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Advent of Code 2022
#lang racket
(module day1 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day1.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (get-calories input)
(~>> input
(string-split _ "\n\n")
(map string-split)
(map (curry map string->number))
(map (curry apply +))))
(define (part1 input)
(apply max (get-calories input)))
(define (part2 input)
(apply + (take (sort (get-calories input) >) 3))))
(module day2 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day2.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (get-strategy input rules)
(~> input
(regexp-replace* #rx"[ABCXYZ]" _ (λ (s) (hash-ref rules s)))
(string-split "\n")
(map string-split _)
(map (curry map string->number) _)))
(define (part1 input)
(for/fold ([score 0])
([play (get-strategy input #hash(("A" . "1")
("B" . "2")
("C" . "3")
("X" . "1")
("Y" . "2")
("Z" . "3")))])
(+ score
(match play
[(or '(1 2) '(2 3) '(3 1)) (+ (second play) 6)]
[(or '(1 1) '(2 2) '(3 3)) (+ (second play) 3)]
[(or '(1 3) '(2 1) '(3 2)) (+ (second play) 0)]))))
(define (part2 input)
(for/fold ([score 0])
([play (get-strategy input #hash(("A" . "1")
("B" . "2")
("C" . "3")
("X" . "0")
("Y" . "3")
("Z" . "6")))])
(+ score
(match play
[(or '(1 3) '(2 0) '(3 6)) (+ (second play) 1)]
[(or '(2 3) '(3 0) '(1 6)) (+ (second play) 2)]
[(or '(3 3) '(1 0) '(2 6)) (+ (second play) 3)])))))
(module day3 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day3.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (get-priorities xs)
(~>> (map char->integer xs)
(map (λ (p) (if (>= p (char->integer #\a))
(+ 1 (- p (char->integer #\a)))
(+ 27 (- p (char->integer #\A))))))))
(define (get-compartments xs)
(let-values ([(one two) (split-at xs (/ (length xs) 2))])
(list one two)))
(define (get-rucksack-compartments input)
(~>> (string-split input "\n")
(map string->list)
(map get-compartments)))
(define (get-badge xs)
(~>> (map string->list xs)
(map list->set)
(apply set-intersect)
(define (get-badges input)
(for/fold ([badges null]
[group null]
#:result badges)
([items (string-split input "\n")])
(if (= (length group) 2)
(values (cons (get-badge (cons items group)) badges) null))
(values badges (cons items group)))))
(define (part1 input)
(~>> (get-rucksack-compartments input)
(map (curry map list->set))
(map (curry apply set-intersect))
(map set-first)
(apply +)))
(define (part2 input)
(~>> (get-badges input)
(apply +))))
(module day4 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day4.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (range-string->list rs)
(~>> (string-split rs "-")
(map string->number)
(map + '(0 1))
(apply range)))
(define (get-pairs input)
(~>> (string-split input "\n")
(map (curryr string-split ","))
(map (curry map range-string->list))))
(define (part1 input)
(~>> (get-pairs input)
(map (curry map list->set))
(count (λ (sections)
(or (subset? (first sections) (second sections))
(subset? (second sections) (first sections)))))))
(define (part2 input)
(~>> (get-pairs input)
(map (curry map list->set))
(count (λ~>> (apply set-intersect)
(module day5 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day5.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (get-cranes input)
(~>> (string-split input "\n")
(map string->list)
(apply map list)
(filter (λ~> (last)
(map (curry filter char-alphabetic?))))
