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Last active August 30, 2022 11:13
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Delete minio deployment to wipe out the buckets
kubectl delete --context $PLATFORM_CONTEXT deployment minio --namespace kratix-platform-system
# Delete Kratix deployment to stop dynamic controllers
kubectl delete --context $PLATFORM_CONTEXT deployment -n kratix-platform-system kratix-platform-controller-manager
# Remove all kratix-related crds to remove all promises
kubectl delete --context $PLATFORM_CONTEXT crds \
$(kubectl --context $PLATFORM_CONTEXT get crds --no-headers -o custom-columns="" | grep -e "kratix\|promise")
# Scale down postgres statefulset to zero -- tell k8s to remove the pods
kubectl scale --context $WORKER_CONTEXT statefulset \
$(kubectl get --context $WORKER_CONTEXT statefulsets --selector application=spilo --no-headers -o custom-columns="") --replicas=0
# Remove buckets from the worker
kubectl delete --all --context $WORKER_CONTEXT --namespace flux-system
kubectl delete --all --context $WORKER_CONTEXT --namespace flux-system
# Remove all pipeline pods
kubectl delete --context $PLATFORM_CONTEXT pod \
$(kubectl get --context $PLATFORM_CONTEXT pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="" | grep request-pipeline)
# Reinstall Kratix and re-register the worker cluster
kubectl apply --context $PLATFORM_CONTEXT -f
kubectl apply --context $PLATFORM_CONTEXT -f
kubectl apply --context $PLATFORM_CONTEXT -f
kubectl apply --context $WORKER_CONTEXT -f
kubectl apply --context $WORKER_CONTEXT -f
# Remove leftover postgres resources
kubectl delete --context $WORKER_CONTEXT statefulset \
$(kubectl get --context $WORKER_CONTEXT statefulsets --selector application=spilo --no-headers -o custom-columns="")
kubectl delete --context $WORKER_CONTEXT services \
$(kubectl get --context $WORKER_CONTEXT services --selector application=spilo --no-headers -o custom-columns="")
kubectl delete --context $WORKER_CONTEXT poddisruptionbudgets.policy \
$(kubectl get --context $WORKER_CONTEXT poddisruptionbudgets.policy --selector application=spilo --no-headers -o custom-columns="")
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