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Created March 7, 2012 17:51
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JDK1.8, Project Lambda, option type
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.functions.*;
* Represents optional values. Instances of Option are either an instance of
* Some or the singleton object NONE.
* <p>
* The list dependency can be found at:
* <p>
* ATTENTION: This code compiles only with JDK1.8 and project lambda which can
* be found at and is not production ready.
* @version 0.1
* @since JDK1.6, Feb 4, 2012
* @param <A>
* an arbitrary type which specifies the the type the Option holds.
public abstract class Option<A> {
* The type NONE represents an empty Option. It does never hold a value.
public static final Option NONE = new Option() {
public Object get() {
throw new NoSuchElementException("None.get");
public boolean isDefined() {
return false;
public String toString() {
return "None";
* Returns the singleton object NONE which does never hold a value.
* @param <B>
* the type which is adopted by NONE.
* @return the singleton object NONE.
public static <B> Option<B> none() {
return NONE;
* Creates a new Some. This method guarantees that the value saved by Some is
* never null.
* @param <B>
* the type which is adopted by Some.
* @param value
* the parameter which is wrapped by Some.
* @return the parameter some wrapped by Some.
public static <B> Option<B> some(final B value) {
if (value == null) {
return none();
return new Some<B>(value);
* Returns the value saved by the Option type. If Option is Some the value is
* returned. If it is NONE, an exception is thrown.
* @return the saved value
public abstract A get();
* Checks whether the Option type is of type Some or not. It returns always
* true for some and always false for NONE.
* @return true when the Option is defined
public abstract boolean isDefined();
* Returns the option's value if the option is not empty, otherwise the
* result of evaluating the function.
* @param f
* the default expression
public A getOrElse(final Function0<A> f) {
return isDefined() ? get() : f.apply();
* Returns this Option's value or null if it is not defined.
public A orNull() {
return getOrElse(new Function0<A>() {
public A apply() {
return null;
// return getOrElse(() -> null);
* Returns an option which contains a mapped value. If the Option is of type
* Some its value is unpacked, transformed and then returned packed in a new
* Some. But if the Option is None nothing is transformed and None is
* directly returned.
* @param <B>
* the new type of the value the Option type holds
* @param f
* the function to transform the value
public <B> Option<B> map(final Mapper<A, B> f) {
return isDefined() ? some( : Option.<B> none();
* Returns the result of applying the function to this Option's value if this
* Option is not empty.
* @param <B>
* the new type of the value the Option type holds
* @param f
* the function to transform the value
public <B> Option<B> flatMap(final Mapper<A, Option<B>> f) {
return isDefined() ? : Option.<B> none();
* Returns this Option if it is not empty applying the predicate to this
* Option's value returns true.
* @param f
* the predicate used for testing
public Option<A> filter(final Predicate<A> f) {
return isDefined() && f.eval(get()) ? this : Option.<A> none();
* Apply the given procedure to the Option's value it it is not empty.
* @param f
* the procedure to apply
public void forEach(final Block<A> f) {
if (isDefined()) {
* Checks whether this Option's value is defined and applying the predicate
* to this Option's value returns true.
* @param f
* the predicate used for testing
public boolean exists(final Predicate<A> f) {
return isDefined() && f.eval(get());
* Returns this Option if it is defined, otherwise returns the result of
* evaluating f.
public Option<? super A> orElse(final Function0<Option<? super A>> f) {
if (isDefined()) {
return this;
return f.apply();
* Returns a singleton list which holds this element or an empty list if this
* Option is not defined.
public List<A> toList() {
return isDefined() ? List.of(get()) : List.<A> nil();
* Type Some is a wrapper for arbitrary values. The value saved by Some can
* never be null.
* @version 0.1
* @since JDK1.6, Feb 4, 2012
* @param <A>
* an arbitrary type which specifies the the type the Option holds.
final class Some<A> extends Option<A> {
private final A value;
* Creates a new instance of Some.
* @param value
* the value
public Some(final A value) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"value is null. Use Option.none() instead");
this.value = value;
public A get() {
return value;
public boolean isDefined() {
return true;
public String toString() {
return "Some(" + value + ")";
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
return obj instanceof Some ? get().equals(((Some<?>) obj).get()) : false;
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