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Created January 20, 2020 22:18
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public class testDQN
public class Env
int n_action;
int n_expericePool;
int n_expericeSamples;
int n_samplesEveryType;
int NDaction_last = 0;
List<int> NDallActions;
Dictionary<int, List<double[]>> envActionStates_dict = null;
public Env(NDarray trainRealData, int SamplesEveryType)
n_samplesEveryType = SamplesEveryType;
n_action = 10;
n_expericePool = 3000;
n_expericeSamples = 32;
NDallActions = new List<int>(new int[n_action].IntialZero());
envActionStates_dict = new Dictionary<int, List<double[]>>(n_action);
for (int i = 0; i < n_action; i++)
List<double[]> stateALLType = new List<double[]>();
for (int indexSample = 0; indexSample < SamplesEveryType; indexSample++)
//state[indexSample] = trainRealData[i * SamplesEveryType + indexSample];
var tstate = trainRealData[i * SamplesEveryType + indexSample];
envActionStates_dict[i] = stateALLType;
public List<double> reset()
var s_ = envActionStates_dict[0][0];
return new List<double>(s_);
public void step(List<double> listAction, int i_index, double good, double bad, out List<double> s_, out List<double> reward, out bool done)
done = false;
int pos = !listAction.Any() ? -1 : listAction.Select((value, index) => new { Value = value, Index = index }).Aggregate((a, b) => (a.Value > b.Value) ? a : b).Index;
NDallActions[pos] += 1;
if (pos == NDaction_last)
reward = new List<double>(new double[] { good });
reward = new List<double>(new double[] { bad });
int replace_i = (NDallActions[pos]) % n_samplesEveryType;
s_ = new List<double>(envActionStates_dict[pos][replace_i]);
if (i_index >= n_samplesEveryType - 1)
done = true;
NDaction_last = pos;
public class Agent
public class SmemerySample
public List<double> s = new List<double>();
public List<double> a = new List<double>();
public List<double> r = new List<double>();
public List<double> s_ = new List<double>();
public int n_actions = 0;
public int n_feature = 0;
double r = 0;
double gamma = 0;
double epsion = 0;
double qlearningRate = 0;
int n_learn_step_counter = 0;
int n_replace_target_iter = 0;
int n_memeryindex = -1;
public int n_expericePool = 0;
int n_expericeSamples = 0;
int[] s_shape_Input;
int[] a_shape_Input;
int[] r_shape_Input;
int[] s_shape_single;
int[] a_shape_single;
int[] r_shape_single;
public BaseModel q_eval_modle;
public BaseModel q_next_modle;
public Sequential q_eval_modle1;
public Sequential q_next_modle2;
public BaseModel q_oldeval_modle;
public BaseModel q_oldnext_modle;
public List<SmemerySample> memeries_list = null;
public Sequential LoadModel(Sequential model)
model.Add(new Conv2D(32, kernel_size: (3, 3).ToTuple(),
activation: "relu",
input_shape: new Shape(s_shape_single)));
model.Add(new Conv2D(64, (3, 3).ToTuple(), activation: "relu"));
model.Add(new MaxPooling2D(pool_size: (2, 2).ToTuple()));
model.Add(new Dropout(0.25));
model.Add(new Flatten());
model.Add(new Dense(128, activation: "relu"));
model.Add(new Dropout(0.5));
model.Add(new Dense(n_actions, activation: "softmax"));
model.Compile(loss: "categorical_crossentropy",
optimizer: new Adadelta(), metrics: new string[] { "accuracy" });
return model;
public Agent()
n_actions = 10;
n_feature = 784;
r = 200;
epsion =0.7;
n_replace_target_iter = 200;
gamma = 0.001;
qlearningRate =0.006;
n_expericePool = 3000;
n_expericeSamples = 32;
memeries_list = new List<SmemerySample>(n_expericePool);
s_shape_Input = new int[] { n_expericeSamples, 28,28, 1 };
a_shape_Input = new int[] { n_expericeSamples, n_actions };
r_shape_Input = new int[] { n_expericeSamples, 1 };
s_shape_single = new int[] { 28, 28, 1 };
a_shape_single = new int[] { n_actions };
r_shape_single = new int[] { 1 };
q_eval_modle1 = new Sequential();
q_eval_modle = LoadModel(q_eval_modle1);
q_next_modle2 = new Sequential();
q_next_modle = LoadModel(q_next_modle2);
public void store_transition(List<double> s, List<double> a, List<double> r, List<double> s_)
SmemerySample smemerySample = new SmemerySample();
smemerySample.s = s;
smemerySample.a = a;
smemerySample.r = r;
smemerySample.s_ = s_;
if (memeries_list.Count < n_expericePool)
memeries_list[n_memeryindex % n_expericePool] = smemerySample;
public void choose_action(List<double> observation, out List<double> action)
var Ndobservation = np.array(observation.ToArray()).reshape(s_shape_single);
NDarray Ndaction = null;
Random random = new Random();
double r = random.NextDouble();
if (r < epsion)
int randomAction = random.Next(n_actions);
Console.WriteLine("随机动作{0}", randomAction);
action = new List<double>(new double[n_actions].IntialZero());
action[randomAction] = 1;
Ndobservation = Ndobservation[np.newaxis];
