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Forked from ktychan/bash-cheatsheet
Created October 29, 2015 19:24
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____ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _
| __ ) / \ / ___|| | | | / ___| |__ ___ __ _| |_ ___| |__ ___ ___| |_
| _ \ / _ \ \___ \| |_| | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | __/ __| '_ \ / _ \/ _ \ __|
| |_) / ___ \ ___) | _ | | |___| | | | __/ (_| | |_\__ \ | | | __/ __/ |_
|____/_/ \_\____/|_| |_| \____|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__|___/_| |_|\___|\___|\__|
test test command && logic AND
[ ] synonym for test command || logic OR
[[ ]] extended test ! logic NOT
let evaluate arithmetic expression
(( )) same as above
File Test Operators Integer Test Operators
------------------- ----------------------
-f is a regular file? -eq is equal to?
-d is directory? -ne is not equal to?
-b is block device? -gt is greater than?
-c is char device? -ge is greater than or equal to?
-p is pipe? -lt is less than?
-h is symlink? -le is less than or equal to?
-S is socket?
-t is fd associated with Arithmetic Test Operators
a terminal device? -------------------------
-e file exists? < is less than?
-s is zero size? <= is less than or equal to?
> is greater than?
-r has read permission? >= is greater than or equal to?
-w has write permission?
-x has execute permission? String Test Operators
-g is sgid flag set? ---------------------
-u is suid flag set?
-k is sticky bit set? = is equal to?
-O are you the owner? == is equal to? (synonym for =)
-G are you in the same group? != is not equal to?
-N is modified since last read? =~ matches extended regex?
-nt is newer than? < is less than? (in ASCII order)
-ot is older than? > is greater than? (in ASCII order)
-ef is hard linked to? -z is null or zero lengh?
-n is not null?
Shell Parameters Common Shell Variables
================ ======================
$n the n-th positional param $TMPDIR temp directory
($0 is the name of the command) $PS3 prompt for select cmd
$* all positional params $REPLY return value of read cmd
$@ all positional params in an array $GROUPS all groups current user belongs to
$# number of positional params $OPTARG getopt last option value
$? exit status $OPTIND getopt last option index
$- current option flag $OPTERR getopt error message
$$ PID of shell or shell script
$! PID of most recent async cmd
$0 name of shell script.
$_ absolute pathname
Compound Commands
Looping Constructs Conditional Constructus
------------------ -----------------------
until ...; do ...; done if ...; then ...; [elif ...; then ...;] fi
while ...; do ...; done case ... in
for ...; do ...; done ...) ...
for ... [in ...]; do ...; done ...) ...
for (( expr1; expr2; expr3 )); do ...; done esac
select ... [in ...]; do ...; done
Grouping Commands
() execute enclosed commands
in a subshell
{} execute enclosed commands
in current shell. needs a ";"
to terminate command.
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