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Forked from shakedk/navitia docker deploy.txt
Last active May 2, 2019 05:32
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How to Deploy Navitia on a local PC using docker (and add GTFS/OSM data)
This guide explains how to deploy a Navitia server on a Windows machine.
Navitia is an open API to build great transit tools - read more about it here:
The awesome guys at CanalTP created docker containers that allow installing and using it loally very easily (
They also created a playground ( that allows experimenting with CanalTP data and servers
But with this guide you can get your own local copy really easily and feed it with any GTFS data you wish!
The guide details required software, different prerequisites, installation instrutions and how to feed the server with the required OSM & GTFS data.
1. Run Docker on your machine
2. Open a Git bash terminal in navitia-docker-compose folder and run:
$ docker-compose up
3.Open a browser and use CanalTP Playground to work with your Navitia server:
5. Skip to "11. Access the Playground and start hacking!"
When Navitia server is up, and you have a new GTFS file, you need to:
1. Generate a transfers.txt file - see "6. Generate a Transfers table for Navitia model"
2. Copy the new GTFS file the includes the transfers.txt file into the Navitia server container - see "9. Copy GTFS and OSM files to generate the transit graph in Navitia"
3. If needed also copy a new OSM file as well.
4. Skip to "11. Access the Playground and start hacking!"
1. Install Docker server on your machine:
2. Install Git with(!) the Bash terminal from
3. Install node.js server with npm
4. Get a GTFS file from the internet. Latest version is always at @ #
Older version can be found at
5. Get Israel OSM (*pbf) file from
6. Run the docker service on your machine (Start -> Docker)
6.1 For the OSM & GTFS proessing part it's best to allocate 8 GB to the docker server via the settings. For running the server 6G is sufficient.
6. Generate a Transfers table for Navitia model
By default, when supplying Navitia with ordinary GTFS file , Navitia computes transfers only within a stop_area that includes several stops. So, if the traveller needs to walk between stop_areas (let's say Terminal 2000 bus stops on Arlozorov st. and the Savidor train station) - this would not be possible to take into consideration.
We will generate a transfers table for the provided GTFS file.
a. Download the following python file
and install required modules
b. Extract stops.txt from the GTFS Zip to the directory of the script
c. run "python3" - takes around 50 minutes
d. Add transfers.txt back to the GTFS zip file
8. Run the Navitia Server
a. Clone the following repository to your machine:
$ git clone
b. Configure the docker container logs for rotation so they don't blow up over time:
$ cd /etc/docker
$ sudo touch daemon.json
$ vim daemon.json
Go into to edit mode by pressing I and add:
"log-driver": "json-file",
"log-opts": {"max-size": "10m", "max-file": "3"}
Quit with w and q
$ sudo systemctl reload docker
b. Open git bash at the repository folder and run
$ docker-compose up
Once all the containers are up, green 'done's appear.
Sanity check: Go to http://localhost:9191/v1/coverage/default and you should see a JSON response which includes:
status: "no_data" or some sample data about Frane
9. Copy GTFS and OSM files to generate the transit graph in Navitia
Copy the GTFS file (with the transfers file included) and the OSM files into the Navitia server containers.
Run the following commands one-by-one in a NEW terminal - either powershell, cmd or bash:
$ docker cp <Files_Folder>/israel-and-palestine-latest.osm.pbf navitia-docker-compose_tyr_worker_1:/srv/ed/input/default/
$ docker cp <Files_Folder>/<GTFS-With-Transfers-file>.zip navitia-docker-compose_tyr_worker_1:/srv/ed/input/default/
The copy process takes several seconds (there's no confirmation for it).