(define (parse-instructions input)
(~>> (string-split input "\n")
(map string-split)
(map (curry map string->number))
(map (curry filter identity))
(map (λ~>> (map + '(0 -1 -1))))))
(define (get-data input)
(let ([crane-and-instructions (~>> input
(string-split _ "\n\n"))])
(values (list->vector (get-cranes (first crane-and-instructions)))
(parse-instructions (second crane-and-instructions)))))
(define (part1 input)
(let-values ([(cranes instructions) (get-data input)])
(for ([instr instructions])
(~> (vector-ref cranes (second instr))
(take (first instr))
(append (vector-ref cranes (third instr)))
(vector-set! cranes (third instr) _))
(~> (vector-ref cranes (second instr))
(drop (first instr))
(vector-set! cranes (second instr) _)))
(list->string (vector->list (vector-map first cranes)))))
(define (part2 input)
(let-values ([(cranes instructions) (get-data input)])
(for ([instr instructions])
(~> (vector-ref cranes (second instr))
(take (first instr))
(append (vector-ref cranes (third instr)))
(vector-set! cranes (third instr) _))
(~> (vector-ref cranes (second instr))
(drop (first instr))
(vector-set! cranes (second instr) _)))
(list->string (vector->list (vector-map first cranes))))))
(module day6 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day6.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (get-unique-sequence input x)
(let loop ([signals (string->list input)]
[pos 0])
(if (= x (set-count (list->set (take signals x))))
(+ x pos)
(loop (rest signals) (+ pos 1)))))
(define (part1 input)
(get-unique-sequence input 4))
(define (part2 input)
(get-unique-sequence input 14)))
(module day7 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day7.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (get-fs input)
(for/fold ([current-dir (list (make-hash))]
#:result (last current-dir))
([input (string-split input "\n")])
(let ([line (string-split input)])
(match (first line)
["$" (match (second line)
["cd" (match (third line)
[".." (rest current-dir)]
["/" (list (last current-dir))]
[else (let ([d (hash-ref! (first current-dir)
(third line)
(λ () (make-hash)))])
(cons d current-dir))])]
["ls" current-dir])]
["dir" (hash-ref! (first current-dir)
(second line)
(λ () (make-hash)))
[else (let ([size (string->number (first line))])
(hash-set! (first current-dir)
(second line)
(define (get-size-of-dir dir)
(for/fold ([sum 0])
([(k v) dir])
(+ sum (if (hash? v) (get-size-of-dir v) v))))
(define (flatten-dirs predicate dir)
(~>> (for/list ([(k v) dir])
(if (hash? v) (flatten-dirs predicate v) null))
(list (if (predicate dir) (list dir) null))
(define (part1 input)
(~>> (get-fs input)
(flatten-dirs (λ~> (get-size-of-dir)
(<= 100000)))
(map get-size-of-dir)
(apply +)))
(define (part2 input)
(let* ([fs (get-fs input)]
[required-size (- 30000000 (- 70000000 (get-size-of-dir fs)))])
(~>> (flatten-dirs identity fs)
(map get-size-of-dir)
(sort _ <)
(filter (λ~> (> required-size)))
(module day8 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day8.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (is-cell-visible-in-row? row pos)
(let ([height (vector-ref row pos)])
(or (for/and ([i (in-range pos)])
(< (vector-ref row i) height))
(for/and ([i (in-range (+ 1 pos) (vector-length row))])
(< (vector-ref row i) height)))))
(define (is-cell-visible-in-column? grid row col)
(let ([height (vector-ref (vector-ref grid row) col)])
(or (for/and ([i (in-range row)])
(< (vector-ref (vector-ref grid i) col) height))
(for/and ([i (in-range (+ 1 row) (vector-length grid))])
(< (vector-ref (vector-ref grid i) col) height)))))
(define (is-cell-visible? grid i j)
(or (is-cell-visible-in-row? (vector-ref grid i) j)
(is-cell-visible-in-column? grid i j)))
(define (part1 input)
(let* ([grid (~>> (string-split input "\n")
(map string->list)
(map (λ~>> (map string)
(map string->number)
[grid-length (vector-length (vector-ref grid 0))]
[grid-height (vector-length grid)])
(for*/sum ([i (in-range grid-height)]
[j (in-range grid-length)])
(if (is-cell-visible? grid i j)
(define (part2 input)
(let* ([grid (~>> (string-split input "\n")
(map string->list)
(map (λ~>> (map string)
(map string->number))))]
[col-grid (list->vector (map list->vector (apply map list grid)))]
[row-grid (list->vector (map list->vector grid))]
[grid-length (vector-length row-grid)]
[grid-height (vector-length col-grid)])
(define (get-distance v start end step height)
(for/fold ([distance 0]
[blocked #f]
#:result distance)
([i (in-range start end step)]
#:break blocked)
(values (+ 1 distance) (>= (vector-ref v i) height))))
(define (get-row-view-score v pos)
(let ([height (vector-ref v pos)])
(* (get-distance v (- pos 1) -1 -1 height)
(get-distance v (+ pos 1) (vector-length v) 1 height))))
(define (get-view-score i j)
(* (get-row-view-score (vector-ref row-grid i) j)
(get-row-view-score (vector-ref col-grid j) i)))
(for*/fold ([m 0])
([i (in-range grid-height)]
[j [in-range grid-length]])
(max m (get-view-score i j))))))
(module day9 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day9.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (print-grid head tail)
(for* ([j (in-range 30 -31 -1)]
#:do [(printf "\n")]
[i (in-range -30 31)])
[(v=? head (list i j)) (printf "H")]
[(and (= 1 (length tail)) (v=? (list-ref tail 0) (list i j))) (printf "T")]
[(member (list i j) tail) (printf "~a" (+ 1 (- (length tail) (length (member (list i j) tail)))))]
[(v=? (list 0 0 ) (list i j)) (printf "S")]
[else (printf ".")])))
