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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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LLVM wrapper generator
use strict;
my $file = $ARGV[0];
my @data = ();
my @cast_types = ("AtomicOrdering", "SynchronizationScope", "BinOp", "BinaryOps", "Predicate", "OtherOps");
my @prim_types = ("bool", "unsigned", "unsigned short", "uint8_t", "uint16_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t", "int8_t", "int16_t", "int32_t", "int64_t", "float", "double");
unlink "$file.h";
unlink "$file.cpp";
my $class = "";
my $base = "";
my @decl = ();
my $public = 0;
open F, $file;
while (<F>)
if (/^class (\w+)(?:\s*:\s*([\w <>,]+))?/)
$class = $1;
$base = $2;
if ($class and /^\};/) {
@data = ();
$class = 0;
$public = 0;
} elsif (/^(\w+):/) {
$public = ($1 eq "public");
} elsif ($public) {
push @data, $_;
close F;
my $constr_inhr;
my @private_vars;
sub manage_class
$constr_inhr = "";
foreach (split /,\s*/, $base)
if (/public (\w+?[^\s])\s*$/)
$constr_inhr .= "\t\t, $1(base)\n";
@private_vars = ();
my $text = join "", @data;
$text =~ s/enum (\w+\s*\{[^\}]+\};)/ push @decl, "enum class $1"; "" /mes;
$text =~ s/\{.*?\}//mgs;
$text =~ s/\/\/.*//g;
$text =~ s/,\s*\n\s*/, /mg;
$text =~ s/\(\s*\n\s*/(/mg;
$text =~ s/\s*\n\s*\)/)/mg;
$text =~ s/^\s*\n//mg;
$text =~ s/(?<=[a-zA-Z])\s+(?=\()//g;
$text =~ s/(?:\s*;\s*|(?<![;\s])\s*)$/;/mg;
$text =~ s/ const;$/;/mg;
$text =~ s/^ /\t/mg;
my $header = "";
my $code = "";
foreach (split /\n+/, $text)
if (/\t+
((?:static\ )?)
((?:explicit\ )?(?:virtual\ )?(?:inline\ )?)
((?&TYPE))?(?(3)\ )
(?<TYPE>(?:\w+::)?[\w ]+(?:<(?:\w+::)?\w+\s*(?:\*\s*)?>)?)
(?<ARG>(?&TYPE)(?:\ [*&]?\w+)?)
my ($h, $c) = &trans_func($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
$header .= $h;
$code .= $c;
$header .= "\t//" . (substr $_, 1) . "\n";
open H, ">> $file.h";
print H "public ref class $class\n";
print H "\t: $base\n" if ($base);
print H "{\n";
if (@private_vars)
print H "private:\n";
foreach (@private_vars)
print H "\t$_;\n";
print H "\n";
print H <<EOF;
\tllvm::$class *base;
\t$class(llvm::$class *base)
\t\t: base(base)
\tvirtual ~$class()
foreach (@decl)
s/ /\t/g;
s/ \{/\n\t{/;
print H "\t$_\n";
print H $header;
print H "};\n\n";
close H;
open C, ">> $file.cpp";
print C $code;
print C "\n";
close C;
sub trans_func
my ($static, $mod, $type, $ptr, $name, $arg, $varg) = @_;
$arg =~ tr/*/^/;
my @args = split /,\s*/, $arg;
$varg =~ tr/*/^/;
$varg =~ s/\s*=\s*\w+//g;
my @vargs = split /,\s*/, $varg;
push @vargs, "" if (@vargs == 0);
my $constr = "";
my $pre = "";
my $post = "";
my $constructor = ((not $type) and ($name eq $class));
my $store = 0;
my $use_ctx = 0;
my @arg_call = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#args; $i++)
($args[$i], $arg_call[$i], $constr, $pre, $post, $store, $use_ctx)
= &manage_arg($args[$i], $constr, $pre, $post, $store, $use_ctx, $constructor);
my $array = 0;
if ($type =~ /ArrayRef<((?:\w+::)?\w+)\s*(\*?)>/)
$post .=
"\tarray<$1$2> ^s = gcnew array<$1$2>(r.size());\n"
. "\tfor (int i = 0; i < s->Length; i++)\n"
. "\t\ts[i] = " . &make_call("$1$2 ^r[i]") . ";\n"
. "\treturn s;\n";
