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Created October 11, 2019 14:44
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Scala syntax augmentation for Typesafe config
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigException, ConfigFactory}
import java.time.{Duration => JDuration}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.Try
object config {
class ConfigOps(config: Config) {
def booleanOption(path: String): Option[Boolean] =
if (config.hasPath(path)) Some(config.getBoolean(path)) else None
def booleanOrElse(path: String, default: Boolean): Boolean =
booleanOption(path) getOrElse default
def intOption(path: String): Option[Int] =
if (config.hasPath(path)) Some(config.getInt(path)) else None
def intOrElse(path: String, default: Int): Int =
intOption(path) getOrElse default
def intList(path: String): List[Int] =
if (config.hasPath(path)) config.getIntList(path) else Nil
def stringOption(path: String): Option[String] =
if (config.hasPath(path)) Some(config.getString(path)) else None
def stringOrElse(path: String, default: String): String =
stringOption(path) getOrElse default
def stringList(path: String): List[String] =
if (config.hasPath(path)) config.getStringList(path).asScala.toList else Nil
def configOption(path: String): Option[Config] =
if (config.hasPath(path)) Some(config.getConfig(path)) else None
def configOrElse(path: String, default: Config): Config =
configOption(path) getOrElse default
def configOrEmpty(path: String): Config =
configOrElse(path, ConfigFactory.empty)
def configList(path: String): List[Config] =
if (config.hasPath(path)) config.getConfigList(path).asScala.toList else Nil
def configAsStringMap(path: String): Map[String, String] = {
if (config.hasPath(path)) config.getConfig(path).entrySet.asScala.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, String]) {
case (map, entry) => map + (entry.getKey -> entry.getValue.unwrapped.toString)
else Map.empty
def durationOption(path: String): Option[JDuration] =
if (config.hasPath(path)) Some(config.getDuration(path)) else None
def getInstance[A: ClassTag](key: String): A = {
val expectedClass = implicitly[ClassTag[A]].runtimeClass
* Load the value by calling a factory method inside a Scala object.
* Keep in mind that Scala `val`s are JVM methods.
def loadFromFactoryMethod(objectClass: Class[_], obj: AnyRef): Option[A] = {
val fullKey = s"$key.factory-method"
for {
methodName <- stringOption(fullKey)
method <- Try(objectClass.getMethod(methodName)).toOption
result <- Try(method.invoke(obj).asInstanceOf[A]).toOption
} yield result
def acceptableClass(klass: Class[_]): Boolean =
(expectedClass isAssignableFrom klass)
def is(obj: AnyRef): Option[A] = {
if (acceptableClass(obj.getClass)) Some(obj.asInstanceOf[A])
else None
* A Scala object is the singleton instance of the value,
* or provides a factory method for the value.
def loadFromObject(): Option[A] = {
val fullKey = s"$key.object"
val resultOpt = for {
objectName <- stringOption(fullKey)
objectClass <- loadClass(objectName)
instance <- Try(objectClass.getField("MODULE$").get(null)).toOption
} yield {
is(instance) orElse loadFromFactoryMethod(objectClass, instance)
def loadFromNewClassInstance(): Option[A] = {
val fullKey = s"$key.class"
for {
fqcn <- stringOption(fullKey)
klass <- loadClass(fqcn) if acceptableClass(klass)
instance <- Try(klass.getConstructor().newInstance().asInstanceOf[Object]).toOption
casted <- is(instance)
} yield casted
(loadFromObject orElse loadFromNewClassInstance) match {
case Some(a: A) => a
case None =>
val where = config.origin.description
val msg = s"one of '$key.class'; '$key.object' (optionally with '$key.factory-method')"
throw new ConfigException.Missing(s"$where at $key, expected an instance specification, $msg")
private[this] def loadClass(fqcn: String): Option[Class[_]] = {
implicit def configSyntax(config: Config) = new ConfigOps(config)
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