The osm process should take about 10 minutes and ends in a message like: Task tyr.binarisation.osm2ed[86d6383d-f29f-4c24-bfad-5d8f911e8182] succeeded in 98.5151315s: None
The gtfs build takes about 30-40 minutes and ends in a message like: Task tyr.binarisation.gtfs2ed[304b2bb6-f9c9-4278-86ca-3f2c9022f6b4] succeeded in 1092.6473235s: None
9.0.1 Validate the processing of GTFS & OSM takes place - see 9.0.2 about validating the generated file exists
If you don't see the messages mentioned above in the worker logs, it probably means that tyr_beat container that's responsible for the worker's task managemenr has malfunctioned.
1. Try to restart tyr_beat:
a. Open Git Bash terminal and type $docker-compose up tyr_beat
b. If all goes well, tyr_beat starts and it should bring up the needed gtfs2ed and osm2ed tasks - search for them in the worker logs.
c. If not, tyr_beat is probably borken and exists shortly with exit_code = 1
c1. Stop all containers using
$docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
c2. Delete the tyr_beat container and then the tyr_beat image:
$docker rm navitia-docker-compose_tyr_beat_1
$docker rmi docker rmi navitia/tyr-beat
c3. Re-run the docker, which will trigger a new generation of tyr_beat download: (if you need custom deployment, use the proper command)
$docker-compose up
c4. Worker should now process the OSM & GTFS as mentioned above
9.0.2 Validate the generated graph exists
The result of the proccess should be the a graph file called default.nav.lz4 in the worker container under /srv/ed/output.
You can see it by SSHing into the container:
a. Open PowerShell terminal and type
$docker ps
b. Copy the worker container name, e.g. "navitia-docker-compose_tyr_worker_1"
c. SSH to the container: $
docker exec -i -t navitia-docker-compose_tyr_worker_1 /bin/bash
d. Go to the folder:
$cd /srv/ed/output"
e. Check if the file there using
In the mean time, we'll setup the Navitia playground
10. Run the Navitia Playground
a. Clone the following repository to your machine:
$ git clone
b. Open git bash at the repository folder and run
$ npm install && npx bower install
Once finished, run:
npx gulp dev
11. Access the Playground and start hacking!
- The URL for the playground is: http://localhost:4242/play.html
- The URL for the API Server is: http://localhost:9191/v1
- Example URL for getting started with a list of all lines covered in Israel: http://localhost:4242/play.html?request=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9191%2Fv1%2Fcoverage%2Fdefault%2Flines%3F
- Link to the Navitia API Docs:
1. "The region default is dead":
If the server hsan't done generating the graph yet, this is the standard error message. Wait a bit longer.
If long time passed and your're sure the data processing is done (look below for logs tutorial), stop and restart the service:
a. Stop all containers with Ctr+C or $docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
b. Run docker-compose up
You can view the worker server logs to see if the job completled succefully:
a. Save the worker logs to a fodler on your machine by opening a terminal and running:
$ docker logs navitia-docker-compose_tyr_worker_1 >& workerLogs.txt
b. Open workerLogs.txt and search for "gtfs2ed", "osm2ed" or "ed2nav". The logs should show that these jobs are launches and succeded, e.g.:
Line 25170: [2018-11-06 13:14:41,040] [ INFO] [ 1] [ celery.worker.job] Task tyr.binarisation.gtfs2ed[37095a3c-5fbd-494a-9660-0040fb9dffb8] succeeded in 1558.0350151s: None
2. If you need to restart the deploy process from scratch and delete all data and containers run - THIS WILL REMOVE ANY DOCKER assets, NOT ONLY NATIVIA:
a. Stop all running containers by navitia:
$ docker ps -a | grep navitia | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker stop
b. Delete all stopped containers by Navitia:
$ docker ps -a -f status=exited| grep navitia | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm
c. Remove all unused volumes by navitia:
$ docker volume ls | grep navitia | awk '{print $2}' | xargs docker volume rm
OR remove all volumes that are unsued by any contianer
$ docker volume prune
d. Remove all the UNUSED images (we have to move all, because the names are not specific)
$ docker image prune -a
3. Accessing the container with Bash terminal:
docker exec -i -t <container id> /bin/bash
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