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Last active November 7, 2017 13:22
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$screenshot = new ScreenShot(1000, 750, '');
//jonnnnyw/php-phantomjs のラッパー?ラッピング?したものです。
use \JonnyW\PhantomJs\Client;
class ScreenShot{
private $client;
private $request;
private $response;
private $width;
private $height;
private $top;
private $left;
private $URL;
private $timeOut = 30000;
function __construct($width, $height, $URL){
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
$this->top = 0;
$this->left = 0;
$this->URL = $URL;
public function MakeClient(){
$this->client = Client::getInstance();
$this->client->isLazy(); //ページのレンダリング待ち
$this->client->getEngine()->setPath(__DIR__ . '/../bin/phantomjs');
public function MakeRequest($screenshotFileName){
$this->request = $this->client->getMessageFactory()->createCaptureRequest($this->URL, 'GET');
$this->request->setTimeout($this->timeOut); //強制的に終了するまでの時間
$this->request->setOutputFile($screenshotFileName); //スクショのファイル名
$this->request->setViewportSize($this->width, $this->height); //ブラウザサイズ
$this->request->setCaptureDimensions($this->width, $this->height, $this->top, $this->left); //撮影範囲
public function MakeRespose(){
$this->response = $this->client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();
public function SendRequset(){
$this->client->send($this->request, $this->response);
public function MakeImg($screenshotFileName){
//ファイルサイズ 0 byte = 画面取得できてないと判断
If(filesize($ssName) != 0){
return true;
return false;
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