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Created September 28, 2017 02:12
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import ticker, gridspec
import pandas as pd
import sageodata
# wl_key = "DEPTH_TO_WATER"
with sageodata.Connection() as gd:
df = gd.pandas_query("""
select d.unit_no, wl.obs_date, wl.{wl_key}
from dhdb.wa_water_level_vw wl
left outer join dhdb.dd_drillhole_vw d
on wl.drillhole_no = d.drillhole_no
where d.drillhole_no=128013 or d.drillhole_no=128014
df = df.dropna()
def difference_func(group):
wl_1 = group[group["UNIT_NO"] == 702901196][wl_key].mean()
wl_2 = group[group["UNIT_NO"] == 702901197][wl_key].mean()
print(wl_1 - wl_2)
return pd.DataFrame({
"obs_date": [group["OBS_DATE"].iloc[0]],
"diff": [wl_1 - wl_2],
df["MONTHLY"] = df["OBS_DATE"].dt.to_period("M")
monthly_data = df.groupby("MONTHLY")
good_months = monthly_data.filter(lambda group: len(set(group["UNIT_NO"])) > 1)
diffs = good_months.groupby("MONTHLY").apply(difference_func)
if True:
fig = plt.figure()
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=(2, 1), hspace=0.18)
ax_dtw = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
ax_diff = fig.add_subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax_dtw)
colours = {
702901196: "r",
702901197: "b",
labels = {
702901196: "PAG081",
702901197: "PAG082",
for unit_no in set(df["UNIT_NO"]):
sub_df = df[df["UNIT_NO"] == unit_no]
sub_df["OBS_DATE"], sub_df[wl_key], marker=".",
color=colours[unit_no], ls="none", label="")
sub_good_months = good_months[good_months["UNIT_NO"] == unit_no]
sub_good_months["OBS_DATE"], sub_good_months[wl_key], marker="o",
color=colours[unit_no], ls="none", mfc="none", label=labels[unit_no])
plt.setp(ax_dtw.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
ax_diff.axhline(0, color="gray", lw=0.5)
ax_diff.plot(diffs["obs_date"].values, diffs["diff"], ls="none", marker="o", color="k", mfc="grey")
for ax in (ax_dtw, ):
ax_dtw.set_ylabel(wl_key + " (m)")
ax_dtw.set_title("Monitoring data:", fontsize="medium")
ax_diff.set_title("Comparison of monthly averages:", fontsize="medium")
text_kws = dict(ha="right", fontsize="small", transform=ax_diff.transAxes)
ax_diff.text(0.98, 0.95, "PAG82 shallower than PAG81", color="b", va="top", **text_kws)
ax_diff.text(0.98, 0.05, "PAG82 deeper than PAG81", color="r", va="bottom", **text_kws)
fig.savefig("kent_normal.png", dpi=120, bbox_inches="tight")
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