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Last active January 16, 2022 20:45
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Save kirkshoop/ca5316e5a58fcac26a0d7e552a5731b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Copyright 2019-present Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "stdlibpatch.h"
#include "timer_context.hpp"
namespace unifex {
namespace _timer_context {
timer_context* unique_timer_context = nullptr;
} // namespace _timer_context
assert(_timer_context::unique_timer_context == nullptr);
_timer_context::unique_timer_context = this;
timer_context::~timer_context() {
stop_ = true;
assert(head_ == nullptr);
_timer_context::unique_timer_context = nullptr;
void timer_context::enqueue(task_base* task) noexcept {
noInterrupts(); // disable all interrupts while interrupt parameters are changing
if (head_ == nullptr || task->dueTime_ < head_->dueTime_) {
// Insert at the head of the queue.
task->next_ = head_;
task->prevNextPtr_ = &head_;
if (head_ != nullptr) {
head_->prevNextPtr_ = &task->next_;
head_ = task;
auto now = clock_t::now();
const auto remaining = head_->dueTime_ - now;
const std::uint16_t click_count = std::min(remaining, arduino::max_clicks).count();
// New minimum due-time has changed, set the hardware timer.
TCCR1A = 0; // reset all bits
TCCR1B = 0; // reset all bits
OCR1A = click_count; // input is already in clicks, in theory should subtract 1
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12); // CTC mode
TCCR1B |= arduino::timer_prescaler_mask; // On a 16MHz Arduino, a prescaler of 64 gives a 4usecond click
TIFR1 |= (1 << OCF1A); // clear
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); // enable timer compare interrupt
TCNT1 = 0; // set counter to 0
} else {
auto* queuedTask = head_;
while (queuedTask->next_ != nullptr &&
queuedTask->next_->dueTime_ <= task->dueTime_) {
queuedTask = queuedTask->next_;
// Insert after queuedTask
task->prevNextPtr_ = &queuedTask->next_;
task->next_ = queuedTask->next_;
if (task->next_ != nullptr) {
task->next_->prevNextPtr_ = &task->next_;
queuedTask->next_ = task;
interrupts(); // enable all interrupts
void timer_context::run() {
noInterrupts(); // disable all interrupts
TIMSK1 &= ~(1 << OCIE1A); // disable future interrupts ie. CTC interrupt to give a 'one-shot' effect
while (!stop_ && head_ != nullptr) {
auto now = clock_t::now();
auto nextDueTime = head_->dueTime_;
if (nextDueTime <= now) {
// Ready to run
// Dequeue item
auto* task = head_;
head_ = task->next_;
if (head_ != nullptr) {
head_->prevNextPtr_ = &head_;
// Flag the task as dequeued.
task->prevNextPtr_ = nullptr;
interrupts(); // enable all interrupts
noInterrupts(); // disable all interrupts while interrupt parameters are changing
} else {
// Not yet ready to run.
std::uint16_t click_count = std::min(nextDueTime - now, arduino::max_clicks).count();
TCCR1A = 0; // reset all bits
TCCR1B = 0; // reset all bits
OCR1A = click_count; // input is already in clicks, in theory should subtract 1
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12); // CTC mode
TCCR1B |= arduino::timer_prescaler_mask; // On a 16MHz Arduino, a prescaler of 64 gives a 4usecond click
TIFR1 |= (1 << OCF1A); // clear
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); // enable timer compare interrupt
TCNT1 = 0; // set counter to 0
interrupts(); // enable all interrupts
void _timer_context::cancel_callback::operator()() noexcept {
auto now = clock_t::now();
if (now < task_->dueTime_) {
task_->dueTime_ = now;
if (task_->prevNextPtr_ != nullptr) {
// Task is still in the queue, dequeue and requeue it.
noInterrupts(); // disable all interrupts while interrupt parameters are changing
// Remove from the queue.
*task_->prevNextPtr_ = task_->next_;
if (task_->next_ != nullptr) {
task_->next_->prevNextPtr_ = task_->prevNextPtr_;
task_->prevNextPtr_ = nullptr;
// And requeue with an updated time.
