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Created May 19, 2011 19:24
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Save kirbysayshi/981510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Detect if Flash is blocked (On-Demand) in Chrome
flashAvail({ waitFor: 10000 })
.done( function(result){
if(result.flashBlocked === false){
// do whatever you need flash for
} else {
// flash is installed but blocked. present messaging
'It appears that Flash is being blocked. \
Flash is required for Grill Circle and Facebook. \
Please enable it and refresh the page.');
.fail( function(result){
// flash is not installed
'Flash does not appear to be installed. \
Flash is required for Grill Circle and Facebook. \
Please install it and refresh the page.');
* Requires jQuery >= 1.5 and swfobject
* Options:
* swfUrl: the url of the swf to load. default: 'assets/flash/BlockTest.swf'
* waitFor: how long to poll the swf before giving up. default: 2000
* lookFor: the name of the method that the swf exposes. this method
* can return whatever it likes. default: 'returnsTrue'
* Returns a Deferred, resolved if Flash is installed, rejected if not.
* If resolved, returns {
* flashBlocked: bool // true is flash is installed but blocked
* swfobj: object // the original argument swfobject returned on success
* }
var flashAvail = function (options){
var settings = $.extend({
swfUrl: 'assets/flash/BlockTest.swf'
,waitFor: 2000
,lookFor: 'returnsTrue'
}, options)
,repId = 'swfextBlockTest' + (0|Math.random()*10000)
,repEl = document.createElement('div')
,dfdResult = new $.Deferred();
// make a quick div to fill = 'none'; = repId;
,1, 1
name: repId
,allowScriptAccess: "always"
function swfEmbedCallback(e){
// e = { success: bool, id: string, ref: html object element }
var fo
,start = +new Date()
if(e.success === true){
// flash is installed/enabled, try calling generic method to test flash block
// poll for the flash to be ready, but only until the waitFor limit
interval = setInterval(function onPoll(){
if(e.ref && e.ref[settings.lookFor]){
// flash is installed, enabled, and accessible: not blocked
dfdResult.resolve({ flashBlocked: false, swfobj: e });
} else if(+new Date() - start > settings.waitFor){
// flash has not responded in the allotted time, assume
// it's blocked, but installed
dfdResult.resolve({ flashBlocked: true, swfobj: e });
}, 100);
} else {
// swfobj was not successful, flash is probably not installed
// this could also be triggered from a bad path?
return dfdResult;
return flashAvail;
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The 'settings.lookFor' represent the name of the function inside the swf (look at ExternalInterface).
The swf should be embaded with bigger size otherwise chrome will block it.

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