the house,</p> \n<p>Not an interface stirring, not even a mouse;</p> \n<p>The E-cards were printed with Holiday Flair,</p> \n<p>And a Blip.FM Christmas tune hung in the air;</p> \n<p>The rugrats were down for the count in their beds</p> \n<p>While visions of Playstations danced in their heads;</p> \n<p>And ma with her zinfandel, I with cognac,</p> \n<p>Had just settled down to build, box, wrap and stack;</p> \n<p>When on both of our speakers, there arose such a clatter,</p> \n<p>We refreshed our screens to see what was the matter.</p> \n<p>To open new windows I sprang in a flash,</p> \n<p>Double-clicked Tweetdeck and awaited a crash.</p> \n<p>My home page awash in ani-gif Snow,</p> \n<p>Gave a holiday luster to the pages below.</p> \n<p>When what to my tired bloodshot eyes did appear,</p> \n<p>But an <a href=\"\">@tweet</a> from Santa all filled with good cheer.</p> \n<p>A 140 character message so slick,</p> \n<p>That I knew in an instant it came from St. Nick.</p> \n<p>More rapid than fingers can fly, the tweets came,</p> \n<p>And he messaged his reindeer @ each one by name,</p> \n<p>“<a href=\"\">@Dasher</a>! @ Dancer! @ Prancer <a href=\"\">@Vixen</a>!</p> \n<p>@ Comet! <a href=\"\">@Cupid</a>! @ Donder <a href=\"\">@Blitzen</a>!</p> \n<p>To the Twitter Elite! To the folks at Twitwall!</p> \n<p>Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!”</p> \n<p>As bits in a torrent with DSL fly,</p> \n<p>When they hook up and download with only one try,</p> \n<p>So up to the top of the Twitter Trends flew,</p> \n<p>Those Twittering Reindeer, and St. Nicholas too.</p> \n<p>And quickly I favorited each one as proof,</p> \n<p>Of the pokes and the prods of each Qwertying hoof.</p> \n<p>Then I started to type a reply when I found,</p> \n<p>That the program had closed and the OS shut down.</p> \n<p>I turned to the fireplace and sat back in shock,</p> \n<p>For despite ADT, the deadbolt, and the lock,</p> \n<p>The man of the hour had invaded our space,</p> \n<p>And he stood there, arms crossed, with a smile on his face.</p> \n<p>He had widgets and gadgets and software and more,</p> \n<p>And he spilled it all out of his bag to the floor,</p> \n<p>Then he unplugged the monitors, Wi-Fi and cable,</p> \n<p>And stacked them all neatly on Ma’s coffee table.</p> \n<p>He waved his fat arms and the phosphors, they flew,</p> \n<p>And he showed us a new thing that Santa can do,</p> \n<p>While all we could do was to sit, and to stare,</p> \n<p>He opened up Facebook right there in the air!</p> \n<p>He filled in the profiles, our children and friends</p> \n<p>And the others neglected by retweets and sends.</p> \n<p>He clicked on the X in the far upper right,</p> \n<p>And he winked, and it all disappeared from our sight.</p> \n<p>Then laying his finger aside of his nose,</p> \n<p>He turned to our chimney, and up it he rose.</p> \n<p>We heard music and laughter, we rose and we hugged,</p> \n<p>Then we glanced at the Internet cables, and shrugged,</p> \n<p>For the moment the lolcats and e-mail and Spore,</p> \n<p>By their silence gave Christmas a little bit more,</p> \n<p>Of the spirit of family, magic and cheer,</p> \n<p>That we expect from this time of the year.</p> \n<p>We stepped to the window and watched the night sky,</p> \n<p>As the sleigh, and the reindeer, and Santa flew by…</p> \n<p>But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,</p> \n<p>“Happy Twitmas to all, and to all a good-night.”</p>",
"date": "2008-12-24T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Book About Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Book About Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Check it out, @<a href=\"\">jojeda</a> has published a book called <a href=\"\">Twitter Means Business</a> about how companies are “harnessing Twitter to engage their customers, promote their products and monitor what is being said about their brands” among other things.</p>",
"date": "2008-12-30T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Pending removal of &#34;TweetDeck Services&#34; feature",
"body": "<p>“TweetDeck Services” is a feature set that I was keen to integrate into TweetDeck over the coming weeks, the aim of which was to supplement your tweet timeline with additional information which, whilst not vital, was of some interest e.g. your number of followers and how that has changed over time. In a nutshell your TweetDeck would insert “fake” tweets, which only you can see, into one of your TweetDeck columns with time-sensitive information (possibly location-sensitive as the feature set evolves) without you having to request it (unsolicited).</p> \n<p>Whilst I believe this kind of feature could&nbsp;truly&nbsp;add value on top of twitter it is the method of delivery that is potentially an issue. The act of supplementing the twitter feed without asking can so easily be construed as spamming, no matter how well meaning, and this is not where I’m going with TweetDeck. As of the next point release (due next week) this feature will be removed. The <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">twittercounter</a> data will be integrated back into TweetDeck in a future release and will accessible via a user action rather than an unsolicited one.</p> \n<p>In a similar&nbsp;preemptive&nbsp;vein, I have integrated group messaging into TweetDeck but have not released this functionality until I get some level of guidance from Twitter themselves. There is the possibility of a user being deemed a spammer and blocked from using the API if too many tweets are sent out from their account in a certain time period. This functionality will only be rolled out when I can be sure of the parameters of this blocking and subsequently protect TweetDeck users from getting it. I’ve emailed Twitter and am waiting for a response.</p> \n<p>Do shout if you agree or disagree with this approach.</p>",
"date": "2009-01-02T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Gone Phishing",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Gone Phishing\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>If you receive a direct message or a direct message email notification that redirects to what looks like—don’t sign in. Look closely at the URL because it could be a scam.</p> \n<p>What Is Phishing?</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Wikipedia defines phishing</a> as “the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.” We’ve identified a phishing scam directed at Twitter users and we don’t want you to get tricked into giving your password to a scammer.</p> \n<p>How Does It Work?</p> \n<p>This particular scam sent out emails resembling those you might receive from Twitter if you get email notifications of your Direct Messages. The email says something like, “hey! check out this funny blog about you…” and provides a link. That link redirects to a site masquerading as the Twitter front page. Look closely at the URL field, if it has another domain besides Twitter but looks exactly like our page then it’s a fraud and you should not sign in. Here are some <a href=\"\">basic tips on how to avoid Phishing scams</a>.</p> \n<p>What If I Get Tricked?</p> \n<p>Some folks may have clicked the link and given their Twitter password to the phishing site. In those cases it would be possible for the phisher to send out direct messages on your behalf which could trick your followers. In those cases, we proactively reset the passwords of the accounts.</p> \n<p>So, if you find yourself unable to login to your account with your username and password, please use the <a href=\"\">reset password link</a> to regain access. This will send an email to the address associated with your account and you’ll be able to create a new password.</p> \n<p>If you don’t receive the reset password email, please check your junk or spam email folder as it may be accidentally delivered there. If you are still having trouble logging in, please <a href=\"\">contact our support team</a> and we’ll help you out.</p>",
"date": "2009-01-04T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Monday Morning Madness",
"body": "<p>This morning we discovered 33 Twitter accounts had been “hacked” including prominent Twitter-ers like <a href=\"\">Rick Sanchez</a> and <a href=\"\">Barack Obama</a> (who has not been Twittering since becoming the president elect due to transition issues). We immediately locked down the accounts and investigated the issue. Rick, Barack, and others are now back in control of their accounts.</p> \n<p>What Happened?</p> \n<p>The issue with these 33 accounts is different from the <a href=\"\">Phishing scam aimed at Twitter users</a> this weekend. These accounts were compromised by an individual who hacked into some of the tools our support team uses to help people do things like edit the email address associated with their Twitter account when they can’t remember or get stuck. We considered this a very serious breach of security and immediately took the support tools offline. We’ll put them back only when they’re safe and secure.</p> \n<p>Reacting Quickly and Fixing the Problems</p> \n<p>In addition to this Monday morning madness we’re coming off a wacky weekend where lots of folks were tricked into participating in a Phishing scam aimed at Twitter users. In both cases, our on-call team was able to attend to the matter quickly and prevent too many people from being affected. Our support team is definitely going to have a busy week because we reset a bunch of passwords just to be on the safe side.</p> \n<p>Could OAuth Have Helped?</p> \n<p>We plan to release a closed beta of the open authentication protocol, OAuth this month but it’s important to note that this would not have prevented a Phishing scam nor would it have prevented these accounts from being compromised. OAuth is something we can provide so that folks who use third party applications built on the Twitter API can access their data while protecting their account credentials.</p> \n<p>What Are We Doing?</p> \n<p>We are engaged in a full security review of all access points to Twitter. In the meantime, we are taking immediate action. First, we are increasing the security of our sign-in mechanism. For added security, we are further restricting access to our support tools. Events like this will happen from time to time to services like ours and its important how we conduct ourselves and that we take this as an opportunity to make Twitter stronger.</p>",
"date": "2009-01-05T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Don&#39;t Blame the Geeks!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Don't Blame the Geeks!\" class=\"align-center\">Photo by <a href=\"\">Thomas Hawk</a>.</p> \n<p>This week Facebook <a href=\"\">announced on their company blog</a>, “If Facebook were a country, it would be the eighth most populated in the world, just ahead of Japan, Russia and Nigeria.” While Twitter is nowhere near that scale, we no longer see significant increases in overall traffic during events like <a href=\"\">Macworld</a> or <a href=\"\">CES</a>. Yes, those events generate huge amounts of tweets but now that we’ve got a diverse set of folks from all over the world using Twitter it takes global events like the Presidential Election, the Mumbai Attacks, or massively shared events like the upcoming Inauguration and Superbowl to create dramatic peaks in our charts. For example, we saw tweets-per-second (yes, we have internal TPS reports at Twitter) jump to 10x their normal amount during the 2008 Presidential Election and we sustained 5x normal throughout the day.</p> \n<p>So, What’s with the Delays?</p> \n<p>Over the last few days, Twitter has been experiencing intermittent delivery delays—we updated the <a href=\"\">status blog</a> but were fairly quiet here on our company blog because we only knew the symptom, not the problem. Today, we’ve made some progress. We’ve discovered a problem in our system’s interaction with <a href=\"\">memcached</a> which intermittently effects the throughput of our timeline processing. Now that we’ve got visibility into this issue, we are actively working to correct it. To sum up, despite our friends at <a href=\"\">Mashable clucking “Shame on you”</a> for not anticipating Macworld, we are in fact prepared for exuberant techno-tweeting. However, we are clearly not immune to making mistakes and finding bugs—both of which we do quite publicly on a regular basis.</p>",
"date": "2009-01-09T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We Got The Crunchies",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"We Got The Crunchies\" class=\"align-center\">Photo by <a href=\"\">Laughing Squid</a></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Jack</a>, <a href=\"\">Ev</a>, and <a href=\"\">myself</a> spent Friday evening at San Francisco’s <a href=\"\">Herbst Theater</a> for the second annual <a href=\"\">Crunchies</a> awards produced by <a href=\"\">GigaOm</a>, <a href=\"\">VentureBeat</a>, <a href=\"\">TechCrunch</a>, and <a href=\"\">Silicon Alley Insider</a>. The venue was at capacity when near the end of the ceremonies they read our names aloud for “Best Startup Founders.” We jumped onstage to accept the recognition on behalf of everyone who works at Twitter and everyone who uses Twitter—let’s all share the <a href=\"\">little gorilla statue</a> together.</p>",
"date": "2009-01-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "It&#39;s Business Time!",
"body": "<p>Twitter receives a crushing amount of partnership opportunities on a regular basis—it’s a good problem to have yet until now there has been nobody on staff dedicated solely to business development. Things are changing. We hired <a href=\"\">Kevin Thau</a> as our Director of Mobile Business Development late last month. Although his title includes the word “mobile” Kevin is digging in on several fronts since he’s our first official business development guru.</p> \n<p>For now, Kevin is assessing all opportunities, picking up ongoing threads, and also actively working on our mobile business strategy. If you send email to our <a href=\"\">partner address</a> or to kevin (at) then you will be corresponding with the intrepid Mr. Thau. Kevin joins us from Buzzwire and was at Openwave introducing the world to the mobile web at the very beginning. At Openwave, Kevin worked with carriers, device manufacturers, and content providers to develop an ecosystem integral to today’s global wireless data business.</p> \n<p>Welcome, Kevin!</p> \n<p>PS—We still have job openings for a business product manager and a director of strategic partnerships as well as systems and software engineers, operations engineers, a designer, and a founder associate. <a href=\"\">Check out our jobs page for more information</a>.</p>",
"date": "2009-01-13T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Building on Open Source",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Building on Open Source\" class=\"align-center\">Kestral photo by <a href=\"\">mugley</a></p> \n<p>When we plan new engineering projects at Twitter, we measure our requirements against the capabilities of open source offerings, and prefer to use open source whenever it makes sense. By this approach, much of Twitter is now built on open source software.</p> \n<p>In some cases, our requirements—in particular, the scalability requirements of our service—lead us to develop projects from the ground up. We develop these projects with an eye toward open source, and are pleased to contribute our projects back to the open source community when there is a clear benefit. Below are two such projects, Kestrel and Cache-Money. Every tweet touches one or both of these key components of the Twitter architecture.</p> \n<p>Kestrel’s Wonderful Plumage</p> \n<p>Kestrel is a <a href=\"\">message queue</a> server we use to asynchronously connect many of the services and functions underlying the Twitter product. For example, when users update, any tweets destined for SMS delivery are queued in a Kestrel; our SMS service then reads tweets from this queue and communicates with the SMS carriers for delivery to phones. This implementation isolates the behavior of SMS delivery from the behavior of the rest of our system, making SMS delivery easier to operate, maintain, and scale independently.</p> \n<p>Users of the <a href=\"\">Starling</a> message queue server will find Kestrel familiar, as Kestrel is a port of Starling from Ruby to Scala. In addition to being generally more efficient, Kestrel adds several new features, such as a facility for handling significantly bursty queues.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Robey</a> is the lead developer of Kestrel. You can read his lively <a href=\"\">journal entry</a> on Kestrel’s latest features. Kestrel is available on <a href=\"\">github</a>.</p> \n<p>As Good as Cache-Money</p> \n<p>Cache-Money is an elegant write-through <a href=\"\">caching</a> plugin for Ruby on Rails. In write-through caching, new or updated data is first written to an efficient cache (such as <a href=\"\">memcached</a>) and then stored in a database; subsequent requests for this data are then likely to read the data from the faster cache, rather than from the slower database. In addition to the efficiency gains associated with caching, this technique also addresses the risk of short-term replication lag between master and slave databases since data written during the lag time will likely be present in the cache. Cache-Money plugs directly into Rails’s ActiveRecord to transparently provide this functionality.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Nick</a> is the lead developer of Cache-Money. Check out his blog for an excellent <a href=\"\">introduction</a>. Cache-Money is available on <a href=\"\">github</a>.</p>",
"date": "2009-01-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Zen of Twitter Support",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"The Zen of Twitter Support\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>The Twitter support team is lead by <a href=\"\">Crystal</a> along with two other full-time employees including one dedicated solely to spam. We also have an additional part-time employee helping out. As you might imagine, this little team handles a lot of requests and does an amazing job with precious few resources. To further improve efficiency we’ve just migrated to new support software called <a href=\"\">Zendesk</a>.</p> \n<p>We looked at several options and found Zendesk to be a perfect fit—it works seamlessly with other tools we love such as <a href=\"\">Campfire</a>, <a href=\"\">Highrise</a>, and they’ve even created a built-in Twitter integration via SMS called <a href=\"\">Targets</a>. Plus, the <a href=\"\">Support Dropbox</a> allows us to place one-click feedback on any web page. Check out <a href=\"\">the Zendesk blog</a> for more info about our partnership.</p> \n<p>What Does It Mean for You?</p> \n<p>We expect an increase in productivity with this move which should translate to faster solutions to any issues you might experience while using Twitter. Ticket specificity means requests get sent to the right department and help resources such as tips, troubleshooting, and policies will be easier to find. Visit our new Zendesk powered site at <a href=\"\"></a>.</p> \n<p>A significant part of support queries are in regard to policies and rules of engagement on Twitter. As part of this new support improvement, we’re previewing a document called <a href=\"\">Twitter Rules</a> which will provide more clarity around some of the questions people have when it comes to issues of content and usage boundaries.</p>",
"date": "2009-01-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Current Twitters the Inauguration",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Current Twitters the Inauguration\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>Similar to the debates, Current will be broadcasting tweets over a live feed of the inauguration on television as well as online. \n<a href=\"\">Check it out</a>.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2009-01-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Inauguration Day on Twitter",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Inauguration Day on Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>It was a big day at Twitter HQ today and it’s not even noon yet. We saw 5x normal tweets-per-second and about 4x tweets-per-minute as this chart illustrates. Overall, Twitter sailed smoothly through the inauguration but at the peak, some folks did experience a 2-5 minute delay receiving updates. We’ll be analyzing this later today so that during the next massively shared global event there is no appreciable delay. Exciting!</p>",
"date": "2009-01-20T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tweet, Meet, and Give",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Tweet, Meet, and Give\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Twestival</a>: “On 12 February 2009 100+ cities around the world will be hosting Twestivals which bring together <a href=\"\">Twitter</a> communities for an evening of fun and to <a href=\"\">raise money</a> and awareness for <a href=\"\">charity: water</a>.”</p>",
"date": "2009-01-27T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A Lesson in Nothingness?",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"A Lesson in Nothingness?\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>One of the essential doctrines of Buddhism is Impermanence. The word expresses the notion that everything we can experience through our senses is in flux, constantly changing, and ceasing to be—nothing is permanent. Is there some meaning, therefore, in the sudden disappearance of a Twitter account thought to be the official account of The Office of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama?</p> \n<p>There may be a higher meaning if you meditate enough but the account was suspended because it violated our Terms of Use regarding impersonation. Using Twitter to impersonate others in a manner that does or is intended to mislead, confuse, or deceive others is also cited in the <a href=\"\">Twitter Rules</a>. Should His Holiness decide to take up Twittering for real, we’ll be sure to Follow.</p>",
"date": "2009-02-09T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Nothing To Report Just Yet",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Nothing To Report Just Yet\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>There was a sudden burst of news early this week surrounding some ideas we’ve shared publicly for quite some time. We’ve been thinking out loud for more than a year about the growing use of Twitter by companies, brands, and other commercial organizations. It’s great that both individuals and organizations are finding value in Twitter and there may be ways we can enrich the experience. In fact, we hope to begin iterating on revenue products this year.</p> \n<p>However, it’s important to note that whatever we come up with, Twitter will remain free to use by everyone—individuals, companies, celebrities, etc. What we’re thinking about is adding value in places where we are already seeing traction, not imposing fees on existing services. We are still very early in the idea stage and we don’t have anything to share just yet despite a recent surge in speculation. When we do, we’ll be sure to let you know.</p>",
"date": "2009-02-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.21.5",
"body": "<p>Since this is a point release, rather than a full new version, it contains mainly minor functionality updates and bug fixes but there are one or two interesting new features:</p> \n<div> \n <div> \n <ul>\n <li>you can now twitter to a global audience with the ability to translate tweets you’ve received and written&nbsp;into most languages</li> \n <li>for those interested in monitoring stock information and chatter you can now turn your TweetDeck into a “StockTwits terminal” with the introduction of 5 StockTwits columns</li> \n <li>get your tweets out to those who are not on twitter by emailing them from TweetDeck</li> \n <li>for those times when I need to communicate something to all the open TweetDecks there is now a built-in messaging system</li> \n </ul>",
"date": "2009-02-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Clickjacking Blocked",
"body": "<p>Some folks have noticed links from accounts they follow prefaced by the words, “Don’t click” which of course people want to click right away. The links take you to a web site employing technique called clickjacking. This technique seeks to trick web users and can take action on your behalf while you perform seemingly unrelated tasks.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">As wikipedia states</a>, clickjacking is “A vulnerability across a variety of browsers and platforms, a clickjacking takes the form of embedded code or script that can execute without the user’s knowledge, such as clicking on a button that appears to perform another function.” In this case that “other function” was posting a link to your Twitter account so that more people could be tricked and the cycle could perpetuate.</p> \n<p>Thankfully the harm was restricted to constant reposting of the link, but we take malicious attacks on Twitter users very seriously and this morning we submitted an update which blocks this clickjacking technique.</p>",
"date": "2009-02-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Give Water, Join Us Tomorrow!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Give Water, Join Us Tomorrow!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Don’t forget that <a href=\"\">Twestival</a> is tomorrow. Almost 200 cities around the world will simultaneously host Tweetups and raise money for <a href=\"\">Charity:Water</a>, a non profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations by funding sustainable clean water solutions in areas of greatest need.</p> \n<p>The Twitter team will be heading over to The Paradise Lounge for the <a href=\"\">San Francisco Twestival</a>. Is there a Twestival happening in your city? <a href=\"\">Check the list</a>! If you can’t make it, you can still donate. If you have a TipJoy account you can just create a tweet like this p$20 <a href=\"\">@twestival</a>. You can also represent your city and <a href=\"\">donate on the Charity:Water site</a>.</p>",
"date": "2009-02-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Opportunity Knocks",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Opportunity Knocks\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Twitter is growing at a phenomenal rate. Active users have increased 900% in a year and even though our web traffic is amazing, we see twice that traffic to the APIs. Interacting with Twitter over SMS is also getting more popular every day. Our relatively small team of 29 employees has accomplished quite a bit lately but it’s obvious that we have the world ahead of us.</p> \n<p>An Offer We Couldn’t Refuse</p> \n<p>We weren’t actively seeking more funding because significant capital from last year’s <a href=\"\">partnership with Bijan and his team at Spark</a> is still in the bank. Nevertheless, our strong growth attracted interest and we decided to accept a unique opportunity to make Twitter even stronger with a very attractive offer.</p> \n<p>Last night, we closed on funding with our friends Peter Fenton from <a href=\"\">Benchmark</a> and Todd Chaffee from <a href=\"\">Institutional Venture Partners</a>. When Ev and I visited IVP we were very impressed and Benchmark’s approach regarding teamwork was equally inspiring—every partner is invested in each others success. Peter will be joining our board of directors which means we gain his experience and savvy in addition to that of all his partners.</p> \n<p>Big Plans for Twitter, Inc.</p> \n<p>We are now positioned extremely well to support the accelerating growth of our service, further enable the robust ecosystem sprouting up around Twitter, and yes, to begin building revenue-generating products. Throughout this year and beyond, our small team will grow much bigger to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead.</p> \n<p>Twitter is making a real impact around the world as people, companies, and organizations everywhere discover a powerful new way to communicate and <a href=\"\">find out what’s happening</a>—right now. With these new partnerships and this new funding, we are in a position to move more confidently toward our vision for a robust and successful Twitter, Inc.</p>",
"date": "2009-02-13T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.21.6 Autocomplete",
"body": "<p><span>Here is a small but useful update to TweetDeck - username autocomplete. The autocomplete window is triggered by either</span></p> \n<div> \n <div> \n <ul>\n <li>typing “d ” at the beginning of a tweet</li> \n <li>typing “@” anywhere in a tweet</li> \n </ul>\n <div>\n You can use the autocomplete functionality using just the keyboard and without touching the mouse (which is vital to this kind of feature). It’s easier to show you how it works than to explain it in a blog post…so here’s a video:",
"date": "2009-02-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Testing A More Integrated Search Experience",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Testing A More Integrated Search Experience\" class=\"align-center\">Search and Trends in Twitter for a fraction of folks.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Twitter Search</a> has been growing ever more popular despite the fact that it lives on a subdomain of our site. Today, we’ve placed Search and Trends into the signed-in home pages of a limited set of accounts to get a better sense of how it works for folks before we release the feature completely into the wild. Most people will not see this test, just a small, random subset.</p> \n<p>Searching over Twitter messages is like a filter for what is happening right now—it’s an interesting look into the real-time thoughts of people and organizations around the world. Whether you’re curious about something specific or you just want to browse the trending topics, we’ve found that Twitter Search adds a new layer of relevance.</p> \n<p>Only accounts that choose to be publicly accessible are included in Twitter Search. However, more than 90% of the folks who use Twitter have decided to make their accounts public. It seems that people, companies, and organizations are discovering there is value in openness. We’re looking forward to a full launch once a bunch of us have kicked the tires a bit.</p>",
"date": "2009-02-18T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "For Whom The Bell Texts",
"body": "<p>Today we’re super excited to be activating full, two-way SMS service for Canadian Twitter-ers who are also customers of <a href=\";region=ON\">Bell Mobility</a>. If you’re a Bell Mobility customer, you can update Twitter via SMS and receive updates from Twitter via SMS. There are no limits and no added fees (beyond your normal texting plan). If you haven’t already, you can <a href=\"\">activate your phone</a> to Twitter over SMS. Special thanks to Bell’s enthusiasm and eagerness to make this happen.</p> \n<p>One of the driving ideas behind Twitter is to extend the power of a real-time network to mobile devices everywhere through the simple technology of SMS. Right now, the world can update Twitter via SMS but only folks in the US and Canada can receive these timely updates via SMS. Working with Bell Mobility in Canada is a first step towards expanding complete SMS functionality to all of Canada and everywhere else in the world.</p> \n<p>Our recently hired Director of Mobile Business Development, <a href=\"\">Kevin Thau</a> is working hard to bring full Twitter SMS to your country. In fact, he’s in Europe right now trying to replicate our success with Bell Mobility. Stay tuned for more support all over the globe as we make progress. And fear not Australia—you’re on the list too!</p>",
"date": "2009-02-20T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.22 12seconds Recording",
"body": "<p>TweetDeck v0.22 has only one new feature but hopefully you’ll find it a useful one. You can now record 12seconds video right within TweetDeck, so no more having to open your browser. This feature makes it much more convenient to use the 12seconds service if you’re already using TweetDeck and will hopefully encourage more TweetDeck users to experiment with recording “video tweets”.</p> \n<p>To get started simply click on the 12seconds icon at the top of TweetDeck and then click on the “Get me a 12seconds account fast!” link to set up your 12seconds account over at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>. Whilst you’re there make sure to follow some other 12ers so your 12seconds column will update when they post new videos and, if you like, add in your twitter account details so your followers can be automatically informed when you post. Once your account is set up go back to TweetDeck and log in to add your 12seconds column.</p> \n<p>At the top and bottom of your column there is a record button. Click on this and you’ll then see the webcam window. Once you’ve recorded your clip and posted it, you’ll be able to add a title, tags and a location to it and then submit this and you’re clip will be posted. After a few seconds you’ll see your clip appear at the top of your 12seconds column and your twitter followers will be informed (if you added your twitter details to your 12seconds account).</p> \n<p><span>This release is not being pushed out to everyone right now since it is still being tested. Do feel free to install it&nbsp;</span><span>directly from </span><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span></span></a><span> but be aware this is very beta software and is at your own risk. If you are not comfortable with this then please wait for the next major release where this functionality will be rolled up and better tested.</span></p> \n<p>Tech Note: since this functionality requires the use of a HTML component some people on OS X may experience a crash when clicking on the record button. This is due to a conflict between AIR 1.5 and input managers as used by webkit browsers. The solution to this is to remove (move rather than delete) any input managers from the following folder: /Library/InputManagers.</p>",
"date": "2009-02-24T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Bell Mobility and Twitter—No Extra Fees",
"body": "<p>Last week we activated full SMS service for Canadian Twitter-ers who are also customers of Bell Mobility. Twitter and Bell have agreed that Bell customers on the company’s text messaging bundles will be able to receive unlimited incoming Twitter SMS messages at no extra charge. If you haven’t already, you can <a href=\"\">activate your phone to Twitter over SMS</a>.</p>",
"date": "2009-02-26T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Safekeeping Twitter Accounts",
"body": "<p>Today we discovered about 750 Twitter accounts were broken into and had a link to a webcam site posted on the accounts. It appears other sites and services have been affected by a similar attack. We reset the passwords of the compromised accounts and removed the spammy updates. Our safety team is currently investigating the attack.<br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Safekeeping Twitter Accounts\" class=\"align-center\">As a general reminder, keep in mind that strong passwords can help prevent hijacked accounts. Twitter offers a password strength indicator to help you choose a strong password when you sign up. If you want to change your password now <a href=\"\">you can do that here</a>. Also, avoid sharing your password with folks or services you don’t feel you can trust.</p>",
"date": "2009-03-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Bird Watching",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Bird Watching\" class=\"align-center\"></a><br><a href=\"\">青背藍桐 Like a Butterfly</a><br> Originally uploaded by <a href=\"\">John&amp;Fish</a></p> \n<p>As you might imagine we at Twitter are fond of bird imagery. We have flocks of birds illustrated on our office walls, we often use bird photos in presentations, and we even have corvids living on the roof of our building. Check out these <a href=\"\">beautiful bird photos</a> we <a href=\"\">spotted over at the Flickr blog</a>.</p>",
"date": "2009-03-08T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Mayor Gavin Newsom Comes to Twitter HQ",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Mayor Gavin Newsom Comes to Twitter HQ\" class=\"align-center\"></a><br><a href=\"\">Mayor Gavin Newsom Comes to Twitter HQ</a><br> Originally uploaded by <a href=\"\">@Twitter</a></p> \n<p>San Francisco Mayor <a href=\"\">Gavin Newsom</a> visited our office this morning to have a tour and then talk with us a bit about how Twitter and the city could work together better. It was a great discussion and afterward we assured Mayor Newsom that as Twitter grows we’ll continue to keep our headquarters here in San Francisco.</p>",
"date": "2009-03-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Pivotal Means &#34;Of Crucial Importance&#34;",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Pivotal Means &quot;Of Crucial Importance&quot;\" class=\"align-center\">Image by <a href=\"\">One Good Bumblebee</a></p> \n<p>Twitter now has 30 employees plus two awesome contractors from <a href=\"\">Pivotal Labs</a> who work with us and share our office. As we grow, it becomes increasingly apparent how relevant and important company culture is to our success. When we began working with Pivotal last year, we knew they’d be a big help but we didn’t expect how much they would contribute to a healthy and attractive work culture. It makes sense then that Webster’s defines the word pivotal as “of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.”</p> \n<p>Aren’t We A Pair?</p> \n<p>The Pivots, as they like to be called, quickly became cultural role models for pair programming—a methodology in practice at Twitter today. Pair programming has helped us achieve more than just higher quality code and better code readability. This methodology is also about more intense and focused work sessions, automatic code reviews, and better tests. Pair programming also develops better personal relationships and improved communication which has meant a lot.</p> \n<p>Testing, Refactoring, and Scalability</p> \n<p>Twitter has learned to be much more test-driven and the Pivots played a big part in this important step forward. By always implementing diligent test coverage, our defect rate lowers significantly. To site a specific example, the Pivots introduced Selenium testing into Twitter and it’s made a huge difference. In addition, these guys are highly effective at refactoring code which increases maintainability. One of the characteristics we most admire about the Pivots is their enthusiasm for fixing old code and adding test coverage.</p> \n<p>In addition to the enhancements the Pivots have added to Twitter’s working culture they consistently produce high quality work and they’re prolific. The Pivots joined Twitter at a time when our service was straining under its on popularity—their contributions toward a more predictable, measurable and scalable direction were significant and appreciated. In short, we love our Pivots and we’re proud to call them part of our team.</p>",
"date": "2009-03-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Visualize Whirled Tweets",
"body": "<p>Way back in 2007 during the olden days of Twitter we set up plasma screens in the hallways between panels at SXSW Interactive. Tweets from SXSW’ers floated by hypnotizing attendees and introducing them to Twitter. It was tons of fun.</p> \n<p>This year, the folks behind <a href=\"\">Twistori</a> and <a href=\"\">Twennis</a> have created an amazing, interactive visualization of <a href=\"\">what’s happening at SXSW</a>. Pepsi has sponsored the project and it will be displayed on plasmas all over the venue. It’s running now so you can see that more people are “arriving” than “drinking,” “registering,” or “partying.” However, that will soon change.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Visualize Whirled Tweets\" class=\"align-center\"></a>Some of the features of this app are Stream (timeline), Popular (trends), Swarm (location), Party Watch, and Overheard. Party watch is going to be super useful if I remember correctly about SXSW and Overheard is hilarious. Congrats to Amy and Thomas for creating such a cool Twitter application and for landing a big sponsor like Pepsico.</p>",
"date": "2009-03-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.24 Pre-Release: Facebook Integration",
"body": "<p>As the title suggests, v0.24 includes the first elements of Facebook integration into TweetDeck. This integration consists of two elements.</p> \n<p>Firstly you can click on the Facebook icon at the top and, once you have signed into Facebook and given TweetDeck authorisation, this will add a new column full of each of your friends most recent status update which updates automatically once a minute. From here you can email the update out to anyone, tweet it out over twitter, view the users online status and if they are online right now click on their name (or the green online status indicator) to open Facebook chat right within TweetDeck.</p> \n<p>The other element is the ability to direct your tweet/update to post to twitter or facebook or both directly within the tweet window. Note: direct messages will not be sent via Facebook even if you have the Facebook checkbox ticked.</p> \n<p>This release is not being pushed out to everyone right now since it is still being tested. Do feel free to install it directly from <a href=\"\"></a> but be aware this is very beta software and is at your own risk. If you are not comfortable with this then please wait for the next major release where this functionality will be rolled up and better tested.</p> \n<p>Want to say a huge thank-you to Dave Morin, Josh Elman &amp; Justin Bishop from Facebook for their support and help in putting this release together. As I said earlier, this is the first step in integrated Facebook into TweetDeck and there’s a huge amount more to come.</p> \n<p>UPDATE: following pretty much unanimous yes vote on whether to auto block message which start with @username from posting to Facebook, v0.24.1 has this functionality and is now available</p> \n<p>UPDATE #2: some issues with expired sessions &amp; facebook accounts where authorisation has subsequently been removed by the user are now fixed in v0.24.2</p>",
"date": "2009-03-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Shaq Attack!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Shaq Attack!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>A whole bunch of Twitter employees enjoyed an NBA game last night in Oakland thanks to @<a href=\"\">the_real_shaq</a> and @<a href=\"\">caroline</a> from Twitter Support who went the extra mile to set things up. The folks at Oracle Arena were also really accommodating and let us use a <a href=\"\">Luxury Suite</a> which was classy. We love Shaq!</p>",
"date": "2009-03-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "URL Shortening Services",
