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Last active January 13, 2021 08:11
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Annotation GraphQL types
# Custom scalars and enums
scalar Date
scalar Language
scalar URI
enum MIMEType {
enum FeatureType {
# Output types
type FeatureValue {
value: String!
type Feature {
id: ID!
schema: String!
type: FeatureType!
value: [FeatureValue!]!
type User {
id: ID!
nickname: String
type ResourceProvider {
uri: URI!,
description: String!,
right: String!
type Comment {
id: ID!
text: String!
language: Language!
dateTime: Date!
author: User!
replies: [Comment!]
type Assertion {
id: ID!
confidence: Int!
dateTime: Date!
author: User!
type Negation {
id: ID!
confidence: Int!
dateTime: Date!
author: User!
type Definition {
id: ID!
text: String!
language: Language!
format: MIMEType!
lemma: Lemma! # The lemma this is defined by the definition text
comments: [Comment!]
type DefinitionConnection {
id: ID!
definitions: [Definition!]
assertions: [Assertion!]
negations: [Negation!]
comments: [Comment!]
type DefinitionSet {
id: ID!
lemmaWord: String!
language: Language!
shortDefs: [DefinitionConnection!]
fullDefs: [DefinitionConnection!]
type Inflection {
id: ID!
language: Language!
stem: String
prefix: String
suffix: String
features: [String!]
example: String
comments: [Comment!]
type Lemma {
id: ID!
word: String!
language: Language!
prinicipalParts: [String!]
variants: [Lemma!] # Alternative versions of the lemma
partOfSpeech: Feature!
features: [Feature!] # Part of speech will not be included into the features list
comments: [Comment!]
type Lexeme {
id: ID!
lemma: Lemma!
inflections: [Inflection!]
meaning: DefinitionSet! # If there are no definitiions, the DefinitionSet will be empty
comments: [Comment!]
type Word {
id: ID!
targetWord: String!
lexemes: [Lexeme!]
# Input types
input AssertionInput {
confidence: Int!
dateTime: Date!
authorID: ID!
input NegationInput {
confidence: Int!
dateTime: Date!
authorID: ID!
input CommentInput {
text: String!
language: Language!
dateTime: Date!
authorID: ID!
input CommentReplyInput {
commentID: ID!
comment: CommentInput
input LexemeCommentInput {
lexemeID: ID!
comment: CommentInput
input DefinitionCommentInput {
definitionID: ID!
comment: CommentInput
input DefinitionConnectionCommentInput {
definitionConnectionID: ID!
comment: CommentInput
input DefinitionAssertionInput {
definitionConnectionID: ID!
assertion: AssertionInput
input DefinitionNegationInput {
definitionConnectionID: ID!
negation: NegationInput
# Mutations
type Mutation {
# Creates a new comment and attaches it to the specified lexeme
commentOnLexeme(input: LexemeCommentInput) : Comment
# Creates a new assertion and attaches it to the specified definitionConnection
assertDefinitionConnection(input: DefinitionAssertionInput) : Assertion
# Creates a new negation and attaches it to the specified definitionConnection
negateDefinitionConnection(input: DefinitionNegationInput) : Negation
# Creates a new comment and attaches it to the specified definitionConnection
commentOnDefinitionConnection(input: DefinitionConnectionCommentInput) : Comment
# Creates a new comment and attaches it to the specified definition
commentOnDefinition(input: DefinitionCommentInput) : Comment
# Creates a new reply to the existing comment
replyToComment(input: CommentReplyInput) : Comment
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balmas commented Jan 11, 2021


I think we still should make sortOder on Feature optional.

Regarding the mutations, I understand the recommendation from the cited article ( (and others I've read) to suggest that mutations should have single, nested inputs and outputs, as in

    lexemeID: ID!
    comment: CommentInput!
  }) {
    comment: Comment!

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kirlat commented Jan 11, 2021

I think we still should make sortOder on Feature optional.

I removed it from the Feature, but left within the FeatureValue. Should I remove it from there too? Would we not need it there tool? What do you think?

Regarding the mutations, I understand the recommendation from the cited article ( (and others I've read) to suggest that mutations should have single, nested inputs and outputs

That's correct, but I was not sure whether to follow it or not. It seemed a little too radical to me. It felt subversive to the language ideas behind the SDL where it allows multiple input parameters. I agree that it's good to keep the number of parameters at the minimum, but I'm not sure if we always should use the only one: creating a wrapper around several variables in order to present it as a single argument seemed like a way to create an extra verbosity. I also do not see any benefits for the versioning, because for that we can create a new mutation. Some other guides I've seen are using several mutation parameters: GitLab GraphQL API style guide also uses multiple arguments: So it seems not a clear-cut solution. I don't have a strong opinion on this, neither I have sufficient experience with GraphQL, so I try to keep my mind open. What do you think? Would it be better for us to always use a single input variable?

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balmas commented Jan 11, 2021

I removed it from the Feature, but left within the FeatureValue. Should I remove it from there too? Would we not need it there tool? What do you think?

the thing about sortOrder is that it doesn't make sense in the context of a single feature. It belongs to the display domain rather than the data. It's presence in the morphology service output is really a legacy thing.

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balmas commented Jan 11, 2021

Regarding the mutations, I understand the recommendation from the cited article ( (and others I've read) to suggest that mutations should have single, nested inputs and outputs

That's correct, but I was not sure whether to follow it or not. It seemed a little too radical to me. It felt subversive to the language ideas behind the SDL where it allows multiple input parameters. I agree that it's good to keep the number of parameters at the minimum, but I'm not sure if we always should use the only one: creating a wrapper around several variables in order to present it as a single argument seemed like a way to create an extra verbosity. I also do not see any benefits for the versioning, because for that we can create a new mutation. Some other guides I've seen are using several mutation parameters: GitLab GraphQL API style guide also uses multiple arguments: So it seems not a clear-cut solution. I don't have a strong opinion on this, neither I have sufficient experience with GraphQL, so I try to keep my mind open. What do you think? Would it be better for us to always use a single input variable?

I have read a number of things which support the nesting concept. But as with everything, there are always multiple perspectives. I think we'll see what works best for us as we go.

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kirlat commented Jan 12, 2021

I have read a number of things which support the nesting concept. But as with everything, there are always multiple perspectives. I think we'll see what works best for us as we go.

I think then we'd better to use the nested input. If it won't work for us, we can switch to using multiple variables.

I've also removed the sortOrder field.

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