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require 'httparty'
class TransactionsController < ApplicationController
def paystack
@order = Order.find_by(ref_no: params[:ref])
amount = @order.price
ref = @order.ref_no
response = HTTParty.get("{ref}",
headers: { "Authorization"=> "Bearer #{Rails.application.credentials.dig(:paystack, :secret_key)}",
"content-type" => "application/json"})
paid = response['data']['amount']/100
status = response['data']['status']
if paid == amount && status == 'success'
@order.update!(status: true, country: @country, payment_method: "PAYSTACK" )
render json: {message: "Payment successful"}
flash[:success] = "Payment successful"
render json: {message: "Payment was unsuccessful"}, status: :unprocessable_entity
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