(define (v+ a b)
(map + a b))
(define (v- a b)
(map - a b))
(define (v=? a b)
(and (= (first a) (first b))
(= (second a) (second b))))
(define (move-tail head tail)
(let ([dist (v- head tail)])
(match dist
[(list 2 0) (v+ tail (list 1 0))]
[(list 0 2) (v+ tail (list 0 1))]
[(list -2 0) (v+ tail (list -1 0))]
[(list 0 -2) (v+ tail (list 0 -1))]
[(list 2 x) (v+ tail (list 1 (/ x (abs x))))]
[(list x 2) (v+ tail (list (/ x (abs x)) 1))]
[(list -2 x) (v+ tail (list -1 (/ x (abs x))))]
[(list x -2) (v+ tail (list (/ x (abs x)) -1))]
[else tail])))
(define (move-head direction visited head tail)
(let* ([new-head (match direction
["L" (v- head '(1 0))]
["R" (v+ head '(1 0))]
["U" (v+ head '(0 1))]
["D" (v- head '(0 1))])]
[new-tail (for/fold ([ntail null]
[leader new-head]
#:result (reverse ntail))
([follower tail])
(let ([new-leader (move-tail leader follower)])
(values (cons new-leader ntail) new-leader)))])
(when (debugging?)
(print-grid new-head new-tail)
(printf "\n\n"))
(values (cons (last new-tail) visited) new-head new-tail)))
(define (process-moves input num-knots)
(for*/fold ([visited (list '(0 0))]
[head '(0 0)]
[tail (make-list num-knots '(0 0))]
#:result (length (remove-duplicates visited)))
([command-str (string-split input "\n")]
#:do [(define command (string-split command-str))
(define direction (first command))
(define steps (string->number (second command)))]
[i (in-range steps)])
(let* ([command (string-split command-str)]
[direction (first command)])
(when (debugging?)
(printf "~a - ~a" command i))
(move-head direction visited head tail))))
(define (part1 input)
(process-moves input 1))
(define (part2 input)
(process-moves input 9)))
(module day10 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day10.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (get-ops stmt-str)
(let ([stmt (string-split stmt-str)])
(match (first stmt)
["noop" (list 0)]
["addx" (list 0 (string->number (second stmt)))])))
(define (part1 input)
(define (get-signal-strength cycles x)
(if (debugging?)
(list x cycles)
(* x cycles)))
(define (update-signal-strength signal-strength cycles x)
(if (= 0 (modulo (+ cycles 20) 40))
(~> (get-signal-strength cycles x)
(cons signal-strength))
(for*/fold ([x 1]
[cycles 1]
[signal-strength null]
#:result (if (debugging?)
