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Created June 24, 2016 23:56
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Ember Workshop Setup
Stuff to Download/Install
Install nvm
nvm lets you toggle between different versions of node.js easily. Installation is pretty simple, but is slightly different for Mac vs. Windows. Follow instructions here
Once you’re done, you can install versions of node quite easily
nvm install 5
nvm install 6
and set the default version of node to use
nvm alias default 5
Install npm_lazy
npm_lazy is a local npm cache, that works offline using some simple proxying. Installation is pretty simple:
npm install -g npm_lazy
You can then have it create a default config file for you, and start it up
npm_lazy --init > ~/npm_lazy.config.js
npm_lazy --config ~/npm_lazy.config.js
Finally, point npm to localhost:8080 as a registry.
npm config set registry http://localhost:8080/
You can always reverse this (later) by doing
npm config set registry
Now, clear your npm cache, so you pull everything through npm_lazy
npm cache clean
And start npm installing stuff. Anything you install will be cached for offline use in case you lose connectivity later
Install ember-cli
I suggest installing ember-cli 2.5 and 2.6, since there were some important bug fixes and new bugs introduced.
npm install -g ember-cli@2.5.0
npm install -g ember-cli@2.6.0
Install Visual Studio Code
In addition to your text editor of choice, I want to make sure everyone has visual studio code. We’re going to do some node.js debugging, and this makes it WAY more fun. Download it here
We’ll end up doing some CI/CD stuff, and for that it’s convenient to have Travis-CI’s ruby gem installed. Installation instructions are here, and you have a Mac, note that you already have ruby installed.
Heroku toolbelt
This will help us manage our heroku apps from the command line. Get the tool belt here and install it
I can't wait to teach this new stuff to you! Please let me know if you have any questions,
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