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Created August 18, 2011 16:17
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Get top 10 frequent words from file
(ns freq.core
(:import ( BufferedReader FileReader))
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(defn read-file-lazy
"Opens a file and creates a lazy-sequence to read each line"
(with-open [reader (BufferedReader. (FileReader. file-name))]
(line-seq reader)))
(defn read-file
"Reads a file using slurp"
(slurp file-name))
(defn read-words
"returns the words in a file"
(string/split (read-file file-name) #"[ \n]"))
(defn update-frequencies
"Update frequency of the word"
[frequency-map word]
(if (contains? frequency-map word)
(update-in frequency-map [word] inc)
(assoc frequency-map word 1)))
(defn calculate-word-frequencies
"Given a sequence of words spits out frequency map of each word"
(reduce update-frequencies (sorted-map) words))
(defn top-words
"Get top 10 frequent words from file"
(take 10 (reverse (sort-by last (calculate-word-frequencies (read-words file-name))))))
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