(apply + signal-strength)))
([stmt-str (string-split input "\n")]
[op (get-ops stmt-str)])
(~>> (update-signal-strength signal-strength cycles x)
(values (+ x op) (+ cycles 1)))))
(define (part2 input)
(define (update-crt crt cycles x)
(let ([row (floor (/ cycles 40))]
[column (modulo cycles 40)])
(when (or (= column (- x 1))
(= column x)
(= column (+ x 1)))
(vector-set! (vector-ref crt row) column #\#)))
(for*/fold ([x 1]
[cycles 1]
[crt (vector (make-vector 40 #\space)
(make-vector 40 #\space)
(make-vector 40 #\space)
(make-vector 40 #\space)
(make-vector 40 #\space)
(make-vector 40 #\space))]
#:result (map (compose list->string vector->list) (vector->list crt)))
([stmt-str (string-split input "\n")]
[op (get-ops stmt-str)])
(values (+ x op)
(+ cycles 1)
(update-crt crt (- cycles 1) x)))))
(module day11 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day11.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (read-operation op-str)
(let* ([words (string-split op-str)]
[fn (match (fourth words)
["+" +]
["-" -]
["*" *]
["/" /])]
[arg1 (string->number (third words))]
[arg2 (string->number (fifth words))])
(λ (old)
(fn (or arg1 old) (or arg2 old)))))
(define (read-actions true-action false-action)
(let ([true-n (string->number (last (string-split true-action)))]
[false-n (string->number (last (string-split false-action)))])
(list true-n false-n)))
(define (get-monkey-rules rules-str divisor)
(let ([lines (string-split rules-str "\n")])
(~> (first lines)
(string-replace ":" "")
(~> (string-replace (second lines) " Starting items: " "")
(string-replace _ " " "")
(string-split ",")
(map string->number _))
(~> (third lines)
(string-replace " Operation: " "")
(~> (read-actions (fifth lines) (sixth lines))))))
(define (get-monkey-op monkey)
(vector-ref monkey 2))
(define (get-monkey-test monkey)
(vector-ref monkey 3))
(define (get-monkey-action monkey first?)
(let ([options (vector-ref monkey 4)])
(if first?
(first options)
(second options))))
(define (update-monkeys from to new-worry-level)
(vector-set! to 1 (append (vector-ref to 1) (list new-worry-level)))
(vector-set! from 1 (rest (vector-ref from 1))))
(define (get-monkey-business monkeys num-iterations divisor mod)
(define (modifier w) (if mod (modulo w mod) w))
(for*/fold ([iterations (make-vector (vector-length monkeys) 0)]
#:result (if (debugging?)
(apply * (take (sort (vector->list iterations) >) 2))))
([i (in-range num-iterations)]
#:do [(when (debugging?)
(printf "~a\n" i)
(for ([m monkeys])
(printf "Monkey ~a: ~a\n" (vector-ref m 0) (vector-ref m 1)))
(printf "\n"))]
[monkey monkeys]
#:do [(define op (get-monkey-op monkey))
(define id (vector-ref monkey 0))
(define test (get-monkey-test monkey))]
[item (vector-ref monkey 1)]
#:do [(define new-worry-level (~> (floor (/ (op item) divisor))
(define monkey-to-throw-to (~> new-worry-level
(modulo test)
(get-monkey-action monkey _)))])
(update-monkeys monkey (vector-ref monkeys monkey-to-throw-to) new-worry-level)
(vector-set! iterations id (+ 1 (vector-ref iterations id)))
(define (get-divisors monkey-rules-str-list)
(define (get-divisor rule)
(~> (string-split rule "\n")
(map get-divisor monkey-rules-str-list))
(define (part1 input)
(let* ([monkey-rules-str (string-split input "\n\n")]
[divisors (get-divisors monkey-rules-str)]
[monkeys (list->vector (map get-monkey-rules monkey-rules-str divisors))])
(get-monkey-business monkeys 20 3 #f)))
(define (part2 input)
(let* ([monkey-rules-str (string-split input "\n\n")]
[divisors (get-divisors monkey-rules-str)]
[m (apply lcm divisors)]
[monkeys (list->vector (map get-monkey-rules monkey-rules-str divisors))])
(get-monkey-business monkeys 10000 1 m))))
(module day12 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading
(only-in data/gen-queue/priority mk-empty-priority)
(only-in data/gen-queue/fifo mk-empty-fifo))
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day12.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (search G s)
