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Created October 13, 2012 21:44
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Save kirelagin/3886243 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Very simple implementation of Huffman coding in Haskell
> module Huffman where
> import Control.Arrow
> import Data.List
> import qualified Data.Map as M
> import Data.Function
This typeclass is supposed to make life _a bit_ easier.
> class Eq a => Bits a where
> zer :: a
> one :: a
> instance Bits Int where
> zer = 0
> one = 1
> instance Bits Bool where
> zer = False
> one = True
Codemap is generated from a Huffman tree. It is used for fast encoding.
> type Codemap a = M.Map Char [a]
Huffman tree is a simple binary tree. Each leaf contains a Char and its weight.
Fork (node with children) also has weight = sum of weights of its children.
> data HTree = Leaf Char Int
> | Fork HTree HTree Int
> deriving (Show)
> weight :: HTree -> Int
> weight (Leaf _ w) = w
> weight (Fork _ _ w) = w
The only useful operation on Huffman trees is merging, that is we take
two trees and make them children of a new Fork-node.
> merge t1 t2 = Fork t1 t2 (weight t1 + weight t2)
`freqList` is an utility function. It takes a string and produces a list
of pairs (character, number of occurences of this character in the string).
> freqList :: String -> [(Char, Int)]
> freqList = M.toList . M.fromListWith (+) . map (flip (,) 1)
`buildTree` builds a Huffman tree from a list of character frequencies
(obtained, for example, from `freqList` or elsewhere).
It sorts the list in ascending order by frequency, turns each (char, freq) pair
into a one-leaf tree and keeps merging two trees with the smallest frequencies
until only one tree is remaining.
> buildTree :: [(Char, Int)] -> HTree
> buildTree = bld . map (uncurry Leaf) . sortBy (compare `on` snd)
> where bld (t:[]) = t
> bld (a:b:cs) = bld $ insertBy (compare `on` weight) (merge a b) cs
The next function traverses a Huffman tree to obtain a list of codes for
all characters and converts this list into a `Map`.
> buildCodemap :: Bits a => HTree -> Codemap a
> buildCodemap = M.fromList . buildCodelist
> where buildCodelist (Leaf c w) = [(c, [])]
> buildCodelist (Fork l r w) = map (addBit zer) (buildCodelist l) ++ map (addBit one) (buildCodelist r)
> where addBit b = second (b :)
Simple functions to get a Huffman tree or a `Codemap` from a `String`.
> stringTree :: String -> HTree
> stringTree = buildTree . freqList
> stringCodemap :: Bits a => String -> Codemap a
> stringCodemap = buildCodemap . stringTree
Time to do the real encoding and decoding!
Encoding function just represents each character of a string by corresponding
sequence of `Bit`s.
> encode :: Bits a => Codemap a -> String -> [a]
> encode m = concat . map (m M.!)
> encode' :: Bits a => HTree -> String -> [a]
> encode' t = encode $ buildCodemap t
Decoding is a little trickier. We have to traverse the tree until
we reach a leaf which means we've just finished reading a sequence
of `Bit`s corresponding to a single character.
We keep doing this to process the whole list of `Bit`s.
> decode :: Bits a => HTree -> [a] -> String
> decode tree = dcd tree
> where dcd (Leaf c _) [] = [c]
> dcd (Leaf c _) bs = c : dcd tree bs
> dcd (Fork l r _) (b:bs) = dcd (if b == zer then l else r) bs
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Nabster404 commented Jul 3, 2020

How does decode work?

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ghost commented Aug 27, 2021

How do you use encode and decode?

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0x86f commented Feb 17, 2023

In case someone will stumble accross this nice gist, you can use ghci (interactive prompt) to work with the encode and decode functions:

*> let greeting = "Hello World"
*> let tree = stringTree greeting
*> (encode' tree greeting) :: [Int] -- or you can use the Bool-type

If you want to compile the file, you have to add a main-function and rename the module to "Main", e.g.

> module Main where
> main :: IO ()
> main = putStrLn . concatMap show $ ((encode' tree greeting) :: [Int])
>   where greeting = "Hello World"
>         tree = stringTree greeting

and compile the file into an executable ghc <filename>, so you can execute it afterwards.

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