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Created June 19, 2017 22:36
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Temporal Cache
package actors
import{Actor, ActorLogging, Props}
import java.time.Instant
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object TemporalCache extends ActorGenerator1[TemporalCache, FiniteDuration] {
def props(checkExpiration: FiniteDuration = 60.seconds) =
Props(new TemporalCache(checkExpiration))
case class Put(key: String, item: AnyRef, expiration: Instant)
case class Get(key: String)
case class Remove(key: String)
case object NotFound
case class Found(key: String, item: AnyRef)
class TemporalCache(checkExpiration: FiniteDuration)
extends Actor
with ActorLogging {
import TemporalCache._
import context.dispatcher
case object Expiry
context.system.scheduler.schedule(checkExpiration, checkExpiration, self, Expiry)
var cache = Map.empty[String, AnyRef]
var queue = TreeMap.empty[Instant, String]
def receive = {
case Put(key, item, expiration) =>
cache = cache + (key -> item)
queue = queue + (expiration -> key)
case Get(key) =>
cache.get(key) match {
case Some(item) => sender ! Found(key, item)
case None => sender ! NotFound
case Remove(key) =>
cache = cache - key
case Expiry =>
val now =
val (queueKeys, cacheKeys) =
queue.takeWhile { case (expires, _) => expires isBefore now }.unzip
if (queueKeys.nonEmpty) {
queue = queue -- queueKeys
cache = cache -- cacheKeys
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