task_->dueTime_ = now;
interrupts(); // enable all interrupts
} // namespace unifex
// ********** Hardware timing interrupt event ***************
ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) // timer compare interrupt service routine
if (unifex::_timer_context::unique_timer_context != nullptr) {
* Copyright 2019-present Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
#include <chrono>
#include <unifex/config.hpp>
#include <unifex/get_stop_token.hpp>
#include <unifex/manual_lifetime.hpp>
#include <unifex/receiver_concepts.hpp>
#include <unifex/scheduler_concepts.hpp>
#include <unifex/stop_token_concepts.hpp>
#include "sequence.hpp"
#include <unifex/detail/prologue.hpp>
namespace arduino {
constexpr long clockHz = 16'000'000;
constexpr int timer_prescaler = 8;
constexpr int timer_prescaler_mask = (0 << CS12) | (1 << CS11) | (0 << CS10);
constexpr long clicks_per_second = clockHz / timer_prescaler;
using clicks = std::chrono::duration<float, std::ratio<1, clicks_per_second>>;
constexpr clicks max_clicks{65'535}; // 16bit clock
struct steady_clock
typedef clicks duration;
typedef duration::rep rep;
typedef duration::period period;
typedef std::chrono::time_point<steady_clock, duration> time_point;
static constexpr bool is_steady = true;
static time_point
now() noexcept {
// make sure that the time_points for now are stable
// across rollover of the micros() counter
// based on
static clicks lowClicks, highClicks;
constexpr clicks rolloverIncrementClicks = std::chrono::duration_cast<clicks>(std::chrono::microseconds(std::numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max())) + std::chrono::duration_cast<clicks>(std::chrono::microseconds(1));
const clicks nowClicks = std::chrono::duration_cast<clicks>(std::chrono::microseconds(micros()));
if (nowClicks < lowClicks) {
highClicks += rolloverIncrementClicks;
lowClicks = nowClicks;
return time_point{lowClicks + highClicks};
namespace unifex {
class timer_context;
namespace _timer_context {
using clock_t = arduino::steady_clock;
using time_point = typename clock_t::time_point;
struct task_base {
using execute_fn = void(task_base*) noexcept;
explicit task_base(timer_context& context, execute_fn* execute) noexcept
: context_(&context), execute_(execute) {}
timer_context* const context_;
task_base* next_ = nullptr;
task_base** prevNextPtr_ = nullptr;
execute_fn* execute_;
time_point dueTime_;
void execute() noexcept {
class cancel_callback {
task_base* const task_;
explicit cancel_callback(task_base* task) noexcept
: task_(task) {}
void operator()() noexcept;
class scheduler;
template <typename Duration>
struct _schedule_after_sender {
class type;
template <typename Duration>
using schedule_after_sender = typename _schedule_after_sender<Duration>::type;
template <typename Duration, typename Receiver>
struct _after_op {
class type;
class unwinder;
template <typename Duration, typename Receiver>
using after_operation =
typename _after_op<Duration, remove_cvref_t<Receiver>>::type;
template <typename Duration, typename Receiver>
struct _after_op<Duration, Receiver>::unwinder {
using op_t = typename _after_op<Duration, Receiver>::type;
op_t* op_;
Receiver& get_receiver() {
return op_->receiver_;
template <typename Cpo, typename... Vn>
friend void tag_invoke(unifex::tag_t<unifex::unwind>, unwinder& self, Cpo cpo, Vn&&... vn) noexcept {
unifex::unwound(self.get_receiver(), cpo, (Vn&&) vn...);
template <typename Duration, typename Receiver>
class _after_op<Duration, Receiver>::type final : task_base {
using unwinder_t = typename _after_op<Duration, Receiver>::unwinder;
friend class _after_op<Duration, Receiver>::unwinder;
friend schedule_after_sender<Duration>;
template <typename Receiver2>
explicit type(
timer_context& context,
Duration duration,
Receiver2&& receiver)
: task_base(context, &type::execute_impl),
receiver_((Receiver2 &&) receiver) {
assert(context_ != nullptr);
static void execute_impl(task_base* t) noexcept {
auto& self = *static_cast<type*>(t);
if constexpr (is_stop_never_possible_v<
stop_token_type_t<Receiver&>>) {
} else {
if (get_stop_token(self.receiver_).stop_requested()) {
} else {
Duration duration_;
UNIFEX_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS Receiver receiver_;
UNIFEX_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS manual_lifetime<typename stop_token_type_t<
Receiver&>::template callback_type<cancel_callback>>
friend unwinder_t tag_invoke(unifex::tag_t<unifex::get_unwinder>, const type& self) noexcept {
return unwinder_t{const_cast<type*>(&self)};
friend void tag_invoke(unifex::tag_t<unifex::step>, type&) noexcept {
void start() noexcept;
template <typename Duration>
class _schedule_after_sender<Duration>::type {
friend scheduler;
explicit type(
timer_context& context,
Duration duration) noexcept
: context_(&context), duration_(duration) {}
timer_context* context_;
Duration duration_;
template <
template <typename...> class Variant,
template <typename...> class Tuple>
