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Last active January 2, 2024 04:18
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Get Mac device image based on device class -
import Cocoa
import UniformTypeIdentifiers
extension UTTagClass {
static let deviceModelCode = UTTagClass(rawValue: "")
extension UTType {
static let macBook = UTType("")
static let macBookWithNotch = UTType("")
static let macMini = UTType("")
static let macStudio = UTType("")
static let iMac = UTType("")
static let macPro = UTType("")
static let macPro2013 = UTType("")
static let macPro2019 = UTType("")
struct Device {
static let machine: String? = {
#if os(macOS) || targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
let key = "hw.model"
let key = "hw.machine"
var size = size_t()
sysctlbyname(key, nil, &size, nil, 0)
let value = malloc(size)
defer {
sysctlbyname(key, value, &size, nil, 0)
guard let cChar = value?.bindMemory(to: CChar.self, capacity: size) else {
return nil
return String(cString: cChar)
private static func conforms(to type: UTType?) -> Bool {
guard let type,
let machine else {
return false
return UTType(tag: machine, tagClass: .deviceModelCode, conformingTo: nil)?
.conforms(to: type) ?? false
static let symbolName: String = {
if conforms(to: .macBookWithNotch),
#available(macOS 14.0, *) {
// macbook.gen2 was added with SF Symbols 5.0 (macOS Sonoma, 2023), but MacBooks with a notch
// were released in 2021!
return "macbook.gen2"
} else if conforms(to: .macBook) {
return "laptopcomputer"
} else if conforms(to: .macMini) {
return "macmini"
} else if conforms(to: .macStudio) {
return "macstudio"
} else if conforms(to: .iMac) {
return "desktopcomputer"
} else if conforms(to: .macPro2019) {
return "macpro.gen3"
} else if conforms(to: .macPro2013) {
return "macpro.gen2"
} else if conforms(to: .macPro) {
return "macpro"
return "display"
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jpavao commented Jan 2, 2024

Also, this is great! Thanks for figuring this out, @kirb !

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kirb commented Jan 2, 2024

Thanks @jpavao! And sorry I didn’t get to looking at this sooner, @waydabber.

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