"body": "<p>Judging by the number of requests received for inclusion in TweetDeck, the marketplace for URL shortening services must be a blossoming one. Obviously spurred on by the growth of Twitter, where the act of URL shortening makes the most sense, the sheer volume means it is, sadly, unfeasible to support all of them in TweetDeck.</p> \n<p>Having looked over the usage of the top 100 URL shorteners it is interesting to note that of the existing 13 supported services 3 are outside the top 100, 2 are outside the top 60 and only 5 are in the top 10. It is obvious that the current list of services is out of date and does not provide as much value as it could. To rectify this the supported services&nbsp;will be replaced&nbsp;with the current top 5 services and regularly updated. These 5 services equate to 90% of all shortened URLs in the reporting period.&nbsp;</p> \n<p>Therefore as of the next full release of TweetDeck the supported URL shorteners will be (in alphabetical order):</p> \n<p> </p>\n<ol>\n <li></li> \n <li></li> \n <li></li> \n <li></li> \n <li></li> \n</ol>\n<div>\n Please scream loudly in the comments if you&nbsp;vehemently&nbsp;object to this change or want to propose a different/better solution. Is usage/popularity or functionality the best metric for this kind of decision? Should we have “guest” URL shortening services based on unique functionality?",
"date": "2009-03-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Check Out ExecTweets",
"body": "<p>Last year we created an interesting site for the US Presidential election. It looked a lot like Twitter but it was focused around the candidates, the debates, and the political topics being discussed. Lots of really great API projects have created similar experiences from the hilarious <a href=\"\">Cursebird</a> to the sporty <a href=\"\">Twackle</a>. Twitter is contacted regularly by brands interested in sponsoring innovative experiences based on topics of interest.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Check Out ExecTweets\" class=\"align-center\"></a>However, our focused commitment to Twitter itself means we don’t have much time or resources to build these interesting topical experiences. It turns out the folks over at <a href=\"\">Federated Media</a> have both the resources and the expertise. So if you’re a major brand and you want to sponsor a topic-focused social media experience with Twitter, we suggest Federated Media—they’ll fix you up right. Check out their first project in conjunction with Microsoft, <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>",
"date": "2009-03-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Salesforce Integrates Twitter",
"body": "<p>From small companies to big, there’s an increasing amount of business use happening with Twitter. Lots of these companies are using Twitter to search for mentions of their brands or products and then finding ways to better serve customers. Salesforce has taken notice and <a href=\";STORY=/www/story/03-23-2009/0004992720&amp;EDATE=\">today announced</a> an enterprise product built upon the Twitter platform.</p> \n<p>Customer Relationship Management is a whole big thing that companies worldwide use Salesforce for to run smarter businesses. Salesforce CRM for Twitter makes it easy for companies to connect with customers from within the Salesforce Service Cloud—which is also a whole big thing. If you use Salesforce then you know about this stuff.</p> \n<p>Twitter is a simple and open communication service made more interesting by the many different uses people invent. Applications, projects, and integrations such as Salesforce CRM add to an ecosystem which continues to grow around Twitter delivering variety, relevance, and most importantly, value to users. This ecosystem helps make Twitter successful.</p>",
"date": "2009-03-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Suggested Users",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Suggested Users\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>About a month or so ago we noticed a certain percentage of new users were signing up and then not following anyone. When you don’t follow any other accounts on Twitter the product is not as relevant as it could be. To improve the user experience, we started suggesting some accounts to follow. As a result, new users are much more engaged and active. However, <a href=\"\">Mark Glaser</a>, a journalist from PBS has asked me for more transparency into how we are creating the list so I’ll assume others are interested as well.</p> \n<p>How Do We Choose?</p> \n<p>We’ve explained that the Suggested Users list is a bit like your local book store’s staff picks but there’s a little more to it than that. Our Chief Scientist developed a program that scans active Twitter accounts for a bunch of key ingredients such as how much of the profile is filled out, certain indications that the account is interesting to others in some respects, and a few other signals.</p> \n<p>This program then generates a list of potentially interesting Twitter accounts that myself and some product team folks here at Twitter take a look at for another set of criteria. For example, is the account a good introduction to Twittering for a new user? Does the person or organization running the account have a fairly wide or mainstream appeal? If they are a celebrity or business, have we confirmed it’s really them?</p> \n<p>Finally, we’ll do a gut check internally with a couple folks before adding them to the Suggested Users list. The list continues to grow and change although only a subset of twenty accounts are randomly displayed as suggestions during the new user signup process. Twitter is not paid to include accounts in this list. The Suggested Users feature exists to do a job—it makes Twitter more relevant and valuable to users. All that being said, when we find out Oprah starts Twittering for real we may very well put her on the list.</p> \n<p>Put Me on The List!</p> \n<p>The program that we run looks for a few different things but it definitely helps to fill out your profile info in <a href=\"\">account settings</a> because otherwise it may skip right over the account. Suggested Users are getting more followers because they are suggested but that doesn’t mean everyone else is getting fewer followers. In fact, the feature is working to create more active users who are in turn discovering and following more accounts which raises the potential for everyone.</p> \n<p>So, that’s how we’re doing the list today. We may very well change the way we populate this list or stop using it altogether if there is some other way to get the job done.</p>",
"date": "2009-03-25T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Full SMS Service for Vodafone UK Customers!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Full SMS Service for Vodafone UK Customers!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Extending the power of the real-time network globally through the simple technology of SMS is a driving goal for Twitter. Anyone in the world can update Twitter via SMS but receiving tweets on your mobile has been restricted to North America. Today, we’re happy to announce an agreement between Vodafone UK and Twitter. The shortcode for UK Vodafone customers is 86444 and you can <a href=\"\">activate your mobile in your Twitter settings</a>.</p> \n<p>What’s The Deal?</p> \n<p>Vodafone UK has signed an agreement with Twitter allowing customers to send and receive SMS updates at no additional cost. Sending tweets from your mobile will be part of your normal text messaging bundle with Vodafone—there will be no extra fees. In fact, for the first few weeks, sending tweets won’t even affect your bundle. Receiving tweets via SMS on your mobile is totally free. Vodafone loves Twitter!</p> \n<p>Making Progress</p> \n<p>In the United States, folks can send and receive tweets via SMS at no extra charge. In Canada, Bell Mobility customers can do the same. Now Vodafone customers in the UK can send and receive tweets. Twitter will continue to make arrangements with operators around the world so hopefully your country and your mobile provider will be next!</p>",
"date": "2009-03-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Welcome, Doug Bowman",
"body": "<p>As Twitter grows, the challenge of staying simple and relevant requires vision and leadership. This is true in all aspects of our growing company—from engineering, to product, business operations, support, and the creative force that pulls it all together. Our new creative force is <a href=\"\">Doug Bowman</a>, former Visual Design Lead at Google.</p> \n<p>Doug joins Twitter as our Creative Director, the role formerly occupied by myself before our team started getting big enough that it made sense for me to align more with Evan, our CEO on the company-building aspects of Twitter. We both remain involved in product decisions and are huge fans of Doug.</p> \n<p>Doug Bowman has a personal philosophy that design plays a primary role in the interpretation of a message. Twitter is the messaging system we didn’t know we needed until we had it so this philosophy is extremely fitting. Creativity is an infinitely renewable resource and Doug embodies that completely. Welcome, Doug!</p>",
"date": "2009-03-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Replies Are Now Mentions",
"body": "<p>We’re updating the Replies feature and referring to it instead as Mentions. In your Twitter sidebar you’ll now see your own @username tab. When you click that tab, you’ll see a list of all tweets referencing your account with the @username convention anywhere in the tweet—instead of only at the beginning which is how it used to work. So for me it would be all mentions of <a href=\"\">@biz</a>. For developers, this update will also be included in the <a href=\"\">APIs</a>.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Replies Are Now Mentions\" class=\"align-center\">Why The Update?</p> \n<p>The <a href=\"\">@Replies</a> feature was introduced because we noticed lots of folks putting the @ symbol in front of Twitter usernames as a way of addressing one another. For example: <a href=\"\">@biz</a> what are you drinking in your avatar? (It’s a soy latte.) So, we started linking the @username references and collecting any tweets that began with @username on one page to make them easier to track.</p> \n<p>However, folks started getting more inventive as they often do. Now people include @username mentions in the middle of tweets as a way to simply reference another account. For example: I’m flying <a href=\"\">@jetblue</a> to Boston. Also, folks reference multiple accounts in a single tweet like this: I’m flying <a href=\"\">@jetblue</a> to Boston with <a href=\"\">@ev</a> <a href=\"\">@crystal</a> and <a href=\"\">@goldman</a>.</p> \n<p>Today’s update better reflects how folks are using Twitter now.</p>",
"date": "2009-03-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Discovery Engine Is Coming",
"body": "<p>A few weeks ago we started testing Twitter Search in the web interface for a subset of folks. We had the search box way up near the top of the page and the results on a separate page. It turns out that’s not the awesome way to do it. The best way to experience Twitter Search is when it’s a natural part of your normal Twitter experience.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"The Discovery Engine Is Coming\" class=\"align-center\">Real-time results for ‘coffee,’ saved search for ‘stephen colbert,’ and Trends</p> \n<p>Old Idea, Awesome Experience</p> \n<p>We went back to <a href=\"\">the original sketch</a> and made everything far more awesome. Currently, a small subset of Twitter users are trying this new search feature in the sidebar of their Twitter home page. When you do a search, you don’t go to another page, the relevant tweets instantly show up where you’d expect them to—right on your home page where tweets love to be.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"The Discovery Engine Is Coming\" class=\"align-center\">Search integration sketch from early July 2008</p> \n<p>This way of experiencing search is aligned with Twitter’s simple approach. Normally, the tweets you would see on your home page are from sources of information that you have curated over time—in other words, the accounts you chose to follow. When you use search, you’re asking for any tweets that contain the word or phrase you’re interested in right now.</p> \n<p>Saved Searches and Trends</p> \n<p>We’ve added a few other features to this design. If there’s a search you want to do on a regular basis, you can “save” the search. That will place the word or term permanently in your sidebar for easy access. So if you want to know what people are saying about the city you live in, the products you use, or just something weird, it becomes a link on your home page.</p> \n<p>Twitter Search is an engine for discovering what is happening right now but it doesn’t always have to be a box and a button. Trends are words or phrases being referenced with more frequency suggesting that something interesting might be happening. When you click on a trend link, you can read the tweets and find out what’s up. Trends is in beta—but it has potential.</p> \n<p>Give It To Me Now!</p> \n<p>We are loving this implementation of Twitter Search and the technical infrastructure to support it is mostly in place. We’ll gather a bit more feedback from our test group and then get these features out to everyone as soon as possible. As always, Search and Trends are part of the Twitter API so developers can continue making super cool Twitter applications.</p>",
"date": "2009-04-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Sometimes We Talk",
"body": "<p>My inbox is flooded this morning with requests for a response to the latest Internet speculation about where Twitter is headed. It should come as no surprise that Twitter engages in discussions with other companies regularly and on a variety of subjects.</p> \n<p>Our goal is to build a profitable, independent company and we’re just getting started. We’ve got just over thirty employees now and we’re working out of a loft in San Francisco’s SoMA neighborhood. By the way, <a href=\"\">we’re hiring talented people</a> if you want to join us.</p>",
"date": "2009-04-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What&#39;s Happening?",
"body": "<p></p>\n<br> The folks at Sprint have a new \n<a href=\"\">nationwide television ad running</a> and they’ve included Twitter along with other services people use and depend on such as mobile phones, email, texting, and Google which is really cool for us. Even more fun is that they took the little blue bird that my long time collaborator on fun design and illustration projects \n<a href=\"\">Phil</a> and I drew and made it into a 3D animation. Love it! \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"What's Happening?\" class=\"align-center\"></p>",
"date": "2009-04-07T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Thanks for Your Patience",
"body": "<p>Update: We finished early and service is back.</p> \n<p>We’ve isolated many different parts of the Twitter system such that they can scale independently. This means a problem with a particular subsystem can be addressed without causing disruption to the service as a whole.</p> \n<p>Although we’ve made lots of progress separating these subsystems, not all aspects of Twitter are isolated in this manner. In certain cases, we still need to place the service in maintenance mode to update or improve parts of the overall system.</p> \n<p>Our tech team wasn’t able to perform some necessary maintenance strategically planned for a window of time very early Sunday morning where it would affect the least number of folks so we’re doing it right now. For the next hour, Twitter will be placed in maintenance mode.</p> \n<p>Thank you for your patience while we hustle to get this work done. We expect the upgrade will take one hour and then the service will be back. Everyone at Twitter uses Twitter so we’re as eager to have it back as you are.</p>",
"date": "2009-04-07T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck v0.25 - Memory Leak Fixes, Facebook Integration &amp; shortURL/TwitPic Previews",
"body": "<p>We’ve got some good news to share with you. &nbsp;A new version of TweetDeck is available with some much wanted improvements, including a fix for the memory leak issue, and great new features including short url previews, Twitpic thumbnails, recording of 12seconds video clips and Facebook integration to make TweetDeck even more useful to you, our users. &nbsp;Plus TweetDeck is now recognised as the most popular application for Twitter driving 8.9% of tweets according to TweetRush. Plus with over 375,000 visits to last month and a growth rate of 32% we’re hoping to see this growth continue.</p> \n<p>We know that many of our users have been experiencing problems with TweetDeck gobbling up memory and not releasing it. &nbsp;The memory leak issue has forced some users to re-start TweetDeck regularly and we’re really sorry about that. &nbsp;We’ve been listening and working hard, together with Adobe, making improvements to TweetDeck to fix the memory leak. Today we’re delighted to be able to tell you that the memory leak has been plugged and now the latest version of TweetDeck will peak at a certain level and won’t go any higher. &nbsp;So you can leave your TweetDeck running all day, all night, or forever if you really want to.&nbsp;</p> \n<div> \n <div> \n <p></p> \n <div>\n We’re continuing to work on the overall memory usage of TweetDeck on an ongoing basis but we think you’ll be very pleased with the results of the fix for the memory leak issue. &nbsp;We couldn’t have fixed it without your feedback and the help of a team of Adobe engineers too.&nbsp;",
"date": "2009-04-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Partners?",
"body": "<p>We have no official business arrangement with a consulting agency recently created in the UK calling itself “Twitter Partners.” We have spoken with these folks in person and we wish them well as they endeavor to add value to the ecosystem that is growing around Twitter.</p> \n<p>However, the name, branding, and suggestion that Twitter has some kind of equity partnership or an agreement of any kind in place is misleading and wrong. We’ll be working with Peter and his team to clear up this confusion.</p>",
"date": "2009-04-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Wily Weekend Worms",
"body": "<p>On a weekend normally reserved for bunnies, a worm took center stage. A computer worm is a self-replicating computer program sometimes introduced by folks with malicious intent to do some harm to a network. Please note that no passwords, phone numbers, or other sensitive information was compromised as part of these attacks.</p> \n<p>The worm introduced to Twitter this weekend was similar to the famous Samy worm which spread across the popular MySpace social-networking site a while back. At that time, MySpace filed a lawsuit against the virus creator which resulted in a felony charge and sentencing. Twitter takes security very seriously and we will be following up on all fronts.</p> \n<p>What Went Down?</p> \n<p>At about 2AM on Saturday, four accounts were created that began spreading a worm on Twitter. From 7:30AM until 11AM PST, our security team worked on eliminating the vectors that could identify this worm. At that time, about 90 accounts were compromised. We identified and secured these accounts.</p> \n<p>Later in the afternoon, a second wave of the worm hit Twitter and this time it was much more intense. We got back to work and the situation was contained. About 100 accounts were compromised. Again, we identified and secured the accounts. We also identified and deleted malicious content that could work to further spread the worm.</p> \n<p>On Sunday morning, we had another bout of attacks. Our team quickly pulled together and started fighting the attackers in real time. Again, we secured the accounts that had been compromised and removed any content that might help spread the worm. All told, we identified and deleted almost 10,000 tweets that could have continued to spread the worm.</p> \n<p>[Update] Late Sunday night and into the wee hours of Monday we fought off a fourth attack. Once again, we secured the compromised accounts and deleted any material that would further propagate the worm.</p> \n<p>Now What?</p> \n<p>We are still reviewing all the details, cleaning up, and we remain on alert. Every time we battle an attack, we evaluate our web coding practices to learn how we can do better to prevent them in the future. We will conduct a full review of the weekend activities. Everything from how it happened, how we reacted, and preventative measures will be covered.</p> \n<p>In addition to making Twitter stronger and more secure, we will share the information we have learned with our friends at other popular web based services so they can make sure they have the right systems in place for dealing with the same kind of malicious activity. Our support team will have lots of email to go through on Monday so please bear with us and thanks for your patience.</p>",
"date": "2009-04-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What&#39;s The Deal with OAuth?",
"body": "<p>OAuth is an open protocol that Twitter is experimenting with along with other companies such as Yahoo, Netflix, and Google. The idea is that folks can use awesome Twitter related applications and services like <a href=\"\">We Follow</a> or <a href=\"\">TipJoy</a> without giving away their account credentials. Our implementation of OAuth is in a beta testing mode right now and we are in close contact with the consortium of engineers who continue to define this open protocol.</p> \n<p>This week, we received word from the folks at OAuth that they were looking closely at a security issue within the protocol. We take security seriously and felt the responsible thing to do was temporarily disable OAuth while this matter was sorted out. Yahoo and others made similar decisions. The developers working on Twitter projects that are in our beta test group felt this disruption the hardest and their patience is extremely appreciated.</p> \n<p>It’s important to us that we support the ecosystem and developers that have grown around Twitter. Communication is a big part of this support but so is moving quickly and responsibly when security is involved. As we move further away from beta testing, Twitter’s OAuth support will grow more dependable and many of us will be able to take advantage of applications that incorporate the protocol.</p> \n<p>We’re in contact with Twitter developers helping us test OAuth as well as the folks behind the protocol and the other companies using it. We’re expecting service to return later today even better and stronger than before.</p>",
"date": "2009-04-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Thanks to the Adobe AIR Team",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Thanks to the Adobe AIR Team\"></p> \n<div>\n The Adobe team have posted a blog post (\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>) about our work together on fixing the memory leak issues in Adobe Air which impacted some TweetDeck users. &nbsp;",
"date": "2009-04-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Malaria No More",
"body": "<p></p>\n<br> The recent race to 1M followers between @\n<a href=\"\">cnnbrk</a> and @\n<a href=\"\">aplusk</a> was mostly just for kicks. Nevertheless, it wasn’t all fun and games because it made a difference in raising awareness for \n<a href=\"\">Malaria No More</a>, a nonprofit organization in New York that aims to end deaths caused by malaria in Africa.",
"date": "2009-04-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Minor Update to TweetDeck v0.25",
"body": "<p>TweetDeck v0.25 has been updated to fix the crashing issue some users have reported when TweetDeck has been minimised on a Windows-based machine. In tests removing the “minimise to system tray” functionality has “solved” the issue so this version of TweetDeck has been updated accordingly - obviously this is a temporary measure and we are looking at ways to restore this functionality minus the crashing as soon as possible.</p> \n<p>Also in this update, TweetDeck will now refresh correctly when using a white-listed twitter developer account. We recommend you alter your API settings&nbsp;immediately&nbsp;otherwise your TweetDeck could be attempting to update 5 times per second.</p> \n<p>To try out these fixes please download the new update from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> either by clicking on the download button or the yellow “Version 0.25” on the right hand side. If you are not affected by either of these issues then it is not necessary to download v0.25 again.</p>",
"date": "2009-04-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Search for Everyone!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Search for Everyone!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Every public update sent to Twitter from anywhere in the world 24/7 can be instantly indexed and made discoverable via our newly launched real-time search. What was that loud noise outside your apartment? Did you just feel an earthquake? What do people think about your company, your product, or your city? With this newly launched feature, Twitter has become something unexpectedly important—a discovery engine for finding out what is happening right now.</p> \n<p>Searching Outside the Box</p> \n<p>Twitter teaches us new and amazing things every day and a big lesson learned is that search is so much more than a box and a button. As public tweets fly in from around the globe, we analyze them to detect when certain words or phrases occur with higher frequency. These trending phrases are surfaced in the Twitter home page just under the new search box and they’re updated throughout the day. Built on our search technology, trends are a compelling if rudimentary way to explore a collective global consciousness.</p> \n<p>A Simple Approach</p> \n<p>Accessing is a simple experience—you sign in and read the updates from the accounts you have chosen to follow. If you’ve been using Twitter for a while, you’ve probably curated an interesting collection of updates from friends, family, co-workers, businesses, media organizations, and maybe even a favorite celebrity. With the addition of search, you can ask Twitter to build you a fresh timeline of updates based on a keyword or phrase. It’s a whole new experience with a familiar look and feel.</p> \n<p>Saving Your Searches</p> \n<p>If you find yourself searching for the same word or phrase on a regular basis, then you’ll probably like using “save this search” which, when clicked, will place those keywords as links into your home page just under the search box. This gives you one-click access to your favorite searches. To remove the saved search links, click the word again and notice the new option to, “Remove this saved search.” We’ve also added an option to collapse your list of saved searches as well as the icons of the accounts you are following for a cleaner view.</p>",
"date": "2009-04-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Unauthorized Access: An Update on Security",
"body": "<p>This week, unauthorized access to Twitter was gained by an outside party. Our initial security reviews and investigations indicate that no account information was altered or removed in any way. However, we discovered that 10 individual accounts were viewed during this unauthorized access.</p> \n<p>Personal information that may have been viewed on these 10 individual accounts includes email address, mobile phone number (if one was associated with the account), and the list of accounts blocked by that user. We have personally contacted Twitter users whose accounts were compromised via this unauthorized access.</p> \n<p>Password information was not revealed or altered, nor were personal messages (direct messages) viewed. Twitter takes security very seriously so we will be conducting a thorough, independent security audit of all internal systems and implementing additional anti-intrusion measures to further safeguard user data.</p>",
"date": "2009-04-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "More Canada, Please",
"body": "<p>We’ve made more progress with SMS in Canada, this time with our friends at Rogers and Fido. Starting today, if you are a Twitterer as well as a customer of Rogers or Fido, then you can update via SMS and receive updates from Twitter via SMS. Your tweets are treated as standard messages. There are no additional charges—tweets are free and will remain free.</p> \n<p>If you haven’t activated your mobile to work with Twitter, <a href=\"\">it’s easy to do from your Settings page</a>. The Twitter message limit of 140 characters was based on the limit of 160 characters imposed by SMS in general—we just needed some room to include your name in front of the message. It’s this simple constraint that allows Twitter to work well in so many places.</p> \n<p>A driving idea behind Twitter has long been to extend the power of a real-time network to mobile devices everywhere through the simple technology of SMS. We’re thrilled to activate full, two-way SMS to many more people in Canada with no additional fees and we’re working on the rest of the world right now.</p>",
"date": "2009-05-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Canada Gets Fully Twitterized",
"body": "<p>Today we launched full, two-way SMS support for <a href=\"\">Telus</a>, <a href=\"\">Virgin Mobile</a>, and <a href=\"\">Koodo Mobile</a>. We are now live on all major operators in Canada—that means pretty much every mobile phone user in Canada has the ability to send and receive Twitter updates via SMS. Just like our deals with the rest of the major Canadian mobile operators, there are no additional fees. Twitter messages are standard rates or deducted from your bundle if you have one. More countries to follow.</p>",
"date": "2009-05-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Small Settings Update",
"body": "<p>We’ve updated the Notices section of Settings to better reflect how folks are using Twitter regarding replies. Based on usage patterns and feedback, we’ve learned most people want to see when someone they follow replies to another person they follow—it’s a good way to stay in the loop. However, receiving one-sided fragments via replies sent to folks you don’t follow in your timeline is undesirable. Today’s update removes this undesirable and confusing option.</p> \n<p>The Importance of Discovery</p> \n<p>Spotting new folks in tweets is an interesting way to check out new profiles and find new people to follow. Despite this update, you’ll still see mentions or references linking to people you don’t follow. For example, you’ll continue to see, “<a href=\"\">Ev</a> meeting with @<a href=\"\">biz</a> about work stuff” even if you don’t follow @<a href=\"\">biz</a>. We’ll be introducing better ways to discover and follow interesting accounts as we release more features in this space.</p>",
"date": "2009-05-12T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We Learned A Lot",
"body": "<p>This morning we received lots of great info about the replies setting we changed yesterday. Folks loved this feature because it allowed them to discover new people and participate serendipitously in various conversations. The problem with the setting was that it didn’t scale and even if we rebuilt it, the feature was blunt. It was confusing and caused a sense of inconsistency. We felt we could do much better.</p> \n<p>So here’s what we’re planning to do. First, we’re making a change such that any updates beginning with @username (that are not explicitly created by clicking on the reply icon) will be seen by everyone following that account. This will bring back some serendipity and discovery and we can do this very soon.</p> \n<p>Second, we’ve started designing a new feature which will give folks far more control over what they see from the accounts they follow. This will be a per-user setting and it will take a bit longer to put together but not too long and we’re already working on it. Thanks for all the great feedback and thanks for helping us discover what’s important!</p>",
"date": "2009-05-13T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Whoa, Feedback!",
"body": "<p>We’re getting a ton of extremely useful feedback about yesterday’s update to Settings. The engineering team reminded me that there were serious technical reasons why that setting had to go or be entirely rebuilt—it wouldn’t have lasted long even if we thought it was the best thing ever. Nevertheless, it’s amazing to wake up and see all the tweets about this change.</p> \n<p>We’re hearing your feedback and reading through it all. One of the strongest signals is that folks were using this setting to discover and follow new and interesting accounts—this is something we absolutely want to support. Our product, design, user experience, and technical teams have started brainstorming a way to surface a new, scalable way to address this need.</p> \n<p>Please stay tuned and thank you again for all the feedback.</p>",
"date": "2009-05-13T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Replies Kerfuffle",
"body": "<p>Twitter evolves and thrives on how folks use it. Some of our best features are invented by users, so listening is extremely valuable. Replies and conversations are awesome and we fully intend to support and encourage their growth. We removed a setting that 3% of all accounts had ever touched but for those folks it was beloved. The use cases that folks loved about this setting will return in a new and improved form.</p> \n<p>We screwed up from a communications perspective this week. When I heard that this change was going out, I rushed to write a blog post. This setting had both product design flaws as well as technical flaws and I did not do my homework. My post came from a product design perspective but the technical perspective was the reason it went away so quickly. Normally, I spend more time understanding the issue before explaining it on this blog but in my haste I made a mistake.</p> \n<p>Subsequently, there is now a lot of confusion about what this change actually was. 97% of all accounts were not affected at all by this change—the default setting is that you only see replies by people you follow to people you follow. For the 3% who wanted to see replies to people they don’t follow, we cannot turn this setting back on in its original form for technical reasons and we won’t rebuild it exactly the same for product design reasons. I’ve taken some time to break down both the product design and technical problems this feature had.</p> \n<p>Product Design Flaws</p> \n<p>Since last year we’ve been hearing from users and having discussions about removing this setting—feedback indicated that it was useful but also created confusion. People would change the setting and then not understand why their timeline had fragments of conversations. From the tweet author perspective, there was an unclear expectation as to who would actually see messages which often lead to trepidation when it came to using replies. Finally, even folks who understood the setting would complain that they couldn’t follow accounts with a high volume of replies because the replies overwhelmed their timeline. It was becoming apparent that we had an opportunity for improvement.</p> \n<p>Technical Problems</p> \n<p>Even though only 3% of all Twitter accounts ever changed this setting away from the default, it was causing a strain and impacting other parts of the system. Every time someone wrote a reply Twitter had to check and see what each of their followers’ reply setting was and then manifest that tweet accordingly in their timeline—this was the most expensive work the database was doing and it was causing other features to degrade which lead to SMS delays, inconsistencies in following, fluctuations in direct message counts, and more. Ideally, we would redesign and rebuild this feature but there was no time, hence the sudden deploy.</p> \n<p>Hopefully, this clears things up a bit and I promise to be less distracted and hasty when it comes to blog posts. We’re still listening, reading tweets, gathering feedback, and working on more efficient ways of doing so. Thanks to everyone for the feedback and for using Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2009-05-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck fit for a Queen",
"body": "<p>It’s always interesting to see the crazy assortment of people from all walks of life using TweetDeck. It’s great to see TweetDeck being used by people as varied as the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">European Space Agency</a>, bands like <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">New Kids on the Block</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nine Inch Nails</a> and the actress <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Alyssa Milano</a>.&nbsp; </p>\n<p>But this week we’re delighted to welcome our first royal with the Queen becoming a TweetDeck user. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Queen Rania</a>&nbsp;of Jordan that is.&nbsp; She’s got some really interesting things to say, she even met <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">the Pope</a> this week, definitely a good candidate for <a href=\"\">#FollowFriday</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>\n<p>If you’re using TweetDeck in a different way we’d love to hear all about it.&nbsp; Send us a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">tweet</a> or an <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">email</a> and tell us all about it.&nbsp;</p>",
"date": "2009-05-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Getting to know you",
"body": "<div>\n We’re friends, right? And friends should know a little about each other, right? Well we’re not sure we’re keeping up our side of the deal here so we’d like to take some time to get to know you better.&nbsp;And by getting to know you more we can make TD even better. &nbsp;",
"date": "2009-05-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Does Twitter Hate Advertising?",
"body": "<p>When we speak publicly about how Twitter might become a profitable business, we talk about the idea of commercial usage and then explain that we’re still exploring what that means—that’s true. We also say traditional web banner advertising isn’t interesting to us which is also true. However, to say we are philosophically opposed to any and all advertising is incorrect.</p> \n<p>For a long time, we’ve said that we think there are interesting opportunities related to commercial usage. Businesses and individuals are getting value out of Twitter and we may be able to enhance that. We’ve just begun exploring in this area—early ideas include account authentication, management tools, and discovery mechanisms. We’ll keep you posted.</p> \n<p>The idea of taking money to run traditional banner ads on has always been low on our list of interesting ways to generate revenue. However, facilitating connections between businesses and individuals in meaningful and relevant ways is compelling. We’re going to leave the door open for exploration in this area.</p> \n<p>Do we hate advertising? Of course not. It’s a huge industry filled with creativity and inspiration. There’s also room for new innovation in advertising, marketing, and public relations and Twitter is already part of that. In fact, next month I’ll be attending and speaking at the 56th annual international advertising festival, <a href=\"\">Cannes Lions 2009</a>. I’ll let you know how it goes.</p>",
"date": "2009-05-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Spam and sorting the ‘tweet from the chaff’",
"body": "<div>\n Spam’s everywhere nowadays, it’s even moved onto Twitter. Plus the spammers are cottoning on to where they’ll find the greatest audience on Twitter and using hashtags for trending topics to bug the hell out of most of us. &nbsp;",
"date": "2009-05-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hello, New Zealand",
"body": "<p>Last week we launched full, two-way SMS for Vodafone customers in New Zealand. The shortcode for Twitter in NZ is 8987 or TWTR. As always, Twittering over SMS is a standard rate message or deducted from your bundle and receiving notifications is free. If you’re not a Vodafone customer, don’t worry—we’re working on it.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Hello, New Zealand\" class=\"align-center\"></a>Image created by <a href=\"\">denèe</a>.</p> \n<p>What About Australia?</p> \n<p>We know from experience that Australian Twitterers are a passionate bunch. Hopefully this good news will not have a negative impact on Trans-Tasman relations. We promise that Twitter loves Australia and we will be turning on full, two-way SMS in your fabulous island continent as soon as our mobile team can make the necessary arrangements.</p>",
"date": "2009-05-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "We&#39;re Not Making A TV Show",
"body": "<p>Just to be clear, Twitter is not making a television show. Some Hollywood folks are developing something that leverages Twitter and they are extremely enthusiastic as evidenced by all the media hubbub yesterday and today. We have little to do with their efforts but we wish them success.</p> \n<p>Like the thousands of apps being built around Twitter, there is a growing interest from the entertainment and news industry. We see these projects and others as yet another way the ecosystem is enriched for everyone who uses Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2009-05-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Goes Hollywood?",
"body": "<p>The web is abuzz today with talk of a “Twitter TV show.” I’m even getting folks asking me if they can audition. Indeed, there are a lot of interesting developments happening in the television space—MTV, G4, CNN, E! and various independent production companies are all leveraging Twitter for fun new projects. There are probably a bunch we don’t even know about yet.</p> \n<p>Is There An Official Twitter Show?</p> \n<p>There is no official Twitter TV show—although if there were it would be fun to cast! In dealing with networks and production companies we sometimes have simple agreements. Regarding the Reveille and Brillstein project <a href=\";cs=1\">reported today</a>, we have a lightweight, non-exclusive, agreement with the producers which helps them move forward more freely.</p> \n<p>Our Openness Is Extensive</p> \n<p>Twitter is very open. As a result, thousands of different applications, web sites, and mobile interfaces have been created by developers. These different approaches add variety and relevance to Twitter and in general make the ecosystem more interesting. However, Twitter’s openness is not limited to the web or even to mobile phones.</p> \n<p>During the 2008 presidential elections, <a href=\"\">Hack The Debate</a> showed us how Twitter could make television interactive and possibly even have a democratizing effect on the medium. The power of Twitter was harnessed to create new, compelling, and engaging programming. CNN was an early innovator with Twitter too. Our openness made it all possible.</p> \n<p>Twitter’s open approach might have the power to transform television—the dominant communications receiver worldwide. We’re very excited to see where these experiments take us.</p>",
"date": "2009-05-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Blink-182 TweetDeck",