$type = "array<$1$2>";
$ptr = 1;
$array = 1;
elsif ($type eq $class)
$ptr = 1;
if (($type eq "const char" and $ptr)
or $type eq "StringRef"
or $type eq "std::string")
$type = "System::String";
$ptr = 1;
my $call_by;
if ($constructor)
$mod = "";
$call_by = "new llvm::";
$mod .= "$type " . ($ptr ? "^" : "");
$mod =~ s/explicit //;
$call_by = ($static ? "llvm::${class}::" : "base->");
my $header = "";
my $code = "";
foreach (@vargs)
if ($_)
my ($a, $c);
($a, $c, $constr, $pre, $post, $store, $use_ctx)
= &manage_arg($_, $constr, $pre, $post, $store, $use_ctx, $constructor);
push @args, $a;
push @arg_call, $c;
my $call = "$call_by$name(" . join(', ', @arg_call) . ")";
if ($ptr)
if ($type eq "System::String") {
$call = "utils::manage_str($call)";
} elsif (not $array) {
$call = "gcnew $type($call)";
if (grep { $_ eq $type } @cast_types)
$call = "safe_cast<$type>($call)";
$header .= "\t$static$mod$name(" . join(', ', @args) . ");\n";
$code .= "$mod${class}::$name(" . join(', ', @args) . ")\n"
. ($constructor ? "\t: ${constr}base($call)\n" . &reduce_indent($constr_inhr) : "")
. "{\n"
. $pre
. ($constructor ? ""
: "\t"
. ($store ? "auto r = " : "return ")
. $call . ";\n")
. $post
. "}\n";
return ($header, $code);
sub manage_arg
my ($arg, $constr, $pre, $post, $store, $use_ctx, $constructor) = @_;
my ($r, $call);
if ($arg =~ /ArrayRef<(\w+::)?(\w+)\s*(\^)?> (\w+)/)
my $hdl = ("$1$2" eq $class ? "^" : $3);
$r = "array<$1$2$3> ^$4";
if ($1 or $hdl)
my $n = chr(97 + $store);
my $m = $n . "rr";
$pre .=
"\tllvm::$1$2 **$n = new llvm::$1$2 *[$4->Length];\n"
. "\tfor (int i = 0; i < $4->Length; i++)\n"
. "\t\t${n}[i] = " . &make_call("$1$2 $hdl${4}[i]") . ";\n"
. "\tllvm::ArrayRef<llvm::$1$2 *> $m($n, $4->Length);\n";
$call = $m;
$post = "\tdelete $n;\n" . $post;
$post .= "\treturn r;\n" if ($store++ == 0);
$call = "utils::unmanage_array($4)";
elsif ($arg =~ /(?:const Twine|const char|StringRef)\s*[\^&]?\s*(\w+)/)
$r = "System::String ^$1";
if ((grep { $_ == "msclr::interop::marshal_context ^ctx" } @private_vars) == 0)
push @private_vars, "msclr::interop::marshal_context ^ctx";
if (not $use_ctx)
$use_ctx = 1;
if ($constructor) {
$constr .= "ctx(gcnew msclr::interop::marshal_context())\n\t, ";
} else {
$pre .= "\tauto ctx = gcnew msclr::interop::marshal_context();\n";
$post .= "\tdelete ctx;\n";
$post .= "\treturn r;\n" if ($store++ == 0 and not $constructor);
$call = "ctx->marshal_as<const char *>($1)";
elsif ($arg =~ /^(\w+)$/)
$call = $1;
$r = "$1 ";
$call =~ s/^([A-Z])/ lc($1) /e;
$r .= $call;
$r = $arg;
$call = &make_call($arg);
$r =~ tr/&/^/;
return ($r, $call, $constr, $pre, $post, $store, $use_ctx);
sub make_call
$_ = $_[0];
if (/^(\w+::\w+) (\w+(?:\[\w+\])?)$/)
return "safe_cast<llvm::$1>($2)";
elsif (/^([\w ]+) (\w+(?:\[\w+\])?)$/)
if (grep { $_ eq $1 } @cast_types) {
return "safe_cast<llvm::$1>($2)";
} else {
return "$2";
elsif (/^[\w ]+ ([\^&])(\w+(?:\[\w+\])?)$/)
return ($1 eq "&" ? "*" : "") . "$2->base";
elsif (/^[\w ]+ \^(\w+(?:\[\w+\])?)$/)
return "$1->base";
return "?";
sub reduce_indent
my $s = $_[0];
$s =~ s/\t\t/\t/g;
return $s;
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