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Last active December 18, 2022 20:12
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(async () => {
const getResolutions = async (m3u8url) => {
const options = {};
try {
const breakdown = await fetch(m3u8url).then(res => res.text());
const matches = breakdown.matchAll(/RESOLUTION=(\d+x\d+)\n(https:\/\/.*?m3u8)/g);
for (const match of matches) {
const [_, reso, url] = match;
options[reso] = url;
} catch (e) {
return options;
const urlsSet = new Set();
const catId = new URLSearchParams('catId') ?? new URLSearchParams('catid');
if (catId) {
urlsSet.add('' + catId);
for (const match of document.documentElement.innerHTML.matchAll(/(itemJson.ashx.*?)['"]/g)) {
const itemJsonPart = match[1];
const url = `${itemJsonPart}`;
const getm3u8inHtml = async (html) => [...html.matchAll(/(https:\/\/.*?m3u8)/g)].map(a => a[1])
const pageHtml = await fetch(window.location.href).then((response) => response.text());
const m3u8onPage = await getm3u8inHtml(pageHtml);
let html = '';
const all = [];
for (let index = 0; index < m3u8onPage.length; index++) {
const url = m3u8onPage[index];
all.push({ title: `on page ${index}`, ...await getResolutions(url) })
const linkedPages = [...pageHtml.matchAll(/mailto:.*?(https:\/\/.*?)['"]/g)].map(a => a[1]);
for (let index = 0; index < linkedPages.length; index++) {
const linkedPage = linkedPages[index];
const pageHtml = await fetch(linkedPage).then((response) => response.text());
let title = linkedPage
try {
title = /<title>(.*?)<\/title>/g.exec(pageHtml)[1]
} catch (e) {
const m3u8onPage = await getm3u8inHtml(pageHtml);
for (let index = 0; index < m3u8onPage.length; index++) {
const url = m3u8onPage[index];
all.push({ title, ...await getResolutions(url) });
const urls = [...urlsSet];
for (let index = 0; index < urls.length; index++) {
const url = urls[index];
let response;
try {
response = await fetch(url).then(a => a.json());
} catch (e) {
all = [
...await Promise.all( (ep) => {
const options = { title: ep.extensions?.on_demand?.title ?? ep.title }
if (ep.content.src.includes('m3u8')) {
options = {
...await getResolutions(ep.content.src)
return options
let didAddAnything = false
all.forEach(({ title, ...other }) => {
if (Object.keys(other).length > 0) {
html += `<div>${title}</div>`
Object.entries(other).forEach(([res, url]) => {
didAddAnything = true;
const downloadUrl = `${encodeURI(url)}`;
html += `<a target="_blank" style="padding: 5px" href="${downloadUrl}">${res}</a>`
if (didAddAnything) {
html += `<br />`
if (didAddAnything) {
document.documentElement.innerHTML = "<html><body>" + html;
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