"body": "<p>We’re big music fans here in TweetDeck and we love to see bands and musicians connecting with their fans on Twitter. So we were delighted when we saw <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mark Hoppus</a> and the rest of the guys in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Blink182</a> using TweetDeck to talk to their fans on Twitter.</p> \n<p>That got us thinking… Wouldn’t it be great if fans could get a special TweetDeck to stay connected with all the band’s news in real-time. So here you are, a custom-made <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Blink182 TweetDeck</a> so you can keep up-to-date with news, tour dates and even get access to exclusive contests.</p> \n<p>If you’re a die-hard fan you should be able to recognise the guitar riff from Dammit every time you get a new tweet. But don’t worry, if neighbouring desks start giving you the evil eye you can turn it off in the settings.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Download it now</a> and let us know what you think. And keep watching, we’ve got some great new stuff coming your way very soon.</p>",
"date": "2009-05-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Shuffle up and Deal",
"body": "<p>The World Series of Poker begins today in Las Vegas. For the poker fan, it’s a chance to see the best in the world contend with amateurs from all over the world.</p> \n<p>If there’s a problem with the WSOP, it’s that there’s so much of it. It runs for almost two months, has over 50 events and involves thousands of players. Twitter user and poker pro <a href=\"\">Joe Sebok</a> has created a great new tool for following all the action using Twitter.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">PokerRoad Nation</a> aggregates tweets from professional players (like <a href=\"\">Barry Greenstein</a> and <a href=\"\">Annie Duke</a>) as well as amateurs. You can filter the tweets to see updates about a specific WSOP event or from specific players.</p> \n<p>When you’re trying to follow an event like a poker tournament where thousands of people might be playing at hundreds of tables, a tool like this let’s you see what’s going on through the players’ eyes. It’s a whole new way of seeing the game.</p>",
"date": "2009-05-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Teaching with TweetDeck",
"body": "<p>Cast your mind back to high school, even college. Remember staring blindly at the teacher as they parroted on for hours? Recall the painful silences when the teacher asked for people’s opinions? Or perhaps the monotony of that one student who always had something to say?</p> \n<p>Well times have changed. Nowadays teachers and lecturers are using technologies like Wikipedia, Twitter and much more to get students, even the shy ones, more involved in their education. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">This video</a> shows how a teacher at the University of Texas is using TweetDeck and Twitter to make history classes more interactive.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Professor Monica Rankin</a>&nbsp;used TweetDeck to track the classes weekly discussions by creating a search column in TweetDeck for that week’s hashtag. She then projecting TweetDeck onto a large screen in the classroom so students could watch the stream of comments. Many of the students also downloaded TweetDeck onto their own computers so they could follow the discussion on their own desktops. Professor Rankin said “those using TweetDeck commented that it was a much friendlier user-interface”. High praise indeed Professor – Thanks!</p> \n<p>It’s great to see TweetDeck being used to educate people. &nbsp;If you have an unusual story of how you use TweetDeck <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">please let us know</a>, we’d love to hear it.</p>",
"date": "2009-06-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Not Playing Ball",
"body": "<p>Impersonation violates Twitter’s Terms of Service and we take the issue seriously. We suspend, delete, or transfer control of accounts known to be impersonation. When alerted, we took action in this regard on behalf of St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa.</p> \n<p>Reports this week that Twitter has settled a law suit and officially agreed to pay legal fees for an impersonation complaint that was taken care of by our support staff in accordance with our Terms are erroneous. Twitter has not settled, nor do we plan to settle or pay.</p> \n<p>With due respect to the man and his <a href=\"\">notable work</a>, Mr. La Russa’s lawsuit was an unnecessary waste of judicial resources bordering on frivolous. Twitter’s Terms of Service are fair and we believe will be upheld in a court that will ultimately dismiss Mr. La Russa’s lawsuit.</p> \n<p>Verified Accounts Beta (A Sneak Peak)</p> \n<p>We do recognize an opportunity to improve Twitter user experience and clear up confusion beyond simply removing impersonation accounts once alerted. We’ll be experimenting with a beta preview of what we’re calling Verified Accounts this summer.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Not Playing Ball\" class=\"align-center\">Verified Accounts will feature a special seal.</p> \n<p>The experiment will begin with public officials, public agencies, famous artists, athletes, and other well known individuals at risk of impersonation. We hope to verify more accounts in the future but due to the resources required, verification will begin only with a small set.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Not Playing Ball\" class=\"align-center\">San Francisco <a href=\"\">Mayor Gavin Newsom’s official site</a> links to his Twitter account.</p> \n<p>Please note that this doesn’t mean accounts without a verification seal are fake—the vast majority of Twitter accounts are not impersonators. Another way to determine authenticity is to check the official web site of the person for a link back to their Twitter account.</p> \n<p>When we do start testing Account Verification, we will be sure to provide ample methods for feedback. Initially, verification will not be tested with businesses. However, we do see an opportunity in that arena so we’ll keep you posted when we have something to share.</p>",
"date": "2009-06-06T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Down Time Rescheduled",
"body": "<p>A critical network upgrade must be performed to ensure continued operation of Twitter. In coordination with Twitter, our network host had planned this upgrade for tonight. However, our network partners at NTT America recognize the role Twitter is currently playing as an important communication tool in Iran. Tonight’s planned maintenance has been rescheduled to tomorrow between 2-3p PST (1:30a in Iran).</p> \n<p>Our partners are taking a huge risk not just for Twitter but also the other services they support worldwide—we commend them for being flexible in what is essentially an inflexible situation. We chose NTT America Enterprise Hosting Services <a href=\"\">early last year</a> specifically because of their impeccable history of reliability and global perspective. Today’s decision and actions continue to prove why NTT America is such a powerful partner for Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2009-06-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck goes mobile and makes for the clouds",
"body": "<p>When I started developing TweetDeck, almost a year ago, I was trying to solve a very specific problem. Twitter provided an amazing new source of information but was already becoming unwieldy. When I missed a tweet from one of my real world friends I realised there was no way to weight the importance of people I followed or easily digest the avalanche of information. Thinking about this I realized that this was an increasing problem across the entire Web – not just with Twitter. More and more, sites are serving consumers streams of information rather than static web pages. And today’s browsers aren’t set up to help us filter and digest this new format. So I started TweetDeck with a focus on Twitter but a bigger vision, to become a new browser for the real-time Web.</p> \n<p>Today, we’re taking a step closer to that goal. From our humble beginnings just one year ago, we’ve had such an overwhelming response from you, our users. &nbsp;Your support and ideas have helped get TweetDeck to where we are today – building a team in London, constantly improving the product, and trying to change the way people view streamed, real time data from the Web. And now, we are happy to announce big improvements to TweetDeck, both on and off the desktop.</p> \n<p>First, we are announcing <a href=\";mt=8\" target=\"_self\">TweetDeck for the iPhone</a>, which means that you can now take all your TweetDeck favourites, including columns, groups and saved searches, everywhere you go. Browse through columns with the flick of a fingertip, see what’s new as it arrives with notifications and simply shake your iPhone to refresh. And we’re giving you all of this goodness for free. TweetDeck for iPhone is now available to <a href=\";mt=8\" target=\"_self\">download free</a> on the Apple App Store.</p> \n<p>Second, we’re releasing <a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">a new version of TweetDeck</a>&nbsp;for the desktop, with lots of new features that have been in high demand and things like sync that make the iPhone app possible. Here are the highlights:&nbsp;</p> \n<p><strong>Sync</strong> – you can automatically synchronise TweetDeck between your desktop and iPhone, making it really simple to import your columns and groups so you can be up and running on iPhone in a matter of minutes – no reinventing the wheel. Sync works in the background so whenever you change a group or add a new search column it’s updated and available on all your computers and your iPhone. This also means that everything can be backed up in case your computer ever crashes.</p> \n<p><strong>Multiple account support</strong> – you can now have multiple accounts with no need to switch between them. Whether you’re on the desktop or iPhone we’ve made it simple to see all your columns, for all your accounts and tweet from any account or even cross-post tweets to numerous Twitter accounts at the same time.&nbsp;</p> \n<p><strong>Unlimited columns</strong> – you’ll be happy to hear that you can now have as many columns as you’d like on TweetDeck. No more 10 columns limit, now the sky’s the limit.</p> \n<p><strong>Local trends</strong> – rather than only being able to see what’s trending on Twitter as a whole, with local trends, you can now see what’s hot among your own friends and colleagues. You’ll be able to run local trends on any of your columns in TweetDeck.</p> \n<p>Here’s a quick list of everything else that you can expect to see in the new desktop version:</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Conversation window - View an entire dialogue all at once.</li> \n <li>Video playback - Watch Qik or 12seconds video clips from the comfort of TweetDeck.&nbsp;</li> \n <li>New ‘Block &amp; Report Spam’ button - Just one click will delete the message from view, block the user and report them to Twitter.</li> \n <li>TweetDeck Recommends column - Find new and interesting people to follow whether you’re a Twitter newbie or a veteran of the Twitterverse.&nbsp;</li> \n <li>‘Reply All’ - Tweet everyone mentioned in a tweet in just a couple of clicks.</li> \n <li>YFrog - Share and preview YFrog photos inside TweetDeck.&nbsp;</li> \n <li>Smart filter – Start typing a username to find a person and add them to a group quickly and easily.&nbsp;</li> \n <li>RE (In reference to) tweets – Easily comment on a discussion.&nbsp;</li> \n</ul>\n<p>Look out for some more in-depth blog posts on each of the key new features in the next few days on our blog and Twitter account. For now <a href=\"\">download it for yourself</a> and try it out and download the <a href=\";mt=8\" target=\"_self\">new iPhone version</a> from the Apple App Store. Please let us know what you think at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>. And if you love TweetDeck please help us to spread the word about TweetDeck by tweeting and telling your friends about us. Thanks!!</p> \n<p>Iain &amp; The Team at TweetDeck</p>",
"date": "2009-06-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Up, Up, and Away",
"body": "<p>Twitter is back and our network capacity is now significantly increased. The planned maintenance that we moved from last night to this afternoon was a success and it took half the time we expected.</p> \n<p>When we worked with our network provider yesterday to reschedule this planned maintenance, we did so because events in Iran were tied directly to the growing significance of Twitter as an important communication and information network. Although presumed impossible if not extremely difficult, we decided together to move the date. It made sense for Twitter and for NTT America to keep services active during this highly visible global event.</p> \n<p>It’s humbling to think that our two-year old company could be playing such a globally meaningful role that state officials find their way toward <a href=\"\">highlighting our significance</a>. However, it’s important to note that the State Department does not have access to our decision making process. Nevertheless, we can both agree that the open exchange of information is a positive force in the world.</p>",
"date": "2009-06-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck for iPhone",
"body": "<p>Thanks for all the amazing feedback about <a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">TweetDeck for iPhone</a> we’re just as excited to be able to use TweetDeck on the move as you are.&nbsp; </p>\n<p></p>If you already use TweetDeck on the desktop the easiest way to get started is to download the \n<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">new desktop version</a> and register for a TweetDeck account.&nbsp; This will sync all your existing information including columns and groups to the TweetDeck server.&nbsp; Then all you need do is download \n<a target=\"_blank\">TweetDeck for iPhone</a> for free from the Apple App Store and enter your TweetDeck account details and you’ll be presented with a list of columns you can import and view on your iPhone. Magic, all your columns are synced and ready to go.&nbsp;&nbsp; \n<p></p>You can use all your favourite TweetDeck features on the iPhone: tweet, create groups, save searches, shorten URLs, share photos, follow and unfollow people and much more.&nbsp; There’s also a few new features we think you’re going to love:\n<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Manage multiple Twitter accounts with no need to switch between accounts.\n<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Notifications make it simple to see what’s new as it arrives so you never miss an important @reply or direct message again.&nbsp; Click the notification message to be taken directly to the column you want to see.\n<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Tweet your location or add your location to your Twitter profile.&nbsp;\n<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; And when you need to refresh the content simply shake your iPhone to update.&nbsp;\n<br>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">Visit our iPhone FAQs</a> to find out more about how to use these features and more on your iPhone. \n<p></p>This is our debut on iPhone so watch this space as we’ll be continually improving going forward.&nbsp; And if you don’t have an iPhone you can still \n<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">watch the video</a> to see what all the fuss is about.",
"date": "2009-06-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Multiple reasons to use TweetDeck",
"body": "<p>So here’s the real deal, I’ve been dying to get multiple accounts on TweetDeck just as much as you all.&nbsp; Switching between the <a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">TweetDeck account</a> and my <a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">personal account</a> got tired a long time ago. But we didn’t want to do it any old way, we wanted to make sure it worked brilliantly for you and allowed you to manage and tweet from all of your accounts at the same time without switching between them. </p>\n<p></p>You can \n<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">add another Twitter account </a>easily in the settings window. \n<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">Tweeting</a> from any of your accounts is really easy and doesn’t require any switching, you can even cross post tweets. And managing all of your Twitter accounts couldn’t be easier, simply \n<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">create columns</a> for your various accounts so you can keep track of everything, all at once in TweetDeck.&nbsp; \n<p></p>Plus with \n<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">TweetDeck for iPhone</a> managing \n<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">multiple Twitter accounts</a> is simple even when you’re on the move. \n<p></p>Now that multiple accounts is available in the new version of TweetDeck we hope you’ll agree it’s been worth the wait.",
"date": "2009-06-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Get in Sync",
"body": "<p>Sync has been one of the most popular feature requests among TweetDeck users for quite some time.&nbsp; We’re a friendly bunch here in TweetDeck and we like to keep you guys happy.&nbsp; That’s why the <a href=\"\">new version of TweetDeck</a> lets you automatically sync all your columns and groups across any computer or iPhone.&nbsp;</p> \n<p>You’ll be able to access all your TweetDeck information no matter where you are and get up and running on any computer, Windows, Mac, Linux, or even iPhone in a matter of minutes without creating everything all over again. We’ll also safely store your information so you’ll never lose your settings if your computer crashes or you delete a group by mistake. </p>\n<p></p>Plus TweetDeck keeps working in the background so whenever you change a group or add a new column it’s updated and available on all your computers and your iPhone. Just like magic. \n<p></p>So how do you do it?&nbsp; First things first, you need to download the new version of TweetDeck and register for a TweetDeck account.&nbsp; All your existing columns and groups will then be imported and safely stored in the TweetDeck cloud. \n<p>Next, download the <a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">new version</a> to all of the other computers you use TweetDeck on and link these computers to your existing TweetDeck account by clicking on ‘Settings’, ‘Sync’ and then entering your TweetDeck account information and clicking on ‘Verify Account’.&nbsp; </p>\n<p></p>If you’d like more help with syncing your TweetDeck information \n<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">read our FAQs here</a>.",
"date": "2009-06-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Restaurants on Twitter",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Restaurants on Twitter\" class=\"align-center\"></a>Boston Globe Staff Photo by Yoon S. Byun</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">This article from my hometown newspaper</a> is a great example of something we’re increasingly inspired by at Twitter. Small businesses—in this case restaurants—using Twitter as a low cost way to connect with patrons and ultimately improve profits.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>What can you do with 140 characters or less, the length of each tweet? A lot, restaurants are discovering - everything from posting daily specials to luring followers with offers of free appetizers to offering a glimpse of kitchen life. It’s all good for business.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>This quote is awesome, “You don’t need technology to be spreading your message on Twitter.” Well, you do need a bit of technology but not that much, it’s true. With a chalkboard and a mobile phone you can boost business. Is your favorite restaurant on Twitter?</p>",
"date": "2009-06-29T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "You always have options",
"body": "<p>Choice is good and that’s why we’re happy to give you another choice of photo sharing service with the addition of YFrog in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">new version of TweetDeck</a>.&nbsp; </p>\n<p></p>To change your settings and use YFrog to share your photos, simply click on ‘Settings’, then ‘Services’, then ‘YFrog’ to enable it. Plus you can watch our \n<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">quick demo video</a> to see with your own eyes exactly how to use YFrog. \n<p></p>It’s also easy to change your photo sharing service to YFrog on \n<a href=\"\">TweetDeck for iPhone</a> by clicking on ‘Columns’ at the bottom of the screen, then ‘Settings’, choosing ‘Settings’ again and toggling to select YFrog as your picture sharing service of choice.",
"date": "2009-06-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Following and Followers Page Improvements",
"body": "<p>When you click on the <a href=\"\">Following</a> and <a href=\"\">Followers</a> links from your Twitter home page, you’ll notice that we’ve upgraded the design of these pages and added features. Instead of a basic list, there are now actions you can perform that provide a better overall experience. For example, you can turn on SMS, unfollow, mention, block, direct message, and more. Tip: You can also view the accounts that <a href=\"\">someone else is following</a> and follow them yourself.</p>",
"date": "2009-06-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "May The Tweets Be With You",
"body": "<p>The ecosystem growing around Twitter is something we very much believe in nourishing and supporting. There are lots of really awesome services and applications out there like <a href=\"\">TweetDeck</a>, <a href=\"\">TweetMeme</a>, <a href=\"\">Tweetie</a>, <a href=\"\">BackTweets</a>, <a href=\"\">Tweetboard</a>, and others that we absolutely love as do many users. However, as the ecosystem grows there is also the possibility that confusing and potentially damaging projects could emerge.</p> \n<p>We have applied to trademark Tweet because it is clearly attached to Twitter from a brand perspective but we have no intention of “going after” the wonderful applications and services that use the word in their name when associated with Twitter. In fact, we encourage the use of the word Tweet. However, if we come across a confusing or damaging project, the recourse to act responsibly to protect both users and our brand is important.</p> \n<p>Regarding the use of the word Twitter in projects, we are a bit more wary although there are some exceptions here as well. After all, Twitter is the name of our service and our company so the potential for confusion is much higher. When folks ask us about naming their application with “Twitter” we generally respond by suggesting more original branding for their project. This avoids potential confusion down the line.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Thanks to Robin Wauters at TechCrunch</a> for raising the issue because it highlights a need. As we build our platform team, we will be adding more documentation, guidelines, and best practices to help developers get the most out of our growing set of open APIs. We’ll work together to ensure success for Twitter, developers, and everyone who uses these services while avoiding confusion and maintaining quality.</p>",
"date": "2009-07-01T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Who would you recommend?",
"body": "<p>Twitter can seem like a lonely place when you’re first starting out.&nbsp; Fear not, help is at hand in the new version of TweetDeck with the new ‘TweetDeck Recommends’ column.&nbsp; TweetDeck Recommends makes it easier for Twitter newbies or veterans of the Twitterverse alike to find new and interesting people to follow.&nbsp; </p>\n<p></p>We’ve hand picked people we find interesting, thought provoking, or even laugh out loud funny.&nbsp; If you’re a new user this column will show up by default.&nbsp; Don’t worry though it’s not a ‘new user only’ feature, if you’ve been using TweetDeck for a while but you’d still like inspiration on who to follow simply click the thumbs up icon and the TweetDeck Recommends column will be added.&nbsp; When you find someone you’d like to follow simply click on Follow.&nbsp; Job done! \n<p></p>If you’d like to suggest someone fascinating to include in TweetDeck Recommends in future please email us at \n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> with their Twitter username, what they tweet about and why you think we should include them.&nbsp; Don’t bother getting your Mom to recommend you though, we’ll see straight through that.",
"date": "2009-07-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twittering from the Tractor",
"body": "<p></p> Embedded video from \n<a href=\"\">CNN Video</a> \n<p></p>Steve Tucker is a wheat farmer in Nebraska changing the way we interact with the folks who grow our food. \n<a href=\"\">Twittering from the tractor: smartphones sprout on the farm</a> is an interesting article at about how farmer’s like Steve are using Twitter and other tools to bridge the urban-rural divide and get us thinking more about where our food comes from. \n<p>The idea of extending the Twitter network into interesting locations around the world via mobile devices is at the core of our thinking and Steve sums it up well when he says, “I can be in the most remote place and just with the power of having a BlackBerry … I can communicate with anybody at anytime about anything.” You can follow @<a href=\"\">Tykerman1</a> on Twitter.</p> \n<p>p.s. Twitter co-founder and CEO @<a href=\";postID=7865215443964885247\">ev</a> grew up on a farm in Nebraska.</p>",
"date": "2009-07-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck One Year Anniversary: The Journey...",
"body": "<p>TweetDeck is one year old today and I wanted to mark this occasion by going back to where this journey officially began - Louis Gray’s blog. Louis was the first blogger to write about TweetDeck and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">his post</a> caused a surge of interest and marked the turning point from closed private beta to open public beta. Over the course of the day Louis and I have been exchanging emails discussing what has happened over the year and where we go from here. Please jump over to his post and have a read, hopefully it’s of interest.&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p> \n<p class=\"align-center\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"TweetDeck One Year Anniversary: The Journey...\" height=\"667\" width=\"500\" class=\"align-center\"></p>",
"date": "2009-07-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetCraft for WoW Players",
"body": "<p></p>\n<br>\n<a href=\"\">TweetCraft</a> is an in-game Twitter client for World of Warcraft, the wildly popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game by Blizzard Entertainment. If you’re a WoW player you might like it because you can send and receive tweets in-game, upload screenshots to \n<a href=\"\">TwitPic</a>, automatically tweet when you get an achievement, and more. Also, the overly dramatic video promo is fun.",
"date": "2009-07-04T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Auto-Upgrade &#34;Stream-crossing&#34; Balls-Up",
"body": "<p>Ok to start with a huge apology for those people who have been affected. We’re not hiding from it - we messed up. Really sorry.</p> \n<p>TweetDeck has a built in location to look for its latest versions and then auto-upgrades if it finds a new version. Version 0.25.1 of TweetDeck had a bug in it that made it look at the wrong place. In the process of releasing the latest and greatest versions of TweetDeck to everyone, those TweetDeck’s on v0.25.1 (a small but significant number) picked up a wrong branded version. In Ghost Buster terms “we crossed the streams”.</p> \n<p>If you have a Blink-182 TweetDeck but want to be using the “vanilla” TweetDeck then please download the latest version from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>.</p> \n<p>If you have a “vanilla” TweetDeck but want to be using the Blink-182 TweetDeck then please download the latest version from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>.</p> \n<p>So again, really sorry for the confusion. This won’t happen again.</p>",
"date": "2009-07-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter, Even More Open Than We Wanted",
"body": "<p>About a month ago, an administrative employee here at Twitter was targeted and her personal email account was hacked. From the personal account, we believe the hacker was able to gain information which allowed access to this employee’s Google Apps account which contained Docs, Calendars, and other Google Apps Twitter relies on for sharing notes, spreadsheets, ideas, financial details and more within the company. Since then, we have performed a security audit and reminded everyone of the importance of personal security guidelines.</p> \n<p>This attack had nothing to do with any vulnerability in Google Apps which we continue to use. This is more about Twitter being in enough of a spotlight that folks who work here can become targets. In fact, around the same time, Evan’s wife’s personal email was hacked and from there, the hacker was able to gain access to some of Evan’s personal accounts such as Amazon and PayPal but not email. This isn’t about any flaw in web apps, it speaks to the importance of following good personal <a href=\"\">security guidelines</a> such as choosing strong passwords.</p> \n<p><strong>Stolen Documents, Not Compromised Accounts</strong></p> \n<p>It’s important to note that the stolen documents which were downloaded and offered to various blogs and publications are not Twitter user accounts nor were any user accounts compromised (except for a screenshot of one person’s account and we contacted that person and recommended changing their password). This was not a hack on the Twitter service, it was a personal attack followed by the theft of private company documents.</p> \n<p>We are in touch with our legal counsel about what this theft means for Twitter, the hacker, and anyone who accepts and subsequently shares or publishes these stolen documents. We’re not sure yet exactly what the implications are for folks who choose to get involved at this point but when we learn more and are able to share more, we will.<br><strong><br> The ‘Underwear Drawer’ Analogy</strong></p> \n<p>We have a culture of sharing and communication within Twitter and these stolen documents represent a fraction of what we produce on a regular basis. Obviously, these docs are not polished or ready for prime time and they’re certainly not revealing some big, secret plan for taking over the world. <a href=\"\">As Peter Kafka put it</a>, this is “akin to having your underwear drawer rifled: Embarrassing, but no one’s really going to be surprised about what’s in there.” That is an apt analogy.</p> \n<p>Nevertheless, as they were never meant for public communication, publishing these documents publicly could jeopardize relationships with Twitter’s ongoing and potential partners. We’re doing our best to reach out to these folks and talk over any questions and concerns. However, our goal remains focusing on the most important business at hand—creating value for users and building the best possible Twitter service.</p>",
"date": "2009-07-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Someone Call Security",
"body": "<p>Early yesterday, we were contacted by two blog journalists who had just been offered internal business documents stolen from Twitter by a hacker.</p> \n<p>First, it’s important to note how these documents were stolen. In this case, a Twitter employee used the same non-unique password on multiple services. A hacker gained access to our business documents because this common password was retrievable on an unrelated system. If you’ve ever used the same password on more than one service, you’ve made the same mistake that lead to this theft—<a href=\"\">it’s a web wide issue</a>. Random password generators as well as two-factor authentication for more sensitive systems are now mandatory at Twitter, Inc.</p> \n<p>Twitter is more than jotted-down notes from a handful of meetings. Our future will be shaped by the passion and inventiveness of everyone who uses Twitter and through the execution of our ideas. Nevertheless, the publication of stolen documents is irresponsible and we absolutely did not give permission for these documents to be shared. Out of context, rudimentary notes of internal discussions will be misinterpreted by current and future partners jeopardizing our business relationships.</p> \n<p>We are pursuing a path to address the harm caused by these actions and as noted yesterday, we’ve already reached out to the partners and individuals affected.</p>",
"date": "2009-07-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Welcome Richard Barley - our new Community Manager",
"body": "<p><em>“If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.”</em></p> \n<div>\n <strong>Winnie the Pooh</strong>",
"date": "2009-07-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "BestBuy, Good Stuff",
"body": "<p></p>\n<br> We’re beginning to discover the value that customers and consumers are getting from businesses who use Twitter in smart and interesting ways. Businesses of all shapes and sizes are discovering the value too—whether it’s raising the bottom line or engaging more actively with consumers. \n<p>A small business like a bakery will send out a tweet that the cookies just came out of the oven and a few dozen local followers will rush over and buy warm cookies. The customers like it and the small businesses owners love it. Big companies are using Twitter in interesting ways too.</p> \n<p>BestBuy has created a program they call <a href=\"\">Twelpforce</a>. The idea is that employees from across the organization can interact quickly and easily with customers who have questions about products. This is a different approach but it’s smart—they’re building trust and fostering happy, informed customers. That’s good stuff.</p> \n<p>We’ve been studying how customers and businesses interact and derive value from Twitter. From this research, findings, use cases, and best practices have emerged. We’re putting together a document based on our studies and we’ll find a spot on our web site to share it with everyone when it’s ready.</p>",
"date": "2009-07-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Letterman Discovers Twitter via Spacey",
"body": "<p></p>\n<br> David Letterman was introduced to Twitter via \n<a href=\"\">Kevin Spacey</a> on last night’s Late Show. Once Dave got past the concept of typing with his thumbs he was able to characterize Twitter as “a waste of time.” That’s generally how Twitter was characterized in 2007 so Dave’s only two years behind—we’ll give him a little more time to catch up.",
"date": "2009-07-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Enhancing Value for Customers and Businesses",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Enhancing Value for Customers and Businesses\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Many are seeing a <a href=\";em=&amp;adxnnl=1&amp;adxnnlx=1248368448-71iG71CwCD1gS6JJkEslXA\">wide variety of businesses using Twitter</a> in interesting ways to create value for customers and consumers. As a result, we’re often invited by businesses and organizations to talk about Twitter and how it can be used to better engage with customers. Twitter is still a small team so it made more sense to do some research and make it widely available rather than personally visit businesses big and small.</p> \n<p>We coordinated with business students and writers to surface some interesting findings, best practices, steps for getting started, and case studies. The results demonstrate how customers are getting value out of Twitter and suggest techniques businesses can employ to enhance that value. While this work was envisioned for businesses, it’s also useful for anyone using Twitter so have a look if you like.</p> \n<p>Where To Find It</p> \n<p>At the bottom of every page on Twitter, you can now find a new link called Business. This will take you to a suite of web pages called <a href=\"\">Twitter 101, A Special Guide</a>. There is also a downloadable slideshow available as a PDF that’s more of an overview which folks can use to give presentations within larger organizations to teach others about Twitter. We’re focused on enhancing value across Twitter in general—these documents are just a first step.</p>",
"date": "2009-07-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Over SMS with O2 in the UK",
"body": "<p>Full, two-way interaction with Twitter over SMS is now available for everyone who uses <a href=\"\">O2</a>, the largest mobile operator in the UK. There are no extra fees associated with Twittering over SMS on the 02 network—standard or in bundle rates apply for updating your account and receiving tweets over SMS is free so Tweet your heart out!</p> \n<p>To Twitter over SMS with your iPhone or any other mobile, head over to <a href=\"\">your account settings</a> and activate your device. The Twitter shortcode in the UK is 86444 if you want to save it in your address book. Twitter started with a strong focus on texting and we continue to provide SMS access around the world.</p>",
"date": "2009-07-27T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Bonjour! Hola! Guten Tag! Nǐ Hǎo! Ohayou!",
"body": "<p>Apparently there are over 6,000 languages spoken in the world and TweetDeck is only available in one of those, English.&nbsp; Obviously we’re not being very fair to our friends in far-flung places who would be much more comfortable in their mother tongue.&nbsp; That’s why we’d like to ask for your help to help us to translate TweetDeck.&nbsp; As a first step we’d like to get your help to translate TweetDeck into:</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Chinese Simplified</li> \n <li>Chinese Traditional</li> \n <li>Brazilian Portuguese</li> \n <li>French</li> \n <li>German</li> \n <li>Japanese</li> \n <li>Spanish</li> \n</ul>\n<p>If you’d like to volunteer to help us translate TweetDeck into your language please email us at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>.&nbsp; We can’t offer you payment, but we can promise you our eternal gratitude, some TweetDeck freebies and credit for the completed translations on our site.&nbsp; We’re also happy to provide you with a letter to acknowledge your volunteer work on this project, so you can add this experience to your C.V. </p>\n<p></p>If you’d like to get involved we ask that you be fluent in reading and writing English and your selected translation language. We’ve got very high standards for TweetDeck so we’re afraid that being able to say ‘My name is not gringo…’ in Spanish or having an aunt Susie who once studied Chinese for 2 weeks at school won’t qualify you for this project. \n<p></p>If your language isn’t there and you think it should be don’t worry, this is just the beginning and we’ll be working to make TweetDeck global but local in many languages going forward.&nbsp; Please be patient with us, we’ll get there but we can’t promise we’ll ever cover all 6,000!",
"date": "2009-07-29T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "New Front Page!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"New Front Page!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Today we’re trying a redesigned front page for folks who are new to If you’re a regular around these parts, then you won’t notice the new look unless you sign out of your account. Helping people access Twitter in more relevant and useful ways upon first introduction lowers the barrier to accessing the value Twitter has to offer and presents the service more consistently with how it has evolved.</p> \n<p>Twitter began as a rudimentary social tool based on the concept of status messages but together with those who use it every day, the service has taught us what it wants to be. From features invented by users to applications built on the platform, we’re still discovering potential. Twitter has moved from simple social networking into a new kind of communication and a valuable source of timely information. Also, it’s fun.</p> \n<p>Learning By Experience</p> \n<p>Defining a “tweet” for the uninitiated and explaining how to create an account doesn’t resonate with everyone. “Why would I want to do that?” is a common reaction. However, demonstrating the power of Twitter as a discovery engine for what is happening right now through our Search and Trends often awakens a sense of wonder which inevitably leads to a much more compelling question, “How do I get involved?”</p> \n<p>More Work Ahead</p> \n<p>The open and timely exchange of information will have a positive impact on the world and Twitter has a role to play. We have a lot of work to do when it comes to the quality of our search results and trend analysis but repositioning the product to focus more on discovery is an important first step in presenting Twitter to a wider audience of folks around the world who are eager to start engaging with new people, ideas, opinions, events, and sources of information.</p> \n<p>We’ll likely continue to make changes to the Twitter home page as we respond to feedback and ideas. We’re eager to see if encouraging a sense of wonder and discovery leads to a better first impression of Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2009-07-29T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Update on Today&#39;s DoS Attacks",
"body": "<p>As noted earlier on our <a href=\"\">Status Blog</a>, Twitter is back in action. The continuing denial of service attack is being mitigated although there is still degraded service for some folks while we recover completely.</p> \n<p>Over the last few hours, Twitter has been working closely with other companies and services affected by what appears to be a single, massively coordinated attack. As to the motivation behind this event, we prefer not to speculate.</p> \n<p>Please note that no user data was compromised in this attack. This activity is about saturating a service with so many requests that it cannot respond to legitimate requests thereby denying service to intended customers or users.</p> \n<p>We’ve worked hard to achieve technical stability and we’re proud of our Engineering and Operations teams. Nevertheless, today’s massive, globally distributed attack was a reminder that there’s still lots of work ahead.</p>",
"date": "2009-08-06T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Denial of Service Attack",
"body": "<p>On this otherwise happy Thursday morning, Twitter is the target of a <a href=\"\">denial of service attack</a>. Attacks such as this are malicious efforts orchestrated to disrupt and make unavailable services such as online banks, credit card payment gateways, and in this case, Twitter for intended customers or users. We are defending against this attack now and will continue to update our <a href=\"\">status blog</a> as we continue to defend and later investigate.</p>",
"date": "2009-08-06T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Adventure Continues",