action = new List<double>(q_eval_modle.Predict(x: Ndobservation, verbose: 0).GetData<double>());
public void learning()
if (n_learn_step_counter % n_replace_target_iter == 0)
//get the random samples
List<SmemerySample> batch_memory_list = new List<SmemerySample>(n_expericeSamples);
List<int> listRandom = new List<int>(n_expericeSamples);
Random random = new Random();
int randomNum = random.Next(0, n_expericePool);
while (listRandom.Count != n_expericeSamples)
if (!listRandom.Contains(randomNum))
randomNum = random.Next(0, n_expericePool);
foreach (var item in listRandom)
NDarray Nds_array = np.zeros(s_shape_Input);
NDarray Nda_array = np.zeros(a_shape_Input);
NDarray Ndr_array = np.zeros(r_shape_Input);
NDarray Ndnext_s_array = np.zeros(s_shape_Input);
NDarray Ndq_next;
NDarray Ndq_eval;
NDarray Ndq_target;
NDarray Ndbatch_index;
NDarray Ndeval_act_index;
NDarray Ndselected_q_next;
NDarray Nddelt_act_max;
Keras.Callbacks.History Ndhistory;
NDarray NdcostArray;
NDarray Ndcost;
int i = 0;
foreach (var item in batch_memory_list)
Nds_array[i] = np.array(item.s.ToArray()).reshape(s_shape_single);
Nda_array[i] = np.array(item.a.ToArray()).reshape(a_shape_single);
Ndr_array[i] = np.array(item.r.ToArray()).reshape(r_shape_single);
Ndnext_s_array[i] = np.array(item.s_.ToArray()).reshape(s_shape_single);
Ndq_next = q_next_modle.Predict(x: Ndnext_s_array);
Ndq_eval = q_eval_modle.Predict(x: Ndnext_s_array);
Ndq_target = Ndq_eval.copy();
Ndbatch_index = np.arange(n_expericeSamples, dtype: np.int32);
Ndeval_act_index = np.argmax(Nda_array, axis: 1).astype(np.int32);
Ndselected_q_next = np.max(Ndq_next, axis: new int[] { 1 });
Nddelt_act_max = (1 - qlearningRate) * Ndq_eval[Ndbatch_index, Ndeval_act_index];
Ndq_target[Ndbatch_index, Ndeval_act_index] = Nddelt_act_max + r * (np.squeeze(Ndr_array) + gamma * Ndselected_q_next);
Ndhistory = q_eval_modle.Fit(x: Nds_array, y: Ndq_target, verbose: 0);
NdcostArray = np.array(Ndhistory.HistoryLogs["loss"]);
Ndcost = np.around(NdcostArray[-1], 4);
n_learn_step_counter += 1;
public void RunDQN()
Agent agent = new Agent();
// input image dimensions
int img_rows = 28, img_cols = 28;
// Declare the input shape for the network
Shape input_shape = null;
// Load the MNIST dataset into Numpy array
var ((x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)) = MNIST.LoadData();
//Check if its channel fist or last and rearrange the dataset accordingly
if (Backend.ImageDataFormat() == "channels_first")
x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], 1, img_rows, img_cols);
x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], 1, img_rows, img_cols);
input_shape = (1, img_rows, img_cols);
x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, 1);
x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], img_rows, img_cols, 1);
input_shape = (img_rows, img_cols, 1);
//Normalize the input data
x_train = x_train.astype(np.float32);
x_test = x_test.astype(np.float32);
x_train /= 255;
x_test /= 255;
Console.WriteLine("x_train shape: " + x_train.shape);
Console.WriteLine(x_train.shape[0] + " train samples");
Console.WriteLine(x_test.shape[0] + " test samples");
// Convert class vectors to binary class matrices
//y_train = Util.ToCategorical(y_train, 10);
//y_test = Util.ToCategorical(y_test, 10);
int trainN = x_test.shape[0] / agent.n_actions;
Env env = new Env(x_train, trainN);
List<double> epochMeanWared_list = new List<double>();
List<int> epoches_list = new List<int>();
List<double> epoches_trainAccList = new List<double>();
List<double> epoches_validAccList = new List<double>();
List<double> observation_ = new List<double>();
int t_steps = 0;
for (int epoch_i = 0; epoch_i < 1500; epoch_i++)
Console.WriteLine("#########new epoch#########");
List<double> observation = env.reset();
bool done = false;
List<double> allReward = new List<double>();
while (!done)
List<double> action = new List<double>(agent.n_actions);
List<double> reward = new List<double>(1);
agent.choose_action(observation, out action);
env.step(action, t_steps % trainN, 200,0, out observation_, out reward, out done);
agent.store_transition(observation, action, reward, observation_);
if (agent.memeries_list.Count < agent.n_expericePool)
Console.WriteLine("已有{0}经验样本", agent.memeries_list.Count);
if (agent.memeries_list.Count >= agent.n_expericePool)
observation = observation_;
if (agent.memeries_list.Count >= agent.n_expericePool)
// var trainlossAcc = agent.q_eval_modle.Evaluate(x_test, y_test);
string tempFile = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "tempFile");
if (!Directory.Exists(tempFile))
//run like this
testDQN testDQN = new testDQN();
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