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Created October 23, 2017 18:41
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Setting up gitbook and hosting on github pages

Setting up Gitbook for a project and hosting on Github Pages

npm version

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This is a documentation of setting up the basic requirements for your gitbook and hosting onto github pages, refer to gitbook toolchain documentation for details on how to structure and write your gitbook

IMPORTANT I am using node LTS (node version 6.11.4 and npm version 3.10.10), you may run into erros using current version of node.

  1. Create project's if you haven't, which will be the introduction/front page of your gitbook
  2. Create book.json in project's root (Gitbook settings & structure)
    "gitbook": "2.5.2",
    "structure": { 
      "summary": "docs/" 
  1. Create in /docs directory
# Table of content 
* [Getting Started](docs/
* [Second Chapter](docs/
  1. Create and save .md files which are linked in in the /docs or its subdirectories (the book's chapters and articles)

Now you have your basic structure of your book that is ready to be published!

Previewing the book

  1. Install gitbook-cli and add to development dependency
npm install gitbook-cli --save-dev

you can add node_modules directory to .gitignore

  1. create package.json in root and add following scripts:
"scripts": {
   "docs:prepare": "gitbook install",
   "docs:watch": "npm run docs:prepare && gitbook serve"
  1. run the watch task (npm run docs:watch)
  2. book will be hosted on localhost:4000

Publishing the book on Github Pages

  • In this guide we will create an empty branch called "gh-pages" to push our gitbook which will be displayed on the project github pages (http://[username][repo])
  1. Create the gh-pages branch and empty all content

  2. Go to repository settings on github and under github pages, select the source as gh-pages branch

  3. Switch to master branch and add the following script in package.json:

"scripts": {
  "docs:build": "npm run docs:prepare && rm -rf _book && gitbook build"

running this npm command will create _book directory which will hold the contents to be published on the github pages (_book/index.html is the static website generated by gitbook)

you can add _book to .gitignore

  1. Add an npm script to your package.json which will publish the content in _book to the gh_pages branch

This is the command I use:

"docs:publish": "npm run docs:build && cd _book && git init && git commit --allow-empty -m \" Update docs\" && git checkout gh-pages && git add . && git commit -am \" Update docs\" && git push<username>/<repo> gh-pages --force"

Which consits of these commands:

$ npm run docs:build
$ cd _book
$ git init
$ git commit --allow-empty -m "Update docs"
$ git checkout gh-pages
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "Update docs"
$ git push<username>/<repo> gh-pages --force

IMPORTANT: to use $ git push<username>/<repo> gh-pages --force command, you need to generate and add your SSH key to your github account

also remember to change [username] and [repo] to your own

  1. Run the docs:publish command Your page should be live on http://[username][repo] !

you can also use gitbook plugins or add css by referencing to a .css file in your package.json

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