"body": "<p>In the past 24 hours, we’ve been contending with a variety of attacks that continue to change in nature and intensity. We’re working to restore access to apps built on the Twitter platform that were affected by defensive measures—there was some overcompensation on our part as we tune our system to deal with this scale of attack.</p> \n<p>The ongoing, massively coordinated attacks on Twitter this week appear to have been geopolitical in motivation. However, we don’t feel it’s appropriate to engage in speculative discussion about these motivations. The open exchange of information can have a positive impact globally and our job is to keep Twitter services running reliably to the best of our ability.</p> \n<p>As a reminder, no data or personal information of any kind has been compromised. Denial of Service attacks are a known quantity on the web and they are not going away any time soon. Nevertheless, we can and will improve system response to these assaults such that they don’t interfere with our normal, everyday Twittering.</p>",
"date": "2009-08-07T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Project Retweet: Phase One",
"body": "<p>Some of Twitter’s best features are emergent—people inventing simple but creative ways to share, discover, and communicate. One such convention is retweeting. When you want to call more attention to a particular tweet, you copy/paste it as your own, reference the original author with an <a href=\"\">@mention</a>, and finally, indicate that it’s a retweet. The process works although it’s a bit cumbersome and not everyone knows about it.</p> \n<p>Retweeting is a great example of Twitter teaching us what it wants to be. The open exchange of information can have a positive global impact and the more efficient dissemination of information across the entire Twitter ecosystem is something we very much want to support. That’s why we’re planning to formalize retweeting by officially adding it to our platform and</p> \n<p>It’s Not Ready Just Yet</p> \n<p>Phase one of project retweet is to show the <a href=\"\">developer community</a> how it will work from an API perspective as well as a user perspective. We’re still working out the final details, but this sketch gives you the basic idea. Let’s say you follow @<a href=\"\">jessverr</a>, @<a href=\"\">biz</a> (that’s me), and @<a href=\"\">gregpass</a> but you don’t follow @<a href=\"\">ev</a>. However, I do follow @<a href=\"\">ev</a> and the birth of his baby boy was so momentous that I retweeted it to all my followers.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Project Retweet: Phase One\" class=\"align-center\">Note “retweeted by” attribution and “retweet” option.</p> \n<p>Imagine that my simple sketch is your Twitter timeline. You’d see @<a href=\"\">ev</a>’s tweet even though you don’t follow him because you follow me and I really wanted you to have the information that I have. (The star, reply, and retweet options only show up when you hover over a row on which is why you don’t see them all the time.) Also, if you find my retweets annoying, then you’ll be able to turn them off.</p> \n<p>When Will It Launch?</p> \n<p>We are still sketching out exactly how this feature and its API counterpart works. Sharing our thoughts before launching means developers will have the opportunity to prepare their applications. In a few weeks or so we’ll launch the feature on our web site and because app developers had a chance to prepare, it should become available across most of the Twitter ecosystem about the same time. This way, we can all enjoy retweeting—however we choose to access Twitter.</p> \n<p>The first launch of this feature will probably be a limited subset of folks for a short period of time so we can get an idea of how it works from a system perspective. After we kick the tires a bit, we’ll do a full launch to everyone. As you can see, there are still some details to be worked out but congrats to @<a href=\"\">zhanna</a> and her team for the awesome work done so far—it’s looking really good and we can’t wait to start using the feature!</p>",
"date": "2009-08-13T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Location, Location, Location",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Location, Location, Location\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Twitter platform developers have been doing innovative work with location for some time despite having access to only a rudimentary level of API support. Most of the location-based projects we see are built using the simple, account-level location field folks can fill out as part of their profile. Since anything can be written in this field, it’s interesting but not very dependable.</p> \n<p>We’re gearing up to launch a new feature which makes Twitter truly location-aware. A new API will allow developers to add latitude and longitude to any tweet. Folks will need to activate this new feature by choice because it will be off by default and the exact location data won’t be stored for an extended period of time. However, if people do opt-in to sharing location on a tweet-by-tweet basis, compelling context will be added to each burst of information.</p> \n<p>For example, with accurate, tweet-level location data you could switch from reading the tweets of accounts you follow to reading tweets from anyone in your neighborhood or city—whether you follow them or not. It’s easy to imagine how this might be interesting at an event like a concert or even something more dramatic like an earthquake. There will likely be many use cases we haven’t even thought of yet which is part of what makes this so exciting.</p> \n<p>Developer Preview</p> \n<p>We’re going to release geolocation to platform developers before we add the feature to Most of the mobile applications people use and love are built by Twitter platform developers. Developers will have access to this new geolocation feature early which means it will most likely be available on your app of choice before it’s available on Twitter’s web site. Later, we’ll add it to our mobile web site and as well.</p> \n<p>We’re very excited about the potential of location metadata combined with Twitter. Our platform team has been on a roll lately. Geolocation lead @<a href=\"\">rsarver</a> is particularly enthusiastic about location given his personal interest and involvement in events such as WhereCamp and his career history with location-aware services.</p>",
"date": "2009-08-20T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Fixing you up with a small update",
"body": "<p>Here at TweetDeck, we care about our community. We care because, lets face it, you guys rock. </p>\n<p></p>So when there are problems with TweetDeck, we need to fix them so that you guys can keep rocking and we can keep helping you do so.&nbsp;Recently some of you have been suffering from a few issues that, although seemingly quite small, have been giving you pain and, worst of all, stopping you from being able to use TweetDeck. This is a situation that we as a team have been urgently working to resolve. \n<p></p>The result of this hard work is TweetDeck version 0.26.5. v0.26.5 is not the big, new, shiny update that you are all very patiently waiting for, but is a minor update to fix the following specific issues that have been causing trouble just recently: \n<p></p>“\n<strong>Not Authorised</strong>”\n<br> This issue manifested itself when someone had changed their Twitter password, resulting in a “Not Authorised” status. When trying to change your Twitter password you may also have received a “Wrong details” error. \n<p></p>“\n<strong>Blank Tweetdeck</strong>”\n<br> This issue, documented here&nbsp;\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>&nbsp;manifested itself in a totally blank TweetDeck screen. \n<p></p>“\n<strong>Missing tweets while updating</strong>”\n<br> We identified a situation that could arise where by tweets would be lost if they arrived in a column while TweetDeck was in the process of sending an outbound update.&nbsp; \n<p></p>We really do appreciate your patience while we worked to fix these issues and we would especially like to thank those users who helped us to troubleshoot the problems. Without their help we would not have been able to find solutions as quickly as we did. \n<p></p>So if you have been affected by any of these three issues, go to&nbsp;\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>&nbsp;and click “Download Now” to get v0.26.5. Install the update as normal and try using TweetDeck again. If you are still having problems, drop me a line at&nbsp;\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>, or ping me a tweet to&nbsp;\n<a href=\"\">@richardbarley</a>&nbsp;and I’ll help you out further. \n<p></p>Otherwise, sit tight and wait for the next full release which will be out soon. And we KNOW you’re going to love it :) \n<p></p>Richard",
"date": "2009-08-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Wit",
"body": "<p>There’s a new book out called <a href=\";s=books&amp;qid=1251228089&amp;sr=1-1\">Twitter Wit</a> featuring “the Funniest Tweets of All Time.” When <a href=\"\">Nick Douglas</a> asked us about his ambitious plan to curate this collection it sounded good provided the right permissions were in place—and only if it was funny! After reading a draft, we bought copies for everyone at Twitter HQ. The tweets are irreverent, inappropriate, geeky, and pretty much hilarious. If you don’t like one, you’ll like the next. Twitter Wit is one of those books you can’t help reading aloud to friends. Like this: “Why should I be the one to take the kids to see the their psychologist? I don’t even love them!” via @<a href=\"\">fireland</a>.</p> \n<p><a href=\";s=books&amp;qid=1251228089&amp;sr=1-1\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter Wit\" class=\"align-center\"></a>We have no financial arrangement with the publisher but Nick invited me to write the book’s foreward. The first few pages of Twitter Wit provided an opportunity to share some behind the scenes perspective and highlight the significance of humor as a meaningful part of communication. The most important contribution I could make was to celebrate the team here at Twitter HQ as well as everyone around the world sharing, discovering, and building on the service. Nevertheless, @<a href=\"\">pagecrusher</a>’s question remains unanswered: “Why aren’t martini glasses shaped so that they don’t spill so easily on the bus?” Also, <a href=\"\">there’s a contest</a>.</p>",
"date": "2009-08-25T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Sesh",
"body": "<p></p>\n<br> Check out this funny video Ben Stiller (@\n<a href=\"\">redhourBen</a>) made with Ryan Seacrest (@\n<a href=\"\">RyanSeacrest</a>). “Yeah, why don’t you come on Idol because that will help me. You showing up on American Idol. Again.”",
"date": "2009-08-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "140: The Twitter Conference LA",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"140: The Twitter Conference LA\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>Alex Payne, Ryan Sarver myself, and a whole bunch of Twitter enthusiasts ranging from businesses to celebrities will be gathering at a Twitter conference in Los Angeles later next month. If you’re interested in joining us, \n<a href=\"\">check it out</a>. The exact date is September 22nd-23rd, 2009, at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. Alex and Ryan work on our platform team without which all the cool Twitter apps we use and love would not be possible. We’re looking forward to sharing information, discussing ideas, and hanging out a bit. If that’s not enough, there’s an open bar on the first night.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2009-08-28T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Introducing the TweetDeck Directory",
"body": "<p>The first question we all faced when we were new to Twitter was who to follow. For some of us it wasn’t&nbsp;such a hard decision as many of our friends and co-workers were already tweeting but for many figuring out&nbsp;who to follow isn’t so easy. And of course without interesting people to follow Twitter isn’t so useful. </p>\n<p></p>At TweetDeck we want to make sure all of our users, new and old tweeps alike, have a great experience.&nbsp;That’s why we introduced the TweetDeck Recommends column to help you find new and interesting people&nbsp;to follow.&nbsp;&nbsp;But we’re not satisfied yet, we want to do more, to give you a way to easily browse and find the&nbsp;best people to follow, whether you’re interested in trampolining or travel, potholing or politics.&nbsp; \n<p></p>That’s why we’ve created the&nbsp;\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">TweetDeck Directory</a>&nbsp;to make it easier to find and follow your favourite&nbsp;subjects on Twitter.&nbsp;&nbsp;Think of it as a TV Guide for Twitter channels.&nbsp;&nbsp;Simply&nbsp;\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">browse the directory</a>&nbsp;by topic.&nbsp;&nbsp;You’ll find everything from music to news and sports to travel.&nbsp;&nbsp;When you find the perfect group for you&nbsp;simply click ‘Add to TweetDeck’ and the column will magically appear in your TweetDeck.",
"date": "2009-09-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Bring your Facebook and MySpace friends closer",
"body": "<p>Friends are important and now you can bring your friends even closer with the addition of MySpace and full&nbsp;powered Facebook in TweetDeck.&nbsp;&nbsp;Or why not find some new friends who share your passions with the new&nbsp;TweetDeck Directory.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Download the new version of TweetDeck (v0.30)</a>&nbsp;to keep in touch with all your&nbsp;friends on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter all from the comfort of TweetDeck.</p> \n<p><span>Full Powered Facebook</span></p> \n<p>Many users tell us they couldn’t live without TweetDeck groups to break their Twitter stream into bite size&nbsp;chunks.&nbsp;&nbsp;So we’ve added a little TweetDeck magic to Facebook too, now you can group your Facebook&nbsp;friends and easily see what your ‘Real Friends’, ‘Work Friends’ and even your ‘Oldie but Goodie Friends’&nbsp;are doing.&nbsp; </p>\n<p></p>It’s great to be able to see what your friends are up to with your own eyes, whether you’re around the corner&nbsp;or across the ocean.&nbsp;&nbsp;The new fully powered Facebook stream lets you bring your friends closer by viewing&nbsp;photos, videos, links, wall posts, comments and more in TweetDeck. You can even preview entire albums&nbsp;of Facebook photos and see who’s tagged, without leaving TweetDeck. \n<p></p>Sharing your thoughts on Facebook is just a couple of clicks away too.&nbsp;&nbsp;Now you can write wall posts,&nbsp;comments and status updates inside TweetDeck and even ‘like’ things that make you smile.&nbsp;&nbsp;Plus we’re&nbsp;making life easier for Facebook Page owners, simply update your Pages directly from TweetDeck.&nbsp; \n<p></p>\n<strong>Our new friend MySpace</strong> \n<p></p>We’ve made a new friend, MySpace. Update your MySpace status and mood from TweetDeck.&nbsp;&nbsp;Keep your&nbsp;finger on the pulse with new MySpace columns to stay up-to-date with your friends’ status and moods,&nbsp;comments on your profile and view the full activity stream choc full of photos, events, videos and apps.&nbsp;&nbsp; \n<p></p>\n<strong>Show and Tell</strong> \n<p></p>Tell everyone what you’re doing, simply write once, choose which services you want to update and then&nbsp;post to MySpace, Twitter and Facebook all at the same time.&nbsp;&nbsp;Job done!&nbsp; \n<p></p>Showing what you’re up to is also a whole lot easier. Simply drag and drop photos into TweetDeck to post&nbsp;to Facebook or Twitter.&nbsp;&nbsp;Plus we’ve added a little preview so you can make sure you don’t accidentally&nbsp;share any embarrassing photos with the world! \n<p></p>\n<strong>Introducing the TweetDeck Directory&nbsp;</strong> \n<p></p>We know it can be hard to find people talking about the things you’re interested in on Twitter.&nbsp;&nbsp;That’s why&nbsp;we’ve created the&nbsp;\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">TweetDeck Directory</a> to make it easier to find and follow your favourite subjects on&nbsp;Twitter.&nbsp;&nbsp;Think of it as a TV Guide for Twitter channels.&nbsp;&nbsp;\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Browse the directory</a>, find a group that takes your&nbsp;fancy, click ‘Add column’ and the column will magically appear in your TweetDeck. \n<p></p>\n<strong>Some spring cleaning&nbsp;</strong> \n<p></p>We’ve also done a bit of a spring clean but don’t panic, all of your beloved TweetDeck features are still&nbsp;there. Simply click the Twitter button in the top left to add new columns or find your synced search and&nbsp;group columns.&nbsp;&nbsp;We’ve also simplified the update window so you can simply paste or drag and drop a link&nbsp;into the main space and it’ll automatically be shortened and added to your tweet.&nbsp;&nbsp;The rest of the buttons&nbsp;have taken residence above the tweet box instead of below.&nbsp;&nbsp;Plus some other little improvements we hope&nbsp;you’ll enjoy including: \n<div>\n <span> </span>•&nbsp;Minimise to tray.",
"date": "2009-09-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter&#39;s New Terms of Service",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter's New Terms of Service\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>At the start, critics often said, “Twitter is fun, but it’s not useful.” At one point @<a href=\"\">ev</a> responded dryly with, “Neither is ice cream.” Things have come a long way in a short time. We recognized potential early but users and platform developers would demonstrate how much more Twitter could be. Fostering an open and increasingly important network is not as easily dismissed as it once was—but it’s still fun!</p> \n<p>Now that we know more about how Twitter is being used, we’ve made changes to our <a href=\"\">Terms of Service</a>—these are the basic rules that go along with using Twitter. The revisions more appropriately reflect the nature of Twitter and convey key issues such as ownership. For example, your tweets belong to you, not to Twitter. With these revisions, we expect some discussion so here are a few highlights from the updated page.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Advertising—In the Terms, we leave the door open for advertising. We’d like to keep our options open <a href=\"\">as we’ve said before</a>.</p> \n <p>Ownership—Twitter is allowed to “use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute” your tweets because that’s what we do. However, they are your tweets and they belong to you.</p> \n <p>APIs—The apps that have grown around the Twitter platform are flourishing and adding value to the ecosystem. You authorize us to make content available via our APIs. We’re also working on <a href=\"\">guidelines for use of the API</a>.</p> \n <p>SPAM—Abusive behavior and spam is also outlined in these terms according to <a href=\"\">the rules we’ve been operating under</a> for some time.</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>These updates complement the spirit of Twitter. If we’ve left something out, or the nature of the service changes, then we’ll revisit the Terms—there’s a feedback link on the page. We’re in the process of sending an email about the revisions now. It’s important that everyone who tweets, develops apps, or is simply interested in Twitter understands that it’s not about the technology, it’s about how we all use the service that matters most.</p>",
"date": "2009-09-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Four More Themes",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Four More Themes\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>If you like using as your Twitter client, then you might be interested to know that we’ve added four more themes to the design collection. We’ve also updated the default theme and avatar to match our front page. If you prefer the classic default theme, it’s still there and you can change it back. To change your Twitter page design, visit Settings &gt; <a href=\"\">Design</a>.</p>",
"date": "2009-09-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "MySpace Gets Twitterized!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"MySpace Gets Twitterized!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>There are tens of thousands of mobile, desktop, and web applications creating a variety of ways to interact with Twitter on your favorite device or service. We think people should read or write tweets wherever they prefer so we work with social networks, mobile networks, television networks, and search engines to make that happen. This week, fans of MySpace have started taking their @usernames with them by syncing their accounts with Twitter.</p> \n<p>When you <a href=\"\">sync your MySpace account with Twitter</a>, you’ll be able to update your status as you normally would from your home page, status and mood page, or mobile phone. When you update your status on MySpace it will also update Twitter—and, the reverse is true. We’re already seeing many accounts syncing up and we expect more to follow. Kudos to Ryan Sarver and the Twitter platform team for helping to get this worked out with our friends at MySpace.</p>",
"date": "2009-09-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "One More Thing: Twitter+AOL",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"One More Thing: Twitter+AOL\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Like we said earlier today, people should read or write tweets wherever they prefer and there’s a large portion of Internet users who prefer AOL. As a proud partner in <a href=\"\">AOL Lifestream</a>, Twitter will be smoothly integrated into AIM, Bebo, and Some of your other favorite services like YouTube, Flickr, Digg, and Facebook are also part of the action. Did I mention that our Platform team has working overtime lately? We love those guys!</p>",
"date": "2009-09-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "New Twitter Funding",
"body": "<p>There’s a lot of talk today about our financing. Yesterday we closed a significant round of funding with a group of investment firms that we’re excited to publicly thank: Insight Venture Partners, T. Rowe Price, Institutional Venture Partners, Spark Capital, Benchmark Capital, and Morgan Stanley.</p> \n<p>It was important to us that we find investment partners who share our vision for building a company of enduring value. Twitter’s journey has just begun and we are committed to building the best product, technology, and company possible. I’m proud of the team we’ve built so far and I’m confident in the future we’ll build together.</p>",
"date": "2009-09-25T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Soon to Launch: Lists",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Soon to Launch: Lists\"></p> \n<p>My name is Nick Kallen (<a href=\"\">@nk</a>) and I’m the project lead on Lists, a new feature we’re testing with a small subset of users. The idea is to allow people to curate lists of Twitter accounts. For example, you could create a list of the funniest Twitter accounts of all time, athletes, local businesses, friends, or any compilation that makes sense.</p> \n<p>Lists are public by default (but can be made private) and the lists you’ve created are linked from your profile. Other Twitter users can then subscribe to your lists. This means lists have the potential to be an important new discovery mechanism for great tweets and accounts.</p> \n<p>We started working on this feature because of the frequent requests we received from people who were looking for a better way to organize information on Twitter. Of course, that means not just <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>—the Platform team will follow up in a few days with information on the Lists API. This will allow developers to add support for Lists into your favorite Twitter apps.</p> \n<p>We’re just doing limited testing for now. But once we’ve tested the feature out a bit, we’ll launch it for all accounts!</p> \n<p><em>Thanks to <a href=\"\">@rael</a>, <a href=\"\">@vl</a> and the rest of the team who worked to get this limited release out today.</em></p>",
"date": "2009-09-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Join the &#39;Philanthropic Throwdown&#39;",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Join the 'Philanthropic Throwdown'\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p> is running a Social Media Challenge and it’s easy to get involved. You can <a href=\"\">pick a Twitterer to support</a> or you can <a href=\";path=givingpage&amp;campaign=6&amp;Iamnewteacher=false&amp;x=63&amp;y=19\">create a giving page of your own</a>. Last year this program raised $270,000 to provide 65,000 students with the resources needed to learn. Make sure you add yourself to the Twitter group—if you get stuck, <a href=\"\">visit the help page</a>.</p> \n<p>One of the proposals among several I’m personally hoping to get funded is <a href=\";challengeid=23941\">Making Science Fun!</a> Ms. M’s Classroom is a high poverty school in Arkansas. The fourth graders need sets of books about simple machines, properties of the earth, electricity, and matter as well as hands-on activity tubs for each topic. The letters the kids write to you after donating are their own reward.</p>",
"date": "2009-10-05T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Coming Soon: Twitter in More Languages",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Coming Soon: Twitter in More Languages\" class=\"align-center\">Photo: <a href=\"\">Sandy’s Photos</a></p> \n<p>Twitter is currently available only in English and Japanese. With some help, we will soon be rolling out support for French, Italian, German, and Spanish. These languages are commonly referred to using the acronym FIGS and are often the starting point for services like Twitter when its time for more language support. Later, we hope to offer Twitter in several other languages. No matter how sophisticated technology gets, we’re reminded daily that it’s about people and that’s something we’ve taken to heart regarding translating Twitter.</p> \n<p>People Make Twitter Better</p> \n<p>The variety of Twitter applications exist today because developers took advantage of this simple, open platform. Protocols like <a href=\"\">@mentions</a> and retweet were invented by users to get more out of their Twitter experience and we are able to follow up with a technical response to make them actual features. Starting today, we are offering a simple tool for people with experience in other languages to suggest translations for the Twitter web site. Then, we’ll follow up technically.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Coming Soon: Twitter in More Languages\" class=\"align-center\">Twitter Translate users can make suggestions.</p> \n<p>We are inviting a small group of people to become volunteer translators at first. As more folks volunteer, the translation suggestions should accumulate faster and we’ll have enough material to respond by making Twitter available not only in English and Japanese but also French, Italian, German, and Spanish. We will distribute the translations to Twitter platform developers making it easier for them to offer multiple language support as well.</p> \n<p>If yours isn’t one of the six languages we’re going to be available in soon, we thank you for bearing with us—we’ll get there as soon as we can. Our tiny, five person team of <a href=\"\">Andy Lorek</a>, <a href=\"\">Matt Sanford</a>, <a href=\"\">Alex McCauley</a>, <a href=\"\">Sean Bell</a>, and <a href=\"\">Yukari Matsuzawa</a> from Twitter has done great work putting this plan together. We’re very excited that more people will be able to use Twitter in their native language!</p>",
"date": "2009-10-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Help us nail spammers",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Help us nail spammers\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Today we’ve added another tool to our spam fighting toolbox that will give users the ability to flag bad accounts on Twitter.</p> \n<p>Folks can now help us conquer spam by calling our attention to a profile they find questionable. Click the “<a href=\"\">Report as spam</a>” button under the Actions section of a profile’s sidebar and our Trust and Safety team will check it out to see what needs to be done. No automated action will be taken as a result of reporting a user as spam (in other words, it can’t be used to incite an angry mob against an account you don’t like.) And once you report a profile it will automatically be blocked from following or replying to you. You nailed it!</p> \n<p>Our spam fighting tools will continue to evolve as new behaviors emerge, and as always, we’ll keep trust and safety at the top of our list.</p>",
"date": "2009-10-13T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hello, Bharti Airtel",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Hello, Bharti Airtel\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Twitter is committed to fostering the open exchange of information because we passionately believe it can have a positive global impact. When people can exchange information freely and publicly they are able to accomplish great things. As powerful as the Internet has become for the democratization of information, its range is limited when compared to mobile texting—a format uniquely native to Twitter. There are over one billion people with internet access on the planet but there are more than four billion people with mobile phones and Twitter can work on all of them because even the simplest of these devices feature SMS.</p> \n<p>We have seen people use Twitter to help each other during fuel shortages, track the spread of wildfires, check in during earthquakes, organize major charitable events, spread urgent news efficiently around the world, and much more. In many of these scenarios, texting has been the key. People exchanging information quickly and efficiently with the device that has become essential to everyday life, their mobile phone. In many parts of the world people do not have Internet access but they can text—and that means they can access Twitter.</p> \n<p>As we grow, we seek to partner with organizations that share our vision for positive global impact. Our partnership with Bharti Airtel, the largest mobile operator in India, means a huge population of people can now send tweets at standard rates and receive tweets for free. Bharti Airtel is offering people in every city, every village, every remote taluk and even the smallest panchayat the opportunity to connect to Twitter and enjoy the open exchange of information with no added fees. We are proud to have Bharti Airtel as our partner. Give Twitter a try with your Airtel phone by sending START to 53000. And spread the word!</p> \n<p>Twitter is not about technology, it’s about people. We worked quickly to establish full SMS service in India with the largest operator because organic growth in the region has been unusually strong and there is huge potential for positive impact. India already shines brightly with Twitter advocates like film stars Priyanka Chopra @<a href=\"\">priyankachopra</a> Gul Panag @<a href=\"\">gulpanag</a>, and Mallika Sherawat @<a href=\"\">mallikala</a>, director Karan Johar @<a href=\"\">kjohar25</a>, Minister of State Shashi Tharoor @<a href=\"\">shashitharoor</a>, upper house member Pritish Nandy @<a href=\"\">pritishnandy</a>, news anchors Barkha Dutt @<a href=\"\">bdutt</a> and Vir Sanghvi @<a href=\"\">virsanghvi</a>, plus media outlets MTV India @<a href=\"\">MTVindia</a> and NDTV @<a href=\"\">ndtv</a> just to name a few.</p> \n<p>Despite growing global awareness, Twitter has under 80 employees altogether but our little mobile team packs a punch. Kevin Thau with help from Tim Huske have built a mobile team of six people within Twitter and they’ve made considerable strides bringing full SMS service to the US, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and now India. As long as you keep asking for Twitter, we’ll keep working to activate full service in your region with no extra charges. Don’t forget to activate your mobile—<a href=\"\">visit the Devices page</a> or text START to Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2009-10-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Real-Time Web at your fingertips",
"body": "<p>We love getting your feedback. The ideas which you give us and the requests for changes or new features in TweetDeck really give us a buzz. Especially when we&nbsp;think we can really make ideas work and start to implement them.&nbsp;So imagine the excitement in the TweetDeck office just recently while we have been working on three of the most-requested features over recent months: improved&nbsp;notifications, keyboard navigation and Twitter follower management.<br> &nbsp;<br> To see what we have come up with, head over to&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> now to download version 0.31.<br> &nbsp;<br><strong><span>See who’s new without leaving TweetDeck</span></strong></p> \n<p>We have introduced a new column type - New Followers. This column will display your most recent new Twitter followers and allow you to perrform all the actions you&nbsp;would expect, including View profile, Follow, Unfollow, Block, Report spam and Add to Group…all without having to leave the comfort of your TweetDeck screen!<br> &nbsp;<br><strong><span>Cut out the noise with configurable notifications</span></strong></p> \n<p>TweetDeck has always been the best way to organise your social networking updates through the use of groups and searches, giving you unlimited columns in which&nbsp;to view your Twitter, Facebook &amp; MySpace updates and more.&nbsp;But we know that there are some updates that are more important to you than others. You might read every tweet in your “All-Star Tweeters” group column without fail,&nbsp;but maybe your “Old School Friends” Facebook column is just one you peruse when you’re feeling like laughing at photos of you wearing a school cap and short&nbsp;trousers. </p>\n<p></p>Previously TweetDeck would notify you in the same manner for each of these columns - the famous “chirp” sound and the pop-up notification window.&nbsp;Well, from v0.31 this notification system has been dramatically overhauled, so that it is now highly configurable and features a slick new design. \n<p>Some of the new features are:</p> \n<div> \n <div>\n <span> </span>•&nbsp;New “detail” window shows the full text of an update",
"date": "2009-10-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Good Wine and Books",
"body": "<p>We’re just getting started as a company, but we believe thinking long term about making a positive impact will allow us to grow in the right direction to make a difference as both a technology and a business.</p> \n<p>For Twitter to be at its peak in utility, people who would have never had access to the world’s information need to be able to not only receive it but engage with it, too. <a href=\"\">Room to Read</a>, a San Francisco based non-profit, will help us make that happen by bringing libraries and literacy to the world’s poorest regions.</p> \n<p>Together we’ll be making some awesome wine over the course of a year to benefit @<a href=\"\">roomtoread</a>, and with each case sold they’ll<a href=\"\"></a> be able to supply about 60 local language children’s books to educate the 300 million kids around the world who can’t read.</p> \n<p>You can follow us throughout this initiative and even participate in barrel tastings and other activities along the way thanks to the folks at <a href=\"\">Crushpad</a>. If you want to get a bottle of our limited Pinot Noir or Chardonnay, visit the <a href=\"\">Fledgling Initiative</a> and contribute. Good wine has never been better!</p> \n<p></p>",
"date": "2009-10-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "@google Nice!",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"@google Nice!\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>\n<br> Our friends down in Mountain View want to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. A fast growing amount of information is coursing through Twitter very quickly, and we want there to be many ways to access that information. As part of that effort, we’ve partnered with Google to index the entire world of public tweets as fast as possible and present them to their users in an organized and relevant fashion.\n<p></p> \n<p>We’ve always taken an open approach to how people experience Twitter, particularly in how and where tweets are read. Users have benefited greatly from the abundance of choice provided by our ecosystem partners. We’re honored to take this next step with Google and tap into their expertise to support the rapid, open exchange of information.</p> \n<p>You can read more about our collaboration on the <a href=\"\">Google Blog</a>.</p>",
"date": "2009-10-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Bing Goes The Dynamite!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Bing Goes The Dynamite!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We very firmly believe the open exchange of information can have a positive impact on the world. Every day we see evidence supporting this belief. Most Twitter accounts are public for a good reason—people find value in openness. An open approach means value for users, value for partners, and value for Twitter.</p> \n<p>We have a team focused on delivering value from a search and discovery perspective at Twitter and they’re just getting started. Twitter is earning a reputation for delivering real-time results to queries about things that are happening right now. Moreover, there are already tens of thousands of Twitter apps and more to come because people want the choice to consume and create tweets wherever and whenever they prefer. The folks over at Bing took a keen interest in Twitter and worked fast to establish a working relationship with us in line with our open approach.</p> \n<p>You can read more about Bing’s new Twitter search on <a href=\"\">their blog</a> or just <a href=\"\">try it out</a>. Twitter is providing Bing access to the overwhelming deluge of public, real-time tweets rushing in from all around the world so they can help you find those that make the most sense right now. While Twitter currently presents tweets based simply on timeliness, Bing is experimenting with new solutions such as “best match.” We hope more working relationships with organizations in the search business will mean even more variety for users.</p> \n<p>Because of our open approach there are many ways to interact with Twitter, and there will be many more to come. As we work to mature our service and platform offerings, we also hope to develop meaningful relationships with companies that share our vision of creating value for everyone involved—especially users. Whether it’s emerging startups, big companies, or people simply sharing information, we’re establishing successful partnerships. Also, it’s fun.</p>",
"date": "2009-10-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "List-en very carefully, here&#39;s what&#39;s new with us",
"body": "<p>There are lots of very interesting things happening in the world of TweetDeck at the moment. Here’s a quick update on some of the biggies…</p> \n<h2>Getting listed</h2> \n<p>As Twitter start to roll out their newest invention, Twitter Lists, to the whole Twitterverse, here at TweetDeck we are getting very excited about what this means for the future development of TweetDeck. And let me tell you, that future is looking&nbsp;<em>very</em>&nbsp;interesting!</p> \n<p>There is rightfully a lot of buzz around Lists, with people wondering what this means for the groups that they have already defined in TweetDeck. Our advice to you right now is to just do what feels right. If you want to create Lists, go ahead! Because, although you can’t access these lists in TweetDeck just yet, we are integrating Lists right into the heart of the application.&nbsp;</p> \n<p>While we’re not saying exactly&nbsp;<em>how</em>&nbsp;we’re integrating lists just yet - hey, we all need a few secrets! - be happy in the knowledge that we&nbsp;<em>are</em>&nbsp;integrating lists into TweetDeck. And as you would expect, we’re not just planning any old run-of-the mill integration…oh no. We think you’ll find that what we have planned for Lists is going to take your social media experience with TweetDeck to new heights.</p> \n<p>So for now, if you’re one of the people who has Lists enabled on their Twitter account, feel free to create and subscribe on the website. You could even start with this one: <a href=\"\"></a>, which contains all the folk here in the Batcave.</p> \n<p>And don’t worry, we’ll soon be ready with a TweetDeck release that will make your Lists come alive!</p> \n<h2>Something special this way comes…</h2> \n<p>There is a one-off special-edition of TweetDeck, coming your way in the next couple of weeks.&nbsp;The details will remain a mystery for now, but we can say that this will be our most exciting “branded” edition yet.</p> \n<p>All will be revealed soon…</p> \n<h2>We submit!</h2> \n<p>Do you have an iPhone or an iPod Touch? If so, keep an eye on the AppStore, because we have just submitted an updated version of the TweetDeck iPhone app for review by Apple.&nbsp;We will update you with more details of what’s new in this version very soon, so watch this space!</p> \n<h2>You are the Champions</h2> \n<p>And finally, we want to say a big “Thank you!” to our TweetDeck Champions.</p> \n<p>This dedicated band of loyal TweetDeckers helped us test our latest release and gave us some great feedback prior to go-live. We are really grateful for all their hard work and look forward to getting them all involved in testing the next set of exciting new features coming up in v0.32.&nbsp;</p> \n<p>If you consider yourself something of a TweetDeck expert and would like to become a TweetDeck Champion, drop a tweet to me (<a href=\"\">@richardbarley</a>) and we’ll have a chat.</p>",
"date": "2009-10-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "There&#39;s a List for That",
"body": "<p>We’re putting the finishing touches on our new Lists feature and we’re really excited about the folks who have already taken a lot of time creating awesome lists. From the <a href=\"\">@time</a> list of <a href=\"\">funny people</a> to your own list of people who make you laugh—it’s easy to see how this feature increases discovery and adds value in lots of ways.</p> \n<p>Lists also make it easier to curate tweets into meaningful real-time experiences on your own sites via the Lists API. Media companies are already taking advantage: for example, check out <a href=\"\">@huffingtonpost</a>’s use of the Lists API in their <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">World Series</a> coverage. </p> \n<blockquote>\n <p><a href=\"\">@Bettydraper/rolodex</a>: A collection of fan-created Mad Men characters<br><a href=\"\">@NYTimes/staff</a>: The colorful people behind The Gray Lady<br><a href=\"\">@BBC/radio1-1xtra</a>: Turns out BBC radio hosts are a chatty bunch<br><a href=\"\">@Joesebok/poker</a>: A list of professional poker players by a professional poker player<br><a href=\"\">@jayrosen/mindcasters</a>: A list of the some of the best new media thinkers by an NYU professor<br><a href=\"\">@Stocktwits/suggested:</a> A list of traders for stock market fanatics</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>We’ve been taking our time rolling out the lists feature to make sure things go smoothly and developers have a chance to begin experimenting with our Lists API. For example, <a href=\"\">TLISTS</a> will provide tools to efficiently build, measure and distribute Lists, while <a href=\"\">Listorious</a> hosts a directory of ‘awesome lists’ on Twitter.</p> \n<p>Anyone can curate and publish lists, so if you have an idea for one, just click “New list” in the sidebar of your Twitter account and you’re on your way. Add accounts to a list using the “Lists” drop drown on a profile page. We believe Lists will be a new discovery mechanism for great tweets and accounts.</p>",