using value_types = Variant<Tuple<>>;
template <template <typename...> class Variant>
using error_types = Variant<>;
static constexpr bool sends_done = true;
template <typename Receiver>
after_operation<Duration, Receiver> connect(Receiver&& receiver) const {
return after_operation<Duration, Receiver>{
*context_, duration_, (Receiver &&) receiver};
template <typename Receiver>
struct _at_op {
class type;
class unwinder;
template <typename Receiver>
using at_operation = typename _at_op<remove_cvref_t<Receiver>>::type;
template<typename Receiver>
struct _at_op<Receiver>::unwinder {
using op_t = typename _at_op<Receiver>::type;
op_t* op_;
Receiver& get_receiver() {
return op_->receiver_;
template <typename Cpo, typename... Vn>
friend void tag_invoke(unifex::tag_t<unifex::unwind>, unwinder& self, Cpo cpo, Vn&&... vn) noexcept {
unifex::unwound(self.get_receiver(), cpo, (Vn&&) vn...);
template <typename Receiver>
class _at_op<Receiver>::type final : task_base {
using unwinder_t = typename _at_op<Receiver>::unwinder;
friend class _at_op<Receiver>::unwinder;
static void execute_impl(task_base* p) noexcept {
auto& self = *static_cast<type*>(p);
if constexpr (is_stop_never_possible_v<
stop_token_type_t<Receiver&>>) {
} else {
if (get_stop_token(self.receiver_).stop_requested()) {
} else {
UNIFEX_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS Receiver receiver_;
UNIFEX_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS manual_lifetime<typename stop_token_type_t<
Receiver&>::template callback_type<cancel_callback>>
template <typename Receiver2>
explicit type(
timer_context& scheduler,
clock_t::time_point dueTime,
Receiver2&& receiver)
: task_base(scheduler, &type::execute_impl)
, receiver_((Receiver2 &&) receiver) {
this->dueTime_ = dueTime;
friend unwinder_t tag_invoke(unifex::tag_t<unifex::get_unwinder>, const type& self) noexcept {
return unwinder_t{const_cast<type*>(&self)};
friend void tag_invoke(unifex::tag_t<unifex::step>, type&) noexcept {
void start() noexcept;
class schedule_at_sender {
friend scheduler;
explicit schedule_at_sender(
timer_context& context,
time_point dueTime)
: context_(&context), dueTime_(dueTime) {}
timer_context* context_;
time_point dueTime_;
template <
template <typename...> class Variant,
template <typename...> class Tuple>
using value_types = Variant<Tuple<>>;
template <template <typename...> class Variant>
using error_types = Variant<>;
static constexpr bool sends_done = true;
template <typename Receiver>
at_operation<remove_cvref_t<Receiver>> connect(Receiver&& receiver) {
return at_operation<remove_cvref_t<Receiver>>{
*context_, dueTime_, (Receiver &&) receiver};
class scheduler {
friend timer_context;
explicit scheduler(timer_context& context) noexcept
: context_(&context) {}
friend bool operator==(scheduler a, scheduler b) noexcept {
return a.context_ == b.context_;
friend bool operator!=(scheduler a, scheduler b) noexcept {
return a.context_ != b.context_;
timer_context* context_;
template <typename Rep, typename Ratio>
auto schedule_after(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Ratio> delay) const noexcept
-> schedule_after_sender<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Ratio>> {
return schedule_after_sender<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Ratio>>{
*context_, delay};
auto schedule_at(clock_t::time_point dueTime) const noexcept {
return schedule_at_sender{*context_, dueTime};
auto schedule() const noexcept {
return schedule_after(std::chrono::milliseconds{0});
auto now() const noexcept {
return clock_t::now();
} // namespace _timer_context
class timer_context {
using scheduler = _timer_context::scheduler;
using task_base = _timer_context::task_base;
using cancel_callback = _timer_context::cancel_callback;
friend cancel_callback;
friend scheduler;
template <typename Duration, typename Receiver>
friend struct _timer_context::_after_op;
template <typename Receiver>
friend struct _timer_context::_at_op;
void enqueue(task_base* task) noexcept;
// Head of a linked-list in ascending order of due-time.
task_base* head_ = nullptr;
bool stop_ = false;
using clock_t = _timer_context::clock_t;
using time_point = _timer_context::time_point;
void run();
scheduler get_scheduler() noexcept {
return scheduler{*this};
friend scheduler tag_invoke(tag_t<unifex::get_scheduler>, const timer_context& self) noexcept {
return const_cast<timer_context&>(self).get_scheduler();
namespace _timer_context {
template <typename Duration, typename Receiver>
inline void _after_op<Duration, Receiver>::type::start() noexcept {
this->dueTime_ = clock_t::now() + std::chrono::duration_cast<typename clock_t::duration>(duration_);
get_stop_token(receiver_), cancel_callback{this});
template <typename Receiver>
inline void _at_op<Receiver>::type::start() noexcept {
get_stop_token(receiver_), cancel_callback{this});
} // namespace _timer_context
} // namespace unifex
#include <unifex/detail/epilogue.hpp>
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