(define-vertex-property G shortest-path #:init +inf.0)
(define-vertex-property G num-steps #:init 0)
(define (weight u v) (edge-weight G u v))
(define (comparison u v) (< (shortest-path u) (shortest-path v)))
(do-bfs G s
#:init-queue: (mk-empty-priority comparison)
#:init: (shortest-path-set! s 0)
#:enqueue?: (> (shortest-path $v) (+ (shortest-path $from) (weight $from $v)))
(shortest-path-set! $v (+ (shortest-path $from) (weight $from $v)))
(num-steps-set! $v (+ 1 (num-steps $from)))
#:return: (num-steps->hash)))
(define (get-graph input)
(let* ([grid (~>> (string-split input "\n")
(map string->list)
(map (curry map char->integer))
(map list->vector)
(list->vector ))]
[num-rows (vector-length grid)]
[num-columns (vector-length (vector-ref grid 0))]
[cell-number (λ (x y) (+ (* y num-columns) x))]
[cell-value (λ (x y) (vector-ref (vector-ref grid y) x))]
[cell-height (λ (x y)
(and (< -1 x num-columns)
(< -1 y num-rows)
(let ([height (cell-value x y)])
(match height
[83 (char->integer #\a)]
[69 (char->integer #\z)]
[else height]))))])
(for*/fold ([heightmap (weighted-graph/directed null)]
[start-nodes null]
[start-node #f]
[end-node #f])
([x (in-range num-columns)]
[y (in-range num-rows)]
#:do [(define current-node (cell-number x y))
(define current-elevation (cell-height x y))
(define current-cell-value (cell-value x y))
(define (add-edge nx ny)
(let* ([next-elevation (cell-height nx ny)]
[next-node (cell-number nx ny)])
(when (and next-elevation (< (- next-elevation current-elevation) 2))
(add-directed-edge! heightmap next-node current-node 1))))])
(map add-edge
(list (- x 1) (+ x 1) x x)
(list y y (- y 1) (+ y 1)))
(match current-cell-value
[83 (values heightmap (cons current-node start-nodes) current-node end-node)]
[97 (values heightmap (cons current-node start-nodes) start-node end-node)]
[69 (values heightmap start-nodes start-node current-node)]
[else (values heightmap start-nodes start-node end-node)]))))
(define (part1 input)
(let-values ([(g start-nodes start-node end-node) (get-graph input)])
(hash-ref (search g end-node) start-node)))
(define (part2 input)
(let-values ([(g start-nodes start-node end-node) (get-graph input)])
(~>> (search g end-node)
(sequence-filter (λ (k v) (and (member k start-nodes) (> v 0))))
(sequence-map (λ (k v) v))
(sequence-fold min +inf.0)))))
(module day13 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day13.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (read-from-string str)
(with-input-from-string str
(define (compare-signal lr)
(when (debugging?) (printf "Comparing ~a ~a\n" (first lr) (second lr)))
(match lr
[(list '() '()) #f]
[(list '() (list-rest r r-rest)) #t]
[(list (list-rest l l-rest) '()) 'fail]
[(list '() k) #t]
[(list k '()) 'fail]
[(list (list-rest l l-rest) (list-rest r r-rest))
(or (compare-signal (list l r))
(compare-signal (list l-rest r-rest)))]
[(list (list-rest l l-rest) r)
(compare-signal (list (first lr) (list r)))]
[(list l (list-rest r r-rest))
(compare-signal (list (list l) (second lr)))]
[(list l r)
[(< l r) #t]
[(= l r) #f]
[else 'fail])]))
(define (part1 input)
(~>> (string-replace input "," " ")
(string-split _ "\n\n")
(map (curryr string-split "\n"))
(map (curry map read-from-string))
(map compare-signal)
(sequence-fold (λ (acc v i)
(if (equal? #t v)
(+ acc (+ 1 i))
(define (part2 input)
(let ([sorted-list (~>> (string-replace input "," " ")
(string-replace _ "\n\n" "\n")
(string-split _ "\n")
(map read-from-string)
(append '(((2)) ((6))))
(sort _ (λ (x y)
(equal? #t (compare-signal (list x y))))))])
(* (+ 1 (index-of sorted-list '((2))))
(+ 1 (index-of sorted-list '((6))))))))
(module day14 racket
(provide part1 part2 get-input debugging?)
(require threading)
(define (get-input)
(file->string "day14.txt"))
(define debugging? (make-parameter #f))
(define (dbg marker x)
(when (debugging?)
(printf "~a: ~a\n" marker x)
(define (get-rock-range previous current)
(if (empty? previous)
(let ([xs (first (filter (compose not empty?)