"date": "2009-10-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "¿Qué estás haciendo?",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"¿Qué estás haciendo?\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>A principios de mes invitamos a algunos voluntarios a traducir Twitter en más idiomas. Gracias a estos entusiastas voluntarios hispanoparlantes, Twitter está ahora oficialmente disponible en español. Puedes cambiar el idioma en la Configuración o visitar \n<a href=\"\"></a> y cambiar la configuración del idioma en el la opción situada en la esquina inferior derecha.\n<p></p> \n<p>Algunos usuarios hispanoparlantes como Pepe Aguilar (<a href=\"\">@PepeAguilar</a>), Manu Ginobili (<a href=\"\">@manuginobili</a>), José Hernández (<a href=\"\">@Astro_Jose</a>), Andreu Buenafuente (<a href=\"\">@buenafuente</a>), Juan Fonseca (<a href=\"\">@FONSECA</a>) y La Moncloa en España (<a href=\"\">@desdelamoncloa</a>) habían descubierto el valor de Twitter incluso antes de que lanzáramos esta versión traducida. Esperamos que ofrecer Twitter en español signifique más gente capaz de acceder y disfrutar de este servicio.</p> \n<p>¡Bienvenidos!</p>",
"date": "2009-11-03T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Retweet Limited Rollout",
"body": "<p>We’ve just activated a feature called retweet on a very small percentage of accounts in order to see how it works in the wild. Retweet is a button that makes forwarding a particularly interesting tweet to all your followers very easy. In turn, we hope interesting, newsworthy, or even just plain funny information will spread quickly through the network making its way efficiently to the people who want or need to know.</p> \n<p>You may remember that <a href=\"\">we shared the mechanics of this feature</a> with developers a while back so they could think about how to work it into Twitter apps. Now we’re ready to start trying it on Twitter. The plan is to see how it goes first with this small release. If it needs more work, then we’ll know right away. If things look good, we’ll proceed with releasing the feature in stages eventually arriving at 100%.</p>",
"date": "2009-11-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Get to the Point: Twitter Trends",
"body": "<p>As Twitter grows and the number of tweets each day continues to astound us, we’ve noticed an increasing amount of clutter in the public timeline, especially with trending topics. Trends began as a useful way to find out what’s going on but has grown less interesting due to the noisiness of the conversation.</p> \n<p>So, today we’re starting to experiment with improvements to trends that will help you find more relevant tweets. Specifically, we’re working to show higher quality results for trend queries by returning tweets that are more useful. The improvement won’t be very noticeable at first, but this is a small step toward unearthing more value in search and getting you more relevant results.</p>",
"date": "2009-11-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Perfect Combination",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"The Perfect Combination\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>As our platform team works with more and more developers to expand access to information, users are able to tweet and read tweets in expanding ways across the web. Today, <a href=\"\">LinkedIn launched</a> a smart integration that lets you sync up your account with Twitter to allow for an easy flow of information to take place between your networks.</p> \n<p>You’ll be able to set your professional status and display more fresh content on your LinkedIn profile via Twitter. And, showing your stream in places off of will connect you to even more people. Shared interest in tips, news, leaders and perspectives can thrust conversations into virtual brainstorms and even business opportunities.</p> \n<p>The peanut butter and the chocolate have come together to make the perfect combination. Enjoy!</p>",
"date": "2009-11-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "SMS for AXIS Indonesia",
"body": "<p>As director of mobile products and partnerships at Twitter, one thing that always makes me smile is the growing demand for sending and receiving tweets via SMS. The ease of composing a text message combined with the “interruptiveness” of getting an alert for an account you follow is a powerful combination. This has always been the aspect of Twitter that excites me most. It’s cool to think that a café in Jakarta can write their Twitter username on a chalkboard and tell people to text “follow username” to our shortcode for alerts about the daily special.</p> \n<p>Today we are are announcing a partnership with AXIS (<a href=\"\">@axisgsm</a>) in Indonesia to offer tweets via SMS on the shortcode 89887 (TWTTR). So if you live in Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang, or anywhere in between, send “START” to 89887 to activate your phone. To learn about all the useful commands we support via SMS click <a href=\"\">here</a>.</p> \n<p>If your country isn’t supported with Twitter SMS, we’re working with lots of folks around the globe and it’s possible that your network will be up and running soon.</p>",
"date": "2009-11-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck for iPhone - now with added Awesome",
"body": "<p>Good news everyone, after some initial problems, the updated TweetDeck app for the iPhone is available <strong>now</strong> from the <a href=\";mt=8\">AppStore</a>. </p>\n<p></p>Here’s a rundown of some of the great new features we have for you in this release : \n<h2>Facebook integration</h2> \n<p>You can now access your Facebook account as well as your Twitter account to ensure you always stay connected with your friends while mobile. Add Facebook&nbsp;columns, update your status, write on your walls, comment &amp; like… all from within the app.</p> \n<h2>Video uploading</h2> \n<p>You can now share videos while on the move. The TweetDeck app allows you to send a videos to both Twitter and Facebook thanks to the built-in 12 Seconds functionality. You can take a video direct with the camera in your iPhone 3GS, or upload a video already stored on your phone. Just remember that any video uploaded will be truncated after 12 seconds to keep things simple.</p> \n<h2>Landscape compose mode</h2> \n<p>Need a bigger keyboard when composing your updates? Switch to the&nbsp;landscape&nbsp;keyboard and type away!</p> \n<h2>Trending Topics</h2> \n<p>Always be up to date with what’s hot in the Twitterverse with the new Twitter trends feature. You can now view the Twitter trending topics in the app and can quickly create a search column to track the tweets that are hitting the big time right now.</p> \n<h2>Tweets Nearby column</h2> \n<p>You will always know when your Twitter friends are close, thanks to the new Tweets Nearby column. Using the GPS in your iPhone you can view tweets from everyone within a configurable range of your current location.</p> \n<h2>Address Picker</h2> \n<p>You’ll never again have to struggle to type @replies correctly, thanks to the new address picker function. One touch will bring up a list of your most active friends. Touch the name of the friend you want to @reply to and their ID will be added to your tweet.</p> \n<h2>Save Draft</h2> \n<p>Need to make a phone call or check your email while composing an epic update? Just touch Cancel then Save to keep your message as a draft. Next time you return to the compose window your masterpiece will still be there waiting to be completed.</p> \n<h2>Open in Safari</h2> \n<p>Do you ever wish that you could open links direct in the iPhone Safari browser? Well now you can. Just open the link as normal then touch the Safari button to close TweetDeck and open the web page in you iPhone’s browser instead.</p> \n<h2> account support</h2> \n<p>You can now add your account details into the iPhone app just like you can in the desktop version. This allows you to ensure all links that you shorten through the iPhone TweetDeck are stored in your own account.</p> \n<p></p> \n<div>\n These are just some of the highlights from a long list of update, new features and fixes that have been built into v1.1 of the iPhone app. &nbsp;You can check out the full changelog \n <a href=\"\">here</a>.",
"date": "2009-11-11T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Another First in the UK",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Another First in the UK\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>\n<br> The UK has had an outsized cultural impact on the world. From music to sports to literature… and now – MMS with Twitter.\n<p></p> \n<p>Today, not only has Orange UK turned on Twitter SMS, but it has added a first-of-its-kind special enhancement. Orange UK users can also send picture messages (MMS) to 86444 in addition to text messages because of a site that Orange UK has created called <a href=\"\">Snapshot</a>. The best part is that it is incredibly simple to use:</p> \n<ol>\n <li>Take a photo on your Orange mobile phone</li> \n <li>Select ‘Send via MMS’ or ‘Send multimedia message’</li> \n <li>Send it to 86444</li> \n</ol>\n<p>Twitter does not charge for this service. It’s just like sending and receiving messages with your friends — your carrier’s standard messaging rates apply. Give it a try by sending a text message to 86444 with the word “START.” This means that with the same shortcode, 86444, UK users can tweet via SMS with Vodafone, O2, and now Orange.</p>",
"date": "2009-11-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Think Globally, Tweet Locally",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Think Globally, Tweet Locally\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>In August we announced that we were working on a new API that would provide developers with the ability to geotag tweets. Today, the Geotagging API is officially available.</p> \n<p>This release is unique in that it’s API-only which means you won’t see any changes on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>, yet. Instead, Twitter applications like <a href=\"\">Birdfeed</a>, <a href=\"\">Seesmic Web</a>, <a href=\"\">Foursquare</a>, <a href=\"\">Gowalla</a>, <a href=\"\">Twidroid</a>, <a href=\"\">Twittelator Pro</a> and others are already supporting this new functionality (go try them out now!) in interesting ways that include geotagging your tweets and displaying the location from where a tweet was posted. The added information provides valuable context when reading your friends tweets and allows you to better focus in on local conversations. Now you can find out what live music is playing right now in your neighborhood or what people visiting Checkpoint Charlie are saying today about the anniversary of the Berlin Wall. These are only the beginning and we are really looking forward to seeing the creative uses emerge from the developer community.</p> \n<p>It’s important to note geotagging is disabled by default for all users which means you will need to opt-in in order to use it. To activate the new geotagging functionality, go to your <a href=\"\">Settings</a> page and click “Enable Geotagging”.</p>",
"date": "2009-11-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Refreshed Privacy Policy",
"body": "<p>As part of rolling out geotagging today we’ve updated our <a href=\"\">privacy policy</a> to explicitly include geotagging and to describe the public nature of most of what people post to Twitter. We’ve tried to keep it short and sweet with lots of real life examples so it’s simple to read through. We’ll also be letting people know about the new policy via email and <a href=\"\">@twitter</a>.</p> \n<p>Please give the new <a href=\"\">policy</a> a read and contact us at <a href=\"\"></a> if you have comments or suggestions.</p>",
"date": "2009-11-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What&#39;s Happening?",
"body": "<p>Twitter was originally conceived as a mobile status update service—an easy way to keep in touch with people in your life by sending and receiving short, frequent answers to one question, “What are you doing?” However, when we implemented the service, we chose to leave something out. To stay simple, Twitter did not require individuals to confirm relationships. Instead, we left things open.</p> \n<p>People, organizations, and businesses quickly began leveraging the open nature of the network to share anything they wanted, completely ignoring the original question, seemingly on a quest to both ask and answer a different, more immediate question, “What’s happening?” A simple text input field limited to 140 characters of text was all it took for creativity and ingenuity to thrive.</p> \n<p>Sure, someone in San Francisco may be answering “What are you doing?” with “Enjoying an excellent cup of coffee,” at this very moment. However, a birds-eye view of Twitter reveals that it’s not exclusively about these personal musings. Between those cups of coffee, people are witnessing accidents, organizing events, sharing links, breaking news, reporting stuff their dad says, and so much more.</p> \n<p>The fundamentally open model of Twitter created a new kind of information network and it has long outgrown the concept of personal status updates. Twitter helps you share and discover what’s happening now among all the things, people, and events you care about. “What are you doing?” isn’t the right question anymore—starting today, we’ve shortened it by two characters. Twitter now asks, “What’s happening?”</p> \n<p>We don’t expect this to change how anyone uses Twitter, but maybe it’ll make it easier to explain to your dad.</p>",
"date": "2009-11-19T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Nouvelle saveur : Twitter en Français!",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Nouvelle saveur : Twitter en Français!\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>\n<br> Avec l’ajout de la version espagnole du site le mois dernier, de nombreuses personnes ont rejoint les conversations sur Twitter. De plus en plus de personnes twittent en dehors des États-Unis et nous sommes à présent en mesure d’accueillir les utilisateurs de près de 30 pays francophones. Il est maintenant possible de changer les paramètres de langue en français grce à la participation des traducteurs qui ont contribué à transformer Twitter en une plate-forme de communication véritablement mondiale.\n<p></p> \n<p>Les twitteurs français peuvent d’ors et déjà suivre des personnes et des sociétés qui leur sont familières. Que vous fréquentiez @<a href=\"\">lepicerie</a> ou @<a href=\"\">lopera</a> pour vos sorties gastronomiques, que vous lisiez @<a href=\"\">LeMondeFR</a> en allant au travail ou que vous écoutiez @<a href=\"\">theteenagers</a> sur le chemin du retour ou encore que vous soyez fan des @<a href=\"\">CanadiensMTL</a>, il y a une multitude d’informations utiles à découvrir à tout moment.</p> \n<p>Pour voir Twitter en français, il suffit de consulter vos paramètres et sélectionner “français” dans le menu déroulant.</p> \n<p>Une dernière chose : une partie de l’équipe Twitter sera à Paris les 9 et 10 decembré pour la conférence Le Web, présentée par @<a href=\"\">loic</a>. Les spécialistes de notre plate-forme, Ryan Sarver (@<a href=\"\">rsarver</a>) et Marcel Molina (@<a href=\"\">noradio</a>) y présenteront, entre autres choses, une session développeurs. Si vous êtes dans la région ces jours-là, n’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre!</p>",
"date": "2009-11-20T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Coming Soon: Bring Your LinkedIn Network to TweetDeck",
"body": "<div> \n <p>With the addition of Facebook and MySpace, TweetDeck has gradually gone from being just a great Twitter client to now being a true browser for the real-time web. With the addition of each new network it has become easier and easier to stay in touch with your social circle.&nbsp;</p> \n <p>And today we are delighted to announce that in v0.32 you will also be able to keep up with your LinkedIn contacts via TweetDeck too. Thanks to the great new <a href=\"\">LinkedIn Platform</a><strong><span>,</span></strong> you will soon be able to add a LinkedIn column to your TweetDeck, showing all the updates from your network that would normally be visible on the LinkedIn web page.&nbsp;</p> \n <p> </p>\n <div class=\"p_embed p_image_embed\">\n <img alt=\"Td_linkedin_details\" height=\"403\" src=\"\" width=\"325\" class=\"align-center\">",
"date": "2009-11-23T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Movember!",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Movember!\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>\n<br> Once a year there is a very special and potentially awkward event: Movember. Here’s what it’s all about according to \n<a href=\"\"></a>:\n<p></p> \n<blockquote>\n <p>Movember is an annual, month-long celebration of the moustache, highlighting men’s health issues - specifically prostate and testicular cancer. A Mo Bro starts Movember – the month formerly known as November – clean shaven, and grows a moustache all month long, garnering support from friends and family in the form of donations. What’s more, a Mo Bro is a walking billboard for the cause as his new look opens the door for him to talk about cancers affecting men – making the moustache a symbol, much like the pink ribbon is for breast cancer.</p> \n <p>Prostate cancer will strike 1 in 6 men in their lifetime. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer for men aged 18-35. This Movember, the money raised in the U.S. will be split between the Prostate Cancer Foundation and the Lance Armstrong Foundation.</p> \n <p>The Prostate Cancer Foundation will use the money raised by Movember to fund research to find better treatments and a cure for prostate cancer.<br> The Lance Armstrong Foundation will use the money raised by Movember to fund:</p> \n <ul>\n <li> the LIVESTRONG Young Adult Alliance program which has the goal of improving survival rates and quality of life for young adults with cancer between the ages of 15 and 40. </li> \n </ul>\n <ul>\n <li> research initiatives to further understand the biology of adolescent and young adult cancers.</li> \n </ul>\n</blockquote> \n<p>At Twitter HQ, a group of us mo-bros have been spending the month making everyone uncomfortable because we believe in the importance of raising awareness around men’s health.</p> \n<p>If you’d like to join us in support, please <a href=\"\">check out our Twustache Team!</a></p>",
"date": "2009-11-26T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "As Promised - A Very Special TweetDeck Delivery",
"body": "<p>A while ago <a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">we promised you</a> that the next release of TweetDeck would be something very special. Well we have tweaked it and polished it and coated it with a sprinkling of TweetDeck magic dust, and now its ready for you enjoy.</p> \n<p>There are so many shiny new features in this release that you may need to wear shades to use it.</p> \n<p>For now though, here are just some of the goodies that are waiting for you in v0.32:</p> \n<h2>LinkedIn gets linked in</h2> \n<p>As we announced a few days ago, you can now add your LinkedIn account to TweetDeck. This will allow you to interact with your network of professional contacts just as easily as you can with your Twitter, Facebook and Myspace friends. You can add a LinkedIn column to view updates from your network, view profiles and comment on your contacts’ status updates. And send your own update direct from LinkedIn, cross-posting to any of your other accounts at the same time if you wish.</p> \n<h2>Lists at the heart of the application</h2> \n<p>That’s what we promised you, so that’s what you’ve got. Twitter Lists in full, glorious TweetDeck style. Export your old TweetDeck Groups to new Twitter Lists or create Lists from scratch. We’ll even give you great suggestions for who to add. Explore your friend’s lists, following and creating columns when you find Lists you like. You can even create your own List by copying someone else’s and adding your own <em>je ne sais quoi</em>.</p> \n<p>Although your old TweetDeck groups are still available to you, you won’t be able to create any more. Twitter Lists offer pretty much everything that Groups did, but with the added advantage of being fully compatible with Twitter. We think that you will agree when you see how Lists work in TweetDeck, so expect to see a lot more from us about Lists in the near future. We are very excited about our Lists-based future and we can’t wait to show you what we are planning.</p> \n<h2>Retweets – Which style? Your choice!</h2> \n<p>Love them or hate them, the new-style Twitter Retweets are here to stay. And TweetDeck now fully supports them. New-style retweets will show up in your timelines, flagged with the retweet indicator and showing both the original tweeter’s picture <em>and</em> the retweeter’s picture.</p> \n<p>But we know that there are many of you who would rather stick with the old tried-and-tested old-style retweets, allowing comments and editing.</p> \n<p>So we have given you the choice. Each time you retweet you can choose to “Retweet now” using the new-style, or “Edit then Retweet” which will give you an old-style retweet. Don’t want to have to choose each time? No problem. Just tick “Remember my choice” and TweetDeck will default to whichever option you choose.</p> \n<h2>Location, location, location</h2> \n<p>Another new feature that Twitter have recently rolled out is geo-location. This allows your tweets to be tagged with your current location, a function offered by an increasing number of Twitter clients.</p> \n<p>In this version of TweetDeck, geo-coded tweets are identified by a yellow pin at the bottom of the tweet. Clicking on this pin will reveal an inline map showing the location that the tweet was sent from. Click the pin again and the map disappears. Be aware though, TweetDeck for desktop will not currently geo-code your outgoing tweets. This function will be available in TweetDeck for mobile very soon however.</p> \n<h2>Smarter and simpler</h2> \n<p>Adding more and more great features to TweetDeck is all well and good, but we need to make sure you can use them easily. So in v0.32 we have placed a big emphasis on improving the user interface for key parts of the application.</p> \n<p>For instance, the standard toolbar buttons for adding columns have been replaced with a slick new Add Column screen which is now a one-stop-shop for managing columns, Lists and Groups in TweetDeck. We have spruced up the Settings window and the Profile window has also had a make-over.</p> \n<p>There are lots more improvement to the user interface to come as well, so expect your TweetDeck to become a whole lot smarter in the future.</p> \n<h2>…and all the rest</h2> \n<p>Alongside these major new features, there are also a host of other tweaks, updates and fixes to help make your TweetDeck experience even better.</p> \n<p>To get the full changelog, head over to <a href=\"\">TweetDeck Support</a>, where you will also find a lot more detailed information about the changes in v0.32.</p> \n<p>v0.32 of TweetDeck for the desktop is available now at <a href=\"\"></a></p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<h2>And finally..</h2> \n<p>A huge thank you to the team here at TweetDeck for their outstanding efforts in getting this release together.</p> \n<p>Everyone has worked their socks off and all deserve a huge pat on the back:</p> \n<p>Tom Woolway (<a href=\"\">@tomwoolway</a>), James Whittaker (<a href=\"\">@jmwhittaker</a>), Sol Plant (<a href=\"\">@lostplan</a>), Reza Lotun (<a href=\"\">@rlotun</a>), Steve Summers (<a href=\"\">@pocketsteve</a>), Conrad Oldcorn (<a href=\"\">@conradoldcorn</a>) &amp; Jon Hatfield (<a href=\"\">@jon_hatfield</a>) have all done outstanding work.</p> \n<p>If you like what you see in v0.32, why not follow these guys and let them know what a great job they have done.</p> \n<p><em>(And of course, you can follow our list too </em><a href=\"\"><em></em></a><em>)</em></p> \n<p>Thanks!</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p></p>",
"date": "2009-12-01T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "AIDS is Preventable and Treatable",
"body": "<p></p>Over the course of several meetings with the dedicated people behind \n<a href=\"\">(RED)</a> we have learned a lot about fighting AIDS in Africa. Personally, I was struck by how effective treatment can be—someone on death’s door can be brought back to life in as little as 90 days. This transformation is called the Lazarus Effect and it has more impact than you can imagine. When someone is treated, they can go back to being a mom, they can go back to their job, or to school. Fighting the disease at a large scale means positive changes not just for individuals but also socially and economically as people return to productive lives. \n<p>This amazing transformation comes from two pills daily at a cost of forty cents per day. Our friends at (Product)Red are making it easy for us to help fight AIDS by partnering with companies that make the products we buy already. For example, these <a href=\"\">red laces Nike designed</a> to both raise awareness and help financially. At Twitter, we’re making it fun and easy to spread the word about this preventable and treatable disease that is hitting Africa the hardest. If you use any of the following terms below today on Twitter your tweet will turn red. Today is World AIDS day, help us spread the word.</p> \n<blockquote>\n <p><a href=\"\">#red</a> 100% of the monies generated by (RED) partners and events goes directly to fund programs to fight AIDS in Africa<br><a href=\"\">@joinred</a> is the official account of the (RED) campaign<br> 40 cents a day can keep someone with AIDS alive<br> World AIDS Day is the perfect day to tweet for a cause<br> AIDS is preventable and treatable<br> HIV affects 33 million people around the world<br><a href=\"\">#laceupsavelives</a> is Nike’s own campaign</p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>We’ve also created a red theme which you can switch to in <a href=\"\">your profile settings</a>. Don’t forget to follow @<a href=\"\">joinred</a> to stay informed. Here are some of the <a href=\"\">success stories</a>.</p>",
"date": "2009-12-01T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Takeout dogfood",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Takeout dogfood\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Hi all, this is @<a href=\"\">leland</a>, user experience lead on the @<a href=\"\">twittermobile</a> team. I wanted to share a little bit of what we’ve been working on and thinking about.</p> \n<p>It’s probably no secret that Twitter has an active developer community, using our APIs to create fantastically innovative apps. Nor is it a secret that Twitter and mobile phones go together like birds and flight.</p> \n<p>What may be a less known fact is: Lots of people access Twitter on their phones via our good ol’ mobile website, and trusty ‘m’ has been delivering tweets faithfully. However, ‘m’ doesn’t fully feel like Twitter, and could probably do a bit more things for you.</p> \n<p>‘M’ should also be fantastically innovative — naturally the best way to do that is use our own APIs. So, the mobile team here built a brand new mobile web client from scratch, using only Twitter APIs, and we’d like to share the results with you.</p> \n<p>Our new mobile web site is previewing today, just point your phone’s browser to <a href=\"\"></a>. Its got a great new look, and has some great new touches that will make your mobile experience on Twitter a bit more fun and a lot more helpful. Let us know if you agree and especially tell us how we can make it better.</p> \n<p>This preview works best on @<a href=\"\">Webkit</a> browsers – Android, iPhone, Nokia S60 and Palm Web OS phones all come with these browsers installed. Other browsers like @<a href=\"\">BlackBerry</a> work too, but we haven’t done all the fine tuning yet.</p> \n<p>As this preview becomes ready for prime-time, we will start switching everyone who uses ‘m’ in phases to automatically receive the new mobile web client.</p> \n<p>This is just the start, we’re excited about the new APIs launching at Twitter, and have been busy tinkering with some neat ways to use them. We look forward to sharing more cool things with you soon.</p>",
"date": "2009-12-04T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A Tool for Business",
"body": "<p>It’s not uncommon to stumble upon a store that encourages its customers to follow them on Twitter. Without even looking I see this happening more and more, which says a lot about the wonderfully simple concept of doing business on Twitter.</p> \n<p>Today, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Citysearch has integrated Twitter</a> into their service so local businesses can display Tweets right within their Citysearch profile, and customers viewing the profile can even Tweet back right from there. Potential customers can make smarter decisions with the fresh information being shared with them in real time, and businesses can manage closer connections with audiences across the Web.</p> \n<p>Simplicity along with the smart creations from third parties like Citysearch are making it more than handy for businesses to have a presence on Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2009-12-07T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Discover The Dynamic New TweetDeck Directory",
"body": "<p>Today we are delighted to announce a very exciting new version of the TweetDeck Directory.</p> \n<div class=\"p_embed p_image_embed\"> \n <p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Discover The Dynamic New TweetDeck Directory\" height=\"308\" width=\"500\" class=\"align-center\"></p>",
"date": "2009-12-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Ed ecco l&#39;italiano!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Ed ecco l'italiano!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Siamo emozionati perché oggi con il lancio della versione italiana del nostro sito diventiamo ancora di più una piattaforma di comunicazione globale. Come sempre, desideriamo ringraziare tutti i traduttori che hanno partecipato al progetto e che ci hanno mostrato la loro bravura.</p> \n<p>Potrete seguire famosi giornalisti come @<a href=\"\">beppesevergnini</a> oppure radio come @<a href=\"\">radiodeejay</a>, la radio di Linus &amp; C. o ancora una delle più famose cantanti italiane, Laura Pausini (@<a href=\"\">officialpausini</a>).</p> \n<p>Ora che le conversazioni su Twitter si arricchiscono di punti di vista sempre più diversificati a livello globale, il network di informazioni continuerà a crescere in ogni angolo e fessura del pianeta. Più eventi saranno condivisi, più conoscenza e consapevolezza si diffonderà e i milioni di persone che alimentano Twitter influenzeranno altri milioni di persone con i loro tweet.</p> \n<p>E quale modo migliore di festeggiare il lancio di Twitter in Italia? Un bel Tweetup a base di pizza, amici e tweet. I nostri amici di @<a href=\"\">pizzatwit</a> saranno felici di organizzare un pizza party e se volete incontrare un sacco di nuovi amici e twittare tutta notte, vi consigliamo di seguire il loro account e di aiutarli ad organizzare uno dei loro famosi Twitter Pizza Party!</p> \n<p>Per usare Twitter in italiano, andate nelle vostre impostazioni e selezionate la lingua dal menù a tendina. Buon divertimento!</p>",
"date": "2009-12-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A feature test with businesses",
"body": "<p>My name is Anamitra and I work in the product team at Twitter. For some time now, <a href=\"\">businesses of all sizes have been using Twitter</a> to deepen their engagement with customers. The simple features that Twitter has offered to all users has worked for business users as well. As Twitter becomes more integral to businesses, they will need more business specific features from Twitter – both on the web and API. We have been working on some of these features and are ready to start a limited beta test of one that’s further along in development.</p> \n<p>The feature we are beta testing is called ‘Contributors’ – it enables users to engage in more authentic conversations with businesses by allowing those organizations to manage multiple contributors to their account. The feature appends the contributor’s username to the tweet byline, making the business to consumer communication more personal; e.g. if @<a href=\"\">Twitter</a> invites @<a href=\"\">Biz</a> to tweet on its behalf, then a tweet from @<a href=\"\">Twitter</a> would include @<a href=\"\">Biz</a> in the byline so that users know more about the real people behind organizations.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"A feature test with businesses\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Its functionality will be fully supported by the API and will enhance the many Twitter business apps, such as <a href=\"\">CoTweet</a> and <a href=\"\">HootSuite</a>.</p> \n<p><strong>It’s Not Ready For Prime Time</strong></p> \n<p>This feature is one of several in development; some of them will be visible to regular users and some of them will not. Our goal at this time is to get basic feedback from business users and ecosystem partners. The beta will be released to a limited subset of folks for some time so that we can get an idea of how the features work from a system perspective. After we kick the tires a bit, we’ll do a full launch to all business users and ecosystem partners. Stay tuned!</p>",
"date": "2009-12-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Top Twitter Trends of 2009",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Top Twitter Trends of 2009\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>My name is Abdur and I’m part of the Research team here at Twitter. As Chief Scientist, it’s my job to interpret data so we can understand and appreciate how Twitter is constantly evolving. Since it’s the end of the year, we thought it would be interesting to review the topics and issues that captured global attention over the year. In 2009, Twitter’s Trending Topics helped us understand what was happening around the world showing us that people everywhere can be united in concern around important events; excited about a new movie; or geek-out about a major new technology.</p> \n<p>Among all the keywords, hashtags, and phrases that proliferated throughout the year, one topic surfaced repeatedly. Twitter users found the Iranian elections the most engaging topic of the year. The terms <a href=\"\">#iranelection</a>, Iran and Tehran were all in the top-21 of Trending Topics, and <a href=\"\">#iranelection</a> finished in a close second behind the regular weekly favorite <a href=\"\">#musicmonday</a>.</p> \n<p>These are Twitter’s top Trending Topics across several categories—an interesting time capsule of what was happening as this decade came to a close.</p> \n<p>News Events </p>\n<p class=\"indent\">1. <a href=\"\">#iranelection</a><br> 2. Swine Flu<br> 3. Gaza<br> 4. Iran<br> 5. Tehran<br> 6. <a href=\"\">#swineflu</a><br> 7. AIG<br> 8. <a href=\"\">#uksnow</a><br> 9. Earth Hour<br> 10. <a href=\"\">#inaug09</a></p> \n<p>People </p>\n<p class=\"indent\">1. Michael Jackson<br> 2. Susan Boyle<br> 3. Adam Lambert<br> 4. Kobe (Bryant)<br> 5. Chris Brown<br> 6. Chuck Norris<br> 7. Joe Wilson<br> 8. Tiger Woods<br> 9. Christian Bale<br> 10. A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez)</p> \n<p>Movies </p>\n<p class=\"indent\">1. Harry Potter<br> 2. New Moon<br> 3. District 9<br> 4. Paranormal Activity<br> 5. Star Trek<br> 6. True Blood<br> 7. Transformers 2<br> 8. Watchmen<br> 9. Slumdog Millionaire<br> 10. G.I. Joe</p> \n<p>TV Shows </p>\n<p class=\"indent\">1. American Idol<br> 2. Glee<br> 3. Teen Choice Awards<br> 4. SNL (Saturday Night Live)<br> 5. Dollhouse<br> 6. Grey’s Anatomy<br> 7. VMAS (Video Music Awards)<br> 8. <a href=\"\">#bsg</a> (Battlestar Galatica)<br> 9. BET Awards<br> 10. Lost</p> \n<p>Sports (Teams, Events, Leagues) </p>\n<p class=\"indent\">1. Super Bowl<br> 2. Lakers<br> 3. Wimbledon<br> 4. Cavs (Cleveland Cavaliers)<br> 5. Superbowl<br> 6. Chelsea<br> 7. NFL<br> 8. UFC 100<br> 9. Yankees<br> 10. Liverpool</p> \n<p>Technology </p>\n<p class=\"indent\">1. Google Wave<br> 2. Snow Leopard<br> 3. Tweetdeck<br> 4. Windows 7<br> 5. CES<br> 6. Palm Pre<br> 7. Google Latitude<br> 8. <a href=\"\">#E3</a><br> 9. <a href=\"\">#amazonfail</a><br> 10. Macworld</p> \n<p>Hash Tags</p>",
"date": "2009-12-15T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Was gibt&#39;s Neues?",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Was gibt's Neues?\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Deutsch ist eine der weitverbreitetsten Sprachen der EU und ist die letzte Sprache, die wir im Jahr 2009 auf einführen.</p> \n<p>Mit der unentbehrlichen Hilfe unserer vielen fantastischen Übersetzer und Übersetzerinnen, haben wir fünf neue Sprachen in weniger als zwei Monate eingeführt - eine riesen Leistung für unsere Internationalisierungsgruppe. Umso schneller wir Twitter für Leute überall auf der Welt zugänglich machen, desto schneller die verschiedenen Kulturen der Welt den globalen Gespräch auf Twitter beeinflussen können.</p> \n<p>Hier sind ein paar deutschsprachige Benutzer, die sich schon aktiv auf Twitter engagieren und Dich vielleicht interessieren:</p> \n<p>@<a href=\"\">SPIEGEL_Eil</a>—deutsche Zeitschrift<br> @<a href=\"\">Paulvandyk</a>—Grammy nominierter DJ aus Berlin<br> @<a href=\"\">silenttiffy</a>—deutsche Schriftstellerin<br> @<a href=\"\">Dieternuhr</a>—Kabarettist und Moderator<br> @<a href=\"\">Calmund</a>—langjähriger Bundesliga-Manager</p> \n<p>Um Deine Sprachpräferenzen einzustellen, besuche Deine Einstellungsseite und wähle Deutsch im Aufklappmenü “Sprache” aus. Die ganze Web-Oberfläche wird sich sofort übersetzen! Als nächster Schritt, besuche und folge dem offizielen “Twitter auf Deutsch” Profil, @<a href=\"\">Twitter_De</a>. So können unsere deutsche Benutzer sich über Neuigkeiten bei Twitter auf dem Laufenden halten. Zuletzt, sag Deinen Freunden Bescheid und geh voran und twittere!</p>",
"date": "2009-12-16T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Integrating the Directory with a big &#34;small&#34; update",
"body": "<p>Today we have launched TweetDeck for Desktop v0.32.5.&nbsp; </p>\n<p></p> \n<div>\n This release integrates some aspects of the \n <a href=\"\">new TweetDeck Directory</a> into the desktop application, so you can now explore and discover great Lists even easier than before.",
"date": "2009-12-17T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Update on Last Night&#39;s DNS Disruption",
"body": "<p>Domain Name System or DNS is an Internet protocol used to translate IP addresses into domain names so instead of typing in a long string of numbers we can enter urls like into a browser to visit our favorite web sites. Last night, DNS settings for the Twitter web site were hijacked. From 9:46pm to 11pm PST, approximately 80% of Traffic to was redirected to other web sites. We <a href=\"\">tweeted</a>, <a href=\"\">blogged</a>, and <a href=\"\">updated our status page</a> last night.</p> \n<p>During the attack, we were in direct contact with our DNS provider, Dynect. We worked closely to reset our DNS as quickly as possible. The motive for this attack appears to have been focused on defacing our site, not aimed at users—we don’t believe any accounts were compromised. If you’re concerned that your account could have been affected in some way, feel free to contact us, accountsafe [at]</p>",
"date": "2009-12-18T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "DNS Disruption",
"body": "<p>As we <a href=\"\">tweeted a bit ago</a>, Twitter’s DNS records were temporarily compromised tonight but have now been fixed. As some noticed, was redirected for a while but API and platform applications were working. We will update with more information and details once we’ve investigated more fully.</p>",
"date": "2009-12-18T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What do Indonesia and Ireland have in common?",
"body": "<p>They both have carriers that launched Twitter’s Text Messaging service today. We are excited to announce that our friends at <a href=\"\">3 Indonesia</a> and <a href=\"\">O2 Ireland</a> have both made the Twitter SMS service available to their subscribers without any additional fees. Sending and receiving text messages with Twitter is just like sending and receiving them with your friends. It’s a simple way to tell the world what’s happening while out and about by quickly sending a text message to Twitter. Additionally, users can turn on text notifications for individual people they follow as well as, direct messages.</p> \n<p>Customers of 3 Indonesia have exciting additional functionality available. 3 is the first carrier in Indonesia to support sending photos to Twitter via MMS by incorporating <a href=\"\">TwitPic</a>. Give it a try today on your 3 Indonesia phone by sending “START” to 89887.</p> \n<p>O2 is the first carrier to launch Twitter SMS in Ireland so, if you are a lucky O2 Ireland customer send “START” to 51210 and either sign up for Twitter or activate your phone with your current Twitter username. Also, be sure to check out all of the cool <a href=\"\">commands</a> we support.</p> \n<p>More countries and carriers are coming soon. Check <a href=\"\">here</a> to see which countries and carriers currently support Twitter Text Messaging.</p>",
"date": "2009-12-18T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time",
"body": "<div>\n &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; “You consider that to be important?” he [Inspector Gregory] asked.",
"date": "2009-12-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "SMS Tweets for Telstra Australia",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"SMS Tweets for Telstra Australia\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Today we have launched Twitter SMS in Australia with our partner Telstra. As always, it is free to receive notifications and standard text messaging rates apply to sending. It’s the same pricing as sending and receiving text messages from friends. Give it a try by sending “START” to <strong>0198089488</strong>. Once you have your phone associated with your Twitter account try following <a href=\"\">@Telstra</a> by sending “FOLLOW Telstra” to <strong>0198089488</strong>. Or follow one of these popular accounts via SMS by sending “FOLLOW” and the username.</p> \n<p>@<a href=\"\">australian</a> (News from The Australian newspaper)<br> @<a href=\"\">delta_goodrem</a> (Musician)<br> @<a href=\"\">kyleandjackieo</a> (Australia’s #1 radio show)<br> @<a href=\"\">DanniiMinogue</a> (Team Minogue judge for The X Factor)<br> @<a href=\"\">KevinRuddPM</a> (Prime Minister)</p> \n<p>More countries and carriers are coming soon. Check <a href=\"\">here</a> to see the complete list of who we support.</p>",
