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Created April 2, 2014 17:21
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<apex:component controller="PicklistController" >
<apex:attribute name="value" required="true" type="String" description="Provide the field binding"/>
<apex:attribute name="objectName" required="true" type="String" description="Provide object name"/>
<apex:attribute name="valueField" required="true" type="String" description="Provide the value field for the picklist"/>
<apex:attribute name="labelField" required="true" type="String" description="Provide the label field which needs to be shown in picklist"/>
<apex:attribute name="styleClass" required="false" type="String" description="Style class for the select list"/>
<apex:attribute name="required" required="false" type="Boolean" default="false" description="Id of picklist component"/>
<apex:attribute name="style" required="false" type="Boolean" default="" description="Style for the select list"/>
<apex:attribute name="filterFields" required="false" type="String" default="" description="Comma separated api names of filters."/>
<apex:attribute name="filterValues" required="false" type="String" default="" description="Comma separated jQuery selectors from which value needs to be taken."/>
<apex:outputPanel layout="block" styleClass="{!IF(required,'requiredInput','')}">
<apex:outputPanel layout="block" styleClass="{!IF(required,'requiredBlock','')}"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!value}" style="display:none;" required="{!required}" styleClass="hiddenPicklist_{!uniqueId}" />
<select class="{!styleClass}" id="selectPicklist_{!uniqueId}" style="width:50%">
<img src="/img/loading.gif" id="spinner_{!uniqueId}" style="display:none;">
<script type="text/javascript" >
//Regestering all the required events
window.registerHandlers_{!uniqueId} = function(){
//Every change needs to be reflected in the hidden field
//When there is controlling field then on chagne of that controlling field picklist needs to be refreshed
var that = this;
//if the controlling field has any value then only send request otherwise dont call it
//If the picklist is refreshed then it triggers on change event which populates other dependent picklists
//If the value is null or blank then other dependent picklist also needs to be refreshed
$('#selectPicklist_{!uniqueId}').append($('<option value="">-None-<option>'));
//Set the value of hidden field to be blank
window.refreshPicklist_{!uniqueId} = function(){
var filterValues = '';
if('{!filterValues}'!=''){//if there are some filters added then value should be taken dynamicall based on the passed jQuery selectors
var filters = '{!filterValues}'.split(',');
for(var index in filters ){
if(filters[index]+''.trim()=='' || $(filters[index])==null){
filterValues+= (index == 0)?'':',';
filterValues+=','+ ($(filters[index]).val()!=null)?$(filters[index]).val():'';
console.log('Ajax Request For {!valueField}');
function(result, event){
if (event.status) {
//marking the selected field
var isSelected = '{!value}' == this.value ?'selected="selected"':'';
$('#selectPicklist_{!uniqueId}').append($('<option value="'+this.value+'" '+isSelected+'>'+this.label+'</option>'))
//setting the value from select picklist to hidden picklist field
} else if (event.type === 'exception') {
//Triggering the change event so that if there are other dependent picklist which have registered
// on change event would get refreshed
$( "#selectPicklist_{!uniqueId}" ).trigger( "change" );
//refreshing picklist every time when page is loaded and if picklist is reRendered
//keeping the track whether page is already loaded
window.isLoaded_{!uniqueId} = (window.isLoaded_{!uniqueId}!=null)?isLoaded_{!uniqueId}:false;
$(function(){ //document is ready
isLoaded_{!uniqueId} = true;//marking that page is loaded
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