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Last active June 27, 2021 22:21
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defmodule Channel do
@input [{0, 190}, {1, 0}, {2, 0}, {3, 0}, {6, 220}, {9, 90}]
@doc """
Map a list of {index, value} pairs
into a binary, filling in any gaps in
the index sequence with <<0>> as
the list is built.
def to_binary(input \\ @input) do
|> reduce_input()
|> :erlang.list_to_binary()
# Only one element, return its value
def reduce_input([{_i1, v1}]) do
# This element and the next are in
# sequence so no filler is required
def reduce_input([{i1, v1}, {i2, _v2} = next | tail]) when i2 == i1 + 1 do
[v1 | reduce_input([next | tail])]
# This element and the next are not in sequence
# so we need to insert some filler <<0>>'s
def reduce_input([{i1, v1}, {i2, _v2} = next | tail]) do
[v1 | Enum.reduce(1..i2 - i1 - 1, reduce_input([next | tail]), fn _i, acc -> [0 | acc] end)]
@doc """
This version composes the binary directly
It is 17% slower than the list version
since combining binaries is not as fast
as list insertion.
def to_binary2(input \\ @input) do
|> reduce_input2()
# Only one element, return its value
def reduce_input2([{_i1, v1}]) do
# This element and the next are in
# sequence so no filler is required
def reduce_input2([{i1, v1}, {i2, _v2} = next | tail]) when i2 == i1 + 1 do
<<v1>> <> reduce_input2([next | tail])
# This element and the next are not in sequence
# so we need to insert some filler <<0>>'s
def reduce_input2([{i1, v1}, {i2, _v2} = next | tail]) do
<<v1>> <> Enum.reduce(1..i2 - i1 - 1, reduce_input2([next | tail]), fn _i, acc -> <<0>> <> acc end)
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kipcole9 commented Jun 27, 2021

iex> Channel.to_binary 
<<190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 220, 0, 0, 90>>

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