"date": "2009-12-22T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Mixing It Up at 795 Folsom St",
"body": "<p>In August, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">we previewed expanded location support</a> for developers. Last month we launched our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Geotagging API</a> with support from several of the top Twitter clients. When current location is added to tweets, new and valuable services emerge—everything from breaking news to finding friends or local businesses can be dramatically enhanced. Our efforts in this area have just begun. Today, we’re excited to announce a major new step into the location-aware future. Twitter has acquired Mixer Labs, creators of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">GeoAPI</a>.</p> \n<p>The Mixer Labs crew has been working on harnessing the power of local information for a couple years and just recently launched GeoAPI, a comprehensive service for helping developers build geolocation-aware applications. As of today, they’re part of Twitter and will be working to combine the contextual relevance of location to tweets. We want to know What’s happening?, and more precisely, Where is it happening? As a dramatic example, twittering “Earthquake!” alone is not as informative as “Earthquake!” coupled with your current location.</p> \n<p>We will be looking at how to integrate the work Mixer Labs has done with the Twitter API in useful ways that give developers behind geo-enabled apps like <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Birdfeed</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Seesmic Web</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Foursquare</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Gowalla</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Twidroid</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Twittelator Pro</a> and others powerful new possibilities. We look forward to building features together that will make Twitter even more interesting and relevant to your daily life, no matter where you are. Please join us in welcoming this fine new crew to Twitter Headquarters—795 Folsom St, San Francisco, CA.</p>",
"date": "2009-12-23T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Not So Lazy: The Sunday Times",
"body": "<p>The promise of technology is to help people help themselves. At Twitter, we are united in our belief that software has the ability to augment humanity in productive and meaningful ways. For us, it has been a year during which we realized that no matter how sophisticated the algorithms get, no matter how many machines we add to the network, our work is not about the triumph of technology, it is about the triumph of humanity. Thank you to The Sunday Times for publishing my look back at 2009, “<a href=\"\">Why we can never rest: a year in the life of Twitter</a>.” We’re looking forward to another intense yet gratifying year reminding us why we find it meaningful to develop ways for people to express themselves and communicate openly.</p>",
"date": "2009-12-29T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Room to Read in India",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Room to Read in India\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>When Twitter announced <a href=\"\">The Fledgling Initiative</a> in October—making and selling wine to benefit an organization called Room to Read, I was thrilled. This past month, my enthusiasm and commitment increased dramatically when I had the chance to visit some of the sites where Room to Read works in India.</p> \n<p>Teachers and students in Hardiwar gave me the warmest of welcomes. I was given the opportunity to help children read books in English and one group of students even inited me to sing a song for them. My performance of Itsy Bitsy Spider (see above—pit stains included), sent the kids into fits of laughter.</p> \n<p>The schools in these areas face incredible obstacles but the community approaches problems with passion and vigor. One school was having trouble with a dangerous elephant so parents volunteered to take turns walking the kids to school and would even sleep there for a night or two. When I was little there were snow days but nothing like this.</p> \n<p>Seeing kids get excited about learning to read made my heart skip a few beats, and made me feel proud to work at a company that chooses to partner with world-changing organizations like Room to Read. Here are <a href=\"\">some of the photos from my trip</a> and you can learn more about Room to Read at <a href=\"\">their web site</a>.</p>",
"date": "2009-12-30T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tweet Appreciation",
"body": "<p>Newsworthy, funny, interesting, or important—tweets find their way into our lives more and more. Sawhorse Media is organizing the second annual <a href=\"\">Shorty Awards</a> as a fun way to show appreciation to the people behind the tweets we read every day. Voting has opened in 27 official categories with room for more at your suggestion. An awards ceremony, complete with 140-character acceptance speeches, will be held in March in New York City and live streamed on the web. Check out the <a href=\"\">official rules</a> to learn how to vote.</p>",
"date": "2010-01-06T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck For iPhone Gets A New-Year Update",
"body": "<div class=\"gmail_quote\">\n Happy New Year TweetDeckers! &nbsp;We hope you all had a great festive season and that 2010 is off to a good start for you. \n <p></p> \n <div>\n We are kicking our new year off in fine form with a feature-packed update to the TweetDeck iPhone app, which is available now from the \n <a href=\"\">App Store</a>.",
"date": "2010-01-07T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Healing Haiti",
"body": "<p>International relief efforts are underway in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, after yesterday’s devastating magnitude 7 earthquake. The atmosphere at Twitter HQ is heavy today and based on the Trending Topics an overwhelming number of Twitter users feel the same.</p> \n<p>Easy Ways To Help<br> Many of us are wondering how we can contribute to the healing process. A few simple but effective ways to help have emerged.</p> \n<ul>\n <li>The American Red Cross allows anyone in the US to text HAITI to 90999 as an easy way to donate $10 to the recovery effort. The money is billed to your mobile phone account.</li> \n <li>Musician Wyclef Jean’s Haiti-focused organization, Yele is also accepting text-message donations. To donate $5, text Yele to 501501 or visit the foundation’s <a href=\"\">web site</a>.</li> \n <li>Oxfam International has also set up an earthquake response fund. You can visit their <a href=\"\">web site</a> to make a donation to this fund.</li> \n</ul>\n<p>To follow each of these recovery efforts as they progress, we can follow @<a href=\"\">redcross</a>, @<a href=\"\">wyclef</a>, and @<a href=\"\">oxfam</a>. <a href=\"\">The Huffington Post</a>, <a href=\"\">CNN</a>, and <a href=\"\">The New York Times</a> have spent time curating special lists to track events related to Haiti.</p>",
"date": "2010-01-13T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A Persistent and Urgent Question",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"A Persistent and Urgent Question\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” This quote made famous by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. strikes at the heart of what it means to be a mindful participant in any community. On an international level this week, people are joining forces to heal Haiti. Together, we’re proving that we’re wired to help.</p> \n<p>On Monday, the Twitter offices will be closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. People all over the United States are urged to honor Dr. King’s legacy by making this holiday a national day of service. The Corporation for National Community Service has <a href=\"\">set up a web site</a> to help us find a volunteer opportunity in our local community.</p> \n<p>The folks behind the <a href=\"\"></a><a href=\"\">@ServeDotGov</a> Twitter account and site want to hear about your efforts. If you find a volunteer opportunity that interests you, go for it! Tweet about your experience as you learn about different ways to get involved, volunteer in your neighborhood or town, and be sure to add <a href=\"\">#MLKDay</a> to spread the word.</p>",
"date": "2010-01-14T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Power of Suggestions",
"body": "<p>Hi, I’m Josh and I work in the product team at Twitter. One of the areas I’m working on is helping new users get started so they know how to find and discover what interests them. Today we’re making the first of many changes here to help people ease into the twitterverse by finding and following accounts that interest them.</p> \n<p>Two of the biggest challenges for new users have been finding accounts to follow that appeal to their interests, and finding their friends and colleagues who tweet. Over time, we’ve learned that by making suggestions of who to follow, we can help users get going more easily on Twitter. In our new design, we’re taking some steps to continue to improve this process. Once a user signs up and selects what they’re interested in, we show them some accounts that relate to that interest. Next, we help them find their friends and colleagues by checking their address books, and third we give them a chance to search for anyone we or they missed in this process.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"The Power of Suggestions\" class=\"align-center\"><br> We’ve found that the power of suggestion can be a great thing to help people get started, but it’s important that we suggest things relevant to them. We’ve created a number of algorithms to identify users across a variety of clusters who tweet actively and are engaged with their audiences. These new algorithms help us group these active users into lists of users by interests. Rather than suggesting a random set of 20 users for a new user to follow, now we let users browse into the areas they are interested in and choose who they want to follow from these lists. These lists will be refreshed frequently as the algorithms identify new users who should be suggested in these lists and some that are not as engaging to new users will be removed. We also have a set of “Staff Picks” that are manually selected by Twitter employees as some of our favorites. Given the recent tragedy in Haiti, we’ve also created a special “Staff Picks for Haiti” to get updated news and content on what’s happening there.</p> \n<p>We’re really excited about this change, and look forward to continually improving the experience for all users to discover the best content and get the most out of Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2010-01-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hope for Haiti",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Hope for Haiti\" class=\"align-center\">Photo courtesy Agência Brasil.</p> \n<p>Since President René Préval and others issued appeals for humanitarian aid, there has been a massively coordinated global response to begin rebuilding Haiti. In addition to governments and organizations doing their part, technology has played a meaningful role. Donations accepted via SMS, Facebook attracting and educating thousands of concerned individuals, Google providing satellite imagery tools to relief workers, iTunes and Download to Donate converting everyday purchases into emergency funding—software augments humanity in a meaningful way and the arts unite us.</p> \n<p>We’re thrilled to have been invited to join a stunning assemblage of industries and individuals who are combining forces to raise proceeds for Haiti and make certain that the life cycle of this particular humanitarian mission extends long after the initial burst of compassion. <a href=\"\">Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief</a> will be the most widely distributed telethon in history both internationally and across all media platforms. This broadcast marks the first US based telethon to air in China as well. On the evening of Friday, January 22, 2010 global citizens will come together in support of those in need.</p> \n<p>The lineup for this program includes more than one hundred of the biggest names in film, television, and music. Proceeds from the telethon will go to The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, United Nations World Food Programme, Oxfam America, Partners in Health, the Red Cross, UNICEF, and Yele Haiti Foundation. This effort can be a testament to the positive global impact we’re capable of achieving when we focus on a common goal. Tune in however you like and contribute if you can. We’ve curated additional resources and suggestions at <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>",
"date": "2010-01-22T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Now Trending: Local Trends",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Now Trending: Local Trends\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Twitter trends began as a way to shed light on popular conversations. It’s interesting to know that one topic can now spread across the world in real-time, and Trends help us discover which of those topics are paramount on a global scale. </p>\n<p>As Twitter evolves, and more people share what’s happening in their own world, we want to provide another way for people to discover topics that may be relevant to them. Last week we began to slowly roll out a new feature called Local Trends to expose what people are talking about on the state and city level, and today we’ve fully launched so everyone can use it.</p> \n<p>The big events that come up around the world will always become a global conversation, but what about the big events that only happen in your world that only matter to those around you? Or the slight differences in the way Californians perceive an event, like Obama’s election victory, versus those São Paulo, Brazil?</p> \n<p>Local Trends will allow you to learn more about the nuances in our world and discover even more relevant topics that might matter to you. We’ll be improving this feature over time to provide more locations, languages, and data through our API. </p> \n<blockquote></blockquote>",
"date": "2010-01-27T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Offical Twitter Developer Conference, Chirp!",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Offical Twitter Developer Conference, Chirp!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>There are more than fifty thousand registered applications on the Twitter platform. These applications represent the creativity, ingenuity, and talent of a growing number of developers and companies building innovative new ways to interact with the Twitter information network. There are thousands of individuals who work on Twitter—over one hundred of these individuals actually work at 795 Folsom Street in San Francisco but many platform developers work in offices, coffee shops, apartments, and even friend’s couches around the world.</p> \n<p>We want to get together with some of you and celebrate the chutzpah that goes into so many of the apps built on the Twitter platform with our first ever official Twitter conference especially for developers called Chirp. The word Tweet is a noun defined as the chirp of a small or young bird. The Twitter ecosystem is still very young so naming this conference Chirp felt right. For all the details and information about the event please visit <a href=\"\">Chirp, The Official Twitter Developer Conference</a> web site. <a href=\"\">Carsonified</a> are helping us so it’s going to be awesome. See you there!</p>",
"date": "2010-01-28T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Branded short URLs in the wild and on TweetDeck",
"body": "<p>Just noticed something cool and wanted to share. If you’re using to shorten URLs and add a Techcrunch ( or Onion ( URL to the compose window in TweetDeck, instead of shortening to a link you’ll get an appropriately branded short URL i.e. or</p> \n<p>I’ve subsequently learnt (from the guys) this is part of a new <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> PRO</a> service and these branded URLs will soon be opened up to all PRO&nbsp;enterprise users. From a user point of view short URLs with a greater sense of transparency can’t be bad and as a publisher getting potentially thousands of additional brand mentions in the stream wouldn’t hurt either.</p> \n<p>So if you notice URLs shortening to something other than in your TweetDeck, don’t panic - this is expected and potentially rather interesting. Might be worth registering that short URL for your brand sooner rather than later. Could someone build a short URL generator?</p> \n<p>UPDATE: use <a href=\"\"></a> for a short domain generator (thanks yahelc)</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p>",
"date": "2010-01-29T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Flying Around With Hovercards",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Flying Around With Hovercards\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>\n<br> Because many of you use \n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> to read and write tweets, we’ve been spending some time focusing on ways to improve your experience on the site. Today, we’re introducing a feature called Hovercards that will be a handy way to interact with the folks behind each tweet. \n<p></p>\n<p>On any timeline, as its namesake suggests, Hovercards are cards which appear when you hover over a username or avatar. The cards display additional information about the person and allow you to interact with them while staying within the context of your page.</p> \n<p>One way we’ve found these cards to be useful is to find out more about retweeted people and follow them right there. You can also see more information with an expanded view of the card.</p> \n<p>Sending direct messages to people you follow will also be possible with Hovercards so you can interact with tweeters without having to move off the page.</p> \n<p>Hovercards will be rolled out in stages so not all of you will be seeing them right away.</p>",
"date": "2010-02-04T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Great Scott! TweetDeck engages the Twitter Flux Capacitor",
"body": "<div>\n <strong>Marty:</strong> Wait a minute. Wait a minute Doc, uh, are you telling me you built a time machine… out of a DeLorean?",
"date": "2010-02-09T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Super Data",
"body": "<p>My name is <a href=\"\">@kevinweil</a> and I’m on the analytics team at Twitter. The convergence of sports, brands, and culture around the Super Bowl makes for a particularly fascinating set of tweets to follow. Fans of the <a href=\"\">@NFL</a> watch the Super Bowl for the football and others enjoy the spectacle for the commercials. We were curious to understand how these groups interacted with Twitter as the game unfolded.</p> \n<p>We categorized each incoming tweet as about the Super Bowl itself, about the brands or the commercials, or neither. Dividing each group by the total volume of tweets, we produced the graph below which represents a minute-by-minute reflection of people’s thoughts and emotions during the game.</p> \n<p>The horizontal axis is time. The vertical axis is a percentage: the blue line is the percentage of tweets, relative to the total worldwide tweet volume, that were about the Super Bowl each minute, while the red line is the percentage of tweets that were about brands or commercials. Click the image for a more detailed version.<br><a href=\"\"><br></a><img src=\"\" alt=\"Super Data\" class=\"align-center\"><br> You can see excitement spike with the kickoff at marker A. Everyone watching was geared up for the first commercial break at marker B, hoping for funny or memorable ads; as soon as the first commercial break began, viewers were immediately tweeting about it. The first <a href=\"\">@DoritosUSA</a> ad at marker C caused the largest per-minute volume of commercial-related tweets — for the minute following the ad, related tweets were 19% of all tweets we saw, eclipsing even the chatter around the Super Bowl itself for a brief period. Back in the game, excited or dismayed tweets following the first <a href=\"\">@Colts</a> touchdown at marker D formed nearly 40% of all tweets that minute. The second half began with a bang as <a href=\"\">@TheSaints</a> recovered a surprise onside kick, and for the next minute 44% of all worldwide tweets were about football. Chatter around brands had meanwhile dropped to much lower levels until <a href=\"\">@Google’s</a> <a href=\"\">Parisian Love commercial</a> sparked viewers once more. Excitement around the game grew steadily with large peaks following scores and turnovers up until the final moments. As the game ended, one out of every two tweets on Twitter was about the Super Bowl!</p> \n<p>Every day millions of people interact with Twitter to share and discover what’s happening now. Major events like the Super Bowl focus people around a few common topics. There is real value in being able to measure the reach and influence of those topics in real time, and we in the analytics team are looking forward to a lot more where this came from. On to the Winter Olympics…</p>",
"date": "2010-02-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Wordcloud Response to TweetDeck v0.33",
"body": "<div class=\"p_embed p_image_embed\"> \n <p><img alt=\"Wordcloud_v0\" height=\"694\" src=\"\" width=\"500\" class=\"align-center\"></p>",
"date": "2010-02-18T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Are You Following The Olympics?",
"body": "<p>We experience events like the Olympics, the Super Bowl, the Oscars, and the State of the Union address together by watching them on television—it’s the next best thing to being there for most of us. I (<a href=\"\">@ChloeS</a>) collaborate with our media partners, and have enjoyed watching them weave together new ways of experiencing these events that are even more engaging and interactive.</p> \n<p>CNN’s recent <a href=\"\">State of the Union experiment</a> and MTV’s <a href=\"\">Video Music Awards effort</a> are recent examples. For the Olympics, NBC worked with <a href=\"\">Stamen Design</a> to produce a <a href=\"\">Twitter Tracker</a> capturing Olympic highs and lows—the joy, the disappointment, and the humor. Check out the shift in attention on Wednesday night from Shani Davis’ speed skating gold run to the halfpipe antics of Shaun White (during his “Double McTwist 1260,” Stamen tracked over 1,000 tweets per minute about Shaun):</p> \n<p></p> \n<p>The <a href=\"\">NBC Olympics Twitter Tracker</a> showcases reactions with an authenticity and passion that can only come straight from the fans and athletes.</p> \n<p>So many of us want to experience the full richness of an event, television show, or news story. Increasingly, this means participating in it, and then seeing that very participation reflected in the event itself. We’re only just scratching the surface of this opportunity but we’re pretty excited about more experiments like this in 2010.</p>",
"date": "2010-02-18T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Measuring Tweets",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Measuring Tweets\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>As a member of the Twitter analytics team, part of my job is to measure and understand growth. The graph above tells a story of how we’ve grown over the past three years in terms of number of tweets created per day. Please note that tweets from accounts identified as spam have been removed so the counts in this chart do not include spam.</p> \n<p>Folks were tweeting 5,000 times a day in 2007. By 2008, that number was 300,000, and by 2009 it had grown to 2.5 million per day. Tweets grew 1,400% last year to 35 million per day. Today, we are seeing 50 million tweets per day—that’s an average of 600 tweets per second. (Yes, we have TPS reports.)</p> \n<p>Tweet deliveries are a much higher number because once created, tweets must be delivered to multiple followers. Then there’s search and so many other ways to measure and understand growth across this information network. Tweets per day is just one number to think about. We’ll make time to share more information so please stay tuned.</p>",
"date": "2010-02-22T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hello, Haiti",
"body": "<p>If you have been following the events in Haiti since the devastating quake last month, then you know of the initial bursts of compassion. International dialogue now shifts from lifesaving relief to long term restoration. Officials are saying this may take ten years at a cost of billions.</p> \n<p>Post-disaster needs assessment is underway and there will be an international donor conference late next month in New York City. In the meantime, there are ways to stay involved in sustained efforts such as the <a href=\"\">WFP’s monthly donation program</a>.</p> \n<p>Kevin Thau and our mobile team have recently arranged free SMS tweets for Digicel Haiti customers. To activate the service, mobile phone users in Haiti can text follow <a href=\"\">@oxfam</a> to 40404. Accounts are created on the fly and any account can be followed this way.</p>",
"date": "2010-02-22T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Open Engineering",
"body": "<p>Hi, I’m the other <a href=\"\">@evan</a>, and I’m the infrastructure manager at Twitter. I want to tell you about the steps we’ve taken to make our engineering division more open and transparent.</p> \n<p>First, we’ve created an <a href=\"\">open source directory</a> for the entire company. This lists all the public software that the engineering teams have created or contributed to. Much of Twitter’s success has been enabled by open-source software, and we want to give back. Everyone is welcome to use this software for their own projects, and if the project is Twitter-related, so much the better.</p> \n<p>We’ve also begun posting to our new <a href=\"\">engineering blog</a>, which focuses on day-to-day engineering challenges. Subscribe to it if you’re interested in the development of Twitter internals. We’ll try to sample the full range of software development issues we face at a fast-moving company like Twitter. We already have posts about how local trends are organized, how we attack capacity problems, and how you can use our translation libraries.</p> \n<p>Finally, we’ve updated our job descriptions to better reflect our company culture and the skills we’re looking for. My team is looking for <a href=\",Job\">performance</a>, <a href=\",Job\">systems</a>, and <a href=\",Job\">Ruby</a> engineers, but the company is hiring across all groups, so check out our <a href=\"\">full listings</a>.</p> \n<p>To keep up with all these developments in one convenient place, just follow <a href=\"\">@twittereng</a> on Twitter itself.</p>",
"date": "2010-02-23T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Expressing Great Joy Or Excitement",
"body": "<p>In other words: Yahoo! People want to discover and share tweets everywhere ranging from SMS and TV, to apps and the Web. For a global network of 600 million people, Yahoo! represents the Web. Similar to the partnerships we have made with other large internet companies, Yahoo! will receive what has been dubbed “Firehose”—a full feed of public tweets sent to Twitter and our partners every second of every day from all around the world.</p> \n<p>Through this arrangement, people will be able to find relevant tweets in Yahoo! Search as well as other popular products and properties, including the Yahoo! Homepage, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Sports, and more. Yahoo! will also be able to build unique Twitter clients into their properties making it easier for folks to tweet wherever they feel comfortable within the Yahoo! network.</p> \n<p>From our perspective, this partnership represents a big opportunity. Tweets may be short, but they have proven over and over again to contain valuable information. As the Twitter information network grows and expands, it becomes more valuable for everyone who participates. Our open approach helps us get closer to providing universal connectivity to a global network of immediate information.</p>",
"date": "2010-02-24T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Avoid &#39;Phishing&#39; Scams",
"body": "<p>Over the past few days, Twitter has been helping folks victimized by a phishing attack. Phishing is a deceitful process by which an attempt is made to acquire sensitive information such as Twitter usernames and passwords. The bad guys masquerade as someone you trust and may send you a Direct Message (DM) with a link. This DM may say something along the lines of, “LOL that you??” followed by a link to a fake Twitter login page. If you enter your credentials on that fraudulent page, the phishers can sign in as you and trick more people.</p> \n<p>Anatomy of A Phishing Scam</p> \n<p>Generally a phishing attack against Twitter users breaks down to a three-part process. First, accounts compromised in the manner described above send out messages to all accounts following them. Second, accounts that are newly compromised send out more messages. Third, the scammers behind the phishing attack make an attempt at monetization by sending out spam links instead of links to a fake login page. We fight phishing scams by detecting affected accounts and resetting passwords. However, it’s better to stop them before they start.</p> \n<p>Avoiding Phishing Scams</p> \n<p>We designed the Direct Message system so that you could only get DMs from accounts that you choose to follow—this cuts way down on spam and attacks. Our Trust and Safety team identifies and deletes spam accounts every day. Still, we recommend against indiscriminately following hundreds or thousands of accounts without having a look first. To learn how you can avoid falling victim to a phishing scam or if you have other questions about keeping your Twitter account secure, please read <a href=\"\">Keeping Your Account Secure</a> at our help site.</p> \n<p>For regular status updates on related issues. please follow @<a href=\"\">safety</a> and @<a href=\"\">spam</a>. There is also a Twitter <a href=\"\">status blog</a> that we update regularly. For a lot more information about Phishing, check out <a href=\"\">this article on Wikipedia</a>.</p>",
"date": "2010-02-26T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Enabling A Rush of Innovation",
"body": "<p>Even before Twitter was officially a company, we opened our technology in ways that invited developers to extend the service. Before long, Twitter became a platform and an ecosystem of innovation began to grow. Recently we’ve announced partnerships with <a href=\"\">Yahoo!</a>, <a href=\"\">Google</a>, and <a href=\"\">Microsoft</a>. These Web leaders gained access beyond our free offerings—we licensed them the full feed of all public tweets. This “Firehose” of data is made possible by our <a href=\"\">Streaming API</a> developed at Twitter by <a href=\"\">John Kalucki</a> and team. There is a lot of useful information in this stream of data.</p> \n<p>Full investment in this ecosystem of innovation, means all our partners should have access to the same volume of data, regardless of company size. More than fifty thousand interesting applications are currently using our freely available, rate-limited platform offerings. With access to the full Firehose of data, it is possible to move far beyond the Twitter experiences we know today. In fact, we’re pretty sure that some amazing innovation is possible. </p> \n<p>Today, we’re happily turning the Firehose on for some new partners focused mainly on exploring the incredibly rich field of real-time search and discovery. We are thrilled to announce that <a href=\"\">Ellerdale</a>, <a href=\"\">Collecta</a>, <a href=\"\">Kosmix</a>, <a href=\"\">Scoopler</a>, <a href=\"\">twazzup</a>, <a href=\"\">CrowdEye</a>, and Chainn Search join us as partners. These companies range from funded startups to part-time, one-person operations so we came up with a fair way to license access that scales with their business. If you think there may be a potential partnership involving access to the Firehose, let’s start a conversation. Our email is</p>",
"date": "2010-03-01T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck to the Max",
"body": "<p>One of the great thing about being a small company is that each new member of team can potentially have an effect (on the team and our products) which is greater than the sum of the parts and as such I’m very careful about who we bring into team and ultimately who we give the Batcave access codes to. So, with that in mind, I’m very proud to welcome <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Max Howell</a> to the TweetDeck team.&nbsp;</p> \n<p>Max comes hot from where he lead development of the hugely successful desktop and mobile clients and, as some of you may be aware, is a well respected figure in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">github community</a> and author of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Homebrew</a>, a project which is due to overtake Ruby on Rails in terms of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">github popularity</a>. And that has only scratched the surface as to what Max has been up to in the past <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">few years</a>.</p> \n<p>In his own words Max is open source, prolific, multi language, design skilled with attention to detail and good eye for aesthetics. He also has one of the deepest voices I’ve heard in a long time so may give Richard a run for his money on the silky smooth TweetDeck video voiceover front.</p> \n<p>So it’s pretty obvious Max is a prodigious talent and a great addition to the team but what will he be doing at TweetDeck? In a word mobile. And lots of it. More annoucements to come on the other new members of the team.&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Welcome to the team Max</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p>",
"date": "2010-03-03T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "This award is brought to you by the letters T and D and the number 1",
"body": "<div class=\"gmail_quote\"> \n <div class=\"gmail_quote\">\n Yesterday saw the final ceremony for the \n <a href=\"\">Shorty Awards</a>, the awards which honour “the best producers of short, real-time content on Twitter”.&nbsp; \n <div> \n <div>\n Thanks to all the votes you cast online, TweetDeck made it into the final under the heading of “The Year’s Best Apps On Twitter”, so we sent along \n <a href=\"\">Sam Mandel</a>, our man in the Big Apple, to TheTimesCenter in New York with his fingers crossed.",
"date": "2010-03-04T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Trust And Safety",
"body": "<p>As Director of Twitter’s Trust and Safety team, a big part of my job is focused on the detection and prevention of spam and abuse. A couple weeks ago, <a href=\"\">Biz explained</a> how Twitter users were being victimized by phishing scams spread primarily through links in Direct Messages. Basically, people click the link and bad things happen. My team can only detect these scams after malicious links have already been sent out.</p> \n<p>Today, we’re launching a new service to protect users that strikes a major blow against phishing and other deceitful attacks. By routing all links submitted to Twitter through this new service, we can detect, intercept, and prevent the spread of bad links across all of Twitter. Even if a bad link is already sent out in an email notification and somebody clicks on it, we’ll be able keep that user safe.</p> \n<p>Since these attacks occur primarily on Direct Messages and email notifications about Direct Messages, this is where we have focused our initial efforts. For the most part, you will not notice this feature because it works behind the scenes but you may notice links shortened to in Direct Messages and email notifications. Special thanks to @<a href=\"\">wfarner</a> and @<a href=\"\">ram</a> for building this service and helping keep us all a little safer!</p>",
"date": "2010-03-10T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What’s Happening—and Where?",
"body": "<p>Every day, millions of tweets are created. These little bursts of information are about anything and everything—they make Twitter a hub for discovering what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world. A recent burst of interest in location sharing applications, games, and services has many Twitter users excited about appending geographic data to some of their tweets.</p> \n<p>Not everyone wants to add their current location to a tweet so this feature is off by default and must be activated to use. Check out <a href=\"\">How To Tweet with Your Location</a> to learn how you can turn it on. People who choose to add this additional layer of context help make Twitter a richer information network for all of us—location data can make tweets more useful.</p> \n<p>Let’s say I’m at my office and I hear a loud boom. It sounded serious, so I search Twitter for “boom.” Among the first results could be someone who tweeted “Boom go the fireworks!” This could be anywhere in the world. However, if that person had activated the new tweet location feature then the neighborhood data under the tweet would read, “SoMa.”</p> \n<p>Now I know it’s just fireworks going off in my neighborhood. Boom! Plus, the word “SoMa” is linked to a Google map so I can explore a bit more. There are many ways location data can be useful when paired with tweets. For more information on how this feature works, be sure to check out our help article, <a href=\"\">About the Tweet With Your Location Feature</a>.</p> \n<p>Update: Forgot to share that this feature is initially available only to US users with more countries on the way and wanted to mention the fine folks at <a href=\"\">Maponics</a>, our partner in providing neighborhood information.</p>",
"date": "2010-03-12T08:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "@anywhere",
"body": "<p>When we designed Twitter, we took a different approach—we didn’t require a relationship model like that of a social network. Keeping things open meant you could browse our site to read tweets from friends, celebrities, companies, media outlets, fictional characters, and more. You could follow any account and be followed by any account. As a result, companies started interacting with customers, celebrities connected with fans, governments became more transparent, and people started discovering and sharing information in a new, participatory manner.</p> \n<p>We’ve developed a new set of frameworks for adding this Twitter experience anywhere on the web. Soon, sites many of us visit every day will be able to recreate these open, engaging interactions providing a new layer of value for visitors without sending them to Our open technology platform is well known and Twitter APIs are already widely implemented but this is a different approach because we’ve created something incredibly simple. Rather than implementing APIs, site owners need only drop in a few lines of javascript. This new set of frameworks is called <a href=\"\">@anywhere</a>.</p> \n<p></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"@anywhere\" class=\"align-center\">Twitter will be part of our favorite sites!</p> \n<p></p>\n<br> When we’re ready to launch, initial participating sites will include Amazon, AdAge, Bing, Citysearch, Digg, eBay, The Huffington Post, Meebo,, The New York Times,, Yahoo!, and YouTube. Imagine being able to follow a New York Times journalist directly from her byline, tweet about a video without leaving YouTube, and discover new Twitter accounts while visiting the Yahoo! home page—and that’s just the beginning. Twitter has proven to be compelling in a variety of ways. With \n<a href=\"\">@anywhere</a>, web site owners and operators will be able to offer visitors more value with less heavy lifting.",
"date": "2010-03-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "State of Twitter Spam",
"body": "<p>If you look “spam” up in the dictionary, you’ll find two definitions. There’s the “canned meat” and then there’s the “unwanted email.” At Twitter, we see spamming as a variety of different behaviors that range from insidious to annoying. Posting harmful links to phishing or malware sites, repeatedly posting duplicate tweets, and aggressively following and un-following accounts to attract attention are just a few examples of spam on Twitter. Like it or not, as the system becomes more popular, more and more spammers will try to do their thing. We’re constantly battling against spam to improve the Twitter experience and we’re happy to report that it’s working.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"State of Twitter Spam\" class=\"align-center\">Percentage of spammy tweets posted per day is way down.</p> \n<p>While the battle will never be over, we’re doing well on the front lines. <a href=\"\">Advertising Age recently profiled our Trust and Safety team</a> noting the strong progress we’ve made keeping Twitter light on spam. With help from engineers on our Research team like @<a href=\"\">wfarner</a>, we’ve moved the percentage of spam flowing through the Twitter network way down—and counting. To help us battle spam, you can click the “report for spam” link on any suspicious profile page. This action alerts us about the account and blocks the account from following or replying to you. If you like, you can also send a tweet to @<a href=\"\">spam</a>. For more information, read <a href=\"\">How To Report Spam on Twitter</a>.</p>",
"date": "2010-03-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tweaking the Twitter homepage",
"body": "<p>Twitter’s homepage is a work-in-progress. Today, we’re testing a new design that bubbles up more of the information flowing through Twitter. This builds on a series of changes starting last year when we redesigned the homepage to make search and trending topics more visible and easily accessible to everyone. With that version, we brought the power of to the homepage and let people explore the value of Twitter without an account.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Tweaking the Twitter homepage\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>With the new design, we’re intentionally featuring more dynamic content on the front page, revealing a sample of who’s here, what folks are tweeting about, and the big topics that they’re discussing. The homepage now features a set of algorithmically-selected top tweets that automatically appear every few seconds. It also highlights a random sampling of suggested sources; hover over any of them to see a profile summary and their latest tweet. Trending topics now scroll across the page, allowing us to present a large set of trends using little page real estate. Hovering over some of these trends will show a description explaining why the keyword is (or has recently been) popular.</p> \n<p>All of our recent changes embrace the notion that Twitter is not just for status updates anymore. It’s a network where information is exchanged and consumed at a rapid clip every second of the day. With so much being shared, we know that there’s something of value for everyone. People who internalize the value of Twitter understand the power of this simple medium. But it hasn’t been easy to make that value transparent or obvious for curious folks coming to Twitter for the first time.</p> \n<p>We’ll be monitoring the data on this homepage design, and how its effects ripple out to other areas. Expect us to continually try new ideas that help users more easily discover who and what they can find on Twitter, and how they can personalize and filter the stream of rapidly flowing information.</p>",
