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Last active June 10, 2019 16:21
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Joe Rogan podcast with Naval Ravikant TL:DR;
R: "mhh y ur so great?"
N: "coz lif3 is more than work u know? yes u kno coz u also great and a father"
R: "I do be like being great, it's just great to be great"
N: "Also did u know: reading is good?!??!!?????"
R: :mind_blown:
N: "Being famous is hard"
R: "so hard, but also, is great"
[insert 20m of content you'd get from any self help book]
N: "minimum basic income = socialism = BAD = fear COMMUNISM"
[a few more "slippery slope" fallacies]
R: "YeS trust US the winner of Capitalism"
N: "We are not the kettle, we are the lions" (actual quote)
[insert 20m of politically ignorant comments you'd get from a 14y old libertarian]
[More ignorant statements based solely on a dumbed version of game theory economics]
R: "White/male privilege doesn't exist!!!! STOP CALLING ME A RACIST!!! REEEEEEEEEE"
[a few "two sides" fallacies]
[a couple hundreds of "People on the left" stereotypes]
[utter silence about the right]
[light conspiracy theory]
[heavy conspiracy theory about tech controlled by the left]
R: University are LEFT as WELL!!??
N: Yes only coz the social "science" have infected "true" science!!!
[more conspiracy theory]
N: Reason - (Fact * feels) = CHINAAAAAA
R: yes, We can agree gender is bad
[climate skeptic conspiracy theory]
[more left conspiracy theory]
[both sides fallacy]
N: But I'm not into politics, I don't have politics, I'm a-politic, me no politic
[more left conspiracy theory]
[🧘 🧘 MEDITATION 🧘 🧘]
[🧘 🧘 MEDITATION 🧘 🧘]
[🧘 🧘 MEDITATION 🧘 🧘]
N: "it's easier to change yourself than to change the world"
R: "and the best way to change the world is to change yourself"
[and the worldest yourself can change the best]
[elon musk worshipping]
N: Tech will save the world!!!!
N: Well except in all those scenario in which we kinda need "something else" (i.e: politics? government??)
R: Do enjoy Being so, so, so smart and cool and clever?
N: Well I don't but I have to
1:33:44 timestamp -> This entire podcast in one sentence
N: what is the meaning of life?
[insert philosphy 101]
N: "And the beauty is in the question!"
[^ D minus at philosphy 101]
N: American dream 2.0 - Everyone will be rich and healthy and beautiful.
R: Really?
N: Yes, it's just about education.
R: gr8!
[move on next topic as education is actually a complex topic]
[DMT TIME: couple of fairs points around peace of mind and happiness]
N: U one of the big one joe, like ELON/KANYE/OPRAH/TRUMP.
N: U deserve lots of money, ur hyperskilled speudo-centrist radio host.
R: What about WHITE PRIVILEGES??!!!
N: I ain't white broski
N: Anecdotal wombo combo
R: checkmate all lefties - definite proof privileges aren't real
N: Poor people are poor because of mindset
R: These stupid poors, if only they knew
N: I'm an hedonis--
[D : R : U : G : S : : U : N : I : V : E : R : S : E : :: : L : O : V : E]
[HEARTHWARMING STORY TIME: NAVAL DISCOVERS EMPATHY] N: Hugs are a feedback loop of happiness.
R: Bunch of scrubs out there why y'all ain't spending time being the next elon musk
N: I don't travel for business
R: Woah
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