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Created November 12, 2013 08:06
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PrefabInstance (modified) Added Force Update Checkbox source:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class PrefabInstance : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject prefab;
// Struct of all components. Used for edit-time visualization and gizmo drawing
public struct Thingy {
public Mesh mesh;
public Matrix4x4 matrix;
public List<Material> materials;
[System.NonSerializedAttribute] public List<Thingy> things = new List<Thingy> ();
public bool ForceUpdate;
void OnValidate () {
if (enabled)
Rebuild (prefab, Matrix4x4.identity);
void OnEnable () {
if (enabled)
Rebuild (prefab, Matrix4x4.identity);
void Rebuild (GameObject source, Matrix4x4 inMatrix) {
if (!source)
Matrix4x4 baseMat = inMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS (-source.transform.position, Quaternion.identity,;
foreach (MeshRenderer mr in source.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof (Renderer), true))
things.Add(new Thingy () {
mesh = mr.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh,
matrix = baseMat * mr.transform.localToWorldMatrix,
materials = new List<Material> (mr.sharedMaterials)
foreach (PrefabInstance pi in source.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof (PrefabInstance), true))
if (pi.enabled && pi.gameObject.activeSelf)
Rebuild (pi.prefab, baseMat * pi.transform.localToWorldMatrix);
// Editor-time-only update: Draw the meshes so we can see the objects in the scene view
void Update () {
if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
Matrix4x4 mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
foreach (Thingy t in things)
for (int i = 0; i < t.materials.Count; i++)
Graphics.DrawMesh (t.mesh, mat * t.matrix, t.materials[i], gameObject.layer, null, i);
if (ForceUpdate)
ForceUpdate = false;
// Picking logic: Since we don't have gizmos.drawmesh, draw a bounding cube around each thingy
void OnDrawGizmos () { DrawGizmos (new Color (0,0,0,0)); }
void OnDrawGizmosSelected () { DrawGizmos (new Color (0,0,1,.2f)); }
void DrawGizmos (Color col) {
if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
Gizmos.color = col;
Matrix4x4 mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
foreach (Thingy t in things)
Gizmos.matrix = mat * t.matrix;
Gizmos.DrawCube(, t.mesh.bounds.size);
// Baking stuff: Copy in all the referenced objects into the scene on play or build
public static void OnPostprocessScene() {
foreach (PrefabInstance pi in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType (typeof (PrefabInstance)))
BakeInstance (pi);
public static void BakeInstance (PrefabInstance pi) {
if(!pi.prefab || !pi.enabled)
pi.enabled = false;
GameObject go = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(pi.prefab) as GameObject;
Quaternion rot = go.transform.localRotation;
Vector3 scale = go.transform.localScale;
go.transform.parent = pi.transform;
go.transform.localPosition =;
go.transform.localScale = scale;
go.transform.localRotation = rot;
pi.prefab = null;
foreach (PrefabInstance childPi in go.GetComponentsInChildren<PrefabInstance>())
BakeInstance (childPi);
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