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Last active June 23, 2020 15:57
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import NIO
public protocol SyncStorage {
associatedtype Key: Hashable
associatedtype Value
var eventLoops: [EventLoop] { get }
func getOrSet(
by key: Key,
on eventLoop: EventLoop,
_ getter: @escaping () -> EventLoopFuture<Value?>
) -> EventLoopFuture<Value?>
func has(key: Key, on eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
func get(by key: Key, on eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Value?>
func set(by key: Key, value: Value, on eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>
@discardableResult func remove(by key: Key, on eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Value?>
func has0(key: Key) -> Bool
func get0(by key: Key) -> Value?
func set0(by key: Key, value: Value)
func remove0(by key: Key) -> Value?
public extension SyncStorage {
fileprivate static func initEventLoops(from eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, eventLoopCount: Int) -> [EventLoop] {
return (0 ..< eventLoopCount).map { _ in }
func getEventLoop(key: Key) -> EventLoop {
return self.eventLoops[Int(key.hashValue.magnitude % UInt(self.eventLoops.count))]
func has0(key: Key) -> Bool {
return self.get0(by: key) != nil
func has(key: Key, on eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool> {
return self
.getEventLoop(key: key)
.map { self.has0(key: key) }
.hop(to: eventLoop)
func get(by key: Key, on eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Value?> {
return self
.getEventLoop(key: key)
.map { self.get0(by: key) }
.hop(to: eventLoop)
func set(by key: Key, value: Value, on eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
return self
.getEventLoop(key: key)
.map { self.set0(by: key, value: value) }
.hop(to: eventLoop)
func getOrSet(
by key: Key,
on eventLoop: EventLoop,
_ getter: @escaping () -> EventLoopFuture<Value?>
) -> EventLoopFuture<Value?> {
let keyEventLoop = self.getEventLoop(key: key)
return keyEventLoop
.flatMap {
if let value = self.get0(by: key) {
return keyEventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(value)
return getter().map { maybeResult in
if let result = maybeResult {
self.set0(by: key, value: result)
return maybeResult
.hop(to: eventLoop)
@discardableResult func remove(by key: Key, on eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Value?> {
return self
.getEventLoop(key: key)
.map { self.remove0(by: key) }
.hop(to: eventLoop)
public final class SyncDict<Key: Hashable, Value>: SyncStorage {
public let eventLoops: [EventLoop]
private var storage: [Key: Value] = [:]
public init(eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, eventLoopCount: Int) {
self.eventLoops = Self.initEventLoops(from: eventLoopGroup, eventLoopCount: eventLoopCount)
public func get0(by key: Key) -> Value? {
public func set0(by key: Key, value: Value) {[key] = value
public func remove0(by key: Key) -> Value? {
return key)
// usage
let count = System.coreCount
let eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: count)
let syncDict = SyncDict<String, String>(eventLoopGroup: eventLoopGroup, eventLoopCount: count)
let eventLoop =
let getOrSetFuture: EventLoopFuture<String?> = syncDict.getOrSet(by: "foo", on: eventLoop) {
return eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture("bar")
let getFuture: EventLoopFuture<String?> = syncDict.get(by: "foo", on: eventLoop)
let setFuture: EventLoopFuture<Void> = syncDict.set(by: "foo", value: "baz", on: eventLoop)
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