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Python merge sort in place, so space complexity is O(1)
import random
def merge_sort(xs):
"""Inplace merge sort of array without recursive. The basic idea
is to avoid the recursive call while using iterative solution.
The algorithm first merge chunk of length of 2, then merge chunks
of length 4, then 8, 16, .... , until 2^k where 2^k is large than
the length of the array
unit = 1
while unit <= len(xs):
h = 0
for h in range(0, len(xs), unit * 2):
l, r = h, min(len(xs), h + 2 * unit)
mid = h + unit
# merge xs[h:h + 2 * unit]
p, q = l, mid
while p < mid and q < r:
if xs[p] < xs[q]: p += 1
tmp = xs[q]
xs[p + 1: q + 1] = xs[p:q]
xs[p] = tmp
p, mid, q = p + 1, mid + 1, q + 1
unit *= 2
return xs
def test():
assert merge_sort([4,3,2,1]) == [1,2,3,4]
assert merge_sort([4,2,3,1]) == [1,2,3,4]
assert merge_sort([4,5,3,2,1]) == [1,2,3,4,5]
for _ in range(100):
tmp = range(100)
assert merge_sort(tmp) == range(100)
return 'test pass!'
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