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Created October 16, 2020 13:29
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# coding=utf-8
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.linalg as LA
import scipy.optimize as optim
class UnivFitFunc:
def __init__(self, err=5, Nmax=1000):
self.err = err
self.Nmax = Nmax
def mean_fun(self, X):
T = np.shape(X)[0]
x_mean = np.zeros((T,))
for d in range(T):
x_mean[d] = np.mean(X[d, :])
return x_mean
def __slopes_routine(self, X, flag):
x_mean = self.mean_fun(X)
M = np.shape(X)[1]
T = np.shape(X)[0]
slope = np.zeros((M,))
for b in range(M):
slope[b] =[:, b].reshape(1, len(X[:, b])), x_mean) \
/, len(x_mean)), x_mean)
slope_sort = np.sort(slope)[::-1]
y_mean = np.mean(slope_sort)
y_max = np.max(slope_sort)
y_min = np.min(slope_sort)
y_up = y_mean + (y_max - y_mean) / 3
y_dn = y_mean - np.abs(y_min - y_mean) / 3
Nmn = 0
Nup = 0
Ndn = 0
for b in range(len(slope)):
if y_up >= slope[b] >= y_dn:
Nmn = Nmn + 1
if y_max >= slope[b] > y_up:
Nup = Nup + 1
if y_dn > slope[b] >= y_min:
Ndn = Ndn + 1
Ndn = M - Ndn
if flag == 'test':
Rt = (Nmn / M) * 100
y = [y_up, y_mean, y_dn]
sl = [slope, slope_sort]
return M, y, sl, Rt
elif flag == 'fit':
idx_slope_sort = np.argsort(slope)[::-1]
X = X[:, idx_slope_sort]
F_up = (1 / Nup) * np.sum(X[:, 0:Nup + 1], axis=1)
F_mn = (1 / Nmn) * np.sum(X[:, Nup + 1:Ndn + 1], axis=1)
F_dn = (1 / Ndn) * np.sum(X[:, Ndn + 1:M + 1], axis=1)
F = [F_up, F_mn, F_dn]
return M, T, F
def test_set(self, X):
M, y, sl, Rt = self.__slopes_routine(X, flag='test')
print('Reliability: ' + str(round(Rt, 2)) + '%')
y_up = np.ones((M,)) * y[0]
y_mean = np.ones((M,)) * y[1]
y_dn = np.ones((M,)) * y[2]
slope = sl[0]
slope_sort = sl[1]
m = np.array([i for i in range(M)]) + 1
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5), dpi=300)
plt.plot(m, slope_sort, '-o', label='Sorted slopes')
plt.plot(m, y_mean, label='Mean realization')
plt.plot(m, y_up, label='Upper bound')
plt.plot(m, y_dn, label='Lower bound')
plt.scatter(m, slope, label='Slopes', color="orange")
plt.title("Slopes and maximal deviations of the signal")
plt.ylabel('Signal slopes')
plt.xlabel('Number of experiments')
def fit(self, X):
x_mean = self.mean_fun(X)
M, T, F = self.__slopes_routine(X, flag='fit')
A =[0], LA.pinv([F[2], F[1]]))
A1 = A[0]
A0 = A[1]
# Find the Kappas
p = [1, -A1, -A0]
kappa_roots = np.roots(p)
# Find T period
T_min = int(T / 2) # minimal period
T_max = 2 * T # maximal period
P = [i for i in range(T_min, T_max + 1)] # massive of possible periods
S = len(P)
K = 30 # initial number of modes
J_fit = np.zeros(np.shape(x_mean))
s = 1
flag = 0
N = 0
while flag == 0 and N != self.Nmax:
E = np.zeros((1 + 2 * K, T), dtype=complex)
T_s = T_min + (s / S) * (T_max - T_min)
According to the formulas (16), (18) and (21) [1]:
<y(x)> ∼= F(x; K, T_s) = A_0*E_0(x) + sum_(k=1)^(K>>1){ (Ac_k*Ec_k(x) + As_k*Es_k(x)) },
E_0(x) = [kappa_1(x)]^(x/T_s) + [|kappa_2(x)|]^(x/T_s) * cos(pi*x/T_s),
Ec_k = E_0(x)*cos(2*pi*k*x/T_s),
Es_k = E_0(x)*sin(2*pi*k*x/T_s).
Matrix form:
F = A*E = [ A_0 Ac^(1) As^(1) Ac^(2) As^(2) ].T * [ E_0 Ec^(1) Es^(1) Ec^(2) Es^(2) ]
A: 1 x (1 + 2K)
E: (1 + 2K) x X
for x in range(1, T + 1): # change the timeslots
E_0 = complex(kappa_roots[0]) ** (x / T_s) \
+ np.cos(np.pi * x / T_s) * complex(np.abs(kappa_roots[1])) ** (x / T_s)
Ec = E_0 * np.array([np.cos(2 * np.pi * k * (x / T_s))
for k in range(K)], dtype=complex)
Es = E_0 * np.array([np.sin(2 * np.pi * k * (x / T_s))
for k in range(K)], dtype=complex)
E[:, x - 1] = [E_0] + list(Ec) + list(Es) # concatenation
A = -optim.lsq_linear(E.T, -x_mean).x
J_fit =, E)
RelErr = (np.std(x_mean - np.real(J_fit)) / (np.mean(abs(x_mean)))) * 100
if RelErr > self.err and s < S:
s = s + 1
N = N + 1
elif RelErr > self.err and s == S:
s = 1
K = K + 1
N = N + 1
flag = 1
print('Relative Error: ' + str(round(RelErr, 2)) + '%')
return J_fit
""" Literature
1. Nigmatullin, R.R., Zhang, W. and Striccoli, D., 2017.
“Universal” Fitting Function for Complex Systems: Case of the Short Samplings.
Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 6(3), pp.427-443.
2. Nigmatullin, R.R., Zhang, W. and Striccoli, D., 2015.
General theory of experiment containing reproducible data: The reduction to an ideal experiment.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 27(1-3), pp.175-192.
3. Nigmatullin, R.R., Maione, G., Lino, P., Saponaro, F. and Zhang, W., 2017.
The general theory of the Quasi-reproducible experiments: How to describe the measured data of complex systems?.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 42, pp.324-341.
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