"date": "2010-03-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!",
"body": "<p>Spring has sprung and we’ve freed up a bunch of tickets for our first ever official Twitter conference, Chirp. The event will take place on April 14th and 15th in San Francisco. On the first day, we’ll gather at The Palace of Fine Arts—an historic building originally constructed for the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition. <a href=\"\">When you buy a two day pass</a>, you get access to both days of the conference plus the party we’re throwing after.</p> \n<p>On Day Two, we’re moving to a former US Army post alongside San Francisco Bay called Fort Mason. This space is huge and it’s where we plan to host a collaborative day for developers and enthusiasts who want to spend time coding alongside Twitter engineers, talking in depth with Twitter employees, meeting with investors, and in general talking shop. If you want to buy a ticket exclusively for Day Two, <a href=\"\">it only costs $140</a>.</p>",
"date": "2010-03-31T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck for iPad",
"body": "<p>Apart from, how do I get one of these, my first thought as I watched the iPad being revealed was that TweetDeck was MADE for this device (or should that be this device was made for TweetDeck…unlikely).&nbsp;</p> \n<p>TweetDeck’s raison d’être, its reason for being, is to display multiple streams of social and real time data in a large, powerful, flexible interface…completely regardless of the platform it finds itself on. Hence our TweetDeck for iPhone is the only true multi-column Twitter client interface available on the iPhone and we’ve had to do a bit of squashing and squeezing to get it all on there. The <a href=\"\">TweetDeck App for iPad</a> takes this vision up a level and makes full use of the iPad’s large screen size and gesture-based Multi-Touch navigation.</p> \n<p>We didn’t just want to port TweetDeck for iPhone to iPad so we’ve built a new interface which is quintessentially TweetDeck but also takes full advantage of all this new device offers - our “highest common denominator” approach. We’ve actually built two new interfaces, one for portrait and the other for landscape - more on the differences below.&nbsp;</p> \n<p></p>\n<div class=\"video video-youtube\">\n <iframe width=\"100%\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>",
"date": "2010-04-02T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Growing Around the World",
"body": "<p>Hi, my name is <a href=\"\">Matt Sanford</a> and I’m the lead engineer for Twitter’s International team. I spend a great deal of time thinking about Twitter’s users outside of the US. Twitter’s first users were the early employees and their friends, largely based around <a href=\"\">our offices in San Francisco</a>. Today we are a global information network, with a robust developer ecosystem and a website available in six languages. Our users on Twitter are even more geographically diverse — we’re proud to report that over 60% of registered Twitter accounts come from outside the US. There are Twitter users in the large countries you’d expect, some smaller countries you might not expect (like the <a href=\"\">Vatican City</a>) and even one in <a href=\"\">outer space</a>.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Growing Around the World\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We’ve seen growth in every country and we’d like to share a few of their stories. The international team is small but we’re dedicated to making Twitter easier to use all over the world.</p> \n<p>We made available in <a href=\"\">Spanish</a> in November of 2009, and saw an immediate 50% boost in signups from Spanish-speaking countries. In the days following the tragic Chilean earthquake people turned to Twitter to establish much-needed lines of communication. Signups spiked 1200% and nearly all of those were using Spanish as their language. In Colombia, signups are up 300% after politicians like <a href=\"\">Piedad Córdoba Ruíz</a> began using Twitter as a platform to speak to constituents. Signups in India have increased nearly 100% since the beginning of 2010 due in part to politicians like <a href=\"\">Shashi Tharoor</a> and Bollywood mega-stars <a href=\"\">Sharukh Khan</a>, <a href=\"\">Priyanka Chopra</a> and <a href=\"\">Abhishek Bachchan</a>. We partnered with Bharti Airtel, India’s largest carrier, to ensure that a large portion of India’s 550 million cell phone users can send and receive tweets via SMS at standard rates. We’ve also been partnering with carriers in countries like Indonesia and Haiti to bring Twitter to as many people in as many places as possible.</p> \n<p>This is just the tip of the iceberg. Twitter’s realtime information network gets more useful as our users grow more diverse and we’re continually impressed with the results. We continue to work hard to enable new languages and new partnerships around the globe and we look forward to seeing what happens as we make it easier for the whole world to communicate over Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2010-04-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter for iPhone",
"body": "<p></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Twitter for iPhone\"></p> \n<p></p> \n<p>Twitter has been growing by leaps and bounds around the world. Mobile has always been a focus for us—starting with SMS which lead to the 140 character limit. People everywhere should be able to access Twitter without friction or confusion. Careful analysis of the Twitter user experience in the iTunes AppStore revealed massive room for improvement. People are looking for an app from Twitter, and they’re not finding one. So, they get confused and give up. It’s important that we optimize for user benefit and create an awesome experience.</p> \n<p>We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve entered into an agreement with Atebits (aka Loren Brichter) to acquire Tweetie, a leading iPhone Twitter client. Tweetie will be renamed Twitter for iPhone and made free (currently $2.99) in the iTunes AppStore in the coming weeks. Loren will become a key member of our mobile team that is already having huge impact with device makers and service providers around the world. Loren’s work won the 2009 Apple Design Award and we will eventually launch Twitter for iPad with his help.</p> \n<p>As we work to provide the best possible Twitter experience on all of the major mobile platforms, momentum will increase dramatically. Millions more active, engaged, mobile users means more opportunities for all of us. Developers, services, and publishers will be able to leverage the Twitter iPhone and iPad applications to create additional innovative tools and integrations for users. We’ll have more specific information on this once Loren is officially on board. In the meantime, please join us in welcoming Loren to the Twitter team.</p>",
"date": "2010-04-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hello World",
"body": "<p>Although our services extend beyond the Web, Twitter ranks as one of the most popular sites on the Internet. Over the years, we’ve resisted introducing a traditional Web advertising model because we wanted to optimize for value before profit. The open exchange of information creates opportunities for individuals, organizations, and businesses alike. We recognized value in this exchange and planned to amplify it in a meaningful and relevant manner.</p> \n<p>Stubborn insistence on a slow and thoughtful approach to monetization—one which puts users first, amplifies existing value, and generates profit has frustrated some Twitter watchers. Believe me, when your name is Biz and you’re a co-founder of Twitter, it also means putting yourself at the mercy of folks like Stephen Colbert who <a href=\"\">hit home runs</a> with lines like, “So, I assume that ‘Biz’ in ‘Biz Stone’ does not stand for ‘Business Model’.”</p> \n<p>We hope you’ll share in our enthusiasm as today we unveil a simple service we’re calling Promoted Tweets. It’s non-traditional, it’s easy, and it makes a ton of sense for Twitter. Our COO Dick Costolo will be talking about this much anticipated offering in detail today at the AdAge Digital conference. Tomorrow at Chirp, both Dick and our fearless leader Evan Williams will further discuss this program and what it means for the Twitter ecosystem.</p> \n<p>This announcement is a long time coming and we’re thrilled to finally be able to share it with you. As this project matures, there will be more to talk about. We will learn a lot as the program grows. In the meantime, if you have questions about Promoted Tweets, please read through this Q&amp;A provided by the small but incredibly hard-working team behind Promoted Tweets. Hopefully, you’ll get a good idea of what we’re working to achieve.</p> \n<p>Q: What are you launching? What are Promoted Tweets?<br> A: We are launching the first phase of our Promoted Tweets platform with a handful of innovative advertising partners that include Best Buy, Bravo, Red Bull, Sony Pictures, Starbucks, and Virgin America—with more to come. Promoted Tweets are ordinary Tweets that businesses and organizations want to highlight to a wider group of users.</p> \n<p>Q. What will users see?<br> A. You will start to see Tweets promoted by our partner advertisers called out at the top of some search results pages. We strongly believe that Promoted Tweets should be useful to you. We’ll attempt to measure whether the Tweets resonate with users and stop showing Promoted Tweets that don’t resonate.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"41\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Hello World\"></p> \n<p>Promoted Tweets will be clearly labeled as “promoted” when an advertiser is paying, but in every other respect they will first exist as regular Tweets and will be organically sent to the timelines of those who follow a brand. Promoted Tweets will also retain all the functionality of a regular Tweet including replying, Retweeting, and favoriting. Only one Promoted Tweet will be displayed on the search results page.</p> \n<p>Q. You said, “first phase”; what else do you have planned?<br> A. Before we roll out more phases, we want to get a better understanding of the resonance of Promoted Tweets, user experience and advertiser value. Once this is done, we plan to allow Promoted Tweets to be shown by Twitter clients and other ecosystem partners and to expand beyond Twitter search, including displaying relevant Promoted Tweets in your timelines in a way that is useful to you.</p> \n<p>Q: Is this what you said <a href=\"\">we would love and would be awesome</a>?<br> A: While we are excited about the platform in general, there are several specific aspects of the launch that we are delighted to highlight. Since all Promoted Tweets are organic Tweets, there is not a single “ad” in our Promoted Tweets platform that isn’t already an organic part of Twitter. This is distinct from both traditional search advertising and more recent social advertising. Promoted Tweets will also be timely. Like any other Tweet, the connection between you and a Promoted Tweet in real-time provides a powerful means of delivering information relevant to you at the moment.</p> \n<p>There is one big difference between a Promoted Tweet and a regular Tweet. Promoted Tweets must meet a higher bar—they must resonate with users. That means if users don’t interact with a Promoted Tweet to allow us to know that the Promoted Tweet is resonating with them, such as replying to it, favoriting it, or Retweeting it, the Promoted Tweet will disappear.</p> \n<p>Q. Anything else to say?<br> A. This is a new thing and we expect to iterate to make it better. We’re really excited to get it out to you and look forward to getting your feedback.</p>",
"date": "2010-04-13T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "It&#39;s Alive!",
"body": "<p>Last month we previewed an incredibly simple set of web tools which enable partner websites to easily integrate Twitter functionality into their site experience called <a href=\"\">@anywhere</a>. The idea is that web users will be able to engage with existing Twitter features from all of their favorite sites. Today, we’re happy to announce <a href=\"\">this service is live and ready</a> for anyone who wants to build a little Twitter into their online experience.</p> \n<p>Our friends at Foursquare call <a href=\"\">@anywhere</a> “aggressively simple.” Other partners like Amazon are excited that customers can “conveniently follow suggested Twitter accounts without ever leaving” the shopping experience. Bing implements the new tools so users can “seamlessly interact with Twitter.” HuffPo already went all-out and built a Twitter edition and the told us, they hope <a href=\"\">@anywhere</a> “will help us connect readers with the broader story.”</p> \n<p>Citysearch says that <a href=\"\">@anywhere</a> “will help our users get a complete real-time snapshot of a merchant and, when they’d like, engage that merchant via Twitter directly from our site. And, in the UK, The Guardian is using <a href=\"\">@anywhere</a> to innovatively connect readers with those running for public office: “Now, from within our pages you can ask questions your prospective parliamentary candidates and of our journalists. This is a clear indication of how we’re trying to lower barriers between our audience and those who hold power or seek to hold office, and between our readers and our journalists.”</p> \n<p>The full list of sites who have been working on <a href=\"\">@anywhere</a> implementations pre-public launch include AdAge, Amazon, Bing, Citysearch, Digg, Disqus, eBay, Foursquare, Gawker, Google, Gowalla, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, Hunch, Mashable, Meebo,, The New York Times,,, Yahoo!, and YouTube.</p> \n<p>We’ll soon be highlighting their integrations here and at <a href=\"\"></a>. Let’s see what you can do with <a href=\"\">@anywhere</a>. We can’t wait.</p>",
"date": "2010-04-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tweet Preservation",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Tweet Preservation\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>The Library of Congress is the oldest federal cultural institution in the United States and it is the largest library in the world. The Library’s primary mission is research and it receives copies of every book, pamphlet, map, print, and piece of music registered in the United States. Recently, the Library of Congress signaled to us that the public tweets we have all been creating over the years are important and worthy of preservation.</p> \n<p>Since Twitter began, billions of tweets have been created. Today, fifty-five million tweets a day are sent to Twitter and that number is climbing sharply. A tiny percentage of accounts are protected but most of these tweets are created with the intent that they will be publicly available. Over the years, tweets have become part of significant global events around the world—from historic elections to devastating disasters.</p> \n<p>It is our pleasure to donate access to the entire archive of public Tweets to the Library of Congress for preservation and research. It’s very exciting that tweets are becoming part of history. It should be noted that there are some specifics regarding this arrangement. Only after a six-month delay can the Tweets be used for internal library use, for non-commercial research, public display by the library itself, and preservation.</p> \n<p>The open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. This is something we firmly believe and it has driven many of our decisions regarding openness. Today we are also excited to share the news that Google has created a wonderful new way to revisit tweets related to historic events. They call it <a href=\"\">Google Replay</a> because it lets you relive a real time search from specific moments in time.</p> \n<p>Google Replay currently only goes back a few months but eventually it will reach back to the very first Tweets ever created. Feel free to give Replay a try—if you want to understand the popular contemporaneous reaction to the <a href=\";safe=active&amp;tbo=1&amp;esrch=RTReplay&amp;q=John+Paul+Stevens++&amp;aq=f&amp;aqi=&amp;oq=&amp;gs_rfai=&amp;&amp;tbs=mbl:1,mbl_hs:1268636400,mbl_he:1268722799\">retirement of Justice Stevens</a>, the health care bill, or <a href=\";safe=off&amp;tbo=1&amp;esrch=RTReplay&amp;tbs=mbl%3A1%2Cmbl_hs%3A1269327600%2Cmbl_he%3A1269413999&amp;q=My+World+March+23&amp;aq=f&amp;aqi=&amp;aql=&amp;oq=&amp;gs_rfai=\">Justin Bieber’s latest album</a>, you can virtually time travel and replay the Tweets. The future seems bright for innovation on the Twitter platform and so it seems, does the past!</p>",
"date": "2010-04-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Tweets vs Mosquitos: Let&#39;s #endmalaria",
"body": "<p>Malaria threatens one half of the world’s population, resulting in 350 million cases each year and nearly one million deaths on an annual basis—many of them children. World Malaria day is this Sunday, and the impact of organizations devoted to the cause has already begun. In partnership with <a href=\"\">Malaria No More</a> and <a href=\"\">The Case Foundation</a>, Twitter is offering a way to help put an end to this disease. You can help starting today with just one tweet.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Tweets vs Mosquitos: Let's #endmalaria\" class=\"align-center\">A worker in Tanzania inspects mosquito nets before delivery.</p> \n<p>When you send a tweet about Malaria and pledge your donation of $10, you are providing a life-saving bed net to protect against this mosquito-borne infections disease. Your generous donation will be matched by The Case Foundation, providing the opportunity to double the impact of each tweet. For more information about Twitter and the fight against Malaria, visit our <a href=\"\">Hope140</a> site dedicated to helping all of us become a force for good.</p>",
"date": "2010-04-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Cloudhopping",
"body": "<p>Twitter was inspired by SMS and we continue to embrace this simple but ubiquitous technology. In fact, Twitter’s 140 character limit was designed specifically to allow for any tweet to be read in its entirety whether you’re using a rudimentary mobile phone, or a more sophisticated Internet enabled device.</p> \n<p>Over the last eight months we have been working with a startup called Cloudhopper to become one of the highest volume SMS programs in the world—Twitter processes close to a billion SMS tweets per month and that number is growing around the world from Indonesia to Australia, the UK, the US, and beyond.</p> \n<p>To help us further grow and scale our SMS service, we are happy to announce the acquisition of Cloudhopper, a messaging infrastructure company that enables Twitter to connect directly to mobile carrier networks in countries all over the planet. Please join us in welcoming both <a href=\"\">Joe</a> and <a href=\"\">Kristin</a> to Twitter’s mobile team.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Cloudhopping\" class=\"align-center\"><br> Local <a href=\"\">businesses</a> use the power of Twitter SMS </p>",
"date": "2010-04-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Take Me Out To The Tweetup",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Take Me Out To The Tweetup\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>This Friday April 30th it’s Giants vs Rockies at San Francisco and we’re throwing our first ever official baseball tweetup together with the \n<a href=\"\">Giants</a> at AT&amp;T Park. Lots of us from Twitter HQ are going to walk over to the stadium to meet before the game and we would love for you to join us! \n<a href=\"\">Tickets for the tweetup</a> plus the game are less expensive than the regular game tickets, and $2 from each ticket purchased will be donated to one of our local partners, \n<a href=\"\">Room to Read</a>.\n<p></p>",
"date": "2010-04-26T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter for Android: Robots like to share too",
"body": "<p>When we tweet what’s happening around us, we share not only our thoughts, but also web pages, photos, videos, location…anything. Mobile phones are increasingly part of our lives, and we seem to be doing everything but making phone calls. Reading the news, watching a YouTube video, and taking photos at events like the World Cup are things we expect to do on mobile phones – sharing our experiences on these little screens should be just as easy and fast as on big ones.</p> \n<p>When apps work well with each other, sharing becomes as second nature on machines as it does in person. The Android platform is really good at that, and we’ve worked with the Android team to make it super easy to share what’s happening. Today we are excited to announce that Twitter for Android is available in Android Market!</p> \n<p>Twitter for Android is a fantastic application to use, and sharing any link or photo is super simple too – just look for the share button in your favorite application and choose Twitter.</p> \n<p>Reading tweets is easy in a bunch of places on your phone. Quickly access your timeline with the home screen widget, view a tweet location on a map, and see your friend’s latest tweet in your phonebook, GoogleTalk list or any application that uses Android’s QuickContact bar.</p> \n<p>Check out the screenshots to see it in action.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for Android: Robots like to share too\" class=\"align-center\"><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for Android: Robots like to share too\" class=\"align-center\"><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for Android: Robots like to share too\" class=\"align-center\"><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for Android: Robots like to share too\" class=\"align-center\"><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for Android: Robots like to share too\" class=\"align-center\"><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for Android: Robots like to share too\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for Android: Robots like to share too\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>We had a great time working with the Android team and are thrilled that Google will be open sourcing the code used in this app in the near future. We look forward to the amazing experiences developers will create using Twitter APIs in their upcoming Android apps.</p> \n<p>This is just the beginning. We’ll be creating more great ways to read, find, and share what’s happening on your Android phone soon!</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for Android: Robots like to share too\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>(The Twitter for Android app is available for phones running Android 2.1 and above - just scan the barcode to the right. Don’t forget, you can always visit <a href=\"\"></a> on your phone to use Twitter)</p>",
"date": "2010-04-30T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A TweetDeck For Every Occasion",
"body": "<p>If you’ve been following the news you’ll have noticed that TweetDeck is broadening into the mobile world. Maybe you’re already rocking out with TweetDeck on the iPad or DMing your mates on TweetDeck iPhone. If you’re REALLY in the loop you’ll know that we’re also working on a mega-project to bring the next generation TweetDeck to Android (more on that soon).&nbsp;</p> \n<p>Really though, that’s not enough. There are hundreds of millions of you out there happy with your BlackBerry, Palm, Windows Mobile or handmade, jewel encrusted Linux smartphone. You need TweetDeck on your mobile and you need it now. We hear you.</p> \n<p>Several months ago we embarked on a secret mission to develop a cross-platform full-featured mobile TweetDeck. We looked at a lot of options and after much deliberation decided the best way forward was to build an amazing version of TweetDeck to run on mobile web browsers.&nbsp;</p> \n<p>The trends are clear. Mobile web browsers are becoming more powerful and standards compliant. HTML5 is looming on the horizon, tempting us with all sorts of web-based goodness. Mobile internet access is getting better, faster, cheaper. But that’s just the beginning.&nbsp;</p> \n<p>Battery life is a big issue on all mobile devices but especially older platforms. Using TweetDeck Mobile Web means you can check out what’s going on when you want to and not have an app using valuable resources constantly in the background. Not only will this be easier on the battery but your phone will perform better in general.</p> \n<p>Accessibility is another big issue. Using TweetDeck will be as easy as going to our url in a browser. Now you can check out the latest hashtags on your friend’s phone without enraging them by installing software that runs forever in the background. We’ve designed TweetDeck Mobile Web to work on really slimmed down devices, so pretty much anything with a web browser will do.</p> \n<p>Finally, by focusing our efforts on a single web based product we can provide the attention and resources to really make the experience shine. Web-based development is efficient and lean so you can expect new functionality to come fast and furious.&nbsp;</p> \n<p>And rather than settling for a lowest common denominator approach, we plan to create style sheets and Javascript dedicated to each platform. This will provide an experience enhanced for each mobile browser. We’ve started by optimizing for BlackBerry devices but would love to hear from you about which platforms we should be polishing next.</p>",
"date": "2010-05-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "News for Developers",
"body": "<p>If you’re a Twitter developer, then we invite you to read our <a href=\"\">engineering blog</a> regularly. Even if you’re on the <a href=\"\">mailing lists and IRC</a>, or already following @<a href=\"\">twitterapi</a>, the eng blog is a good resource. On Wednesday, Raffi blogged about <a href=\"\">changes that impact developers regarding requirements around authentication</a>. This is the kind of information anyone working on the Twitter platform is going to want to know. If you get a chance, check it out.</p>",
"date": "2010-05-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A Monster Update For Your Desktop",
"body": "<div>\n <span><em>“Up from the depths, Thirty stories high, Breathing fire, His head in the sky. Godzilla!” - Godzilla, The Animated Series</em></span>",
"date": "2010-05-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter for iPhone",
"body": "<p>Comprehensive analysis of the Twitter user experience in the iTunes App Store showed very plainly that people were looking for an app from Twitter—we didn’t have one so they generally got confused and gave up. Obviously, we saw room for improvement. Starting today, Twitter for iPhone and iPod touch is available for free on the iTunes App Store. <a href=\"\">Loren</a>, <a href=\"\">Leland</a>, and the rest of the <a href=\"\">Mobile team</a> have artfully crafted an application that takes the Twitter experience to a whole new level of awesomeness. We hope you’ll love it like we do.</p> \n<p>Something worth noting is that you don’t need a Twitter account to enjoy this application. Browsing trends, reading Top Tweets, finding popular users, and checking out public tweets geographically nearby are all possible immediately upon download. Discovery and consumption of interesting, relevant information is a central focus. However, quick and easy signup exists within the application so new users won’t need to visit our web site to create an account. Oh, and 日本語版Twitter for iPhoneを公開してます…With more languages on the way!</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for iPhone\" class=\"align-center\"><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for iPhone\" class=\"align-center\"><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for iPhone\" class=\"align-center\"><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for iPhone\" class=\"align-center\"><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for iPhone\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twitter for iPhone\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Download</a> Twitter for iPhone on the iTunes App Store today.</p>",
"date": "2010-05-19T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Twitter Platform",
"body": "<p>Enduring Value</p> \n<p>When we discuss the future of Twitter, we focus on the mechanisms through which we can build a platform of enduring value. The three mechanisms most important to building such a platform are architecting for extensibility, providing a robust API to the platform’s functionality, and ensuring the long-term health and value of the user experience.</p> \n<p>The purpose of this post is to explain what we are building, how we will sustain the company and ecosystem, and where we believe there will be great opportunities for the vast ecosystem of partners.</p> \n<p>Twitter is an open, real-time introduction and information service. On a daily basis we introduce millions to interesting people, trends, content, URLs, organizations, lists, companies, products and services. These introductions result in the formation of a dynamic real-time interest graph. At any given moment, the vast network of connections on Twitter paints a picture of a universe of interests. We follow those people, organizations, services, and other users that interest us, and in turn, others follow us.</p> \n<p>To foster this real-time open information platform, we provide a short-format publish/subscribe network and access points to that network such as, and several Twitter-branded mobile clients for iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android devices. We also provide a complete API into the functions of the network so that others may create access points. We manage the integrity and relevance of the content in the network in the form of the timeline and we will continue to spend a great deal of time and money fostering user delight and satisfaction. Finally, we are responsible for the extensibility of the network to enable innovations that range from Annotations and Geo-Location to headers that can route support tickets for companies. There are over 100,000 applications leveraging the Twitter API, and we expect that to grow significantly with the expansion of the platform via Annotations in the coming months.</p> \n<p>Our responsibilities extend from there. Twitter is responsible for the health, reliability, and scale of the network, Twitter-branded endpoints (SMS, a twitter client on the web and other most popular platforms, Twitter-branded widgets), a consistent user experience, and a sustaining revenue model for the platform. We will provide the best possible experience for each of these.</p> \n<p>Ecosystem Clarity</p> \n<p>We heard loud and clear at our Chirp Developer Conference last month that developers desire clarity—clarity about what we believe Twitter must provide, what Twitter looks to the ecosystem to provide, and where the lines, if any, are drawn. We have outlined above the services and responsibilities we will provide in the context of the platform. In order to provide further clarity to the ecosystem, we will also be specific about the boundaries we will draw in order to preserve the integrity, health, and value of the network.</p> \n<p>We now employ over 200 people, and we plan to grow this investment as the opportunity demands. To sustain this investment, we have announced Promoted Tweets. These tweets will exist primarily in search and then in the timeline, but in a manner that preserves the integrity and relevance of the timeline. As we have <a href=\"\">announced</a>, we will use innovative metrics like Resonance so that Promoted Tweets are only shown when they make sense for users and enhance the user experience.</p> \n<p>As our primary concern is the long-term health and value of the network, we have and will continue to forgo near-term revenue opportunities in the service of carefully metering the impact of Promoted Tweets on the user experience. It is critical that the core experience of real-time introductions and information is protected for the user and with an eye toward long-term success for all advertisers, users and the Twitter ecosystem. For this reason, aside from Promoted Tweets, we will not allow any third party to inject paid tweets into a timeline on any service that leverages the Twitter API. We are updating our Terms of Service to articulate clearly what we mean by this statement, and we encourage you to read the updated API Terms of Service to be released shortly.</p> \n<p>Why are we prohibiting these kinds of ads? First, third party ad networks are not necessarily looking to preserve the unique user experience Twitter has created. They may optimize for either market share or short-term revenue at the expense of the long-term health of the Twitter platform. For example, a third party ad network may seek to maximize ad impressions and click through rates even if it leads to a net decrease in Twitter use due to user dissatisfaction.</p> \n<p>Secondly, the basis for building a lasting advertising network that benefits users should be innovation, not near-term monetization. Twitter is uniquely dependent on and responsible for the long-term health and value of the platform. Accordingly, a necessary focus of Promoted Tweets is to explore ways to create value for our users. Third party ad networks may be optimized for near-term monetization at the expense of innovating or creating the best user experience. We believe it is our responsibility to encourage creative product development and to curb practices that compromise innovation.</p> \n<p>It is important to keep in mind that Twitter bears all the costs of maintaining the network, protecting the Tweet stream against spam, supporting user requests, and scaling the service. Indeed, Twitter will bear many of the support costs associated with any third-party paid Tweets, as Twitter receives support emails related to anything a user sees in a tweet stream. The third-party bears few of these costs by comparison.</p> \n<p>Fostering Innovation</p> \n<p>There has never been more opportunity for innovation on the Twitter platform than there is now. In order to continue to provide clarity, our guiding principles include:</p> \n<ol>\n <li>We don’t seek to control what users tweet. And users own their own tweets.</li> \n <li>We believe there are opportunities to sell ads, build vertical applications, provide breakthrough analytics, and more. Companies are selling real-time display ads or other kinds of mobile ads around the timelines on many Twitter clients, and we derive no explicit value from those ads. That’s fine. We imagine there will be all sorts of other third-party monetization engines that crop up in the vicinity of the timeline.</li> \n <li>We don’t believe we always need to participate in the myriad ways in which other companies monetize the network.</li> \n</ol>\n<p>Platforms evolve. When Annotations ship, there are going to be many new business opportunities on the Twitter platform in addition to those currently available. We know that companies and entrepreneurs will create things with Annotations that we couldn’t have imagined. Companies will emerge that provide all manner of rich data and meta-data services around and in Tweets. Twitter clients could begin to differentiate on their ability to service different data-rich verticals like Finance or Entertainment. Media companies in the ecosystem can begin to incorporate rich tagging capabilities. <a href=\"\">Much has</a> <a href=\"\">been written</a> about the opportunities afforded by Annotations because those that understand the benefits of extensible architectures understand their power and potential.</p> \n<p>We understand that for a few of these companies, the new Terms of Service prohibit activities in which they’ve invested time and money. We will continue to move as quickly as we can to deliver the Annotations capability to the market so that developers everywhere can create innovative new business solutions on the growing Twitter platform.</p> \n<p>We hope that this clarity of purpose, focus, and roadmap helps point a clear way forward for the thousands of companies in the Twitter ecosystem.</p>",
"date": "2010-05-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Good news for people everywhere!",
"body": "<p>New, improved, internationalized help center<br> Twitter’s user support team is a small group of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">14 people and 4 engineers</a> dedicated to helping people use Twitter. As Twitter has grown, so has the importance of making it easy to find answers to questions, updates about known issues, and the right path to escalate a problem to someone who can help. We’ve been working hard to improve the help experience for people everywhere, and today we’re excited to launch the first iteration of our new and improved Help Center!<a href=\"\"><br></a></p> \n<p><strong>So what’s new?</strong><br> When you click help from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>, you’ll find the following:</p> \n<ul>\n <li>International help resources: we’ve translated our help documents into Spanish, French, Italian, and German. Japanese coming soon! Thanks <a href=\"\">translators</a>, for all your hard work!</li> \n</ul>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Good news for people everywhere!\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<ul>\n <li>New Look-and-Feel: we’ve organized articles by topics and groups to help you find what you are looking for faster. We’ve integrated better with Twitter, and a fresh look-and-feel makes for a happier browsing experience.</li> \n</ul>\n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\">@anywhere</a> integration: you’ll notice hovercards in article comments in your tickets! This makes it easy to follow a user, or retweet what others are saying.</li> \n</ul>\n<ul>\n <li>Improved Search: we’ve worked with <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Zendesk</a>, our third-party help desk provider, to improve search response times and results.</li> \n</ul>\n<ul>\n <li>Regular updates on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">known issues:</a> all of our known issues are listed <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>, updated every week by our Support team. We’ve also linked to Twitter’s <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Status blog</a>, a great resource for service updates when things have gone wrong on</li> \n</ul>\n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mobile help</a> section: find out everything you need to know about using Twitter on your phone!</li> \n</ul>\n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Business help</a>: answers for questions about Twitter’s upcoming business features- more coming soon!</li> \n</ul>\n<ul>\n <li>Integration with <a href=\"\">@support</a> and <a href=\"\">@safety</a>: easily find updates from our <a href=\"\">@support</a> and <a href=\"\">@safety</a> accounts, as well as the internationalized versions of those accounts.</li> \n</ul>\n<p><strong>How it works</strong><br> Twitter’s <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">support team</a> has a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">cadre of engineers</a> constantly working to improve the help experience and infrastructure. These talented folks work every day on making it easy for the support team to help people through a combination of tools and integrations.</p> \n<p>To make it as easy as possible to find an answer without sending an email, we seek to provide all of the information you need in our Help Center. Our help writers, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Emily</a>, <a href=\"\">Ginger,</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Lindsay</a>, have added articles for every question we get so that others can benefit from seeing the answers. They’ve also worked with our <a href=\"\">translators</a> to provide the same for international users.</p> \n<p>Help articles are originally posted in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Zendesk</a>, our help ticket system and knowledge base hub. We use Zendesk’s API to pull the articles into the custom pages you see on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>. Users search for answers in the help center, and if they have a problem that needs help from a human, we provide easy paths to escalation in the articles themselves.</p> \n<p>Specialized forms help us collect the right information to reduce steps in issue resolution, and support requests sent from the help center feed back into Zendesk, where they are categorized and escalated to the right group within our Support team. This (plus more Twitter magic from <a href=\"\">@sfjulie</a>, <a href=\"\">@pandemona</a>, <a href=\"\">@tildewill</a>, <a href=\"\">@ungulation</a> and <a href=\"\">@niels</a>) makes it possible for our Support team to answer most requests, including international ones, within 12 hours.</p> \n<p><strong>Stay tuned</strong><br> This is just the first round of improvements, so expect more good news soon! As always, we’re trying to make things better, and we need your help! If you discover a bug or problem, send <a href=\"\">@support</a> a direct message to let us know. Try searching for something in our help center, and if you don’t find it, send a reply to <a href=\"\">@support</a> with the question and the hash tag <a href=\"\">#foshiz</a>, like this: <em></em></p> \n<p></p> \n<blockquote>\n <p><em>What is a retweet? <a href=\"\">#foshiz</a></em> </p> \n</blockquote> \n<p>We’ll review the questions and work on adding any that we’re missing. Stay tuned for even more improvement in the upcoming months- we’ve only just begun!</p> \n<p>Special thanks to Zendesk, with whom we celebrated <a href=\"\">our millionth ticket</a> in a year’s time. We look forward to more good times!</p> \n<p>One more thing…<br> If building scalable, intuitive help systems sounds like fun, you should <a href=\"\">join us</a>- Twitter support is hiring engineers and agents!</p>",
"date": "2010-05-27T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Links and Twitter: Length Shouldn’t Matter",
