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Created November 22, 2013 03:26
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module cross() {
square([10,20], center=true);
square([20,10], center=true);
module cross2() {
minkowski() {
circle(r=3, $fn=16);
union() {
square([10,20], center=true);
square([20,10], center=true);
module slab(h, rot_from, rot_to, scale_from, scale_to) {
linear_extrude(height=h, twist=rot_to-rot_from, scale=scale_to/scale_from) {
rotate(-rot_from) scale(scale_from) child();
SLABS = 10;
TWIST = 45;
for (i = [0:SLABS-1]) {
translate([0,0,i*HEIGHT/SLABS]) slab(HEIGHT/SLABS, i*TWIST/SLABS, (i+1)*TWIST/SLABS, (sin(i*180/SLABS + 50)+2)/2, (sin((i+1)*180/SLABS + 50)+2)/2) cross2();
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