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Last active December 17, 2015 14:58
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  • Save kinoshita-lab/5627815 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kinoshita-lab/5627815 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
look for a best way to impl counter..
The Code:
#include <cstdio>
#define MAX_COUNT (11)
void someFunction()
int counter_for_if = 0;
void counter_if_process()
if (counter_for_if >= MAX_COUNT) {
counter_for_if = 0;
int counter_for_conditional_op = 0;
void counter_conditional_op()
counter_for_conditional_op = ++counter_for_conditional_op >= MAX_COUNT ? 0 : counter_for_conditional_op;
if (counter_for_conditional_op == 0) {
int counter_for_modulo = 0;
void modulo_counter_process()
counter_for_modulo = (++counter_for_modulo) % MAX_COUNT;
if (counter_for_modulo == 0) {
Compile with:
clang++ -O3 -S -mllvm --x86-asm-syntax=intel unko.cpp -o
clang++ -v
Apple LLVM version 4.2 (clang-425.0.24) (based on LLVM 3.2svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin12.2.0
The Result (simpilified):
__Z18counter_if_processv: ## @_Z18counter_if_processv
push RBP
mov RBP, RSP
mov EAX, DWORD PTR [RIP + _counter_for_if]
inc EAX
mov DWORD PTR [RIP + _counter_for_if], EAX
cmp EAX, 11
jl LBB1_1
mov DWORD PTR [RIP + _counter_for_if], 0
lea RDI, QWORD PTR [RIP + L_.str]
pop RBP
jmp _puts ## TAILCALL
pop RBP
__Z22counter_conditional_opv: ## @_Z22counter_conditional_opv
push RBP
mov RBP, RSP
mov EAX, DWORD PTR [RIP + _counter_for_conditional_op]
inc EAX
xor ECX, ECX
cmp EAX, 10
cmovle ECX, EAX
mov DWORD PTR [RIP + _counter_for_conditional_op], ECX
test ECX, ECX
je LBB2_2
pop RBP
lea RDI, QWORD PTR [RIP + L_.str]
pop RBP
jmp _puts ## TAILCALL
__Z22modulo_counter_processv: ## @_Z22modulo_counter_processv
push RBP
mov RBP, RSP
mov EAX, DWORD PTR [RIP + _counter_for_modulo]
lea ECX, DWORD PTR [RAX + 1]
movsxd RCX, ECX
imul RCX, RCX, 780903145
mov RDX, RCX
shr RDX, 63
sar RCX, 33
add ECX, EDX
imul ECX, ECX, 11
neg ECX
lea EAX, DWORD PTR [RAX + RCX + 1]
mov DWORD PTR [RIP + _counter_for_modulo], EAX
test EAX, EAX
je LBB3_2
pop RBP
lea RDI, QWORD PTR [RIP + L_.str]
pop RBP
jmp _puts ## TAILCALL
.section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals
L_.str: ## @.str
.asciz "unko"
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