"body": "<p>Since <a href=\"\">early March</a>, we have been routing links within Direct Messages through our link service to detect, intercept, and prevent the spread of malware, phishing, and other dangers. Any link shared in a Direct Message has been wrapped with a URL. Links reported to us as malicious are blacklisted, and we present users with a page that warns them of potentially malicious content if they click blacklisted links. We want users to have this benefit on all tweets.</p> \n<p>Additionally, as we mentioned at our Chirp developer conference in April, if you want to share a link through Twitter, there currently isn’t a way to automatically shorten it and we want to fix this. It should be easy for people to share shortened links from the Tweet box on</p> \n<p>To meet both of these goals, we’re taking small steps to expand the link service currently available in Direct Messages to links shared through all Tweets. We’re testing this link service now with a few Twitter employee accounts.</p> \n<p>User Experience, Safety, and Value</p> \n<p>When this is rolled out more broadly to users this summer, all links shared on or third-party apps will be wrapped with a URL. A really long link such as <a href=\";s=books&amp;qid=1275966329&amp;sr=8-1%22\"></a> might be wrapped as <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a> for display on SMS, but it could be displayed to web or application users as <a href=\";s=books&amp;qid=1275966329&amp;sr=8-1\"></a> or as the whole URL or page title. Ultimately, we want to display links in a way that removes the obscurity of shortened link and lets you know where a link will take you.</p> \n<p>In addition to a better user experience and increased safety, routing links through this service will eventually contribute to the metrics behind our Promoted Tweets platform and provide an important quality signal for our Resonance algorithm—the way we determine if a Tweet is relevant and interesting to users. We are also looking to provide services that make use of this data, an example would be analytics within our eventual commercial accounts service.</p> \n<p>Early Developer Preview Comes First</p> \n<p>As a first step, developers who create applications on the Twitter platform <a href=\"\">can now begin</a> to prepare for this service. They will be able to choose how to display the wrapped links in a manner that is most useful, informative and appropriate for a given device or application. Our first step is a small one. We’re rolling out wrapped links on a handful of accounts, including @<a href=\"\">TwitterAPI</a>, @<a href=\"\">rsarver</a>, and @<a href=\"\">raffi</a>, to help developers test their code. Ultimately, every link on Twitter will be wrapped.</p> \n<p>If you are already partial to a particular shortener when you tweet, you can continue to use it for link shortening and analytics as you normally would, and we’ll wrap the shortened links you submit.</p> \n<p>We’d like to thank our friends at <a href=\"\">.CO Internet SAS</a>, the registry for the new .CO extension, for helping us secure for use with this service. Links shared on Twitter will be safer, clearer, and more valuable.</p>",
"date": "2010-06-08T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hello! Hallo! Ciao! Olá!",
"body": "<p>Thanks to some great work by our team of volunteer translators, we&nbsp;have&nbsp;made great progress in translating TweetDeck into other languages. <a href=\"\">Our first round of translation covered&nbsp;seven languages</a> but we would love to add more.</p> \n<p>So, we are now looking for more assistance to translate into the next round of languages, which are:</p> \n<ul>\n <li>Dutch</li> \n <li>Indonesian</li> \n <li>Italian</li> \n <li>Korean</li> \n <li>Portuguese</li> \n <li>Thai</li> \n</ul>\n<p>If you’d like to get involved, we ask that you be fluent in written and spoken English as well as your selected translation language.</p> \n<p>As before, We’ve got very high standards for TweetDeck so we’re afraid that being able to say ‘Two beers please…’ in Spanish or having an aunt Susie who once studied Korean for 2 weeks at school won’t qualify you for this project.</p> \n<p>We can’t offer you payment, but we can promise you our eternal gratitude, some TweetDeck freebies and credit for the completed translations on our site. We’re also happy to provide you with a letter to acknowledge your volunteer work on this project, so you can add this experience to your C.V.</p> \n<p>Please apply by sending an email to: <a href=\"\"></a> and include the following in the subject line: <strong>Localisation Application: <em>Your Language</em></strong></p> \n<p>e.g.</p> \n<p>“Localisation Application: Korean”</p> \n<p>“Localisation Application: Thai”</p> \n<p><strong> N.B. Any applications that do not follow this format will be discarded.</strong></p> \n<p>Thanks in advance and <em>Felice traduzione!</em></p>",
"date": "2010-06-09T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Develop The Game, Build A Better Future",
"body": "<p>The first World Cup took place in 1930 and it has since grown to become an epic global event celebrating diversity and inspiring us to overcome adversity. More importantly, nations and people around the world have the opportunity to connect around something profoundly simple: play! The mission driving <a href=\"\">FIFA</a>, the governing body behind the World Cup, is to “Develop the game, touch the world, and build a better future.” Good stuff.</p> \n<p>The Republic of South Africa will host representatives from thirty two nations as they compete for the ultimate international championship. This will be the most widely-viewed sporting event in the world. Twitter’s rapid international growth means we are part of this global phenomenon as people everywhere seek to discover what’s happening with their favorite team, their favorite players, and breaking news related to this worldwide event.</p> \n<p>Using live widgets, real-time search, and <a href=\"\">Top Tweets</a> (updates that are currently catching the attention of many Twitter users) we’ve put together a <a href=\"\">special site</a> to capture the spirit of the World Cup and it’s already pulsing with activity. Fans have a unique opportunity to connect with players, teams, and brands using Twitter to join the matches in a new way. We also are providing a list of <a href=\"\">suggested accounts</a> to follow during the tournament and a World Cup theme for your profile page. We’ll leave it up to you to learn how to do the neat little trick we’re calling hashflags.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Develop The Game, Build A Better Future\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>",
"date": "2010-06-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "More Than Dabbling",
"body": "<p>Every day millions of people use Twitter to create, share and discover information, and as we grow, analytics becomes an increasingly crucial part of improving our service.</p> \n<p>Up until about a year ago, we used an online database called <a href=\"\">Dabble DB</a> to track and share information about our projects internally. While we’ve since moved that project management tool in-house, we maintain a relationship with Dabble DB’s creators, Smallthought Systems. When Smallthought launched <a href=\"\">Trendly</a>, a tool that helps web sites distinguish signal from noise in their Google Analytics data, we were among the first to try it. And, as Twitter is the world’s largest Ruby on Rails-based web service, we are impressed with their frequent contributions to the Ruby and Smalltalk development communities. Their team has a unique combination of entrepreneurship, creativity, and analytics expertise.</p> \n<p>Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we announce the acquisition of Smallthought Systems. They have joined our analytics team and will focus on integrating ideas from Trendly into our current tools and building innovative realtime products for our future commercial partners. Please join us in welcoming <a href=\"\">Avi Bryant</a>, <a href=\"\">Andrew Catton</a>, <a href=\"\">Ben Matasar</a>, and <a href=\"\">Luke Andrews</a> to Twitter.</p>",
"date": "2010-06-10T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "An Honour To be Listed",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\">The Hospital Club</a> is a members club based in Covent Garden, London, with a mission to “discover and feed the best creative talent , and produce, publish and celebrate their work”.</p> \n<p>The club, in association with <a href=\"\">The&nbsp;Independent</a>&nbsp;newspaper, has just launched <a href=\"\">The Hospital Club 100</a> - a search for the most influential people in the UK creative and media industries. The shortlist of innovators, visionaries and pioneers contains both emerging and established names alike, across categories such as Film, Music, fashion and Art.</p> \n<p>We are thrilled and honoured, however, to see our very own <a href=\"\">Iain Dodsworth</a>, CEO and Founder of TweetDeck, on the shortlist. This really is a huge achievement for Iain, who appears on the “Emerging” shortlist under the “Digital” <a href=\"\">category</a>, alongside some very distinguished names from the industry. &nbsp;Gradually developing TweetDeck over the last two years from a personal project into one of the most popular social networking applications in the world is certainly no mean feat, and it is truly awesome to see that recognised.</p> \n<p>We are all very proud to see&nbsp;Iain&nbsp;on this list, as it also is a reflection of the hard work that has gone into building TweetDeck by the whole team here. We have enjoyed every minute of it and are very much looking forward to seeing the innovations come thick and fast as we continue to evolve and grow TweetDeck in new and exciting directions.</p> \n<p>So thank you Hospital Club, from Iain and from the rest of the TweetDeck team. It’s simply superb to be on the list!</p>",
"date": "2010-06-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Switching to OAuth",
"body": "<p>The majority of Tweets are sent or read on applications built by the developer community. Likewise, there is a ever-growing number of third-party applications that bring value to users in a variety of new ways. As we <a href=\"\">notified</a> developers in April, on June 30th we’re <a href=\"\">changing the way</a> that all Twitter applications interact with our platform by requiring the use of OAuth for authenticated access. OAuth is a technology that enables applications to access the Twitter platform on your behalf without ever asking you directly for your password. For users, this means increased usability, security, and accountability for the applications that you use every day. Many developers have already switched their applications over to use OAuth, and we’re here to help for those who haven’t. If you are a developer and still need to make this necessary change, you can read more about the OAuth transition and the resources available to you on the <a href=\"\">Twitter developers website</a>.</p>",
"date": "2010-06-11T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Twitter Places: More Context For Your Tweets",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Twitter Places: More Context For Your Tweets\"></p> \n<p>If you’re like everyone at the Twitter office, you’re going crazy about the World Cup. When turning to Twitter to keep up with the current game, it helps to know where a Tweet is coming from—is that person watching the game on TV or is he actually in the stadium? To help answer that question, we’re excited to announce Twitter Places on and Starting today, you can tag Tweets with specific places, including all World Cup stadiums in South Africa, and create new Twitter Places. You can also click a Twitter Place within a Tweet to see recent Tweets from a particular location. Try it out during the next match—you will be able to see Tweets coming from the stadium.<br> Several other features of this launch include:&nbsp;</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" class=\"align-center\" alt=\"Twitter Places: More Context For Your Tweets\"></p> \n<ul>\n <li>Foursquare and Gowalla integration:&nbsp;Many Foursquare and Gowalla users publish check-ins to Twitter. Location is a key component of these Tweets, so we worked closely with both companies to associate a Twitter Place with Tweets generated by these services. This means that if you click on a Twitter Place, such as “Ritual Roasters,” you will see standard Tweets and check-ins from Foursquare and Gowalla.</li> \n <li>API: We are releasing API functionality that lets developers integrate Twitter Places into their applications.&nbsp;</li> \n <li>Support for more browsers: Now, you can add location to your Tweets from any browser—Safari and Internet Explorer, in addition to Chrome or Firefox.&nbsp;</li> \n</ul>\n<p>Over the next week, we will roll this out to users in 65 countries around the world, so keep an eye out for the “Add your location” link below the Tweet box. This is possible thanks to key data partnerships with <a href=\"\">TomTom</a> and <a href=\"\">Localeze</a>. We are also working to bring Twitter Places to our other mobile applications, including Twitter for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. Follow @<a href=\"\">geo</a> for geo-specific updates, and check our <a href=\"\">Help Center</a> to learn how to use Twitter Places.</p>",
"date": "2010-06-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "What&#39;s Happening with Twitter?",
"body": "<p>From a site stability and service outage perspective, it’s been Twitter’s worst month since last October.</p> \n<p>What’s the problem?<br> Last Friday, we <a href=\"\">detailed on our Engineering blog</a> that this is going to be a rocky few weeks. We’re working through tweaks to our system in order to provide greater stability at a time when we’re facing record traffic. We have long-term solutions that we are working towards, but in the meantime, we are making real-time adjustments so that we can grow our capacity and avoid outages during the World Cup.</p> \n<p>As we go through this process, we have uncovered unexpected deeper issues and have even caused inadvertent downtime as a result of our attempts to make changes. Ultimately, the changes that we are making now will make Twitter much more reliable in the future. However, we certainly are not happy about the disruptions that we have faced and even caused this week and understand how they negatively impact our users.</p> \n<p>Should Twitter have been ready?<br> Record traffic and unprecedented spikes in activity are never simple to manage. However, we were well aware of the likely impact of the World Cup. What we didn’t anticipate was some of the complexities that have been inherent in fixing and optimizing our systems before and during the event.</p> \n<p>What’s next?<br> Over the next two weeks, we may perform relatively short planned maintenance on the site. During this time, the service will likely be taken down. We will not perform this work during World Cup games, and we will provide advance notification.</p> \n<p>How can I best keep informed of any future Twitter site issues?<br> For real-time updates on site outages or major issues, you can go to our <a href=\"\">Status blog</a>. For most other problems that you may be having with Twitter, follow @<a href=\"\">Support</a>.</p> \n<p>Background on Twitter uptime from Pingdom<br> A month by month look: <a href=\"\"></a></p>",
"date": "2010-06-15T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Hello Big Brother House, This Is Your TweetDeck",
"body": "<p>What is the whole of the UK talking about right now, apart from <a href=\"\">Vuvuzelas</a>…?</p> \n<p>Of course, its <a href=\"\">Big Brother</a>!</p> \n<p>This year’s BB is not only the last ever, but the biggest ever, with more twists than a curly wurly.</p> \n<p>So we are delighted, <a href=\"\">in conjunction with Channel 4</a>, to be able to offer a Big Brother version of TweetDeck, decked out in full BB style, and sporting all the bells and whistles you will need to keep your finger on the pulse from this huge final series.</p> \n<p><a href=\"\"><img class=\"align-center\" src=\"\" alt=\"TweetDeck\"></a></p> \n<p>Download the Big Brother TweetDeck from <a href=\"\"></a> and you will be able to follow all the news from the house via the dedicated Big Brother columns.</p> \n<p>You can read what’s happening right now with the Big Brother live Twitter feed, get the lowdown from the presenters, and check out the latest news from the BB web site, all within your Big Brother-themed TweetDeck.</p> \n<p>If you love Big Brother, put your old client up for eviction and slip into the hot-tub with your new best friend for the summer - <a href=\"\">Big Brother TweetDeck</a>.</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p>",
"date": "2010-06-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "@twitterapi Showcase: TweetBeat&#39;s World Cup",
"body": "<p>The Platform team is always excited to see developers’ creativity in building cool applications using our APIs. To showcase new and interesting applications built on the Twitter Platform, we’re going to periodically feature great apps on our blog. For our first post, we’d like to highlight the @<a href=\"\">kosmix</a> <a href=\"\">TweetBeat World Cup</a> site. For all of the World Cup fans out there, you are seriously missing out if you haven’t checked this out yet!</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"@twitterapi Showcase: TweetBeat's World Cup\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>The TweetBeat site provides real-time updates from and around the World Cup. You can follow what is being said about the whole tournament, or focus on a specific team and even follow what’s happening with its opposition. Not only that, but their Popular Tweets sidebar keeps you informed of what everyone else is talking about and, during matches, which team has the most Tweets.</p> \n<p>TweetBeat uses the Twitter Firehose to cluster similar tweets into real-time stories from all across Twitter as they happen. You can use the speed slider to slow down or speed up the flow of Tweets and stories down the page. They have also integrated <a href=\"\">@Anywhere</a> so that you can retweet the best tweets or follow your favorite Twitter users right from the site, without having to come back to</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"@twitterapi Showcase: TweetBeat's World Cup\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>If you know of other cool uses of the Twitter API, tweet about it and mention @<a href=\"\">twitterapi</a> or me (@<a href=\"\">themattharris</a>) and we’ll check it out!</p>",
"date": "2010-06-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Big Goals, Big Game, Big Records",
"body": "<p>It’s been an eventful week for World Cup fans around the globe. Many have taken to Twitter in record numbers to tweet about coaching decisions, referee calls and, of course, goals.</p> \n<p>In this spirit, we thought it would be fun (and instructive) to track the top three most tweeted goals of the tournament so far. These goals had the highest Tweets-per-second (TPS) count in the 30 seconds after a goal was scored. </p> \n<p>The most tweeted goals of the past week…</p> \n<p>1) <a href=\"\">Japan scores against Cameroon</a> on June 14 in their 1-0 victory (2,940 TPS)<br> 2) <a href=\"\">Brazil scores their first goal</a> against North Korea in their 2-1 June 14 victory (2,928 TPS)<br> 3) <a href=\"\">Mexico ties South Africa</a> in their June 11 game (2,704 TPS)</p> \n<p>Were these all-time Twitter records? Yes, but only until last night’s <a href=\"\">deciding game</a> of the NBA Championship between the Los Angeles Lakers and Boston Celtics. The Lakers’ victory generated a record 3,085 TPS as the game ended. </p> \n<p>For context, Twitter currently sees about 750 TPS on an average day and 65 million total Tweets a day.</p>",
"date": "2010-06-18T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "From Russia with Love",
"body": "<p><a href=\"\"> </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"From Russia with Love\" class=\"align-center\"></a></p>\n<a href=\"\"> <p></p></a>We may be a relatively small company of about two hundred employees but we have a global mindset. Twitter is growing very fast internationally these days. In fact, about sixty percent of our usage is outside of the United States. That’s why we are honored today that President Medvedev of Russia stopped by our office for a brief tour and his inaugural Tweet.\n<p></p> \n<p>It was incredibly generous of the President to stop by with such a busy schedule. Recognizing the power of new technology and learning to leverage it to advance humanity in positive and meaningful ways is a powerful display of leadership. It was a great chance for us to share our passionate belief that the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact.</p> \n<p>Mr. President, welcome to San Francisco and Silicon Valley!<a href=\"\"><br></a></p>",
"date": "2010-06-22T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Following your friends and colleagues",
"body": "<p>Updated at 3:15pm. </p> \n<p>Many Twitter users follow their <a href=\"\">favorite celebrities, sports heroes, or brands</a>. They often <a href=\"\">find and follow</a> even more nearby businesses or experts in their industry. And, of course, people also follow friends, family and associates so that they can keep updated on what’s happening with them. In fact, one of our most frequent requests from users is how they can find and follow the people they are connected to on their social networks.</p> \n<p>Today, we’re improving our <a href=\"\">Find Friends</a> section to make it easier to find and follow the people you already know — your friends on Facebook and connections on LinkedIn — who use Twitter. Our <a href=\"\">Facebook app</a>, which launched <a href=\"\">in 2007</a>, now shows which of your Facebook friends are on Twitter and lets you follow them instantly and save them to a list. The app also lets you post your Tweets to your Facebook profile and now, to one of your Facebook pages too. With the <a href=\"\">Tweets application by LinkedIn</a>, you can see which of your LinkedIn connections are on Twitter and follow the ones you choose right from the app. The app also lets you save your LinkedIn connections as a list, post your Tweets to LinkedIn, and add your Twitter account to your LinkedIn profile.</p> \n<p>UPDATE: The Facebook app cannot currently access your Facebook friend list. We believe this is an issue on Facebook’s end.</p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Following your friends and colleagues\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Following your friends and colleagues\" class=\"align-center\"></p>",
"date": "2010-06-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "FTC Announcement",
"body": "<p>Early in 2009, when Twitter employed less than 50 people, we faced two different security incidents that impacted a small number of users. Put simply, we were the victim of an attack and user accounts were improperly accessed. There were 45 accounts accessed in a January incident and 10 that April for short periods of time. In the first incident, unauthorized joke tweets were made from nine accounts and attackers may have accessed nonpublic information such as email addresses and mobile phone numbers. In the second, nonpublic information was accessible and at least one user’s password was reset.</p> \n<p>Within hours of the January breach, we closed the security hole and notified affected account holders. We <a href=\"\">posted a blog post about it on the same day</a>. In the April incident, within less than 18 minutes of the hack we removed administrative access to the hacker and we quickly notified affected users. We also posted<a href=\"\"> this blog item about the incident</a> within a few days of first learning about it. </p> \n<p>Why are we bringing up these incidents from 18 and 14 months ago that we already told people about? Because the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) launched an inquiry into our security practices related to these attacks and today announced that we’ve reached an agreement that resolves their concerns. Even before the agreement, we’d implemented many of the FTC’s suggestions and the agreement formalizes our commitment to those security practices.</p>",
"date": "2010-06-24T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Another Big Record: Part Deux",
"body": "<p>We <a href=\"\">posted last Friday</a> about the Tweets-per-second (TPS) counts we saw during the first week of the World Cup and the record TPS seen at the end of the NBA Championship game. The second week of the World Cup continued to see consistent spikes in TPS after goals that are remarkable increases over our average of 750 TPS. However, we caution to call any goals a record this week both because many of the games were played simultaneously with another one and total numbers were fairly similar to the first week when only one game was being played at a time.</p> \n<p>However, we are calling the end of Japan’s 3-1 victory over Denmark a record that bests the end of the Los Angeles Laker victory over the Boston Celtics (3,085 TPS). When the referee blew the final whistle, we saw 3,283 TPS. (The Netherlands/Cameroon game ended six minutes earlier.)</p>",
"date": "2010-06-25T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "TweetDeck: Two Infinity And Beyond",
"body": "<p>Sunday 4th July 2010 was TweetDeck’s 2nd Birthday which means this is a great opportunity to highlight what we’ve achieved over the over the past 12 months and what’s in store for the next.</p> \n<p><strong>Over the past 12 months we have:</strong></p> \n<ul>\n <li>attracted over $3.5m in funding from some of the most respected investors in the world&nbsp;</li> \n <li>grown the company from 1 to 15 <strong>superb</strong> people with offices in both London and New York…and a small outbuilding in western France</li> \n <li>won the Shorty Award for Best Application and .Net Award for Best API use</li> \n <li>worked with Warner Bros, EMI, Black Eyed Peas, Huffington Post, Zeit Online and Channel 4 to release special edition TweetDecks&nbsp;</li> \n <li>moved from the desktop to iPhone, iPad and soon Android and mobile web</li> \n <li>been involved in a number of fascinating and strategic discussions with household-name companies which have been…both fascinating and strategic</li> \n <li>become a de-facto tool for various journalists in establishments such as Sky News and the Guardian</li> \n</ul>\n<p><strong>Some numbers:</strong></p> \n<ul>\n <li>desktop TweetDeck has been downloaded over 15 million times</li> \n <li>iPhone TweetDeck has been downloaded over 2.5 million times</li> \n <li>our servers are syncing over 7 million twitter search columns, adding 25,000 per day</li> \n <li>30,000 images are uploaded each day from TweetDecks</li> \n <li>approximately 4 million tweets, status updates and buzz’s are sent out every day via TweetDeck</li> \n <li>far and away the most popular desktop client for twitter, and if measuring in outbound tweets we are 5 times bigger than our closest competitor</li> \n <li>general usage of TweetDeck indicates our userbase is super-engaged, extremely active and, in many cases, highly influential</li> \n</ul>\n<p><strong>So what’s next?</strong></p> \n<p>That’s a fairly big question.</p> \n<p>We believe the future holds even more fast-moving streams of socially relevant information. Our mission is to help our users manage and harness these information flows. To that end, we are moving towards being truly multi-stream, re-building our clients from the ground-up with multi-stream functionality ingrained rather than simply bolting on new disconnected networks.</p> \n<p>Our Android TweetDeck is a great example of our belief that “true multi-stream”, the <em><strong>intersection</strong></em> of social networks, can be infinitely greater than the sum of its parts - or to put it another way TweetDeck should be more about <strong><em>what</em></strong> your friends are saying rather than the networks they are using to say it.</p> \n<p>The other major trend is the maturation of the real-time ecosystem into a business. Consistent monetization is necessary for companies in the space, from big to small, and we are committed to working with our integrated networks to make sure that the user experience remains paramount as revenue streams are introduced. &nbsp;</p> \n<p>One thing is certain - our third year is going to be incredibly interesting.</p>",
"date": "2010-07-13T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "@earlybird: Ready to Fly",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"@earlybird: Ready to Fly\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p>Businesses already use Twitter as a great way to connect people with special promotions. People already use Twitter to find and share deals on their favorite products &amp; services.</p> \n<p>Last week, we unveiled <a href=\"\">@earlybird</a>, a new account that brings those worlds together by giving people an easy one-stop destination to find out about some of the best deals on Twitter. This unveiling attracted <a href=\"\">great interest</a>; within days, tens of thousands of Twitter users were following <a href=\"\">@earlybird</a>. </p> \n<p>Today, we’re excited to launch the first <a href=\"\">@earlybird</a> Exclusive Offer, in partnership with The Walt Disney Studios. For a limited time, <a href=\"\">@earlybird</a> followers in the U.S. can get a special deal on tickets for “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,” a new feature film from <a href=\"\">Walt Disney Pictures</a> and Jerry Bruckheimer Films that opens in theaters today. </p> \n<p>We’re just getting started— we’ve got an amazing lineup of deals to share in the coming days and weeks with people following <a href=\"\">@earlybird</a>. Several times a week, <a href=\"\">@earlybird</a> will help consumers discover Twitter-exclusive deals in entertainment, fashion, technology, beauty, travel and more. These deals will come directly from our advertising partners and from other companies (including <a href=\"\">Groupon</a> and <a href=\"\">Gilt Groupe</a>) that already deliver valuable deals to consumers via Twitter. Follow <a href=\"\">@earlybird</a> so you don’t miss out.</p> \n<p>Got questions about <a href=\"\">@earlybird</a>? Check out our <a href=\"\">FAQ</a>. And, be sure to let <a href=\"\">@earlybird</a> know what types of products you’d like to see featured.</p>",
"date": "2010-07-14T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "A Global TweetDeck FollowFriday #FF",
"body": "<p>Having spent the past hour or so diving into our referrer logs for (<a href=\"\">#nowitsaparty</a>) I was surprised to see the diversity of our top referring twitter acounts for the past 7 days. So in a kind of blog-related pseudo <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">FollowFriday</a> I just wanted to say thank-you, in no particular order, to the following twitterers for all the viral traffic they send our way and pay back a little of the love…</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" height=\"73\" alt=\"A Global TweetDeck FollowFriday #FF\" width=\"73\" class=\"align-center\"></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Diego Forlan</a> (Madrid) -&nbsp;Footballer who plays for Atlético Madrid and Uruguay<br><strong>Bio</strong> Uruguayo, Balón de Oro del Mundial 2010, Doble Bota de Oro, Embajador de Unicef y jugador del Atlético</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" height=\"73\" alt=\"A Global TweetDeck FollowFriday #FF\" width=\"73\" class=\"align-center\"></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Ivete Sangalo</a> (Brazil) -&nbsp;Latin Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter<br><strong>Bio</strong> Twitter Oficial da cantora brasileira Ivete Sangalo. Twitter atualizado pela própria Ivete e pela equipe do seu site.</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" height=\"73\" alt=\"A Global TweetDeck FollowFriday #FF\" width=\"73\" class=\"align-center\"></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Scuderia Ferrari</a> (Maranello) -&nbsp;Racing team division of Ferrari<br><strong>Bio&nbsp;</strong>Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro - The Official Page</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" height=\"73\" alt=\"A Global TweetDeck FollowFriday #FF\" width=\"73\" class=\"align-center\"></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Simon Pegg</a> (London) - English actor, comedian, writer, producer and director<br><strong>Bio</strong> Actor/writer/dog owner/winner of 50m flat race 1977-1981</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" height=\"73\" alt=\"A Global TweetDeck FollowFriday #FF\" width=\"73\" class=\"align-center\"></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Yu Darvish</a> (Japan) - Starting pitcher for the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters<br><strong>Bio</strong> 野球の事や、思ったことを書いていきたいと思います。よろしくお願いします。</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" height=\"73\" alt=\"A Global TweetDeck FollowFriday #FF\" width=\"73\" class=\"align-center\"></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Ana Hickman</a> (Sãu Paulo) - Brazilian model and TV presenter<br><strong>Bio</strong> Apresentadora de TV</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" height=\"73\" alt=\"A Global TweetDeck FollowFriday #FF\" width=\"73\" class=\"align-center\"></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Fledgling Wine</a> (San Francisco) -&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br><strong>Bio</strong> A Twitter wine project that promotes literacy around the world.</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" height=\"73\" alt=\"A Global TweetDeck FollowFriday #FF\" width=\"73\" class=\"align-center\"></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Pepe Aguilar</a> (Mexico) -&nbsp;Singer-songwriter of ranchera, mariachi &amp; pop music<br><strong>Bio</strong> Bienvenidos a la página oficial de Pepe Aguilar en Twitter!.</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" height=\"73\" alt=\"A Global TweetDeck FollowFriday #FF\" width=\"73\" class=\"align-center\"></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Lily Allen</a> (London) -&nbsp;Recording artist, talk show host, and actress<br><strong>Bio</strong> I can babble a little</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" height=\"73\" alt=\"A Global TweetDeck FollowFriday #FF\" width=\"73\" class=\"align-center\"></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Tyra Banks</a> (US) -&nbsp;Model, media personality, actress and businesswoman<br><strong>Bio</strong> Business woman by day, SMIZE-r by night. Favs: ANYTHING in BBQ sauce &amp; perfecting H2T poses in the mirror.</p>",
"date": "2010-07-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The 2010 World Cup: a Global Conversation",
"body": "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"The 2010 World Cup: a Global Conversation\" class=\"align-center\"></p> \n<p><strong>2010 World Cup: a Twitter timeline</strong></p> \n<p>[image created by <a href=\"\">@miguelrios</a>]</p> \n<p>During the 2010 World Cup, the world watched together — and they shared their experiences in a real-time, global conversation on the Internet.</p> \n<p>To illustrate that point, here are statistics and infographics that illustrate the global nature of the games and how fans’ interest &amp; enthusiasm built over the course of the tournament on Twitter. </p> \n<p> </p>\n<ul>\n <li>The World Cup final represented the largest period of sustained activity for an event in Twitter’s history. </li> \n <li>Throughout the match, Tweets-per-second (TPS) were much higher than average; during the game’s final 15 minutes, this jumped to more than 2,000 TPS. (Spain’s winning goal in the final scored a 3,051 TPS.)</li> \n <li>During the final, people from 172 countries tweeted in 27 different languages.</li> \n <li>At the moment of the winning goal, people from 81 countries tweeted in 23 different languages. This moment is represented on this <a href=\"\">Wordle infographic</a>.</li> \n</ul>\n<p>To highlight how much Twitter has been pulsing with World Cup activity over the past month, our analytics and relevance teams put together the <a href=\"\">infographic</a> above, charting fans’ use of hashflags (like <a href=\"\">#esp</a> or <a href=\"\">#usa</a>) during the tournament with a background of TPS over the same period. </p> \n<p> </p>\n<ul>\n <li>When you look at this graphic, think of it like a soundwave — the louder and more consistent the “sound,” the bigger the impact in all directions.</li> \n <li>Countries’ flags represent use of their hashflag. The size of the flag “waves” fluctuate with the frequency &amp; consistency of tweets containing each country’s hashflag. </li> \n</ul>",
"date": "2010-07-16T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Reliability",
"body": "<p>When you can’t update your profile photo, send a Tweet, or even sign on to Twitter, it’s frustrating. We know that, and we’ve had too many of these issues recently.</p> \n<p>As <a href=\"\">we said last month</a>, we are working on long-term solutions to make Twitter a more reliable and stable platform. It’s our number one priority. The bulk of our engineering efforts are currently focused on this issue, and we have moved resources from other projects to focus on it.</p> \n<p>For much more background, J.P. Cozzatti from our engineering team discusses our efforts and recent issues today <a href=\"\">in a post on the Twitter Engineering blog</a>. In a separate, but closely related post on the Engineering blog, we discuss something we’ve been working toward for some time: <a href=\"\">We’re moving into our own dedicated data center this fall</a>. This will be a big step forward.</p>",
"date": "2010-07-21T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Wei, Konbanwa, Hello",
"body": "<p>Excellent progress has been made by our localisation team and we are now looking for more translators to join the following languages:</p> \n<ul>\n <li> <p>Chinese Traditional</p> </li> \n <li> <p>Japanese</p> </li> \n</ul>\n<p>If you’d like to get involved, we ask that you be fluent in written and spoken English as well as your selected translation language.</p> \n<p>We can’t offer you payment, but we can promise you our eternal gratitude, some TweetDeck freebies and credit for the completed translations on our site. We’re also happy to provide you with a letter to acknowledge your volunteer work on this project, so you can add this experience to your CV</p> \n<p><span>Please apply by sending an email to: </span><a href=\"\"><span></span></a><span> and include the following in the subject line: “</span><span>Localisation Application: </span><span>Your Language” (eg Localisation Application: Japanese)</span></p> \n<p><span>NB: Any emails that do </span><span>not</span><span> include the subject format will be discarded.</span></p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p>",
"date": "2010-07-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "The Power of Git: Revealed!",
"body": "<p>As we burn down the home stretch toward the release of TweetDeck for Android, our development team is operating at maximum capacity. Recently <a href=\"\">Max</a>&nbsp;gave a talk at <a href=\"\">Betaworks</a>&nbsp;about how we keep such a well-oiled machine moving.</p> \n<p>In addition to being our lead mobile developer and all-round splendid chap, Max also has deep roots in the open-source community, and helped bring some of his collaboration techniques to TweetDeck.</p> \n<p><strong>WARNING: The rest of this article comes under the category “Hardcore Geek” :-)</strong></p> \n<p>Since Max’s arrival we’ve switched source code repositories from <a href=\"\">Mercurial</a>&nbsp;to <a href=\"\">Git</a>&nbsp;and <a href=\"\">Github</a>. Max’s highly popular open-source project&nbsp;<a href=\"\">Homebrew</a>&nbsp;was built entirely on Git/Github and we wanted to leverage some of that mojo for our development process.&nbsp;</p> \n<p>Check out Max’s six-part talk below to learn all about how Git’s distributed nature, and Github’s amazing collaboration tools, helped him succeed with Homebrew and helped us take our development to the next level at TweetDeck.&nbsp;</p> \n<h2>Max Howell - Git/Github Talk</h2> \n<p></p> \n<p>Links to individual videos:</p> \n<p><a href=\"\">Part 1</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href=\"\">Part 2</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href=\"\">Part 3</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href=\"\">Part 4</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href=\"\">Part 5</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href=\"\">Part 6</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p>",
"date": "2010-07-23T07:00:00.000Z",
"url": "",
"domain": ""
"title": "Trialling Twitter At The Speed Of &#34;Wow!&#34;",
"body": "<p>These days you hear a lot of talk about “The Real-Time Web”, with instant delivery of information to your desktop from across the globe. But in reality, many services are not actually operating in real-time.</p> \n<p>Take the example of most desktop Twitter clients. If <a href=\"\">@aplusk</a> choses to tweet some hints about his latest blockbuster movie, his gazillions of followers won’t receive this message straight away; They will have to wait until their Twitter client fetches the next batch of updates from the Twitter API. Depending on current API limits, this could take a couple of minutes - and in a world where sometimes <a href=\"\">3000 tweets per second</a>&nbsp;are&nbsp;being generated, that could feel like a long time.</p> \n<p>However, all is not lost…</p> \n<p>Twitter recently announced a “developer preview” of their <a href=\"\">User Streams API</a>. This preview version of their API is not generally available yet, but is currently being tested by some of the biggest users of the Twitter API, including TweetDeck of course. The User Streams API works differently to the original, poll-based API in that apps no longer have to check for updates on a regular interval. Instead, an app will open what is, in theory (but almost certainly not <em>literally</em>), a big pipe from Twitter to the app. Then, when Ashton hits Send on his latest tweet, that tweet gets pushed straight down the big pipe and lands in your Twitter client instantly.</p> \n<p>That’s real “Real Time”.</p> \n<p>And&nbsp;its not only tweets that get the supercharged treatment. Other actions that are relevant to you are also brought immediately to your attention. For example, if someone follows you - WOOSH, it’s there. If someone favourites one of your tweets - BAM, straight into your Mentions. Oh and discovering new people to follow is made a lot easier with the addition of an option to see @replies from your friends to other people that you don’t follow. This is a big change from the standard behaviour where you only see replies to people that you actually follow.</p> \n<p>And of course, what better way to consume this true real-time feed than via an experimental version of TweetDeck for Desktop?</p> \n<p>&nbsp;</p> \n<p>We have been working closely with Twitter to develop a version of TweetDeck that makes use of their User Streams API and we are delighted to announce that we are now in a position to open this up to a very limited public preview.</p> \n<p>Now, before you all go crazy hitting the download link and getting giddy with excitement, there are some important things you need to know.</p> \n<ol>\n <li>This is a VERY experimental version of TweetDeck</li> \n <li>You need to sign-up with a TweetDeck account in order to use it</li> \n <li>Initially only 5000 TweetDeck accounts will be granted access.</li> \n <li>There may be problems, changes, disruptions and other issues that could affect the operation of this ver
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