(map range previous current (map (compose sgn -) current previous))))])
(if (equal? (first previous) (first current))
(map list (make-list (length xs) (first previous)) xs)
(map list xs (make-list (length xs) (second previous)))))))
(define (get-vec str)
(map (compose string->number string-trim) (string-split str ",")))
(define (v+ a b)
(map + a b))
(define (v- a b)
(map - a b))
(define (v=? a b)
(and (= (first a) (first b))
(= (second a) (second b))))
(define (get-rocks input)
(for/fold ([rocks (set)])
([line (string-split input "\n")])
(for*/fold ([rocks rocks]
[previous-coordinate null]
#:result rocks)
([r (string-split line "->")]
#:do [(define r-vec (get-vec r))]
[val (cons r-vec (get-rock-range previous-coordinate r-vec))])
(values (set-add rocks val) r-vec))))
(define (get-max-y cells)
(for/fold ([max-y 0])
([cell cells])
(max max-y (second cell))))
(define (get-max-x cells)
(for/fold ([max-x 0])
([cell cells])
(max max-x (first cell))))
(define (get-min-x cells)
(for/fold ([min-x +inf.0]
#:result (exact-round min-x))
([cell cells])
(min min-x (first cell))))
(define (draw-grid rocks all-cells)
(define min-x (get-min-x all-cells))
(define max-x (get-max-x all-cells))
(define max-y (get-max-y all-cells))
(cons #\newline
(for*/list ([y (in-range (+ 1 max-y))]
[x (in-range min-x (+ 2 max-x))]
#:do [(define pos (list x y))])
[(set-member? rocks pos) #\#]
[(set-member? all-cells pos) #\o]
[(= x (+ 1 max-x)) #\newline]
[else #\.])))))
(define (part1 input)
(define (settle-sand occupied-cells sand-position max-y)
(define (is-occupied? pos)
(set-member? occupied-cells pos))
(if (> (second sand-position) max-y)
(set-add occupied-cells sand-position)
(if (is-occupied? (v+ sand-position '(0 1)))
(if (is-occupied? (v+ sand-position '(-1 1)))
(if (is-occupied? (v+ sand-position '(1 1)))
(set-add occupied-cells sand-position)
(settle-sand occupied-cells (v+ sand-position '(1 1)) max-y))
(settle-sand occupied-cells (v+ sand-position '(-1 1)) max-y))
(settle-sand occupied-cells (v+ sand-position '(0 1)) max-y))))
(define rocks (get-rocks input))
(define max-y (get-max-y rocks))
(for/fold ([occupied-cells rocks]
[num-iterations 0]
#:result num-iterations)
([i (in-naturals)]
#:do [(define new-cells (settle-sand occupied-cells '(500 0) max-y))
(define new-max-y (get-max-y new-cells))]
#:break (> new-max-y max-y))
(values new-cells (+ 1 num-iterations))))
(define (part2 input)
(define (settle-sand occupied-cells sand-position max-y)
(define (is-occupied? pos)
(set-member? occupied-cells pos))
(if (= (second sand-position) (+ 1 max-y))
(set-add occupied-cells sand-position)
(if (is-occupied? (v+ sand-position '(0 1)))
(if (is-occupied? (v+ sand-position '(-1 1)))
(if (is-occupied? (v+ sand-position '(1 1)))
(set-add occupied-cells sand-position)
(settle-sand occupied-cells (v+ sand-position '(1 1)) max-y))
(settle-sand occupied-cells (v+ sand-position '(-1 1)) max-y))
(settle-sand occupied-cells (v+ sand-position '(0 1)) max-y))))
(define rocks (dbg "rocks" (get-rocks input)))
(define max-y (get-max-y rocks))
(for/fold ([occupied-cells rocks]
[num-iterations 0]
#:result (begin
(call-with-output-file "sand.txt"
(λ (p)
(fprintf p "~a" (draw-grid rocks occupied-cells))))
([i (in-naturals)]
#:do [(define new-cells (settle-sand occupied-cells '(500 0) max-y))
(define new-max-y (get-max-y new-cells))]
#:break (equal? occupied-cells new-cells))
;; (dbg "i" i)
;; (dbg "grid" (draw-grid rocks new-cells))
(values new-cells (+ 1 num-iterations)))))
(require 'day14)
(parameterize ([debugging? #f])
(let ([input (get-input)])
(time (part1 input))
(time (part2 input)))))
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